

Valdis clings to her small hope, healing from her wounds, growing her powers, and exacting her brutal revenge. Torn between the idea of love and the feeling of despair. Join her on this journey, and find out the hidden secrets the gods have left. And what darkness is hidden in the most obvious of places.

LuRai · 奇幻言情
6 Chs

Chapter four

**Trigger Warning: Intense Content**

This story contains themes and depictions of graphic violence, abuse, trauma, self-harm, suicide, and psychological distress. It may include unsettling and disturbing scenes that could be distressing or triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. If you are sensitive to any of the mentioned topics or find such content disturbing, we recommend refraining from reading this story. Take care of your well-being and seek support if needed.

"No! Please, Take me instead! But leave my baby!" A gut-wrenching cry escaped the woman's lips as she fell to her knees gripping the man's pants. The man grunted before kicking her, the woman fell with a groan and cried out. Almost instantly trying to crawl her way back to grab him. "Cease this insolence. We've been fair enough to allow your kind to muck about our lands. The Lord has stated his wishes, the youngest child from each family. Yours is no exception." The man spit at his feet, as though warding off something vile from his presence with his actions. He pushed past her and stormed into the house, tossing things as though it would make his search easier. It wasn't until he made his way into the farthest room in that small dingy house that he found the children. Huddled in the closet, hiding from the man's wrath. As he swung open the closet door, terror-filled their expressions. They flinched and huddled closer to protect their youngest. Hoping maybe they were big enough to hide her presence. 

The man scowled, the very thought of such vile creatures existing disgusted him. The grimaced look caused the children to tremble in fear. They knew that look all too well, contempt and disgust they were familiar with. But the sense of danger that surrounded this man scared them far more than those petty feelings. The man reached his hand out yanking the largest child from the closet by his hair, tossing him to the side like he was nothing more than a rag. The boy slid against the floor, his body hitting the edge of an old wooden bed with a thud. Now there was only one odious thing in his way. The smaller child was trembling, shielding a small girl with all his might. Knowing he could do little to protect her, but that didn't stop him. The man clicked his tongue at the sight, "Abominable things." Reaching his hand out again the man gripped the back of the boy's neck, causing the boy to tense, before prying him from the little girl's arms. The girl could only look up in horror as the man lifted the boy in the air, squeezing his neck until the bone popped watching as his desperate kicking stilled. The boy had struggled, of course, in desperate attempts to claw the man's hand from his neck, leaving but a few nicks on his hand. Kicking the air desperately trying to swing himself free, the whole time the boy struggled he could only stare at his younger sister as the life drained from his eyes. The man laughed, this was his victory, there had been no instructions from the lord about what to do with the remaining pests. The man thought he might take the chance to cleanse the world of a few more vexations. He flung the limp body in his hand, hurling it towards the older boy who had cowered in the corner from the sight. Fear after all was a devouring feeling. 

"N-no" The eldest boy's voice cracked as he shouted holding his brother's chilling body against him, the man sighed looking back at him smiling at the sight of despair in the boy's expression. "How unsightly, such a pathetic thing welcoming death like this." He only laughed once more snapping his fingers. A guard dressed in silver armor followed the sound rushing through the entrance. The man gestured towards the boy, the guard rushed towards the boy gripping him by his arm harshly. The small girl was frozen in terror, unsure of how to process the scene before her. Her body screamed to run but she was too dismayed to move, even if she could…where would she run? After all, it was her fault her precious family had to suffer. Her thoughts were jarred by the feeling of her hair being pulled, she lifted her hands only to meet the hands of the evil man before her. She looked up her eyes filled with panic, "L-let her go!" The larger boy was struggling against the guard's grip, angry and desperate. The man's smile spread, he lifted the girl out of the closet by her hair dragging her against the floor as he walked towards the boy. The girl kicked, crying as she tried to get free, she felt like her scalp would rip from the pain. When the man reached the boy he scoffed, lowering his face to meet the boy's vexed gaze. "That's right. Rubbish like you will keep struggling until your last breath. Trying to protect each other, you might've been saved if only you had been born differently." The man's words were welcomed with the boy spitting in his face with a haughty smirk. The man glowered at the boy using a handkerchief to wipe his face as he straightened himself. 

"Kill him." The man tossed the dirtied handkerchief onto the smaller boy's lifeless body, as the guard pulled a dagger from his sheath. The man lifted the girl, holding her by her chin to watch as the guard slid the dagger across her brother's neck with a pleased smile. The girl's eyes widened as she screamed, blood splattering against her pale skin like paint. The man laughed happily, "Oh dear. It seems my guard's hand slipped, such a terrible loss." The man turned to the girl, his face twisted in a dark expression, his eyes becoming hollow. His venomous smile was overwhelming and filled the small face of the room. She felt her breath leave her as she gasped for air, tears streaming down her face as she tried to scream but no words would escape her lips. She clawed at his hand, trying to free herself from the darkness consuming her. The man's voice filled the room like an echo, jarring her senses. "This is all because of you. Isn't it Valdis-"

Valdis's eyes shot open, lifting her hand to her head as she groaned. The throbbing pain was the only remnant left from her nightmare, other than the chill running down her spine. As her eyes tried to adjust once again to the unusual brightness she winced, her vision still too unfocused to notice Felix sleeping in a chair sitting near the edge of the bed. As the disoriented Valdis worked to collect herself, the light rustling of the blankets under her caused Felix to wake. His eyes gently lifted as he stretched, and as he relaxed in the chair once more he smiled. "Oh, you're awake. I was worried your wounds were too severe, you were asleep for four days." Valdis tensed when she heard his voice. Her gaze snapped to focus on him, her eyes widened in shock before she tried to scramble away. To no avail, as the sudden movement caused her to get tangled in the sheets and hit the ground with a soft thud. Felix stood quickly to help her, reaching his hand out only to be met with her shrinking figure lifting her arms to shield herself. 

He hesitated before taking a setback and lifting his hands, " I apologize miss. That must have been surprising. I only wanted to check if you were alright." He gave a timid smile as he waited for her response. Thinking further, Felix was unsure if the girl before him would even speak. She seemed more feral than coherent at that current moment. Valdis peaked at him through her arms, his defenseless position made her curious. Though she understood his words, it was hard for her to speak. She couldn't remember the last time she used words. "F-Fine." She muttered out in a quiet stammer. Felix sighed in relief and crouched down, "What a relief, with your injuries I was sure you'd be in more pain." Valdis then took note of the bandages that littered her hands and body, neatly and cleanly wrapped. Had he done this? She looked at Felix with suspicion as she lowered her arms, what did he want from her? And why was he smiling so much?

Her eyes narrowed instinctively, much like a wild animal on the defense, she could only back away further until she hit a wall. "W-where I a-am?" Her manner of speaking was in poor broken words, and her voice was dry and rasped. Either from needing water or the long bouts of torment she had endured. Felix cleared his throat lowering his hands to give a polite bowing gesture, " The Dufort March miss." Felix lifted his copper head and smiled at her politely. Valdis scrunched her brows, eyeing him suspiciously. What was this March he spoke of? She had been trapped in the darkness so long she couldn't remember what was what. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by her stomach erupting in a large growl. Her eyes went wide as she covered her stomach. Felix stifled his laughter with his hand and crouched down holding out his other. "Might we get you something to eat little miss?" Valdis hesitated, but her stomach growling again caused her to get up, she ignored his hand as she stood and nodded.