
Protagonist Abuser Chat Group

A question & answer quiz appears in the ninja world. Answering the question correctly can get you incredible rewards but wrong answers may take your life as punishment. An ordinary young man, who was reborn as a passerby character of the Uchiha-clan, decides to use his knowledge of the plot to save his life in the upcoming Uchiha genocide. As he got more powerful, a 'Protagonist Abuser Chat Group' invited him to join. He becomes the group owner and members from the different Anime and Movie worlds are invited in. Watch as they abuse the protagonists of all worlds together. ‐------------------------- MC: "A protagonist is someone with incredible luck. They may pick up a pet fox on the street and it will become a celestial Nine-tails or something unreasonable like that. If they fall off a cliff they will find the inheritance of an ancient cultivator. You get the idea. Anyone who goes against the protagonist will have their IQ lowered and end up miserably." Loki: "But didn't you say that I am also an Antagonist?" MC: "Yes, you are." Loki: "So...will I die?" MC: "Mhm indeed." Loki: "..." --------------------------- Yun Che: "Hey beauty my name is Yun Che. Do you want to travel together?" Esdeath: "Hello Yun Che. My name is Esdeath and this is a robbery." Yun Che: "Is this a jok-puff! Wh-why did you hit me?" Esdeath: "I'm not playing, give me all your valuables!" A few minutes later. MC: "I get that we rob him for the strategy, but why exactly did you take off his clothes?" Loki: "Clothes have value too." MC: "What about his underwear?" Loki: "Yes." Esdeath: "Don't forget his socks." -------------------------- The questions will be designed in a conspiracy theory type. This fanfiction is not copied from a Chinese fanfiction, I just used the theme and wrote my own story. Dark. Single heroine. One chapter a day. Enjoy my new fanfic (the other one will not be dropped) I don't own Naruto, Against the Gods, Bleach, Marvel, Akame ga Kill.

Iamxourtingdeath · 漫画同人
60 Chs

Accepting Disciples (Part One)

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was standing not far away from the bar with his subordinates, started sweating when he heard the evil and loud laughter of the Uchihas.

'W-why are they laughing like that? What utterly evil things are they planning? World domination and slavery? Or do they want to directly destroy the world? Now I can't even ask the First Hokage and teacher for help, they hate me more than anyone...'

His worries intensified with every passing second and the sweat dripped from his forehead to the ground. A few moments the laughter stopped and the surroundings were silent for a second.

"Hello Third Hokage."

Suddenly Hiruzen heard a pleasant and deep voice from behind his back, but in his ears this voice was extremely scary. He abruptly turned around and he almost had a cardiac infarction, when he saw tow men looking at him silently. Forcibly calming down, he greeted politely.

"H-hello Madara-sama and Takashi-sama."

"Oh, don't call our names so politely, you are the leader of Konoha, the strongest village of the world. We are not worthy of the politeness from your Highness Hokage."

Takashi felt good, when he saw Hiruzen being so nervous and gave Madara a wink, who immediately understood and smiled before speaking.

"Takashi is right, I heard your Highness was known as the God of Shinobi in his prime. The only other person, who was called this way was Hashirama and he defeated me. You have the same title as him, that means you are stronger than me, so there is really no need to so polite."

(I really don't understand how Hiruzen can have this title. Not to mention Hashirama, even Tobirama would crush him easily. If he really was that strong, he could have just crushed everyone and everything during 2nd Ninja war, but instead it was up to White Fang and Sannin to win the war and it was still a tragic victory.)

Hiruzen was already shivering slightly from nervousness. God of Shinobi, stronger than Madara? Leader of the strongest village in the world?

Maybe Konoha is the strongest village in the world, but the difference between the current Konoha and Komugakure is really not that big and him being stronger than Madara in his prime is even more ridiculous, he himself knows best how much truth the title 'God of Shinobi' holds.

"Please don't make fun of me...I am already old and far from matching the strength of Lord Madara."

Takashi felt it was enough and he and Madara already have other plans, no time to waste here.

"Okay, go do your thing. By the way I will take away Uzumaki Naruto."

"But he is the NineTails-Jin-"

"I am not asking for your consent, I am informing you."

In the end Hiruzen just sighed and nodded.

"Understood, I will never declare Naruto as a traitor."

Takashi just wanted to prevent Anbu from annoying him, that's why he told Hiruzen about it. Then he turned to Madara and spoke to him.

"Let's go Madara, I already know where the children are."

His perception ability is already so strong that he could probably perceive the situation on the moon slightly, not to mention a village.

Uchiha clan land.

A few moments later Takashi and Madara swaggered in to the house of the current Uchiha patriarch Fugaku, who had already perceived them. Fugaku anxiously turned to his wife and gave her a command.

"Quick Mikoto, prepare tea. Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Takashi are coming."

"Yes, husband."

She immediately ran into the kitchen and got busy. He himself ran outside as fast as possible to receive the two guests.

'Why are they here? Fuck!'

The moment he saw Takashi, Fugaku was too stunned to speak. He felt like a small bug in front of him, as if his Mangekyo Sharingan is completely useless. Madara observed Fugaku for a moment and gave a comment.

"Are you the current patriarch? Well you have awakened Mangekyo, not bad. But even if your strength is okay, your political skills seem to be very weak, when I see the situation of the clan."

Takashi nodded, although the genocide has been prevented due to the existence of the stone tablet, but the Uchiha's are still hated and isolated in the village. You can say that Fugaku really did a bad job, but he is not fully to blame either. Uchiha is forced to a corner by Konoha High-level and their situation is very difficult to reverse, not to mention that in the end it was the son he trusted, who betrayed him for 'peace'.

'I had a lot of resentment against him before the stone tablet came, but now it seems this guy is actually very pitiful.'

Madaras words also made Fugaku come out of his stupor and he bowed quickly.

"Ancestor Madara, Lord Takashi please come in, my wife is already preparing some tea."

He made an inviting gesture and Madara and Takashi entered the house. Mikoto was already standing beside a table with tea and snacks on it. She used a small fire escape ninjutsu tp heat the tea as fast as possible. Holding her hand was the young Sasuke, who was curiously looking at the two guests that came in.

Mikoto bowed and greeted them, Sasuke imitated her.

A few moments later Takashi, Madara and Fugaku were seated around the table and Takashi started talking.

"Fugaku, I'll get straight to the point. We are here, because I intend to accept your son as my disciple, what do you say?"

Fugaku was shocked and then he became happy. In fact he was very nervous about their visit, unable to guess their intention.

"Okay, okay! I'm happy that Lord Takashi is willing to accept my son as his disciple. I'll call Itachi here right away!"

"I'm not talking about Itachi, I meant Sasuke."

"What Sasuke? But his talent is not that good..."

Takashi laughed a bit, but he didn't blame Fugaku for thinking that. Sasuke's performance as a child was really kind of underwhelming in comparison to Itachi, but with his teaching and the cultivation technique from ATG world, its a whole different story.

"You are very wrong, Sasuke's potential is comparable with Madara. Of course potential is potential, if he really reaches that level is another story, but with my teachings he definitely will."

'Comparable to Ancestor Madara?!'

Fugaku had a lot of doubts, but seeing that Madara didn't deny this claim, he chose to believe it. He knows how proud Uchiha Madara is from the Uchiha history books and if it wasn't true, then Madara would definitely say something.