
Protective Custody - The Demon King (EDITING)

(MATURE CONTENT) Diviya just lost everything she holds dear to her in the span of a lunch date with friends and not in a good way. Now with the entity that’s hunting her, she has no choice but to run and go into protective custody. A program run by the Demon King himself. Diviya was not prepared for what she was about to walk into. Join her as she navigates this new world and get to the bottom of who is after her and what happened to her parents, Adopted and Biological all the while dealing with all the responsibilities that comes with being mated to the Demon King. ****************************** The Demon King is a beautiful beast, part human, his human part immortal, also he is part demon, a beast of a Wolf and a Vampire. He transforms beautifully and effortlessly from magical being to magical being each having different abilities and he have mastered them all. With the impending prophesy looming over his head the Demon King had a major problem with love. He knew all too well what love can do to someone, he like so many others thought it made them weak, he always vowed he would never fall in love, he vowed he would never allow himself to be weak again and he would never mate. He paid the price once and he would not do it again. As such he never had any serious relationships or any sort of meaningful courtships since. In the end he certainly was not ready when a gorgeous little fighter who was in need of protection just struts into his life drawing all sorts of foreign emotions out of him. Can he stick to his plans and firm belief in never mating? Dive in and find out… *************************************** Excerpt: He easily captures her lips, kissing her soft and gentle at first, as if savoring every detail and imprint of her sweet lips. Her lips were so soft, she taste amazing and she smells so damn intoxicating. He simply could not get enough and it did not take too long before he got a bit greedy wanting more and demanded entrance which she quickly granted and he dove into the kiss. She was delicious, he ravaged her sweet perky lips and mouth. His hands runs down her sides caressing her body as he touch and feels his way down. Stopping to caress her luscious butt, giving a gentle squeeze and he made a noise of pure pleasure at feeling her and touching her like this. He was feeling the strangest things, emotions that have long since been dead are awakening. Diviya let's out a little noise of her own when he grabbed her butt, she was overcome with need. Her core throbbed, she then lifts a foot wantonly desperately needing friction between her legs and Adonis' hands slid to the back of her thighs just below her butt, cupping her and he lifts her not breaking from their kiss. Diviya instinctively wraps her legs around him as she tightens her hold on his neck while she plays with the hair at the nape and kisses him wholeheartedly following his lead. Tongues gliding and trashing against the other one second, then the next lower lip being bitten and teased, they moved as one. Their tongues danced beautifully tasting their fill of each other. Heat coursing through them. Adonis turns with her in his hand and he leans his butt half way sitting on the edge of a huge high table in the middle of the closet. When suddenly Diviya's lower half of her body took on a life of its own and it started to grind into him, feeling his hardness against her core, reveling in the delicious feeling that act elicited, she did it again. Adonis hissed at the sensations, and the kiss got hungrier, wilder…. #R18

Sherryann_Martinez · 奇幻言情
67 Chs


***Strong Language****

Drew thought of the situation he was in, one, he knew he could not out run Adonis, nor win against him in a battle one on one, and even if by some miracle he was able to take down Adonis, he knew the Elite squad was right downstairs and probably have the entire place surrounded.

He would never make it out of this house.

He knew there was no escaping and given the force Adonis came here with, he was beginning to think this was more than just what was going on with him and Cathia.

Adonis must have found out something somehow. But exactly what he did not know, there were so many things he was currently guilty of. So much wrong he had done since getting into bed with the Vampire King.

Who really knew for sure what this was all about.

As such he really didn't want to say much to give away something that Adonis may not be privy to yet.

The only thing is, he just did not know how much Adonis knew and how much he did not know.

So he decides to try something…

"Alpha, please tell me what is going on. Am I being accused of something." Drew asks with all the innocence he can muster up.

Which had Adonis almost choke the life out of Cathia in response. Adonis' patience was rapidly depleting.

"Wait wait wait please," Drew pleaded once more with outstretched hands.

"Cathia and I….." Drew started.

Adonis threw Cathia across the room with no effort at all. She went flying across the room, hitting a cupboard and damaging it completely.

That may have been the last fully standing piece of furniture in the room now.

"Fvck, d@mn it, you are hurting her", Drew breathes out. He couldn't bare to see Cathia being treated this way, then being tossed like a rag doll.

Adonis booms towards Drew, "Do. NOT. Move."

"And since you refuse to talk,… seems I will have to go to the extremes….. and just kill her." Adonis says sinisterly, his face morphed so devishly.

His hard defined jawline ticked, eyebrows pinched, eyes blazing devilishly, nose flaring as he aggressively inhale, then exhale.

Drew found himself in a position where he could not move after that command. Adonis' power was truly unmatched. Drew felt the weight of it.

A witch supposedly had protected him from his Alpha commands at least tried weakening its effect and power.

However Adonis at this time was not normal, this was Adonis on steroids, and yet not even all his power were unleashed.

