
Professor Fang

Exciting series about a Time Travelling, eccentric, Chinese Vampire Professor named Fang who journeys through the universe with his two friends, Lindsey, a former Vampire hunter, and Kirsteen, a former Rockstar. The trio battle various supernatural and otherworldly threats across all of time and space.

Burrunjor · 奇幻
35 Chs

Professor Fang: His Life and Times: Part 1

Professor Fang: His Life and Times

It's hard to piece together a full account of Professor Fang's life for many reasons. First of all, his life on earth alone covers several thousand years, secondly due to his habit of jumping from one time to another it can be hard to tell which version of him is which. (There have been several sightings of Fang in different places at the same time, all from different periods in his history.) Finally he's also always been somewhat cagey about his past too.

Nevertheless whilst there are still many gaps in our knowledge, here for the first time is a full account of the key moments in the vampire's life. Where he was born, his siring, how he learned and mastered magics, the role he played in bringing the earth back to life following the Hylexans attack, his journey's in time and space, and finally a full account of the lives of his most prominent companions and enemies. 

Professor Fang was born in mainland China at some point during the Dragons rule over the east. The Dragons, who were Dinosaurs brought back by wizards using magic and then transformed into sentient magical creatures, and the Gods (in reality creatures from another universe.) Rebuilt our earth after it was devastated by a renegade God known as Set. Sadly their alliance soon broke down after Set's defeat over how to guide humanity. The Gods favoured simply protecting them and the earth from any outside threats, whilst the Dragons wished to unite humanity, teach them magic and help them become strong enough to protect themselves. After the war between the Dragons and Gods, the Dragons would come to settle in the east, whilst the Gods ruled over the west.

Fang meanwhile was born during a time of supposed peace between the two sides, in a small village in Tibet, not far from the magical land of Shambhala, the Dragon's most respected magical kingdom that they hoped would serve as an example to the rest of humanity.

Professor Fang's real name is unknown, with this simply being an alias he adopted at some point and for practicality's sake is what we will refer to him as here. This alias and other aspects of his life show that the vampire at the very least could laugh at himself somewhat. 

Many in Fang's village wished to join Shambhala, but only those who were deemed to have pure intentions as well as the skill were allowed to join. Fang's own father had tried many times to join it, being among the elite of the village's warriors. 

It was undoubtedly Fang's own fathers last desperate attempt to live out his own dreams that pushed the young Fang into studying magic in the first place. Still Fang was said to have shown tremendous promise at a young age, with his own father even being somewhat jealous, though nevertheless proud of what his son had accomplished. 

Fang soon proved himself worthy of membership to Shambhala when he left his village at the age of just 16 and travelled around China using the skills he had gained, as well as new ones he picked up along the way to help others. It was here that he met the vampire that would later become his sire, known as Huan, who had similarly come from humble origins in a deprived area that the Dragons had never shown much care for. Despite their claims, the Dragons could be just as elitist and abuse their power to the same extent as the Gods they looked down on. Huan was turned when his area was invaded by a foreign species of vampire that had only recently invaded China, known as the Heklox. These bloodsuckers were proving to be quite a problem. Unlike the dominant breed of vampire in Mainland China up to that point, the Jiang Shi who were simply mindless predators. The Heklox were thinking beasts and they also possessed a greater immunity to magic. Furthermore their weaknesses were not known about except in Europe, which at that time was completely cut off from China due to the feud between the Gods and the Dragons. 

Still as dangerous as they may have seemed, the Heklox were soul vampires, who are potentially capable of repressing their demonic urges, though even then only a handful have throughout recorded history. Still Huan, motivated by his love for his daughter, was able to control the demon within him. His wife had sadly passed away in childbirth, and Huan and his daughter had been through hell for the past 16 years. He was determined that it would not all be for nothing and that his daughter would have a better quality of life. The vampires as far as he was concerned, and even his own vampirism, were just the latest horror they had to deal with supernatural or otherwise in this poverty stricken area. 

