

In a world where some people have special powers called Paragons, Alex, who has no powers at all, is trying to figure out where he fits in. His dad, John, is very sick, and the only chance for a cure is a dangerous, secret project named Project Genesis. Desperate to help, Alex goes to find Dr. Anya Petrova, the main scientist working on Project Genesis. He finds a secret lab and learns about a special creature called a symbiont, which is a weird liquid that can give powers to people like him. There was an accident, and the symbiont is thought to be gone. But Dr. Petrova tells Alex something surprising – the symbiont might still be out there..

HazeStudios · 科幻
3 Chs

The Bond

Dr. Petrova was deeply concerned as she lead Alex closer to the containment unit. Inside, a dark liquid moved around. It looked unnatural and both scary and interesting to him.

"The symbiont is volatile," she said quietly. "It can amplify existing abilities, but it can also warp and twist them into something monstrous."

Alex felt a chill of fear. "Like what?"

"Rage, violence… an insatiable hunger for power. Some test subjects became unrecognizable, driven mad by the symbiont's influence." Dr. Petrova's purple eyes showed a strong sadness. "It was a terrible accident, one we're trying to rectify."

All of a sudden, the lab door burst open. A girl with blond hair and green eyes rushed in. She looked determined.

"Dr. Petrova! It's me, Hannah!"

Alex immediately knew who she was. Hannah, the shy girl from his English class, was always picked on by bullies who mocked her unseemingly useless power: calming emotions.

"Hannah?" Dr. Petrova asked in a surprised manner. "How did you find this place?"

Hannah showed a worn copy of the same book Alex had seen in the library. "I saw the report about the missing scientist, then I found this in the school library. It mentioned your research…" She stopped talking, as she then looked at the containment unit.

"Project Genesis," Alex whispered. He felt a sense of forbidden knowledge with the words.

Dr. Petrova sighed. "This isn't a playground, children. You shouldn't be here."

"But you can help me!" Hannah begged. "My power… it's useless. Everyone calls me the 'Whiner Whisperer' because all I can do is calm people down. I want to be strong, to fight back!"

Dr. Petrova's expression became gentler. "Unfortunately, Project Genesis wasn't designed to alter existing abilities. It aimed to—"

Her words were cut short by a loud crack. The containment unit shattered, sending the dark liquid to Alex's direction. Alex shouted and covered his face with his arm. A very sweet, almost unpleasant smell spread through the room. He coughed and could taste something like metal in his mouth.

Then, the world went dark.

When Alex's vision cleared, he found himself staring at the ceiling. He was feeling a tingling sensation all over his body. His clothes were torn, and his skin felt like it was on fire. However, the pain was fading.

He looked down and saw Hannah beside him. She seemed concerned. Her hand was on his shoulder, and a green glow was coming from it.

"You're okay," she said. "The symbiont entered you, but it seems my power… it calmed it down, somehow."

Alex struggled to stand up. He felt an unusual power running through his body. He squeezed his hands into fists, experiencing a strong and unfamiliar anger. It was frightening, like a basic desire to fight back.

However, a sense of peace soon came over him, calming his turbulent feelings. He looked at Hannah. His heart filled with gratitude.

"Thank you," he rasped. "You saved me."

Hannah's lips turned into a smile. "Maybe you're not so useless after all," she said.

Dr. Petrova came over to them. She was relieved and at the same time worried. "Remarkable. The symbiont seems… stabilized within you."

"What does that mean?" Alex asked in a concerned manner.

"We don't know yet," Dr. Petrova admitted. "But you seem to be in control, for now."

She reached into a drawer and pulled out a large envelope filled with cash. "This was meant to cover the volunteer's expenses. Consider it a… thank you."

After one last look, Dr. Petrova led them out of the lab. Outside in the cool night air, Alex and Hannah stood together.

"So," Hannah started hesitantly, "where to first?"

Alex knew exactly where they needed to go. With the money from Dr. Petrova, they could get the medicine his father desperately needed. Maybe, just maybe, this darkness within him could be a force for good.

