
Professor Kal

Countless years were spent deep in his lab, perfecting the solution to an age-old problem. Finally, with the success he had been searching for, an undead Lich is finally free from the shackles of his kind. With years of knowledge and skill, he embarks on a journey to explore the surface, to study the unknown, and to make use of his newfound power. Link to the discord is here: https://discord.gg/yes9qJuF

Mungknut · 奇幻
127 Chs

They Say Size Doesn’t Really Matter

"Don't look so surprised, honestly, what did you think we were doing?" The Professor asked rhetorically as he noticed the worried look on the boy's face.

"Won't that kill us? If we put our souls into… that?" Ryan couldn't help but express his hesitation over doing such a thing.

He was by far not an expert on the soul, but his common sense was screaming at him that this was a very bad idea. He was imagining himself stuck within the corpse of the paladin, watching his own body die before his very eyes. It was just too much for him to wrap his head around.

"What are they teaching kids these days, really?" Professor Kal mumbled to himself.

Ryan shot a glare at the man. "You're the one teaching us… Professor."