Fang was not only able to learn more about the vampire's weaknesses through Huan, but it was also Huan who helped him sneak into their base and plant a powerful magical bomb (strong enough to effect even these bloodsuckers) which destroyed the bulk of their forces, stopping their army from sweeping over China and infecting goodness knows how many others. Fang was hailed as a hero by his people and even the Dragons were impressed enough to let him apply for membership of Shambhala. Huan's role in stopping the vampires meanwhile was completely overlooked. It was of his own violation. He didn't want anyone to know about him and genuinely hoped he and his daughter could return to a normal life. Sadly however the vampire later gave into his thirst when his daughter's controlling ex boyfriend broke into their home and tried to attack her. In his rage, Huan tore his throat out and was so overcome with horror and disgust he fled from his daughter. He spent many years in isolation before trying to use his powers for good again, which would lead to his second meeting with Fang, though more on that later. 

As a member of Shambhala (with Fang's own talents allowing him to pass every one of their tests. He may have perhaps only gained the chance through somewhat dishonest means, but Fang proved more than capable of overcoming any challenge they threw at him.) Fang was able to continue the good fight against evil throughout China and even took part in the Dragon's many conflicts with the Gods. Despite the supposed peace, both sides still had battles with one another in secret using their human minions. Fang's skill and power as a sorcerer would even lead to the Dragons granting him a much longer life span and finally the status of an elite of Shambhala. 

Sadly however during this period Fang became something of a fanatic to the Dragons. Indeed whilst details of this time are sketchy, to those who knew him, Fang apparently always spoke of this period with great shame and perhaps with good reason. Fang is believed by some to have punished those who defied the Dragon's will. One such example would come back to haunt him many centuries later, though we shall explore that in the next chapter. Despite his experiences with Huan, Fang thanks to the Dragon's influence became fanatical in his belief that all demons were creatures of evil. He even later came to believe Huan had simply helped him out of self preservation than any true altruism. 

This later proved to be a problem when Huan was on the run for killing and helping to overthrow one of the Dragons puppet kings named Chakan. The Dragons had actually long since given up on Chakan's kingdom, which had given into corruption and the black arts long before its latest deranged monarch had even been born. Still as it did nevertheless bear the Dragons seal, then the great magical reptiles felt that they still could not allow the kingdom to fall, least of all to a vampire and had all of the rebels slaughtered, with only Haun escaping. 

Fang used his previous alliance with the vampire to trick Huan into a trap, with Huan only barely managing to escape Fang when he realised what was going on. In the ensuing fight between them, Huan was trapped underground in an earthquake created by the Fang's magics. Not all magics were effective against Huan's breed of vampire. Indeed Fang only knew which to use in his bomb thanks to Huan and in this case the vampire was barely able to use a counter spell to save himself during the explosion.

Huan was still buried underground for weeks however, and whilst the vampire was eventually able to dig his way out, he had no blood during that time. As a result when he did finally escape his thirst had become uncontrollable and he killed the first person he saw. A teenage girl no older than 17, who reminded him of his daughter. Huan was so overcome with horror, the only way he could live with his guilt was to embrace the monster within. He soon became one of the most feared and evil vampires in the entire history of China and spread the curse of the Heklox throughout the continent like never before. 

Whilst the vampire in time forgot what it was ever like to have been a good man capable of love, compassion and remorse as almost all of them do. Huan nevertheless maintained a passionate hatred towards Fang for reducing him to this and not only plotted revenge, but hoped to make him a monster too. 

He would accomplish this years later when working with Ares, a renegade god who hoped to turn humanity into a race he could conquer the galaxy with. Ares was hated by both the Dragons and the Gods, but Huan didn't care as long as he could destroy Fang. With Ares help Huan was able to infiltrate the kingdom of Shambhalan and plant a powerful weapon of Ares that poisoned the kingdom's magics. Many of its men and women were transformed into savage, ape like creatures known as the Yetis. The magics that had previously brought out the enlightened qualities of humanity for those in Shambhalan, such as greater understanding and knowledge, (though still filtered through what only the Dragons allowed,) now regressed most of the greatest wizards and witches down the evolutionary ladder so to speak into savage bestial monsters who would continue to terrorize Tibet for centuries to come. Yeti's or Bigfoot's as they became known to some later spread to many corners of the earth as the rare magics inside their bodies, even if they were corrupt still contained great power and many demons, sorcerers and creatures therefore captured them in the hopes of harnessing it. Naturally over the centuries a few of the Yeti's escaped and their descendants continued to populate other remote areas. Finally the secrets of how to create Yetis would also be replicated in other countries around the world to create warriors or sometimes punish people, leading to their numbers further increasing.

