

I began walking around, there were a lot of tall buildings, perhaps I was in a common area, of entertainment or something... I was more curious as to what the houses around this place looked like. My eyes were stuck in what I refer to as fracture mode, you know that that mode that lets me turn useless scrape metal into useful objects, it made everything look like blueprints... "Ugh, how do I even see right" I uttered, it was really annoying to see the world like a computer. Suddenly my vision had switched to something completely different. This vision looked completely normal. My body is obviously robotic so maybe it responds best to voice commands, at less that's my theory. After a while I thought I may have spoken to soon when I thought I found my normal vision, because when a stare at something to long my vision named the object and fed my brain information about it... although even if this isn't my normal vision it is the closest, so I stuck with it, this vision was called collective-data... I think the name was appropriate.

Searching around the place I've only found factories, so many factories to build almost everything... robot factory, transportation factory, even a factory to build a factory... it felt like I was wondering in circles. I ended up back at the first building I walked out of, with a scar I left on the side of it, it seemed to have stopped rotting away the outlines of the scare were purple a dark purple, it almost made the building look as though it was infected or something, though I guess it didn't matter because that very building was a disposal factory, not made to create but destroy. I looked at my arm slightly glowing it too looked as if it was infected... "hmmm... I need help" I whispered to myself... a hologram of a map popped up in front of me. It was really big, for me to find out that this was the entire map out of "project GLITCH". Turns out I'm in sector F, I'm assuming that the F is for factory. Furthermore, it seems I'm in the deep end of sector F... the map marked a help center located in an area called C-H.3 "ugh, it's really far" I complained. The map quickly remapped to a nearby factory officially named GLITCH-DRIVE. I headed toward it the located factory to find out that it's actually one of the factories that my vision collected data on, according to the data intel this factory was shut down as well as the many other factories I headed inside it was dark but my eyes projected light a lot like a flashlight but much brighter. I found a button on a wall near by reading POWER, LIGHT with such a sign I assumed that it must be a power button to turn on some light. However, after I pressed it my eyes collected data that this very button was not to turn on any lights but to start up the entire factory, it also mentioned that every factory was equipped with this particular button. "... whoops" I said to myself knowing that this wasn't my intention...

Well I suppose nothing I could do about it now, I mean there was another button even bigger besides the button that I pressed but what was the chance of that being a shutdown switch who knows it could have been a button that could have started up all the other factories... but I was just exaggerating about that possibility. Lights did make the place much more seen among the big room full of creates there was a door way, telling by the creates I assume that this is the room they keep finished products in there was a giant metal plate that read delivery trucks, but there were no trucks, come to think of it despite this city complex having roads I have yet to even see a single form a transportation in sight. "hmm" I groaned irritated. I walked toward the door way, another kind of poster was beside the door way. I seemed to be a list of people the poster lighted up... it took a while for my vision to tell me that this little poster was actually something called a touch screen "oh interesting" I giggled a little to myself. I touched the screen, the list of people moved "wow it's moving" I surprisingly uttered to myself. it might just be me, but I thinking I'm a little too interested in this newer technology, my new profound ignorance... I don't know how to feel about it, with no memory of who I once was, I am determined to have enough knowledge to at least know everything about this place called project GLITCH.

I entered through the door way, large machinery and conveyer belts not too far to my right when I entered this new room was a rather oversized smart screen or computer, and yes I do realize the irony of calling it a smart computer, when computers are already smart to begin with, I was curious as to rather this computer screen was also touch screen, looking at the screen it was too high for me to reach, I mean I guess I could have stepped up on the controls to find out, but I might unintentionally press something, I haven't caused a disaster yet and I'm not about to start now... I looked down at the controls, there were so many, it was nerve wracking looking at those controls, but then, again, my vision collected data on how all the controls worked. I sighed in great relief. "it's times like these that make me appreciate the abilities I was born with" I uttered to myself, and I meant it too. Search through the options of transportation, many that I've never heard of probably because I've never heard of any actually. Hehe, I suppose now all I have to do is figure out as to which one to get, nothing too complex. Coming down to a decision I picked a vehicle from a cycle of motors... or more specifically a motorcycle. At this point all there was to do was to put in setting. These setting consisted of:

Handling – for how well it should be to control the bike... I put the settings to 100 percent.

Suspension – I don't know what that does, so I put it at 100 percent

Speed – there was a warning of time travel for placing speed at 100 percent so I just put it at 85 percent. I don't really know what time travel is but if there's a warning I'd like to abide by it.

Fuel - this was not asking so much as a percentage but a type. The options were fossil-fuel, clean-air, solar-powered or electric. Out of the few options electric was most recommended so that's what I went with.

After that there was a list of "special settings" these setting was not actually necessary for the vehicle, they were just something you might add on for special occasions. At least that's what I read at the bottom of all these "special settings"

They were two particular settings that I choose:

Weaponry – this setting equipped the bike with weaponry both built in and portable. There was a search engine to select certain weapons, there was also the options of something called a weapon pack. Each one equipped certain weapons. There was basic, heavy armed, advanced, portable, advanced and nuclear. Among these weapon packs there were two others with a description:

All in one – this pack consisted of every weapon in one. This supposedly allows me to carry the bike its self because it is also a weapon, this pack/weapon is actually a type of software for creating any weapon in need... however by selecting this, I'm also selecting the same package to have every vehicle at my disposal...

Upon reading this description my mind went blank for a moment know that this was all I needed to be on my way. I could just select this and be on my way now. But... I'm still curious about the last option.

Dooms day – this turns the bike into a dooms day weapon, guaranteed to destroy a large area... ideally recommended for a suicidal bomber...

A took a moment to think about this, I really thought hard... maybe... "NOPE" I said to myself as I selected the all in one package or whatever. "gee, who ever created that dooms day option must be crazy" I uttered to myself. The screen was loading all this stuff into one place... however seeing as to how slow it was loading, it seemed as if I would be here for quite some time.

As for the other option it was a smart option, it was an on or off option, but it was already on so there was really no need to mess with that. Basically it would make the bike smarter a lot like my collective data vision.

With all the settings decided, I sat against the computer waiting for the computer to finish loading. I looked at my left are that had a color fading between red and purple with black tattoos...

"what's wrong with my arm?" I uttered to myself. "t-there is n-nothing wr-wrong with I-it" a voice uttered in a strange glitchy echo. I didn't question it at the time I just that it was part of my "system". "then why does my arm look like this" I questioned. "y-your arm I-is in g-gl-glitch m-mode, it I-is a f-f-form common to a-a-a glitch a-as yourself". "so why does it look demonic" I questioned it further. "I-it is one of the m-many g-glitch modes". "so there's more than one huh? Well how do I turn it off" I questioned once more. "to t-turn o-o-off g-glitch mode will re-re-require a t-temporary sh-sh-shut down... do you ac-ac-accept?". I thought for a moment a shutdown would mean I would be deactivated. I don't even know how I was activated in the first place, then again it is only temporary. I looked at the screen... it was only at 1 percent... "sigh, I accept" I uttered in agreement... "deactivating g-g-glitch mode" at first nothing, but then suddenly there was a violent white flash, violent because it was painful, I arched my back sticking my tongue out... then I had passed out, at that moment I believe I had shut down...