Drew can see that Adonis was struggling with himself so he knew in that moment he should stop playing around. But he still also feared revealing too much.

If there was somehow or someway he can save himself.

He looked at Adonis trying to think of what to say next…

Adonis was truly holding himself back. Fighting the inner urge to just kill them both for continuing to waste his precious time.

Not while he was hoping to see Diviya tonight before she goes to bed, but here he was. It was already so late, AND here they were just wasting his fvcking TIME.

"Just because you are wasting my time," Adonis spoke as he leisurely strolls across to Cathia. Grasping her by her neck, he lifts her off the floor….

"O ok ok please please don't hurt her." Drew pleaded chained in his spot. It was still like that for him after that command.

"Then tell me, WHO IS BEHIND this?" Adonis snarls viciously and plunge his clawed hands inside her chest cavity.

Cathia screamed out in agony.

"You fvcker." Drew spit out and tried to move but failing miserably. However in that very moment of struggle it suddenly dawns on him that shvt was definitely out.

Just that one question. He knew Adonis knew more than he had hoped. And he realized he was fvcked and there was no way out of this.

This was treason and the only thing awaits him now is an execution. Death.

"You still ain't saying shvt," Adonis says and he tightens his grip and starts a gentle tug gaining the reaction he expected.

Cathia's hands starts to desperately claw at Adonis' hands to get a firm grip, eyes wide open as she struggles to stay still, keep his clawed hand at bay and breathe all at the same time.

When suddenly Drew blurted out "We are mates! Stop it, you are hurting my mate you fvck."

Adonis slowly and amusingly retracted his hands and took a step back. As he cocks his head and looks from Drew to Cathia.

He toss Cathia like a rag doll to the side at this news, then he takes a handkerchief from his pocket and starts wiping his bloodied hand as he ask in amusement "so are you the mastermind behind all this? And because of what exactly?…..What happened to you Drew? What changed?"

Adonis notices Drew still did not answer his previous question and he was not going to be distracted by this news. If that is what he intended he failed miserably.

Also on the other hand Adonis did not want to put anything past Drew. He more than learned his lesson already for underestimating people. He would be a fool to think less of Drew and that he was not capable of running this.

But something was off, also more importantly he was now wondering if the Vampire King knew of this in his relentless attempts to marry his sister off to him?

"Does her brother know that you are mated?" Was all he ask after a moment with his thoughts, but no one answered. No one made any attempts to do so after a few seconds.

Adonis couldn't bare the thought of the Vampire King knowing, that left an unsettling feeling in his stomach. And now as the Vampire King was on his mind, it was doing the most.

His mind was drag racing. Speeding from one thing to the next. Possibilities of the Vampire King knowing and yet still was so intent on a wedding between Cathia and himself? What could he possibly hope to gain really and truly? Why?

This was absurd, yes he always wondered what the Vampire King was up too. What he hoped to gain by this union. But now, if he knew of this, which was a clear clause, and yet he still insisted? No way.

Adonis was convinced he was reaching and he needed to focus on the matter at hand.

But someone needed to answer him now or so help him. Goddess he will kill Drew and get the answers right before the life drains from his body.

"ANSWER ME!!" Adonis roars and both Cathia and Drew flinches. Drew trying very hard to hide how much he was affected.

However Drew still had the balls to shake his head in response not making eye contact while he trembles in fear.

Adonis almost sighed in relief but something inside of him would not let him be at peace with that knowledge. Which only led him to believe that the Vampire King knew.

Adonis was done playing, he walked over to Drew tauntingly slow. Then reach and grasp him behind the neck gripping him firmly before shoving his hands in Drew's chest, grabs his heart and gently squeezed. Letting Drew know his heart was in his hands.

"Any last words? Seems like I am getting nowhere with you." Adonis spoke, enunciating each of his words with a menacing calm.

Then he pause and looks at Drew as if really giving him the opportunity to say his last words.

Drew paled some more, if that was even possible. His life flashed before him and he wonders how things got here so quickly, what went wrong? How did he get caught?

"Yes there was a plan on the way to ruin your witness protection program and getting the entire thing cancelled. Soiling your reputation with the government. So that I can claim the throne and be with my love Cathia." Drew spoke telling a half truth.

The throne was not for him! Seems like he was going down with keeping the fact that the Vampire King was the one behind this indeed and he was the one that wanted THE throne.

But Drew was banking on the fact that the Vampire King already had a throne and would not be suspected in wanting to take a throne. So maybe Adonis might truly believe it was him that wanted it.

To Drew it seemed like Adonis was buying it.

Nevertheless on the other hand Adonis firmly believe the Vampire king is behind this.

And Adonis was not about to be played again by his beta. He knew what had to be done. There was no coming back from this for him.

"Thank you for telling me…" was all Adonis said before he pulled out the heart he was already gripping and shows it to Drew before Drew's eyes went wide and he slumped to the ground lifeless.