Fang was spared becoming a Yeti, only because Huan turned him into a vampire before the process could take effect. Whilst in hindsight it would have been better for Huan himself to simply let Fang become a mindless beast. He was so consumed by revenge he wanted his nemesis to know what he had become and so he infected Fang when the latter was already weakened by the spell. 

After rising from the grave, Fang was utterly horrified and sought to kill himself before his demonic urges took control. However he found that he did not have the courage to end his own life. Whilst he would have gladly died in battle for his Dragon masters, ultimately when forced to face the reality of his death and spending eternity in Khastran the creator of vampire's dimension (where all dead vampire souls go.) Fang just couldn't go through with it. 

He vowed to control the evil within him and ironically from that day forward Fang much like Huan before him, used his vampiric powers to help others across China. Sadly however the Dragons turned on him. They despised vampires more than possibly any life form on earth due to the fact that Khastran had killed off the Dinosaurs, forcing him to go on the run from his former masters. In hindsight this turned out to be a blessing as it opened his mind and broke their grip on him. 

Fang also wasn't able to utilize the magics of Shambhalan now due to his breed's greater immunity to magic than most other demon species. Whilst he could still perform magic, it would be in a more limited capacity. He could only channel it through specific enchantments and rituals rather than through his sheer force of will like before. In many ways he also had to start completely over in learning what type of magic and combinations of spells could be used in his new vampire body. 

Still at the very least his new vampire body gave Fang many new advantages. He possessed super strength, speed and healing, and could only be killed by fire, decapitation or a wooden stake through the heart. Unlike other breeds he had no problems in sunlight, though he did still tend to sleep during the day. He was also now an immortal, though unfortunately for Fang he had been nearing the end of his extended life span when he was sired, meaning that for the first several hundred years of his existence at least he had the appearance of a frail old man, though at the very least that could sometimes be used to lure his enemies in. 

Finally Fang like all Heklox was capable of being restored to life after death, with his physical appearance altering ever so slightly each time he was brought back. He always had the appearance of a much older man however and never looked any younger than his 50s. 

Eventually the Gods and Dragons left the earth after their war with Ares came to a close. Believing that they had both done more damage than good to humanity, they finally left our planet, with recorded human history beginning some time after. Fang meanwhile, who had by this stage had been a vampire for many decades sought to try and build a new power base in central China that would unite the land and hopefully bring peace between the supernatural and the natural. 

Fang even reached out to Huan. Having felt guilt over his betrayal for the first time. Ironically as a vampire Fang was a much better person now than he had ever been under the Dragons care. He saw how it was possible for demons to redeem themselves, and indeed how the people of China that the Dragons did not care about were suffering in poverty and darkness. 

Fang wanted to help Huan become the great hero he had once been, but the vampire by this stage was too far gone. He had tracked down and personally murdered his daughter in the intervening years as well as her children. All to strip himself of any lingering connections to his humanity, though even now his hatred of Fang still persisted. 

Huan vowed he would continue to destroy anything Fang ever believed in, and soon tracked down the descendants of Fang's family, who the former wizard turned vampire had seen were well looked after once he became a member of the Shambhalan. Fang's descendants had since prospered into highly influential figures, great warriors, noblemen and even emperors. 

Despite his best efforts to protect them, Huan with the aid of his followers killed all but one of Fang's descendants, except one, the Empress Cheung. Her lineage had been born out of a short lived relationship between Fang and a girl from his village, Fang had abandoned after he had joined Shambhalan. Fang never bothered with his son in any meaningful sense, a decision he came to regret for the rest of his very long life. 

Fang not only protected Cheung, but with her aid and resources was able to restore her kingdom. Cheung hadn't been the most fit and just ruler. Indeed there were only too many of her noblemen that were happy to sell her out to Huan at first, but with Fang's guidance they built a kingdom where magic was taught to all of its citizens to benefit them rather than just the elites. Demons and other supernatural creatures were also given a chance to live in the city, provided they tried to conquer their sadistic urges, with Fang even serving as something of a role model for many of them. 

