

Valdis clings to her small hope, healing from her wounds, growing her powers, and exacting her brutal revenge. Torn between the idea of love and the feeling of despair. Join her on this journey, and find out the hidden secrets the gods have left. And what darkness is hidden in the most obvious of places.

LuRai · 奇幻言情
6 Chs

Character Info

Valdis (FL): Age (), Height (), Weight(), Race(), Hair(white, tinted red from blood), Eyes(Lavender)


Felix (): Age (), Height (), Weight(), Race(), Hair(copper orange / carrot orange), Eyes(red)


- Relations: Younger brother to Gil

Gil (): Age (), Height (), Weight(), Race(), Hair(strawberry blonde),



- Relations: Older brother to Felix

Asher(): Age (), Height (), Weight(), Race(), Hair(), Eyes()


- Relations:

Seina(): Age (), Height (), Weight(), Race(), Hair(), Eyes()


- Relations:

Butch(): Age (), Height (), Weight(), Race(), Hair(), Eyes()


- Relations:

Onni- name means luck- (animal): (): Age (), Race(), Fur(), Eyes(red)


- Relations:

Kataner's Door: The place where Valdis was located, a foreboding place

Inir: God of sleep (son of Dolor)

Thedes: God of children (husband of dolor, child of Inir)

Kirnera: Goddess of love ( daughter of Xoxra & Zurena, sister to Xindite)

Xindite: God of love (husband to Imthos, son of Zurena & xoxra, brother of Kirnera)

Fatia: God of chaos (daughter of Vahena)

Imthos: God of law/justice (son of Britol & Nophion, brother to Grephy, husband to Xindite)

Vahena: Goddess of wind ( wife of Roltol, sister of Britol, mother of Fatia)

Britol: God of oracles (married to Nophion, father of Grephy & Imthos, brother of Vahena)

Zurena: Goddess of music (daughter of Roltol, wife of Xoxra, mother of Kirnera & Xindite)

Xoxra: Goddess of magic (sister of Alir, wife of Zurena, mother of Kirnera & Xindite)

Grephy: Goddess of governance (daughter of Grephy, sister to Imthos)

Alir: God of souls (Father of Amnos, brother of Xoxra)

Nophion: Goddess of knowledge (sister of Qhudohr, mother of Grephy & Imthos, married to Britol)

Qhudohr: Goddess of secrecy (Wife to Kataner, sister of Nophion, mother of Zurena)

Roltol: God of the sky (Married to Vahena, father of Zurena)

Amnos: God of death ( child of Alir and Alega)

Alega: Goddess of Pain (wife of Kataner, mother to Amnos, sister of Kataner)

Dolor: God of healing (married to Thedes, mother to Inir)

Kataner: God of despair (brother to Alega, married to Qhudohr)

Still not completed but will be updated constantly as the story progresses

LuRaicreators' thoughts