He turned to Hannah. "Let's go see my dad."

As they walked through the moonlit streets, the world felt different. Alex felt different. He still wasn't sure what the future held, but he knew he wouldn't face it alone. He had a friend now, and maybe, a strange new power waiting to be found.

The journey to the pharmacy felt shorter than usual. Once inside, the bright overhead lights appeared less harsh. He walked up to the counter, holding the envelope firmly.

"I need this medication," he said. He put a pile of cash on the counter, much more than needed for the simple prescription.

The pharmacist, a tired-looking woman with weary eyes, looked at the money and then at the worn prescription. "This is a significant amount, young man. Are you sure?"

"Yes," Alex steadily replied. "Please, it's very important."

The woman looked at him curiously, then shrugged and started gathering the medication. As she counted the change, she mumbled, "Kids these days, always so serious."

Alex ignored her. His impatience was increasing second after second. Finally, the woman handed him a small paper bag and the remaining cash. He didn't bother to count it, simply shoving it back into his pocket.

Rushing out of the pharmacy, Alex found Hannah waiting on a nearby bench. She had a concerned look on her face.

"Everything alright?" she asked.

"Yeah," Alex said. His voice was like a little gruff. "Just… anxious." He held out the bag to her. "Here."

Hannah took the bag and peeked inside. She looked relieved. "This should make him feel better quickly."

They returned to Alex's apartment. The quiet between them felt good now, as they both understood the strange things they had just gone through.

When they got to their floor, Alex's knuckles turned white as he gripped the doorknob. He took a deep breath. He was feeling a strange energy inside him that made his skin tingle. He didn't know what would happen, but he knew he had to be strong.

He opened the door.

Inside, the apartment was dark. Panic gripped him for a moment before he remembered - his dad usually shut off the lights while using the therapy pod. He moved closer and closer.

"Dad?" Alex called out softly. "We're home."

No response. A wave of nausea came over him. He hurried to the pod. His heart was beating really fast.

He looked through the clean window and saw his dad. But something was wrong. John lay motionless, and his face looked very pale and tired. The normal up and down movement of his chest had stopped. The therapy pod was silent.

Fear and anger, unlike anything he'd ever felt, flowed through Alex. A dark feeling inside him wanted to take over.

He slammed his fist against the pod, making a dull thud. "Dad! Wake up! Don't you dare leave me!" he screamed. His voice broke because of his strong feelings.

Then, a warm hand touched his shoulder. Hannah's calming presence helped him feel more stable. He felt the anger go away, pushed back by her kind understanding.

"Alex, breathe," she whispered. Her voice seemed to comfort him. "We need to think."

Taking a shaky breath, Alex forced himself to step back from the pod. His head was spinning with both the sadness of bearing his father's death and the anger he felt just now. He looked at Hannah as he felt hopeless.

"What do we do now?" he asked in a rough voice.

Hannah, looking very concerned, held his hand tightly. "We need help, Alex. There has to be someone…"

Just as she said this, a loud knocking sounded from the apartment door. Both Alex and Hannah were surprised by the sudden noise.

"Who could that be at this hour?" Hannah whispered very softly.

Alex cautiously moved towards the door. He looked through the small hole in the door and saw a tall woman with bright red hair. Her face showed she had lived a long life, and she had a strong and serious expression. She was wearing an old leather jacket and jeans, and she seemed very powerful.

With some hesitation, Alex opened the door a little. "Can I help you?"

The woman looked at him with sharp bright red eyes that seemed very wise. "Alexander Thorne," she said in a deep voice. "I believe we have much to discuss."

Alex looked puzzled. "Who are you? How do you know my name?"

A small smile appeared on the woman's lips. "Let's just say, I know about Project Genesis... and the Void within you."

The door swung open wider, showing the slightly lit hallway outside. Alex felt hopeful and anxious. This woman, whoever she was, seemed to have the answers he really wanted.