All of this however only increased Huan's hatred and bitterness seeing the hypocrisy of a man who condemned him being celebrated as a hero, and eventually after more failures to destroy the city. Huan accepted one of Fang's proposals. Though Cheung was against it, Fang was so desperate to ease his guilt he took his archenemy in. Huan waited for three years before his opportunity arose. He could have just killed Fang in his sleep, but once again the vampire wanted to make his archfoe suffer by destroying everything he believed in. He also needed to strike at a point when the city was at its most vulnerable. Furthermore whilst Fang may have been naive or rather overcome by guilt in wanting to redeem Huan, the vampire was still smart enough to know that Fang was no fool and would be watching him every step of the way. Huan would have to gain his absolute trust before he could even thing of making a move, which could take years, but Huan's hatred ensured he was more than willing to wait that long. 

There were certain moments over those three years however where Huan did have doubts about his actions. In fact he even came to regard Fang and Cheung as friends for a short while. Ironically however it was the return of his conscience that would always snap him back into his vendetta. When he repressed the demonic urges and could feel remorse for what he had done, the memory of the taste of his daughter's blood returned and unable to face that reality. He put all of the blame on Fang, with the demon inside being able to nurture and strengthen that hatred. 

Still when the time finally came there was still a second's hesitation for Huan, as he later told Fang. Ultimately his hatred won out and he was damned a second time. Huan's actions shut down the defenses allowing a particularly vicious army of vampires that he was in league with to overtake the city. Even Cheung by that stage was shocked by his betrayal, and Huan personally killed her in front of Fang. 

Though he vowed revenge against Huan, Fang was ultimately broken by the loss of Cheung and his city. He became a hermit and was sent further into depression when the vampires made Fang's city into a new base and made use of his magic, turning the warriors he had trained into an army with which they would sweep over many other cities and kingdoms. 

Eventually Fang's guilt became so great that he wanted to leave this world altogether. He had known since his time in Shambhalan that there was life on other planets from the Dragons, who always warned them of potential threats from these other worlds. Fang had never dared to even consider travelling to other worlds before now, but he was so torn over the horrors he had helped create through the Dragons and his own actions that he felt his only chance was to start over on another world. 

He bravely ventured into the ruins of Shambhalan, fighting his way through Yetis and other monsters until he discovered the ruins of the Dragons spells and was able to replicate them without the corruption of Ares' weapon. Fang however was a little too eager to get away and his first teleportation spell was erratic and sent him hurtling through space to Europa, one of Jupiters moons and one of the few satelites in our solar system to have life. 

Europa was an ocean moon with only a few small areas of land, one of which Professor Fang made into his new base of operations whilst he tried to find a way to both replicate the magics that had brought him here from the traces that remained, and make use of Europas own magic. (As each planet has its own unique magic.)

The most intelligent form of life on Europa meanwhile were a race of jellyfish like creatures known as the Torka, but they were incredibly hostile and provided no aid to Fang and were initially his greatest obstacle. These aliens possessed a form of healing so advanced their DNA continually repaired itself from all forms of natural wear and tear allowing the Torka to be effectively immortal. This did not mean they were indestructible however. Their healing powers could not overcome all forms of damage and the Torka were in fact prey to a large marine predator that almost resembled a cross between a reptile and a mammal known as the Miork. Fang was actually able to tame one of these super predators to protect his base and help him explore the seas, after he rescued the creature from a group of Torka. 

Still, provided they evaded the jaws of the Mjork, or the savage, primitive, reptillian merpeople known as the Quaatchi, then a Torka could theoretically live forever. Furthermore, the Torka like any natural life form underwent a series of radical physical changes as they grew older. As their life spans were unlimited however, then once again there was no end to the changes they could undergo. Different mature individuals could end up looking like members of completely different species depending on their age. Finally in addition to this, like any natural creature, the Torka were also subject to natural mutations the most useful of which would spread their genes on, allowing the species to adapt and evolve. 

