
prodigy hero in dc

There was a person who always thought to be differently from others. His name was David Findora. David always pursed to be the best in life David was a naturally borned prodigy who entered collage at the age of 15,was talented in muiltple sports and was stronger and faster than the average person David later died at the age of 27 due to overusing his mind David reborns in the dc world, but different from the comices. follow David on his adventures in dc if this novel is similer to others please tell me I do not own any of these character's

Oliver_God · 奇幻
4 Chs

Instagram famous

[David]: it was Sunday, for I was with parents in the living room. my dad had hired employees to run the store, so he could have time to better manage the store and spend time with us. ever since the Sphone release, there was a lot of investors, but I told my dad to refuse them, for they would try to control part of the company, or might try to steal the company's Sphone and copy it.

I knew there was going to be greedy people who will try to steal the Sphone, so I made a countermeasure to make sure that doesn't happen. I told my parents about it, and they agreed to it. at 3 PM there was going to be a press conference about the countermeasure and a new app I was about to release. I knew it was the perfect time to release the app for Facebook hasn't been able to update their app and be usable for mobile. the profits we earned from our Sphone was so much that we had to make more. the only reason we were able to make more Sphone, was using bots to build it. we brought the pieces to make them before the release of the iPhone.

--------------------10 am-----------------

[david]: I was currently trying to program codes for Instagram with my dad. the things we were working on was the special effects for the Camara, but we did not want to add too many for it would ruin future updates of Instagram. we were done on the sharing feed, where you could share your videos and pictures with others. coding Instagram was easy for me since I knew about it in my previous life and watched their documentary

------------------10:45 am--------------------

[dad]: we need to add a privacy system and a friend system.

[David]: let's select the privacy to four different levels.

[dad]: why four??

[david]: so we can promote our new feature.

[dad]: that's smart, but we need to also work on the new feature for the Sphone I will call a friend of mine to help me.

Siri call Lusi

[siri]: calling Lusi

[lusi]: hey Ronald, what do you want to talk to me about.

[dad]: I was wondering if you can help me with something.

[lusi]: sure I will be there in by 11

----------------------11 am-------------------


[dad]: coming.

[lusi]: hey Ronald.

[dad]: Lusi I am glad that you came.

[David]: I look at Lusi who is brown in skin color, has blue eyes, and looked like hippie back from the 80s. my dad tells Lusi to follow him to the basement, when we soon enter the basement, we see computers laying around with multiple wires.

[lusi]: are you guys hackers or do you work for the government.

[dad]: no we are just making an app for our Sphone.

[lusi]: what is it going to be

[dad]: that's the reason why I called you here. it is to help us program the new feature for our app and for the Sphone.

[lusi]: leave it to me, I also want to know why is your son with us.

[dad]: he is helping us.


[dad]: as I said, my son is a genius.

[lusi]: not until I see it for with my own eyes🤨

[david]: I soon show Lusi my programming skills.

[lusi]:🤯, k..i....d. how do you know how to do this.

[david]: I learned this at the library.

[lusi]: would you like to learn from me😏

[dad]: 🤦‍♂️, focus Lusi we don't have that much time until the update.

[lusi]: okay, but just remember, kid if you ever want to learn more about programming. you can visit me.

[david]: we soon get to work, as I explain what we are working on. after a few minutes, I feel tired but I knew that these guys needed me to help them so tell my dad on what to work on. I knew that I was overworking my brain ever since making the Sphone. the Sphone microchip and other parts were hard to make but the screen was challenging. even though I knew how to make it. It caused my mind to feel tired, thinking of parts to make it. I soon go to my room to take a rest.

-----------------------2 pm-----------------

I wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy. I soon cheek the time as I panic😟, but I remember that my dad is still in the basement with Lusi, working on the developments. I head downstairs to see the two rechecking the programing. I soon join them as they start to notice me.

[dad]: how was your nap.

[david]: good, how is the progress.

[lusi]: we are almost done, we are just rechecking the codes and testing to see if there are any glitches. Kid, I just want to say that you should go to a different school.

[dad]: I was thinking of hiring a private tutor for him.

[lusi]: you should consider going to the metropolis private academy.

[dad]: but won't star labs try to recruit my son.

[lusi]: that depends if your son wants to join them.

[david]: hey dad I will tell my mom to get the store ready. I soon go to my mom in the living room to tell her to get ready for the new release of the company.

