
Professor Fang

Exciting series about a Time Travelling, eccentric, Chinese Vampire Professor named Fang who journeys through the universe with his two friends, Lindsey, a former Vampire hunter, and Kirsteen, a former Rockstar. The trio battle various supernatural and otherworldly threats across all of time and space.

Burrunjor · 奇幻
35 Chs

The Dark Side of the Moon: The Doomed Valley

The Tyrannosaurus Rex had always been Lindsey's favourite Dinosaur as a child, and even up close she couldn't help but stare in awe at this majestic, powerful beast before the reality hit, when the Tyrant reptile roared and splattered blood from it's mouth all over her and her friends.

Kirsteen tried to run away she was so scared, but the Professor caught her.

"Not a good idea, it can outrun you remember."

"Yeah true, but we can't exactly fight it either? Plus it's smarter than a Lion, or a Tiger never mind another Dinosaur. Might not be so easy to hide from it either." Lindsey said.

The Tyrannosaurus began to inspect the Professor, Lindsey and Kirsteen more than anything else, as it had never seen a human quite like any of them. It wasn't even used to human beings in general as they were normally wise to keep out of it's way. Nevertheless within a few seconds it grew impatient and instantly went for Lindsey.

The Professor jumped onto the side of the Dinosaurs head just as it was about to strike, causing it to swerve to the side. Had it not been for the Professor's intervention it surely would have snatched Lindsey who was not fast enough despite what she thought.

The vampire tried using all of his strength to keep the Tyrannosaurs jaws open but the force they could exert completely dwarfed his and indeed most vampires strength. The Professor still clutched on to the side of the Dinosaurs skull, but the Tyrannosaur soon rammed the side of it's head into the nearby cave wall several times.

Had the Professor been human he would have been crushed into paste, but even with his vampiric constitution the Tyrannosaur still broke every bone in his body. Something smelled off about the Professor to the Tyrannosaurus, so it didn't bite him, but Lindsey and Kirsteen seemed ideal prey.

Kirsteen fled with Hisera to one of the few remaining tents in the ruins of the village, despite Hisera's protests.

The Tyrannosaurus after shaking the Professor's broken body off, simply smashed the tent apart, burying the women under rubble. As Kirsteen crawled out from under the giant's foot soon came stomping down in front of her.

Lindsey tried to draw the Tyrannosaurs attention away by hurling a spear she found near the half eaten body of a native at the Tyrannosaurs neck, but the spear simply bounced off of the Tyrannosaurs scales.

The tyrant lizard king still turned it's attention to Lindsey, and though she had a good head start on it, again it soon caught up to her. Lindsey was forced to jump into the river just in front of the village to escape, but to her surprise and horror, the Tyrannosaur followed her in.

The Tyrannosaur stood up to it's knees in the river, and would strike it's head down to try and catch Lindsey like a bird trying to catch fish. Fortunately it's movements were somewhat slow and jerkier in water, though even then Lindsey was forced to hide at the very bottom of the river to keep out of it's range of vision. She couldn't hold under for long however and the Tyrannosaur was absolutely relentless in it's attacks.

Kirsteen and Hisera ran to help the Professor, hoping he could do something to help Lindsey, but the vampire wasn't even finished nitting his bones back together yet.

Lindsey meanwhile crawled along the bottom of the river bed until she managed to get a few feet ahead of the Tyrannosaur before being forced back up for air.

The Tyrannosaur noticed her right away and lunged at Lindsey, and though she managed to narrowly dodge it's jaws, the force of the Tyrannosaurs head hitting the water beside Lindsey still sent her flying over 10 feet in the air onto the river bank.

The Professor seeing the danger Lindsey was in jumped onto the Tyrannosaurs tail. Even though all of his bones had not yet repaired, the vampire was still able to jump over 20 feet through the air and hold onto the tip of the Dinosaurs tail with a tremendous grip.

The Tyrannosaurus tried to shake him off, but the Professor held on harder than he ever had before. He tried to bite the Tyrannosaurs tail, but it's scales were too thick for his teeth to puncture.

Kirsteen and Hisera ran past the Tyrannosaurus as it smashed its tail into the few remaining huts in an effort to shake the Professor off.

On the other end of the bank Lindsey was badly injured. She had broken her wrist when the Tyrannosaurus slammed her to the ground.

"I'm fine, not to sound macho or anything but believe it or not I've had worse ." Lindsey said as Kirsteen helped her up.

The Professor kept trying to bite the Tyrannosaurs tail, but as it swung him around more furiously, it broke his teeth. The T. rex then smashed the Professor off of the ground a few more times, breaking his legs, before smashing his spine off a nearby rock after which it then threw him 40 feet through the air with it's tail.

The giant carnivore then turned its attention back to the women and sped after them, moving at a tremendous speed despite it's massive size.

Knowing they couldn't keep ahead of the Dinosaur, Kirsteen ran in a different direction from Lindsey and Hisera, hoping she could distract the Tyrannosaur long enough for her two wounded companions to escape.

The Tyrannosaurus took the bait out of curiosity more than anything else, but it soon caught up to her nevertheless. It only stopped because Lindsey, (having been forced to leave Hisera) attempted to distract it with another useless spear.

The Tyrannosaurus however was not so easily fooled this time. The monster stood back slowly, with Kirsteen almost too scared to move until it was about an equal distance from both women.