All of these factors came together to create one of Fang's worst enemies, the monstrous creature known as Maliach. This Torka was said to have been the longest lived member of its kind, having somehow been able to evade the perils of Europa for over 700 years. Whilst the Torka had an intelligence on the level of human beings they had not formed any kind of society, only very rarely grouping together to take down large prey or threats. Their immortal nature, coupled with the limited resources of the small moon they lived on meant that the creatures felt they simply could not afford to share resources. They also had no care for their children. Reproducing asexually, the beasts would often devour their children if they remained near them as well. As a result of this many Torka were lucky to see 20 years, never mind 100.

Maliach however somehow lived for over 7 centuries by the time Fang had arrived. By that stage he had grown to be the largest creature on the planet, over 400 feet long and did not even remotely resemble the rest of his kind. He regularly fed on the Torka's predators the Mjork whilst the Quaatchi worshipped him as a god. 

Fang was lucky enough not to have any trouble with Maliach during his first visit to Europa. After making his way through its oceans, and taming the Mjork, Fang stablised the magics that brought him here and along with those he had mastered from Europa (which it took him over a year to master.) Fang created a special kind of craft from the materials of his island base in the shape of an old Chinese Mausoleum. Fang was also assisted in the building of this craft by a renegade Quaatchi named Gansos, who had been kicked out of his tribe for using magic. 

Gansos subsequently accompanied Fang on his journeys through space in this craft, but unfortunately the two always had to return to Europa to charge up the vehicle. 

Fangi's island became a hotspot of magical energy due to constantly charging the vehicle, however which soon drew the attention of Maliach. The monster's greater age had heightened its senses to the point where it was more sensitive to its environment, though some have suggested that it may have mastered magic to the point at some point in its life, which could have been why it lived so long. Few other creatures on Europa were willing to touch magic as they feared it, like on most natural worlds to be fair. 

Either way Maliach became intrigued by Fang's island and soon set up a nest there, easily dispatching Fang's pet Mjork in the process. 

When Fang arrived to recharge again he and Maliach fought, which resulted in the magics that had brought Fang here in the first place once again becoming unstable. Ultimately Maliach and Fang were unintentionally transported by them several solar systems away onto a seemingly deserted sand world. 

There Fang was forced to flee from Maliach who was able to burrow itself into the sand and pursued him for days. Without any blood to feed on, Fang however soon became weak and delusional, but he was eventually found by the natives of the planet. A somewhat friendly, but primitive race of reptilians. Sadly when they took Fang in, his hunger got the better of him and he attacked and very nearly killed one of them. Though he was able to regain his composure before he finished his victim. Fang was nevertheless restrained by the tribe who planned to kill him the next day. As a result he wasn't able to help the tribe when Maliach attacked. The Jellyfish monster proceeded to kill most of the tribe horribly, who sadly represented the last survivors of that species on the planet, though Fang was able to get some of them to safety and they banded together out in the wilderness, now under his leadership until Gansos was able to track Fang down. There Fang and Gansos rescued the last survivors of the reptillian race in their craft after another brutal confrontation with Maliach before fleeing the solar system. 

The reptillians wouldn't have survived for much longer anyway as the planet had become a desert due to drifting too close to its sun. Fang and Gansos deposited the reptillians on another world where they would again thrive, eventually becoming one of the most advanced races in their section of the galaxy and close allies of ours in the far future known as the Drancons. 

Sadly however even the Drancons are unsure of their history before Fang's arrival due to it being lost. Fang and Gansos meanwhile continued to travel to many other worlds for years, saving hundreds of civilisations together before Fang eventually decided to return home. Gansos decided to go with him to earth this time, as there was nothing on his world anymore. 

Maliach meanwhile was left to rot on the planet, with his healing powers allowing him to survive without any food. (Though they could survive without food, doing so caused the Torka's higher brain activity to decrease, and their memories to permanently vanish.) As Maliach drifted closer to the sun, the rays and increased radiation of the planet slowly began to mutate Maliach in ways even he couldn't imagine. The monster was ultimately spared being cooked alive, when one of his followers brought him back to Europe. 

Unfortunately though Gansos had been kicked out for using magic, others had been inspired by his actions leading to more renegades in not only his tribe but others, including Maliach's Quaatchi followers. After Fang left Europa for good, one of Maliach's followers used the magics in his former base to not only track down, but teleport Maliach back home. 

