

In a world with three continents, newborn male kids were known to possess traits of Animals, and they were called BEASTS, the kids were said to be dangerous, and there were certain people kept at hospitals to take care of the babies- To assassinate them. Amidst all these issues, there was a male kid that wasn't killed, Denzel. Denzel grew up, knowing the fact that he was a beast, but he had to live hiding that fact with the fear that he might be killed. He soon met a girl who was just like him, taking her to be his friend, he didn't know what her true motive was, until she finally betrayed him, making him lose people close to him. Denzel lived his life with hatred for the girl in his heart, with his main objective being to kill her. But the whole thing didn't just end there, as many more secrets began to get uncovered in his journey to kill her. Join Denzel as he uncovers many more secrets of the world and people like him as he lives on. ----------------------------------------------- So, this is an original novel and I am giving it my all, I hope you give it a chance. The early chapters were not quite good but that is because they were the first I ever wrote, so I would ask that you read till chapter 40 before concluding that it is not for you. You won't regret it if you continue to read it, It gets better later on. I hope you all would like it because I feel it is very good work from me. P.S: The cover photo was made by me but the original picture in it is not mine, I adopted a picture and made my cover out of it. If the original owner of the picture sees this message, you can contact me.

S_Wash22 · 奇幻
220 Chs

Suspicious Misunderstanding.


Denzel's eyes opened, His mouth opened as saliva drooled out of his mouth.


He yawned with his mouth wide opened as he sat up, streching his hands and body. He turned his head to look at the clock and as soon as he saw the time, he jumped from his bed, screaming

"8:23! I know I had a hard time sleeping but this is extreme, Carter would kill me!"

Denzel kept talking to himself and as he ran to his bathroom to take his brush, he filled the head with paste and threw it into his mouth. Checking his phone, he saw Twenty eight missed calls and fifty text messages from them. He hit himself on his head.

'What a pain.' Denzel said to himself as he kept running round the room. He moved his curtain a little to look outside and he saw A car with someone who he guessed to be Ted standing at the front of the car. He ran into the bathroom.

After about 30 minutes, Denzel was out of his house as he buttoned his shirt and munched something in his mouth.

"You never change, you idiot Denzel"

Ted frowned his face as he spoke to Denzel and opened the door. Ted wore a white jacket which was buttoned to the top and a white jeans with a white sneakers, he was practically white.

"Hey white man just keep quiet, I woke up as early as I could, I was just meditating on my bed-"

"Yo Koala just get in and sleep, we know you couldn't get a better job to do than Dozing off."

Carter spoke interrupting Denzel who kept ranting nonsense. Denzel got into the Limousine which was owned by Rocco. Rocco's dad was a major car dealer in Masan, so Rocco only had to ask for permission to borrow one.

"Good morning Leia, my queen and my sunshine-" Denzel said to Leia as soon as he got into the car and he didn't even finish talk when Ariel greeted him with a slap on his back, making a little frown to him.

"Don't call my best friend your Queen dumbass, not all things are by force."

"Whatever cold ass bitch, have it your way, Mrs. lecturer"

"Hey! Sleeping rat, let's hear ourselves in this vehicle please!" Ted yelled, in an angry tone as he adjusted his eyeglasses well so he could see what he was reading clearly.

"This ain't a library sir, You should be able to tell the difference between a library and a vehicle smart ass."

They kept castigating Denzel but he didn't give in to any of them and after a while, it ended, and they all burst into laughter.

"So, I made my research for where we can enjoy our party, and two of the places I booked had reservations already made so i looked into Autumn park, we all know where that is, so is everyone is okay with that?"

"Yeah, anywhere you are fine with Carter, I basically don't think there will be any difference so just pick your choice."

Carter continued on his tab and made a reservation at Autumn park.

"Driver, take us to Autumn park, and please make it faster."

There was a slight discussion in the vehicle, Denzel talking with Rocco and Leia, Ted with his usual books that he normally reads and Ariel was reading a novel.

"Ha ha ha ha, woah Foreign novels seems to be much more interesting than ours over here, Leia, you might want to try this."

"Huh me? well I wish I could, but we won't be able to interact like this again, everyone, let's have all the fun we can have today!"

"Huh, Leia seems to be more lively today, it really seems she will miss us a lot."

Carter said looking back to them, smiling. On the other hand, Ted made a little frown on his face as he took back his book to read. He had been having some thoughts in him for a while.

"I doubt her fun meant that."

Ted made a sharp gaze at Leia and she made that back.

"What's with these tension? Let's have fun!"

Denzel said standing from where he stood and he knocked his head on the roof of the car.


He yelled, sitting down back.

"Guys, I am going to say this now because I am not going to feel comfortable keeping this to myself."

Leia glanced at him and as he spoke, he didn't make eye contact with any of them, with his head down to his book, he said fluently.

"One of us here in these car is a traitor. He or she knows himself or herself, and I don't want to stress this please, I hope you can show yourself without dragging matters."

"Huh, Ted, are you sure all is okay with you? hope you didn't wake up at the other side of your bed?"

Rocco dropped his phone and said, making a little frown.

"Well, I know y'all will have problem believing me, you don't have to, but I ain't just smart for no reason."

Denzel frowned a bit, shifting closer to Ted.

"Hey, we all know that you've got brains, but, we won't love it if you would make false accusations, if u really think someone would be a traitor, why don't you point that person out yourself?."

Ted made eye contact with Leia.

"Okay since y'all insist, Leia, would you mind confessing?"

"What other confession would you want to hear from me?"

"You know it."

Denzel squeezed his face completely and punched Ted on his face.

"Hey Ted! Don't just go on accusing an innocent person. Leia is obviously our dear friend, Why do you choose to lack trust?"

"Trust is for losers, I don't even trust my family talkless of friends, So don't rant shit about trust. I only pray you don't fall into her wicked plans."

Ted loved mystery, he read lots of mystery novel and watch lots of its movies and he always guessed most of the culprits before they could be found out in the stories. He once told his dad that he wanted to become and intelligence officer, but his dad discarded him saying that he didn't need an investigator in his family lineage.

"Denzel, let's hear what Leia has to say."

Rocco said, calmly as he looked at Leia.

"Rocco, you too, Is there a sickness or what?"

Ariel had already dropped her novel as she kept listening to what they where all yell about in the vehicle. She looked sad, wondering what Ted might have seen that made him to say that. Naturally, Ariel was also smart, but she didn't have that mindset because she was smart enough to understand. She only did because Ted was her crush. She had feelings for him but, the personality Ted had made her keep shut as she thought he might probably reject her.

Ariel spoke out, slowly.

"Uhm, Let's go with what Rocco said, let's hear from Leia."

"Hey, Ariel, Leia is your first best fri-"

"Denzel, thank you, I don't know what Ted might have noticed about me, but I don't understand what he means. I don't like this false accusations."

Leia said, tears running down her eyes.

"Denzel, this is why I hate having lots of friends!"

She said signalling for the driver to stop.