
The Power of Number 3

Hugo fixed the thermite explosives onto his bandolier and wore a standard issued helmet.

"How far did you say it was?" Hugo asked Hilbert.

"At least seven hundred meters. I'd say it'll take a majority of our allotted time to get there." Hilbert replied.

"We better get a head start then. Don't want to get bombed by our own planes, now do we?" Johann added.

"So I really can't come with you guys?" Teresa asked with a pout.

"You have the most important job. You have to look out for the Major." Johann jokingly said.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot! I can't let anything happy to that hunk of a man." Teresa exclaimed before trailing off into her daydream.

Johann covered his mouth to hold in his laughter but failed after hearing Hugo's. Hilbert confusedly stared at the three of them before putting his helmet on. Johann and Hugo wiped the tears from their eyes and regained their composure. Teresa's mind was lost up in the clouds, she couldn't stop thinking of all the things she could do with a rope and the Major.

"She's lost it alright. We should go now before she notices." Hugo whispered.

The other two nodded and left Teresa on her own inside the munition bunker. They approached Richard near the breach and waited for the sun to go down.

"In just a bit, the sun will go down and we can begin." Jacques said as he peeked around the corner.

"You think they'll see it coming?" Johann asked.

"I fear they have no idea. We're the only ones stupid enough to do something like this." Hugo replied before lighting a cigarette.

"We're the only ones who can do this in the first place." Hilbert added before taking out a syringe and injecting himself with the serum.

"I have a question about the serum. Is the chemical it's made of a secret?" Jacques asked.

"It's not, it's actually just stimulants. Mostly adrenaline. It's our bodies that are the secret." Hugo answered.

"Yes, our augmentations are usually dormant or operating normally like the organs you have. The stimulants trigger the augmentations and the organs perform tenfold, it makes what we do possible." Johann added.

"I see. That's why the doctor ordered me to destroy your bodies in the small chance that die. He won't let his research and technology fall into the hands of the enemies." Jacques stated.

"As far as we know, we're the only country with this weapon. The doctor wants to keep it that way." Hilbert commented before dropping the syringe and stepping on it.

Jacques was once again devastated with what he discovered about Hilbert and the other agents. Even in death, their bodies can't be given peace. It's true that Lanston was the only one that possessed this power so it is essential that they keep a hold of it. If they lose a single agent to their enemies, it would shift the balance of power and the world would be able to exploit this new found weapon. Jacques didn't wish for the worst to happen but he was frightened of what could and might happen if things suddenly go south.

"Hey, you can count on us to finish the job. Put your faith in us, Major." Hugo said to reassure Jacques.

"Sun just went down! Let's move out!" Phillip shouted from the distance as he ran towards Hilbert and the others.

"You heard him. Let's get this thing rolling." Johann added before looking both ways and crossing to the other side of the street outside the wall.

Hilbert and Hugo followed behind while Jacques ordered his men to draw the enemies attention. They began firing machine guns and mortars from a different region of the wall, the enemies immediately fired back and moved their forces to the far side of the town. This gave Hugo's team the chance to move through the town stealthily and without enemy resistance. Hilbert directed them to the irrigation system and they began traversing it to the outskirts of the town.

"Sir, I saw movement at the crest of the hill." Phillip whispered.

"Hold here. I'll go ahead and scout the area. Wait for my signal." Hugo ordered before taking off ahead of them.

"We should be outside their field of vision but if we move too much, they'll immediately spot us." Hilbert muttered before taking out his rifle and aiming it at the crest of the hill.

"Why don't we just rush them like old times sake? Spotted or not we'll still be having a firefight when we get there." Johann complained.

Hugo raised his arm and waved at the others to signal them. Johann took point and crawled as fast as he could to Hugo while Hilbert and Phillip followed behind him. The four of them crawled up the hill and slowly walked towards a well.

"Johann and Phillip, you're coming with me. Hilbert, stay here and take their eyes out." Hugo ordered as he peeked over the well and spotted the cannons.

"Go, I'll cover you guys." Hilbert said before locking his sights to an enemy marksman and shooting him in the head.

Hugo nodded and ran down to the enemy camp with Johann and Phillip. They went in guns blazing while Hilbert shot the incoming enemy reinforcements. Hugo dropped the thermite grenades into the barrels while Johann and Phillip covered him. Once they were done taking the guns out, they ran back towards the well while Phillip fell behind after getting separated.

"The private is still back there. Stay here, I'll get him back." Hugo stated before running back.

He ran into a squad of russian soldiers and immediately took them out with rapid fire and aggressive hand-to-hand combat. His movements were similar of that to Hilbert's but it was more graceful and smooth.

"Private! Where the hell are you?!" Hugo shouted.

"Over here! I need help!" Phillip shouted back in the distance.

Hugo followed his voice and encountered more enemies which he disposed off quickly and without any problems. His accurate shooting with his quick movements really made him deadly and terrifying to face. His smooth transition from shooting to his knife shows his dexterity. His skills are truly what inspired Hilbert's fighting skill, the only difference is that he hasn't injected himself with the stimulant yet.

"Over here! I need help carrying him back." Phillip shouted as he dragged the still unconscious Jeremy.

"Who's this? This was a search and destroy not a search and rescue. You almost compromised our mission." Hugo stated before carrying Jeremy over his shoulder and running back out of cover.

Hilbert thinned out the enemy reinforcements as much as he can but there were too many for just one rifle. Hugo didn't mind it and just pushed forward, despite having only one hand holding a gun. He would now down any enemy who walks in his line of sight. Phillip followed behind and covered the rear as they joined Hilbert and Johann.

"We only have fifteen minutes, run as fast as you can!" Johann shouted as he ran ahead of them.

"Hilbert, I found the sargeant! He's still alive." Phillip told Hilbert before following Johann.

"Come on. We're overstaying our welcome." Hugo said as he slid down the hill.

Hilbert ran after them and it felt like forever but they got back inside the town and crossed the border without any issues. Phillip was out of breath but he put Jeremy on priority and handed him over to Eugene's team.

"I got him back, Major." Phillip mumbled while catching his breath.

"You did a good job, Phillip. Maybe I was wrong about you." Jacques replied before patting Phillip's shoulder.