This was several years later and Maliach had lost all higher reasoning powers. Still the radiation of the sun, as well as the earth magics that had been used to bring him too and from this alien world that had become embedded in his body, all mutated and twisted his body beyond its natural state. Coupled with his advanced age, Maliach was now virtually indestructible at least to any other force on Europa and monster soon ravaged his home planet over the course of the next hundred years, during which time he slowly regained memories of his former life as his body continued to mutate. He remembered vaguely the man who had led to his suffering on the desert planet and soon sought revenge, and began uniting his followers as an army to claim the other worlds that they could see in the sky at night such as the earth, which he knew his enemy came from. 

Maliach didn't have to wait long as soon Fang came to him. This however was a version of Fang from far in the future, after he had constructed a time and space machine. This version of Fang defeated Maliach with the aid of his companions, Lindsey and Kirsteen, but the Jellyfish monster still managed to escape Europa using one of the ships his minions had constructed to originally invade the other worlds. 

The monster travelled through space for many years during which he underwent more mutations, again as a result of his long life span, the alien sun's radiation and other cosmic rays he passed through in his poorly protected ship. Eventually Maliach's reproductive system, having long been dormant, suddenly awakened. Torkas can only reproduce six times in their lifetime with Maliach having not only been through them all but also having eaten all of his children. Maliach's reproductive system thanks to his mutations had not only exceeded its natural lifespan, but continually reproduced up to six children per day. None of these children were normal Torka's however. Instead they resembled Maliachs twisted form and possessed many of the same strange powers he had. 

At first Maliach devoured his children, but after they reached an uninhabited planet he started to use them as slaves and soldiers to conquer other planets. In time Maliach's new race who were known as the Vaskin became one of the most powerful and dangerous races in the universe, conquering and enslaving many worlds under their vile masters supervision.

Professor Fang and his companions faced them many times in his time and space machine with the monsters becoming collectively among his deadliest enemies. 

Back on earth meanwhile, Fang and Gansos travelled the world together fighting monsters and tried to use the technology and magics they had gathered from around the universe to help elevate their planet's technology. Fang soon realised that introducing these elements before humanity was ready was a recipe for disaster and wisely avoided trying to accelerate humanity's development in this way again.

Gansos meanwhile eventually left Fang when he fell in love with a Merwoman named Feniax. The vampire would take on many other companions and assistants over the years. None of them, it must be said, were ever more than friends with the vampire. Whilst he did have a son as a man, Fang was largely asexual during his life as a vampire. Indeed most vampires are asexual, contrary to popular belief. Very few of them can feel anything but negative emotions such as hatred, bitterness, regret and the desire to hunt, kill and propagate their species. Some soul vampires can cling onto emotions like love, but it almost always takes on a fanatical, obsessive twisted form. The few soul vampires who were able to fight the demon within were able to still feel at least genuine emotional love for others, but even then relationships among these kinds of vampires tend to be rare. One only has to look at Carlene, another famous heroic soul vampire, who prior to her transformation was described by all who knew her as a bubbly, flirty, fun loving, party girl with a very active social life and a number of close, loving relationships. After her transformation in contrast she became a more morose, quiet, tormented character, though she did still, unlike Fang, enjoy some romantic relationships from time to time with some notable men and women, she generally shut that side of herself off. It makes sense that Khastran's curse would try and take away as much as it could of the people it infects, and in the case of Carlene and Fang the fact that they were able to hold onto anything at all is a miracle. 

Fang soon came into conflict with his archenemy Huan not long after again Gansos left. Huan had believed his enemy was dead for years and actually fell into a state of depression at losing what he believed was his last chance of vengeance. He almost didn't believe that Fang could have survived for all this time without him knowing it, until he heard the rumors that he had travelled to the stars and back. Unlike virtually everybody else, Huan believed it, again because he didn't think his enemy could hide from him any other way and unlike the others, he did not underestimate Fang's abilities.