------------------------2:40 pm---------------------

I am currently finishing the countermeasures for the Sphone. I was glad that I made the codes earlier when thinking of my plans to build the Sphone. I think to myself "what am I going to do next after this", "should I continue developing the company or should I start to gather resources to protect myself"

[mom]: David its time to leave. we can't be late for the conference.

[david]: coming mom.

~~~~~~~~ company store ~~~~~~~~~

we are currently blocks away from the store when we see reporters surrounding the building. we see people camping outside with their Sphone ready for the update of it, for we told people to bring their Sphone for the conference.

soon my dad pulls up the car. the employes push people away and make space for us to park. we soon get out of the car, with people staring at us. I am dressed in a suit that's black, while my dad is wearing a tuxedo. my mom has on a light blue dress that matched her eyes. If people were to look at us they would think that we are models.

my dad decided to say everything about what we developed outside of the store. There were going to be several tv stations filming on what my dad has in store for everybody.

[dad]: thank you, everyone, for coming here today to witness our updates for our company. there has been a change in the Sphone. we have added wireless internet. what we mean by wireless internet is that people will be able to use their Sphone without the internet. the update will cost a lot, plus you have a limited amount of data you can use, so you must come back to repay for new data, or you can get our monthly membership that gives you unlimited data.

[person 1]: I heard that only rich people have wireless internet.

[person 2]: plus doesn't cost a lot of money to get one.

[david] I see people murmuring believing that the update will not be good.

[dad]: I see there are concerns about the cost of this update, but I can promise you that it is affordable.

[david]: when my dad tells people the cost, the whole crowd is shocked, for the price was high but affordable and would not drain too much money away. soon reporters come asking questions. there is one reporter that my dad picks, who is from star labs.

[star lab repoter]: Mr. stark, even though the price is good for the wireless internet, how are you going to make it.

[dad]: that's easy, we just build it inside the Sphone, but the process will take us a few days.

[Wayne Industrie reporter]: Mr.stark are you not afraid that others will try to steal your Sphone designs and try to copy it.

[dad]: we have already contacted the government and filled out files of paperwork of copyrights. so anyone who tries to release a phone similar to ours will be stopped by the government, and we have the right to take it by force if needed.

[lexcorp industry reporter]: is there another feature to the Sphone.

[dad]: yes there is, but its an app designed for the Sphone, Instagram. Instagram is similar to facebook but different. Instagram allows people to share videos, photos, and messages.

[Wayne Industrie repoter]: but doesn't facebook have this.

[dad]: it is true that facebook has this, but we have a feature that makes it different from them. you can earn money from the things you post.

[whole crowd]:*what!!!*

[dad]: calm down everyone, in order to earn the money you have to get a certain amount of hearts. these are hearts represent likes. this promotes our privacy system. there are four levels to it. there is another way to earn money, which is by having people follow you. the more followers you have the more you get paid, plus you get paid monthly.

[person 1]: but how does this have to do with the privacy system

[person 2]: what about the hackers, won't they try to mess with the system.

[dad]: people I hear your concerns, I can ensure that our program will be protected by our staff of programmers, for if you are interested in joining we pay a good salary. now for what this has to do with the privacy system is simple. those who follow you can see information about you, but it depends if you want this level of privacy. this concludes the conference, for I thank everyone for coming. Now, are there any people ready to get their Sphone update, if there is please come into the store.

[david]: soon there is a bunch of people that try to rush in the store. the employees luckily have security to keep people in line. while people are in line, there are some people who have already downloaded Instagram and started posting. I soon leave with my mom, going back home. at home I am thinking about How am I going to protect my family. I knew that joining the justice league would be a good idea, but I was too young, plus it was better to join the young justice. all I need to do is impress one of the founders. the one I mostly should have the chance to impress should be batman. But I should have the chance to be friends with superman since I know his identity and he won't become superman until next year. I should think of some way to befriend him, but it won't be easy.

the iPhone name will be changed to Sphone due to the suggestion of daoistxuanlong. the s stands for stark. I want to say that there is an advanced technology in dc, but there are a few that can make them. these individuals are not going to share their technology with others, fearing that others will steal their technology. I want you guys to criticize my mistakes wither its the plot of the story or my knowledge of dc. please share with me about what you know about dc and events that happen. I want to thank daoistxuanlong again for sharing information with me. I just want to say that when it comes to making plots for the story it takes me a long time to come up with ideas, so don't expect me to upload chapters fast

Oliver_Godcreators' thoughts