
Suimei High School

Quite the unique school. Infamous for it's Sakura Dormitory, holding many troublemakers, students there often gossiped about the dormitory.

And today, the gossip was stronger than ever. A new student was coming. There were multiple rumors of the boy, yes he was a male, that he was extremely handsome with his long purple hair and sharp purple eyes.

And as someone who was also coming to the school, Lacirus was talked about. And she hated it. Remember how she hated human interaction?

Well.. That was exactly what she had to do. Or at least if she couldn't shake them off. But Lacirus wasn't ordinary, and managed to scare them off.

'The entrance exam should be here soon.' Lacirus thought as she looked at the pink watch her mom gave her. Although she was 14 now, mind you, her mom kept treating her like a 5 year old! It's not like she liked it or anything..

Snapping out of her thoughts, she remembered her goal. To get top 10 in the entrance exam. If she could impress her parents, they might praise her! She liked praises. A lot.

Soon, the students scurried in the class. Their faces were full of dread, except for a few, who's faces were showing nothing but complete confidence. The teacher waited for the class to settle down before explaining the rules.

"..And you'll have 2 hours to complete the exam! With that being said, start!"

The sounds of pencils scribbling over paper immediately filled the room. Lacirus looked at the questions. They were easy, and she immediately wrote the answers down.

Pages flipped, and groans were followed after. Although it was to be expected, they didn't' think that there was such a huge gap of difficulty between the 2 pages!

It was tougher, but still a piece of cake for her. Erasing answers that were wrong, she felt that she probably got a question or 2 wrong there. Pretty good though.

And the 3rd page. It was at this point where many students began to panic. Rechecking their answers dozens of times, only few were satisfied by their answer. Even Lacirus began to sweat.

She didn't study very much, and really only worked on her skill with the spear, neglecting her education. She had stuffed a lot of information in her brain in the past week, so it was natural her brain would throw out some of the information as it deemed it "useless" since it couldn't help her develop her skill.

'Is this correct? No, that doesn't feel right.. How about this? No, how about this one..'

It was getting hot. Hot, hot, hot. It felt like you were in an oven. And Lacirus began to stress out.

'No! Not that.. Wait, don't do that! No! This eraser doesn't work, get another one..'

The stress was on! Taking a sip from her bottle, she went back to her test. And as if the sip she took was magic, she began to relax and her thoughts became more clear.

'That's right. If you do that, you get the answer…'

She wasn't struggling as much as she was before! It was quite miraculous. Growing even more confident, she decided to set up an even higher goal for her.

'Get in the Top 5.' It was quite the goal. Although this school was focused more on art development, it's standards were above the other average schools. Getting into this school wouldn't mean you were a complete genius and possibly the next Einstein, but it did mean you had a brain. Entering the school was like playing minecraft on hardcore, one heart, on one block in a lava pool, with dozens of ghasts surrounding you.

Soon, the 2, grueling hours came to an end. Very few had a look of relief in their eyes, but most were terrified of the results. This was slightly akin to "when the teacher hands out the test results and the asian kid starts crying".

That saying, was much more significant, as in this world where Lacirus lived, a major change was here.

Countries around the world, were quite tired of the wars and bodies on their doorstep. Peace lovers were enraged and held protests to stop the wars. It was very exhausting, and some countries decided to have a truce, forming an alliance.

The people didn't think much of it. It was going to be a temporary alliance after all, even an idiot could tell. But then, other countries began to step up. As countries around the globe, big or small, joined the alliance, superpowers began to join.

And now, the world was completely in peace. A golden age, you may call it. The alliance was called the World Alliance, which was used many times for alliances that were quite big, but this time? The name wasn't a lie.

With all these countries coming together, it wasn't strange to see a group of tourists every day in Tokyo. And since people from different places were often doing things together, be it learning, eating, etc, they needed to understand each other.

And thus, schools began to teach the main languages to the students. Although it wasn't expected that you were some expert at english, french, spanish, and a dozen more, it was common for someone to expect you to know at least 3 languages.

The people became more knowledgeable, and talents were popping up like how many times twitter did something stupid! Ah yes, although people became knowledge, there was always the dumb ones, who would cancel someone over the slightest thing. Be it, being in a relationship with someone with a 2 year age gap. And while they went nuts on this, they didn't bat an eye to relationships with a 13 year old age gap.

People who used twitter for a while were used to this. "It's twitter, what do you expect." was a common saying amongst them. And those who had never experienced something like this, slowly did. And they got used to it.

Now, on nearly every platform that was popular, there was often a community of people who were used to to the incidents that happened daily.


author here guys, srry for the small info dump. was it even an info dump? i dont know. anyways, here's a chapter i guess. if you find any mistakes in my chapters, tell me. ill try to fix it, but it'll take a while before i do because i dont really check my inbox. ok, peace out i guess.