Huan soon became excited at the prospect of travelling to other worlds too and tried to force Fang to tell him, leading to more clashes between them. Eventually Huan found a way to literally drain the knowledge from Fang's mind using powerful dark magics he had discovered in the ruins of Shambhalan. After gaining the knowledge from Fang's mind, Huan attempted to construct his own machine, hoping to further torment Fang by giving him the guilt of all the worlds he would corrupt by spreading the curse of vampirism. In the resulting fight between the two vampires, the magics once again went haywire and Huan was catapulted through time and space.

Fang believed he was at last destroyed, but in truth Huan had become trapped on another world known as Teliscar that was being besieged by demons. These creatures despised all natural creatures, believing that demon kind had been created to wipe them off of the face of the universe. They refused to accept Huan as they believed that Khastran, whose power they could sense in him, was a fool who wasted his power. Haun was forced to form an alliance with the natives on the planet, the humanoid Teliscars. In time with Huan's help the natives defeated the demons and Huan was hailed as a hero, and the vampire was later able to use this status to gradually take over their society. 

In time he built an empire from their world that conquered other planets. He did not do so out of malice and hatred however. Huan had been genuinely moved by the plight of the aliens he had rescued from demons, and came to care about them. In some small way he rediscovered the humanity buried deep beneath the demon that had consumed him all those years ago. He was still a conqueror and more than happy to satisfy his twisted demonic urges against his enemies from time to time. Still Huan only conquered worlds that had similarly been overrun by the supernatural to liberate their people like he had done the Teliscar. Those that weren't, he simply provided aid too. Finally the few worlds where the supernatural were living in peace with the naturals he did not bother at all. 

Huan did many great things for hundreds of years, stamping out several demonic strongholds and empires in the universe and saving planets from destruction. When he next met a much older, time travelling version of Fang, he even for a time at least forgave the vampire. Stating at least that he felt Fang was a force for good that he should not extinguish. 

To their surprise Fang and Huan even became allies for a time, with Fang helping his former foe deal with several demonic invasions of his own planet. There were always clashes between them however due to Huan's more ruthless methods and obviously the bad blood between them was never completely gone. 

Sadly the time travelling Fang later encountered a future version of Huan who had not only returned to his evil ways, but had degenerated into a hideous demonic creature, capable of condemning an entire world to an eternity of torment. Fang didn't recognize Huan in this form at first; he was so hideously deformed and had powers uncommon to any vampire. It was difficult after this horrifying experience for Fang to work alongside the more benevolent younger version of the vampire. He wanted to warn him, or even kill Huan to stop the atrocities he knew he'd carry out in the future, but sadly Fang knew he couldn't change history to that extent. 

The cause of Huan's downfall was later revealed to be his own people, the space vampires or a section of them. Ironically centuries later, Huan's original plan to spread vampirism had come into effect. When a Martian visited the earth for exploration and was infected by a vampire, he went on to spread the curse of vampirism throughout Mars, destroying it. The last of the Martian vampires then fled to the stars, after their attempt to invade the earth was foiled by the Circus Family (more on them later.) The vampires would then go on to infect and destroy countless more worlds over thousands of years. This particular group of the monsters were able to infiltrate Huan's planet and spike its water supply with a new concentrated form of vampirism (that had been made from the numerous pieces of technology salvaged from other species they had conquered over the centuries in space.) 

The vast majority of the Teliscar were turned over night and used the weapons they had spent centuries building to protect natural creatures, to inflict devastation on the rest of the galaxy. Hundreds of worlds fell to this new vampire army who destroyed both demonic and natural worlds for the fun of it. 

Huan was forced to go on the run, and whilst he did attempt to rally people against the vampires, sadly no one believed that he did not play a part in the corruption of the Teliscar, due to his vampiric nature. Even with all the good he had done, it was hard for the other worlds to see him as anything other than a demon. Huan initially became a recluse, but survivors of several of the worlds the Teliscar vampires (whose empire later collapsed due to their usual backstabbing nature.) Hunted him down, and he was soon forced to fight back which led to Huan rediscovering his blood lust. 

In order to cope with his guilt and failures, Huan deluded himself into thinking that god, or the creator wished him to be a monster by taking away everything and everyone who could have stopped him from being one and he resumed his evil ways like never before. 

He travelled from world to world, causing as much suffering, strife and chaos as he could, using magic, technology and his own manipulations. During this time he encountered and fought Fang many times too. He killed both humans and demons however in his vengeance wanting to make all life suffer. 

