
Psychic in a Magus World

In a world where magic reigns supreme, what happens when a boy was left out unable to use magic? Augustus Gray was one such child. He always dreamt to be a mage, to unravel the mysteries of magic but he was cast aside by the magic itself. Watch as Augustus explores the world to find out the answer to why he was abandoned and sets out on a journey to become the strongest even without being able to use magic. P.S. - MC is not a reincarnate or a transmigrator so do not expect him to know all the possibilities of psychic powers. He will have to train his ability. I'm a new author so please advice me if you have any suggestions for the story. Try to leave healthy criticism and I will work on it

voidd · 奇幻
18 Chs


Amid the night, you could see a kid with black hair standing in the middle of the forest with various rocks flying around him like a rotating shield at a high speed. The rocks were following every wave of his hand like a conductor in an Opera.

The boy then waved his hand down and the countless rocks following him all came to a halt before calmly returning to the ground.

'Tomorrow I'll finally reach the city' Augustus thought. The past few days were mostly uneventful as the group was lucky enough to not encounter any difficulties. They were currently camping in a forest. In the few days, Augustus spent with them, he constantly monitored every little detail around him from the way they were mapping out the areas to setting up the camps. He wanted to learn something from the adventurers.

He knew he'd have to travel alone in the future and he might be stronger at that time but being cautious always helps. Augustus always knew that not everyone was like the people in the orphanage and he'll have to face all kinds of people in this world.

Augustus was like a little child during this journey who was very excited because he never really left the village. He could read all he could about the world but the feeling of experiencing it was something that could never be described in words. He made his way towards the camp. Almost everyone was asleep except for two people on guard duty. He went to his small camp before finally dozing off.


Augustus jumped out of the carriage only to see a Huge wall in front of them. There were various carriages and people walking down the same pavement as them. He even saw a blond elf there in light armor carrying a staff that was probably an artifact.

Even if their carriage was a few kilometer away from the walls, It was still a sight to see.

Entering the town, he was amazed to see the incredibly atmospheric, with beautiful buildings, cobbled streets, and city walls. The skyline, punctuated by castle towers looks like something straight out of a fairytale, he thought.

The main attraction was a huge tower covering the skies which was probably the adventurers guild. He was baffled to see something like that. He already expected the city to be beautiful but never had he expected the city to be like that.

After acting like a country bumpkin for a while, he decided to head toward the city.

He had already paid the other half before even entering the city. He went ahead and first bought a map of the city to not be lost due to how big and populated it was. It was his first time seeing such a thing so he was pretty excited to travel the city. His only luggage was a little backpack on his back. Carrying it he went ahead and started his exploration of the city.

After hours of walking around the Dreake, he finally got tired before searching for an inn close to the Guild. He decided to go to the guild tomorrow.

Arriving in front a White building that was pretty vast and had two building with a signboard on top which said 'Nightingle Inn'. After asking people and searching for an inn within his budget he made his way to the door.

The door made a gyi~ sound as Augustus opened it. Because it was almost the night, there weren't many people inside the Inn. A few people were dining in the bar on the first floor.

''Welcome to The Nightingle Inn. Are you here for a meal? Or are you staying for the night?''

A middle-aged woman called Augustus when she saw him. She had shoulder-length black hair and gray eyes.

Arie was surprised to see a handsome young man no more than 15 years old. Well, he was expecting something like this; most people his age go to an academy or go to military for education and resources rather than trying to be an adventurer

Arie's expression changed back to normal, and with a smile, she said.

''I would like a room,'" Augustus responded.

The woman nodded with a pleased smile when she heard his words.

''Yes, thank you very much. The inn charges payment in advance. Two silver coins a night with morning and evening meals. However, in the case of staying for ten days, it's 18 silver coins.''

''I see.''

It was a reduction of Two Silver coins if he chooses to stay for Ten days straight. Considering that he was planning to stay in this town for a while, better pay for one month.

''Ok, I would like to book it for one month.''

A middle-aged woman with a pleasing smile responded.

''Very well, it's 54 Silver coins.''

Augustus nodded and took out one gold coin from the pouch attached to his waist without any problems. He received a change of 56 Silver coins.

"If you choose to eat meals outside your Morning and evening meals, it will cost an extra of 4 Silver coins for one month.'' The black-haired middle-aged woman added.

''Okay, I'll pay. Please prepare dinner; I would like to have it after checking my room; I'm hungry.'' Augustus paid her the extra four silvers while asking her to cook something for me to eat.

''I understand, It's a bit late to say it, but I'm Arie, the proprietress of The Moonlight.''

''Nice to meet you; I'm Augustus Gray, Gus for short. I'll be in your care for a while.'' Augustus also introduced himself.

''Yes, nice to meet you. I'll ask my daughter to take you to your room which is located on the third floor. Ava, come here. I have a job for you.''

Suddenly, a girl came running towards us. She had long black hair and gray eyes. She's the younger version of Lana.

''Nice to meet you; I'm Ava. I'll guide you to your room.''

''Okay, let's go.''

Soon, Augustus and Ava arrived on the third floor.

''Here is your room, number 312; I'll be going; your dinner will be ready soon,'' Ava said before going back to the first floor.

Augustus's room was the last room in the corner of the third floor.

He entered his room; the room was neat and clean. He checked the quality of the bed; it was good. He was a little tired after lunch; he would sleep directly. There was a painting of a sinking ship on the wall too which added a nice touch to his room. It was a pleasant place to live he thought.

Augustus descended to the first floor. He sat down in front of a table, and Ava brought him his meal.

Augustus's meal was a meat stew and plenty of bread. There was also cheese, wine, and a vegetable salad.

He first tasted the bread; it was not hard. So, he decided to taste the meat stew next.

Then, he took a bite of the meat stew. As soon as he savored it, the flavor of meat spread through his mouth.


''Thank you very much.''

The words involuntarily came out of Augustus's mouth.

Arie bowed her head while smiling, seemed happy to have her dish praised.

Augustus continued his meal; he ate the bread and the vegetable salad. Lastly, he tasted the cheese and drank a little wine. The wine was good and it was also the first time he tried wine cause Sophie would surely smack his butt if she found him drinking wine before he turns 15. A smile came to his face thinking about her.

''It was delicious. Thanks for the meal. See you tomorrow.'' Augustus said before going back to his room.

''Thank you, Good night.'' Arie, the proprietress, replied with a smile.

Soon, Augustus was inside his room on the third floor. He went directly to his bed. He was tired; his adventure was about to begin.

'I don't know what awaits me in the future, but I'll do my best. I'm not going to give up. I need to learn many things from fighting to exploring the dungeon, I hope a good night of rest can help me come up with a solution. The others won't wait for me. I don't plan to fall behind.' Augustus reaffirmed his determination.

While thinking about this, he fell asleep.