
Psionic Cultivation: Rewriting Reality in a Cultivation World

"We are all prisoners of our own minds, trapped in the labyrinth of our own thoughts, emotions, desires, and fears." Arriving in another world, Ling Yan, formerly a professor specializing in teaching psychology and the human mind, was suddenly thrust into a world of cultivation with the rest of his students. Unfortunately for him, he was separated from his students, as he was snatched away by an unknown immortal who claims that he had the "Psionic Physique" and that Ling Yan was compatible with the Psionic Arts that the immortal cultivates. Receiving the immortal's legacy, Ling Yan, was then left to fend for himself at the lowest cultivation realm—slightly confused as to what had just happened, he was unaware that he now wielded one of the strongest powers: The ability to bend and change reality. Although that was the case, the art had a major drawback, it needs Psionic Stars for it to work—and there was only a single effective way to get them: sacrificing his cultivation realm.

Lacyan · 奇幻
16 Chs

『Psionic Immortal』


"I see that you are confused—to begin with, I am the Psionic Immortal."

"Psionic Immortal...?"

As Ling Yan was about to ask, a bright purple light pierced through the darkness. Streams of violet rays burst forth from the tiny orb of light, filling the surroundings.

The light was blinding—and as Ling Yan tried to protect his eyes with his arms. Over time, the light dimmed down, and revealed a figure—this time it appeared to be human, or at least it had the appearance of one.

"That's right, there's not much time to explain—but know that I will pass on my inheritance to you and that I'll be waiting for you to grow."

The Psionic Immortal stood before Ling Yan, radiating a majestic and divine presence. Her lustrous purple hair cascaded down her shoulders, perfectly matching the elegance of her robe. Adorned with intricate jewelry, she exuded an otherworldly beauty that surpassed anything Ling Yan had ever witnessed. It wasn't just her appearance—her aura carried an enchanting charm, captivating all those in her presence.

"Assuming that what you're saying right now is to be believed, then, why is it me that is receiving this 'Inheritance'?" Breaking from his daze, Ling Yan, composed himself.

What Ling Yan found odd though was that she remained calm as a leaf, her eyes remained closed. Ling Yan found that subtle charm was quite admirable, and somehow he had developed great respect for the immortal.

"It seems I was not mistaken, you were able to break free from an immortal's charm immediately—coupled with the "Purple Physique", it seems I didn't wait in vain."

"..." A brief silence emerged.

"I have no idea what you're referring to—although judging by the current situation, I can already somehow grasp the situation."

It seems Ling Yan has some sort of hidden talent or power, or so he concluded—that was the most logical conclusion in this kind of situation, after all.

"Tch... I'm running out of time—those old bastards will notice you soon... I'll be brief—" She explained, her once calm ethereal state, was showing its cracks.

She explained that what she was about to pass him was the "Psionic Arts". It was an art that could bend and change reality—and it even transcends the law of cultivation. It seems to have been an unknown art and is only compatible with people with a certain physique. The immortal stated that she had only comprehended only a small portion of it and yet have stepped into immortality. It seems that by sacrificing one's cultivation realm and starting all over again can one gain Psionic Stars, which are used to change and bend reality.

"Is this the reason why you're hiding?"


The immortal went silent. Although it was not easy to guess, Ling Yan knew there had to be a reason why he was taken discreetly—and why the Psionic Immortal was in a hurry.

"Yes, your insight is astute. It's remarkable, almost unsettling." The Psionic Immortal regained her composure, her voice tinged with a mixture of admiration and caution.

"That is indeed the case, I am suffering from major injuries as of the moment and have had my Psionic Arts sealed. And it is as you guessed, I am hiding." She continued.

"Indeed, great power attracts a lot of trouble."

It was subtle, but Ling Yan saw the immortal make a small smile—as if laughing from self-depreciation. He nodded in understanding, grasping the situation.

"Never did I imagine that I would find a way out of this predicament. I had long abandoned hope and resorted to desperate measures. But now, there seems to be a glimmer of possibility. Thus, I will entrust you with the last remaining Psionic Stars I have protected amidst millions, in case of dire circumstances. I implore you, once you ascend to immortality, do not let me down and offer me your aid."

It seems that the Psionic Immortal had no intention of giving her last remaining lifeline—not until she decided that she would leave everything to Ling Yan.

"Are you sure? I haven't even agreed to help you." Ling Yan said with a blank face.

"...though I am in my weakened state, I am capable of ending your life, even with my powers sealed."

"Really? you would even kill your 'last hope'?" Ling Yan chuckled, he was clearly teasing the immortal.

"You brat...!"

The usually refined and calm immortal furrowed her brows, it seems that she was really in a desperate situation and was helpless to do anything about it.

"Yes yes, I will do my best. You've been enduring it over the past thousand years, no?"


"I've always thought about it, the road to immortality is a long and solitary one. But you, who've made countless enemies because of your art that has omnipotent power, probably suffered isolation the most, am I wrong?"


Ling Yan immediately sensed danger, and as he felt that, the immortal opened her eyes—and before he noticed. He passed out.

Ling Yan shuddered, he said something he shouldn't have, though that also emphasized his point. Still, he clearly remembered those eyes—the eyes of pure void. It was so deep and unfathomable that even Ling Yan's heart was crushed the moment he remembered it.

As his consciousness vanished into the darkness, he held on to one thought—deep beneath those void and empty eyes, lay someone who was constantly suffering. That's why he, Ling Yan, vowed to carry on the immortal's request.


[Welcome to The Great Realm of Yōu Jìng (幽境)]


As if prompting him to wake up, Ling Yan opened his eyes—he was greeted by what seemed to be a talking monitor.

"I see... a status bar in a cultivation world. Great." As if mocking the situation that was created for him, Ling Yan laughed at the absurdity of the situation.

It seems that this was the Psionic Arts, and that the purple monitor, which he had arbitrarily named Psi, was like a system for his art. He wondered if the Psionic Immortal also had something like this.

"Where am I...?" As he stood up, Ling Yan begin to look around.

It seems he was in the middle of a vast plain and there were no man or beast in sight. It was still dark outside and he was unsure if it was still early or late at night."

[It is currently early in the morning, dawn will arrive in 2 hours.]

As if reading his mind, the monitor popped up and informed Ling Yan.

"So... where am I supposed to go?"

[Seeing as the host is still at the Qi Refining (1st Layer), staying outside is ill-advised, a town or sect is recommended.]

[Locating the Nearest Town or Sect, Requires 1 Psionic Star]

"Straight to business? huh...? How much do I have?" Ling Yan sighed.

[The host currently has 10 Psionic Stars]

"...? I should have just kept my mouth shut." Ling Yan grimaced on all fours, it seems this was the immortal's punishment for being too privy.

Sighing, Ling Yan began to stretch his body, it seems his journey would have to begin—he had a promise to fulfill, after all.

Yōu Jìng (幽境) = Ethereal Realm, Mysterious Realm.

Lacyancreators' thoughts