
Producing Genshin Impact : Elysia Helps Me Speak For Myself

In a world where the game is in the early stages of development, Mo Li awakens the memory of his past life, binds the game production system, and creates a game studio. When he came to the studio, he found out that the employees here are the characters in the game? Looking at the familiar faces, Mo Li waved his hand and started the production of "Genshin" and "Honkai III". KeQing : "Boss, can you give me... No, strengthen KeQing in the game, it's too scratchy!!" Mei : "General Thunder... a very domineering character, but you really can't insult my cooking skills!" Himeko : "Boss... I'll finish Chapter 9, and you'll keep pushing me out to send knives. Is this really okay?" ... "The Last Lesson" made players collapse, and "Xin Yan Eternal Burning" made players cry. Every pv mobilizes the player's emotions. Music, plot, graphics, let players in this world know what a real game is. However, these two games are just the beginning of "Sekiro", "Silent Hill" and "Witcher 3"... . . . . . . . - This novel is not MINE and I do not own anything in this novel, whether it is the cover, images, novel, references and so on. All are the property of the original creator. Please visit the original site at FALOO to support the author - I just want to share this novel to everyone and i kinda improve the translation (about He,her and the character name) a bit from the MTL version so it's might be little better - I don't play the game so i don't really know if there's a mistake at the game plot name or something

Nebula_Arhein · 游戏衍生
98 Chs

When I saw Liyue for the first time, my eyes filled with tears, and I went home to celebrate the New Year!

Both Elysia and Eden are both people who have no shortage of money at all.

After deciding to draw the card, I found the recharge button and directly charged dozens of 648 Top-up orders.

Just by drawing the card, Elysia took more than half an hour.

After all the 5 permanent Character were drawn, Elysia and Eden stopped drawing wish.

After adding Keqing, Qiqi, Headmaster Jean, and Mona to the team, Elysia and Eden excitedly tested the skills of these characters.

In the live streaming room, there were still many barrages begging Elysia to find the way to Liyue.

"Okay, okay, I'll see how to get to Liyue~"

However, after Elysia opened the map, she found that except for the area of Mondstand City, the rest of the area was dark.

However, there is a large dark area on the left, showing many teleportation anchors, as well as the statue of the Seven Heavenly gods.

"I remember...the map will only light up after unlocking the seven Heavenly gods statue~"

"Then, let's choose a seven Heavenly gods statue~"

Elysia opened the map and chose the Windwail Highland closest to Mondstand.

After walking down a few steps from the Mondstand Bridge, a green field came into view.

"Wow, what a beautiful view!"

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the towering tree in the distance.

The breeze blew, and the grass swayed slightly.

Elysia felt as if she was in the Teyvat Continent, and personally felt this peaceful and comfortable scene.

She controlled Keqing to run around.

The smile on her face never disappeared.

Not only Elysia, but also Eden and countless viewers in the live streaming room were all amazed.

Many people downloaded the game while watching the live streaming, and couldn't help but want to join the Teyvat continent in person.

"Although the scenery is really beautiful, it's a pity... This is not Liyue either." Eden shook her head :

"Maybe Liyue hasn't opened yet"

"Is that so..." Elysia thought for a while, then laughed :

"It would be nice to call and ask Mr. Mo Li about it~"

Elysia did it when she thought of it, took out her phone and dialed Mo Li's number.

The call was immediately connected by Mo Li.

"Miss Pink Fairy, I'm watching your live streaming~"

"Ah~ that's really surprising~" Elysia on the other end of the phone let out a pleasant laugh :

"Elysia is very happy~ Besides, Mr. Mo Li didn't forget our promise~"

She was referring, of course, to the fact that Mo Li called her Miss Pink Fairy.

Mo Li smiled lightly : "Of course, I will try my best to satisfy the request of the beautiful girl"

"As expected of Mr. Mo Li~ he's very good at making girls happy~"

Mo Li smiled : "As for the Liyue you mentioned, it has actually been opened in version 1.0."

"My original intention was for you to explore for yourself...but, since Miss Pink Fairy came to ask me, I'll reveal it."

Hearing this, Elysia eyes lit up : "That's great~"

She held the phone in her left hand and opened the game map in her right hand : "Then, where should we go?"

Mo Li : "See the road that connects to the Mondstand Bridge? You just need to follow this road and keep going to the left of the map"

"When you pass through the [Bishua Plain] and reach a place called Wangshu Inn, just follow the road to the bottom of the map."

Elysia was a little surprised : "Is it so simple? No need to do quests or something?

Mo Li smiled : "No, just go and explore"

And during the call between Mo Li and Elysia, the barrage also rolled wildly.

[This voice... Otto the dog thief!]

[Otto should dead!]

[Otto looks at the sword!]

Mo Li naturally saw the remarks on the barrage.

He also thought about the effect of the whole program, so he deliberately spoke in Otto's tone.

The effect is pretty good...

After learning how to get to Liyue, Elysia hurriedly hung up the phone.

According to the method given by Mo Li, she started from Springvale, passed by Dawn Winery, and came to Bishua Plain.

And here, the background music of the game also changes accordingly.

"The Sound of the Ancient Dao Flute" takes the flute as the main melody, and the music full of the retro style of the Dragon Kingdom sounded slowly.

Waterfalls, rivers, wooden bridges, and the gentle and distant sound of the flute, Eden only felt a shiver all over her body.

It's like the feeling of finally returning home after wandering in a foreign country for a long time.


Elysia was also in high spirits, and she crossed the wooden bridge and climbed the steps.

After arriving at the teleportation Waypoints of Bishua Plain, the Wangshu Inn in the distance also appeared in front of the audience in the live streaming room.

Under the wrapping of clouds and mist, the building full of the retro style of the Dragon Kingdom looks like a fairyland on earth.

