
the beginning of mecha

A void over Cosmo's a spaceless void everywhere U saw there's no direction

just an empty void with a single sound screaming all over it countless stars feels disappear themself from that void all I can feel it's soo real but it was just a dream

in a Dreamtime night I see countless skies below that empty void in coming closer it feels like I'm feeling something so I can't explain myself to the countless skies that look so bright although I can't see them properly try to open my eyes and wanted to see them

after getting closer to what I see that I wasn't expecting to see it the countless skies that I was looking all over were not an countless skies it was different from what I have imagined it was a army of mech

the chaos and the destruction itself

begin to rise up I couldn't say what was I seeing what was I thinking what was I dreaming the most horror day one humanity and our reality that there will be nothing but just chaos all human's just saw it as a dream

it was a dream.... wasn't it.....

I wonder sometimes how our foundation can bring on such a collapse it's unimaginable

what I see it was seeming like they aren't from this world but live outside of the void that I have seen those countless skies weren't just a countless it was an infinite regress...

it's just so unimaginable I never thought in my life something like that going to be happened

but as long as I can say they're aren't the one who have the authority something even beyond them...