
Chapter 2

AN: The water part is kind of weird but I'll leave it in until I find it no longer needed.

Ibios woke to the feeling of his shoulder being on fire opening his eyes he looked at his shoulder the wound was still there but it was darkened as if it had been burned close. Ibios quickly stood to his feet looking around his breathing became heavy gripping his shoulder he couldn't help but whisper "The Gods want me dead."

The land beneath his feet was full of cracks, and through those cracks, he could see the molten lava. He could feel the heat, he felt as if he was on a pyre of fire being roasted alive. The lands above stretched far and wide and yet Ibios saw no other living soul in sight.

Taking his steps lightly he began to explore the land hoping to find a way out, walking forward he realized the more he walked the quicker he realized how far away the land ahead truly was.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead he took a seat, he was sure he would pass out if he didn't take regular breaks through this wasteland.

After each break he would continue his journey with renewed vigor, steadily he seemed to be getting closer to the end of this wasteland. Standing next to a cliff he frowned looking down one would expect to see more lava but instead, water flooded the land below him. A tropical island floated among the water compared to the wasteland behind him it looked like paradise.

Encouraging himself he dived off the cliff holding his breath as he entered the water, the cold water was quite refreshing. His overheated body immediately began to cool down and the wound on his shoulder began to heal. 'What kind of water is this?' Ibios couldn't help but ask himself. Taking a couple of drinks he quickly realized it didn't taste like normal water no it tasted divine.

His shoulder had returned to how it was before he killed those two savages, Ibios was amazed by the water.

Swimming to the island he frowned even the sand seemed different picking up some he quickly realized it wasn't sand it was gold. Heading deeper into the island he found a ran down shack made of wood looking inside he noticed it was empty.

"Over here," He heard a voice as deep as the ocean looking around he found a grey-haired old man wearing the dirtiest cloak he had seen in his entire life. "Come join me," The old man said as he stepped onto a boat.

Ibios realizing this old man was the only other person around saw no reason to deny stepping onto the boat he paid close attention to the old.

Smiling the old man stood to grab a paddle the boat drifted from the land stopping a couple of hundred yards away the old man pulled out a fishing net. throwing it over the side it safely latched onto the small boat. Silence filled the air as the old man closed his eyes relaxing.

"Where are we?" Ibios couldn't help but break the silence.

"That wasteland over there is known as Tartarus, That island right there is known as the Island of the Blessed."

Ibios broke into a cold sweat realizing he had just walked through Tartarus itself ignorant of the hell he was standing in. He had heard Hera's words but he didn't believe she would banish him to Tartarus. A place known to hold the worst of the worst, where the wicked received divine punishment.

Looking at the old man Ibios couldn't help but wonder, "Who are you?"

"No, the real question is who are you?"

The old man's eyes opened wide shining like the stars above and Ibios felt as if his entire being was being dissected. Nothing could be hidden in front of the eyes that felt as if they would pierce his very soul.

"Why did my Daughter Hera send you here, knowing you would never make it out," Ibios couldn't help but shake in fear as he heard the old man's words. He was sitting it the same boat as Kronus the Titan.

"No need to fear me, boy," Kronus stated flatly.

His words did nothing to calm Ibios, 'The Gods hate me, the gods hate me." Ibios couldn't help but curse himself, last week he was sitting in the royal palace of Troy, today he sat in front of the father of gods and goddesses.

As Ibios fear began to grow he began to lose control of his own thoughts even wondering whether or not he should reach for his sword. Slowly the water around him began to act causing Kronus to raise an eyebrow. The boat began to wobble as the water continued to stir before the boat itself was meters above its former position. Sitting atop a wave the boat remained steady but the rest of the water continued to move erratically.

"BOY," Kronus's voice shook Ibios from his thoughts as the movement of the water immediately stopped causing the boat to be affected by gravity slamming heavily into the water Ibios was surprised.

Ibios took deep breaths his eyes still contained fear as he looked at Kronus he hadn't even noticed the display of power he had put on earlier.

"Listen here boy what if I could send you out of here," Ibios ears immediately perked up hearing that. "I can get you out of here but you're going to have to promise me something in return."

"What could I possibly promise you," Ibios knew he was weak he was sure he held nothing the Titan in front of him would want.

"Nothing now, but in the future, you will be able to accomplish this task what do you say?"

"Alright what is it," Ibios nodded knowing his own worth he was sure it wouldn't be something impossible.

"In the future, you will release me from this prison. Don't answer now, right now you will surely say no. But in the future when you discover the true colors of your so-called Gods you'll journey here yourself"

"Deal," Ibios had an idea of what Kronus was playing at he was already on the bad side of one goddess and who's to say he would ever journey here again. He didn't know his future but the title releaser of Kronus didn't seem like something he wanted.

"One more thing Boy, you should consult an oracle better yet, find Prometheus," Kronus left him no chance to reply as he waved his hand propelling the boat forward stopping it just as they reached land. Walking into his shack Cronus returned with a red coin passing it to Ibios he explained, "This coin will send you outside of Tartarus the guards won't notice you."

"If you have this why don't you escape yourself," Ibios raised an eyebrow.

"It only works for a mortal, luckily I had this or you would be stuck here forever as I am. Toss it into the sky it'll take care of the rest. remember it'll be practically useless once you've left Tartarus I won't continue to supply it with power once you've left."

Ibios nodded raising the coin he launched it into the sky and before his very eyes, it began to transform. Becoming a ball it floated to Ibios swallowing him whole before it turned invisible allowing only Kronus to see it.

Floating upwards the Invisible ball shot through the sky flying through Tartarus before slipping pass the guards as if it was never there.

"What are you planning Brother?" Kronus turned around to see his brother Lapetus.

"Hera Is a jealous swine but she failed to realize her mistake this time that boy is no grandson of mine he'll be back and when he returns he'll be something even the Gods fear." Kronus aged look seemed to have vanished at that moment as he stood tall and his grey hair vanished being replaced by a brilliant black.