
Princess Lycan

Caroline was dumped simply because she was deemed disabled. Together with her cousin Luis, Caroline has to live in a special dormitory. She couldn't get out of the place and everyone was staring at him one eye. But all of that disappeared when his wolf form appeared, not an ordinary wolf form but Lycan. Wolves that were stronger than werewofl. And without him knowing that she is the last descendant of the Lycan.

Park_Keyza · 奇幻言情
308 Chs

Forced - Forcing

Since that day there was no life in the house where Caroline was hiding, even Caroline still locked herself in her study. Meanwhile, Jeremy was silent, occasionally delivering the girl's favorite food and drink, but everything was still intact. Everything he gave her was not touched at all.

Jeremy was getting tired but still made up his mind to keep quiet, providing food and all of Caroline's needs at all times. And nothing changed, still the same, Caroline didn't eat or even moved from her seat. Busy with all his books and busy with the bad plans he had planned all by himself.

And Jeremy could see for himself how Caroline's pale face with thin cheeks, the girl was torturing herself. It didn't matter to anything, and anyone, even Jeremy seemed to be living alone in that place. Continuing to think about what he should do, but he couldn't think, too confused about what to do to stop all this.