There was no way either of them could escape now, at this range and with it's speed. It could snap up Kirsteen and crush her in its jaws and then spit her out and do the same to Lindsey in less than a minute.

With nothing left to lose Kirsteen reached into the dirt beside her, grabbed two handfuls and threw them into the Tyrannosaurs eyes as the Dinosaur bent over to try and devour her.

The monster stumbled back a bit, whilst Lindsey and Kirsteen ran to Hisera and helped her up.

The three woman ran to the other end of the village, and down a passage way that led through the mountain on Hisera's urging. Neither Lindsey nor Kirsteen liked to leave the Professor, but there was nothing they could do for him at the moment. His vampiric healing factor would heal his injuries in due time, and the Tyrannosaur was solely focused on them anyway.

The T. rex chased the three women down the long passage way, though it struggled to fit down it somewhat which gave the three girls a good head start.

"It's just up ahead, if we can reach the cliff top." Hisera said.

The passage got narrower and narrower further down, until eventually the Tyrannosaurus got stuck, whilst the the three women were able to escape to a larger cavern at the other end of the cavern, which appeared to end in another cave.

The Tyrannosaurus desperately tried to struggle free, but it's shoulders were jammed between the narrow passage. Still the more and more it pulled, the more the rocks on either side began to give way.

The three women prepared to make their way into the cave but just as they did several flying reptiles began to descend from the sky. These Pterosaurs were Quetzalcoatlus, the largest creatures ever to take to the wing. Riding on their backs were several humans, the last survivors of Hisera's tribe.

This tribe had managed to tame a large pack of Quetzalcoatlus as pets many generations ago. These Pterosaurs were vital to the tribe's survival as they helped them cover masses of land in a short time. They never used the flying beasts for hunting however as their delicate wing membrane's meant that they could be easily overpowered in a fight and they were too valuable in other areas of the tribe's life.

Desperate times however called for desperate measures. The Tyrannosaurus had destroyed the tribes main area of defence in the cave effortlessly, wrecked their village and devoured most of the tribe. The few survivors, just like Hisera had intended, fled down the passage way, through the smaller cave at the back, which led to the highest cliff edge of the mountain, whilst the Tyrannosaur was killing the rest of the tribe.

They could have stayed there and been perfectly safe, but the natives felt they needed to destroy the Tyrannosaurus. It was so much more dangerous than any of the predators they had normally come into contact with, the Raptors, the Sabre Tooth's, and even the Allosaurus, that they couldn't let it wander around this area and build a nest near the cave.

Hisera shouted at her friends to get away from the Dinosaur, but it was no use.

The eight or so Pterosaurs all hovered around the Tyrannosaurs face as it continued to try and pull itself free.

They hurled their spears at the Dinosaur, in an effort to try and find it's weak spot, but as it thrashed it's head around their spears simply bounced off of its scales. The Tyrant Lizard King soon broke free, with both sides of the cliff collapsing, and leaped out at one of the Pterosaurs. Its jaws narrowly missed the flying reptile's wing, whilst another Quetzacoatlus then jumped onto the Tyrannosaurs back, with it's rider, a young woman frantically hitting the Tyrannosaurus with her large, spiked club.

Again however it did nothing to deter the Dinosaur and when the Tyrannosaur rose up, the Pterosaur quickly retreated.

The flying beasts all continued to circle the Tyrannosaurus Rex from above, whilst their riders all hurled spears and even some torches down at the Dinosaur. The Tyrannosaur growled in anger and tried to reach up to bite it's flying enemies, but they were too far out of reach.

The Tyrannosaur then started to crouch down, to try and lure it's enemies closer to the ground.

They all however wisely kept their distance, with one of the group flying behind a nearby boulder that the Pterosaur then attempted to push onto the Dinosaur from behind whilst it was seemingly distracted by the rest of the pack. Suddenly however the T. rex ran into the wall causing the boulder to fall on top of it. The boulder despite it's massive size, did little to deter the Tyrannosaur and simply bounced off of it's back, but the Pterosaur was caught off guard and fell down with it. Though the Pterosaur managed to regain it's flight, it had fallen too near the Tyrannosaurus which then reached out and crushed the lower body of the Pterosaur and it's rider in a single bite.

Lindsey, Kirsteen and Hisera could hear the rider's bones snap from over 20 feet away. The Tyrannosaurus' bite was the greatest of any predator on earth (or rather the Moon.)

The rider was crushed into paste instantly, and the Tyrannosaur threw what was left of the Pterosaur into another one of the reptiles sending it crashing into the ground.

As the other Pterosaurs swooped in to try and help their comrade, but still keeping their distance, the Tyrannosaur crouched down, but this time swung it's tail upwards. With it's tail hitting one of the Pterosaurs, and crushing it and it's rider into mush against a nearby wall. As it swung again, it managed to hit another Pterosaur on the wing sending it and its rider crashing nearby. The remaining riders all fled the area, not that they had much choice as their Pterosaurs, though well trained were too terrified to go near the Tyrannosaur again.

Kirsteen, Lindsey and even Hisera all tried to help the rider whose Pterosaur had crashed to the ground, but as soon as they reached the rider, (who was nothing more than a teenage boy.) The Tyrannosaurus had already caught up to him and stood in front of the four helpless humans ready to strike.

To Be Continued