Eventually the vampires burning hatred and malice would see him travel to the hand of chaos. Located many galaxies beyond ours, the hand as it was known was the remains of a creature from the void that entered our reality many centuries ago. The void is the space outside of our and indeed all universes and is where they came from.

Before the barrier was placed around the universe to protect it from life forms in the void, a renegade demon allowed a desperate ethereal being from the void into our reality and then proceeded to possess it. The demon wanted a creature not from this omniverse as a host, as it would be an unknown creature. The demon got more than it bargained for however as the combination of the ethereal's unknown and conflicting energy, mixed in with the demon created an explosion that consumed hundreds of worlds. As the energy settled, it began to form into a new life form, neither demon or whatever the ethereal would have become had it formed properly.

The gestation of this new entity was stopped by the combined efforts of several gods, many of whom were either killed or pulled into the hand that had formed and never seen again. 

Whilst the entity never formed completely thanks to the gods, its hand continued to exist and was simply left. No life form due to its unknown nature dared to go near it, until Huan. He had nothing to lose. Either he could harness some of its power, or it would destroy him and he would be free from his pain. 

For whatever reason Huan was able to enter and unlike all before him, was able to leave. Some believe it is because he was willing to let whatever dark forces still dwelled within corrupt him completely. Not that there was much humanity left to corrupt. Either way Huan emerged as more than just a vampire or a demon. He was a completely new, unique monstrous creature with incredible powers the likes of which had never been seen before. 

In this form Huan went on to actively destroy hundreds of worlds and condemn others to an eternity of torment. The former vampire was able to accomplish this by attacking a planet's core and merging it with the dark power within him which then spread throughout the world, and ensured all of its inhabitants worst fears became a reality and that the inhabitants would be brought back after being tortured to death by their nightmares again and again. There was no way to save a world that was condemned this way, at least not as far as Professor Fang knew due to the unknown nature of the ethereal.

Professor Fang faced Huan many hundreds of times in this form with their feud becoming more brutal than ever before. Huan's hatred of Fang was renewed when he learned that as a time traveler, Fang knew the fate of his planet and hadn't stopped it. Huan's form meanwhile continued to be twisted the more magic and dark energy he was able to absorb from other worlds. In this form Huan it is believed will ensure the final death of earth, hundreds of thousands of years from now, long after the age of Tairos. Fortunately like many intelligent species, we will outlive our planet.

Sadly it is not known if Fang was ever able to finally destroy his archenemy, but his feud with Huan endured through all of our records of his life as a time traveler, with Fang according to his later companions becoming obsessive in his quest to destroy the monster he had helped to create.

At the very least after Huan first disappeared into space, Fang was given peace from his mortal enemy for many hundreds of years. During that time Fang continued to explore the world, learning new magics. It is not known the exact year he attended Scholomance, a school of black magic run by a renegade Dragon known as Kilgharrah and the former king of hell Mephistopheles. At the very least it was many centuries before Dracula and the grand high witch Eva attended. Both recalled Fang being hailed as one of the most gifted students and constantly held up as the gold standard by Kilgharrah. Fang is believed to have attended Scholomance in order to better understand the black arts if he was to fight them. The wizard turned vampire also later turned his attention to science too, as again he felt he needed to understand all of the elements and became just as renowned and knowledgeable of the natural world as he did about magic. 

He is believed to have first gone by the title of Professor Fang in the 16th century. Sadly however his activities from his banishing Huan across space, to the 19th century are not known in as much detail as Fang was keen to keep himself in the shadows and worked hard to cover his role up in any major events he may have played a part in. He has been attributed with everything from the renaissance, to the fall of Rome, to the death of Genghis Khan, at least some of which are probably exaggerations. 

One thing that is known is that during the 7th century, Fang took part in the war against the beasts, creatures from another realm of existence, known as the savage realm. One species of beast known as the Harra sought to conquer the entire savage realm and posed a threat to other realms too. Fang is believed to have spent hundreds of years in the battle which ended with the Harra being pushed back, but not defeated. These brutal ape-like monsters similarly became among Fang's most persistent enemies that he encountered again and again as a time traveller, which we will explore in the next chapter.