[f**k! What a spectacular building!!]

[worthy of being Mihoyo, the art is really awesome~]

[This style...this picture...I really love it]

[The game is being updated...]

[While watching the live streaming, I followed Elysia and ran around. To round things off, am I traveling around the Teyvat continent with Elysia? ]

[Upstairs, if you can't drink, go to the kids' table...]

"Wow~~" Even Elysia couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Eden, so beautiful~"

Eden is also smiling : "Ely, come and take a look~"

Elysia laughed : "It seems that the little angel of Eden can't wait~"

Wooden houses, bamboo rafts, stone bridges, waterwheels, lakes in this area...

Every scene made the audience in the live streaming room like it very much.

With the beautiful game music, they feel that they are really in the ancient dragon kingdom of another world.

At this moment, the sky slowly darkened, and a light rain started to fall at the same time.

See this.

Elysia hurriedly controlled Keqing to arrive in the Wangsu Inn.

"It's raining~"

Elysia subconsciously controlled the character and ran under the Wangsu Inn to hide from the rain...

The barrage burst into laughter.

This operation seems silly.

But... it also makes the audience realize-

Elysia is really completely immersed in the game.

She controlled Keqing to run around in Wangshu Inn.

From time to time, Elysia also finds an Common treasure chest.

At this time, Elysia seemed to have discovered some great treasure.

The bright eyes seemed to be flickering.

When passing by the vegetable stall below, a [Investigation] prompt appeared.

Elysia clicks [Investigate], and many fruits and vegetables will fly out of the fruit and vegetable stand.

"Oops~ we stole the vegetables from others~"

Elysia smiled very lively and cute : "Run away before someone finds out~"

Eden was also amused.

The barrage was also brushed up one after another—

[Where the traveler passes, no grass grows]

"Let's go down the map next~" Elysia said, opening the map.

After unlocking the statue of Bishua Plain, the area of Wangsu inn was also lit up.

Soon, she found the seven Heavenly gods statue below the map.

"I've been running for a long time, I'm a little tired." Elysia pushed the mouse and keyboard to Eden :

"Eden, please help me on the next road~"

Eden did not refuse either.

She actually wanted to experience it for herself.

After taking over the keyboard, she followed the instructions given by Elysia and ran towards the bottom of the map.

From Mondstand to the present, they stopped and walked along the way, while admiring the landscape of the world of Teyvat, while killing several monsters.

Before they knew it, they had already playing for 20 minutes.

Therefore, both girls feel that the map is really big.

After another period of walking, they climbed a small hillside.

Eden finally unlocked the seven Heavenly gods statue in the area to the right of Qingyun Peak.

A large area was lit up again.

In the map, the style of the Liyue Harbor area was finally lit up.

Seeing this, countless players are excited.

Since the first preview of "Genshin Impact" was released more than a month ago, they have begun to look forward to it.

Now, it is finally time to see Liyue's full face.

They were both excited and a little nervous.

Heart silently looking forward to, praying not to let them down.

Eden's heart beat faster too.

She climbed the steps and crossed a mountainside path.

Finally, all the features of Liyue Harbor were completely displayed in front of countless players.

Coincidentally, the game time at this time happened to be at night.

The "Jade Moon upon a sea of cloud" played by the guzheng also sounded slowly.

The melodious and low-pitched sultry sound, accompanied by the sound of the flute, looked at the Liyue Port with thousands of lights in the distance.

Countless viewers in the live streaming room felt goosebumps all over their body.

The scene at this moment rushed straight into their mind.

Countless words were brewing in their hearts.

But when they was about to open their mouth, they didn't know how to express it.

Obviously just an ordinary game.

Obviously just an ordinary picture.

Obviously just a virtual game world.

But under that beautiful BGM rendering.

After this sudden, cloud-like scene appeared...

But they really felt a kind of feeling of drifting for a long time and returning home again.

Eden also stared blankly at this extremely beautiful picture.

The scenery at this moment has been deeply imprinted in her heart.

The barrage is dense.


[f**k!! It's so beautiful... ]

[Mihoyo... Sure enough, you won't let me down...]

[I don't know why, but it looks a little bit full of tears]

[It's not that I am hypocritical, but the scenery at this moment is really shocking!! ]

[Indeed, even if I knew that [Liyue] was made based on the Dragon Kingdom, I was still very shocked when I saw the whole picture]

[Completely living up to the previous efforts to climb mountains and hills... This feeling is really amazing]

[Oh oh oh oh... Eden wake up soon, go to [Liyue]to stroll around~]

Countless players took screenshots, forwarded them, and recommended Elysia live streaming room to their relatives and friends.

At this moment, the backstage of station Bilibili once again felt the pressure brought by Elysia live streaming room.

The number of people increased really fast.

Elysia mood also fluctuated violently.

She hugged Eden's arm and shook excitedly.

"`.Eden, what a beautiful city~ Wow... I like it so much~"

"Come and take a look inside, there should be a lot of treasure chests~"

It was only at this time that Eden came back to her senses.

She looked at Elysia with a chuckle and calmed down her beating heart.

She has been standing here looking at it for a long time.

She really should go in and experience the city of [Liyue], which is bustling with fireworks.

The sun has risen in the game.

Eden went down the hillside and came to a huge wooden bridge.

A line of small words appeared above the heads of the two [Millelith Army] waiting here.

Their mellow and sonorous voices were also heard in her ears.

"Welcome to Liyue Harbor!"

The game bgm also switched suddenly at this time.

The cheerful flute of "Liyue" sounded again...

She really feels like... going home for the New Year

These chapter has been long these days, when i first translate it, it's only 1k+ word and this weeks chapter usually contain like 2-3k word and i feels like i'm updating more chapter that i usually does. I'm sorry for the delay today