

"Emmm ...."

Although it was a bit painful, I slowly opened my eyes. There was a reddish-yellow light in front of me and I felt the warmth that was now hitting my skin. Little by little my vision became clearer. Right in front of me, I saw a small campfire and two fish sticks that were stuck on the edge of the fire.

"Are you awake?"

I know this voice, it's that dangerous mysterious man's voice. What should I do? Should I pretend to stay asleep so I can escape later?

Kriuuuuuk... kriuuuuuk...

I clamped my mouth shut, embarrassed beyond belief that the sound was coming from my stomach without permission.

"I know you're hungry, let's eat. It looks like the grilled fish is cooked enough for us to eat."

I knew the voice was coming from the man who was to my right. I didn't want to look into his eyes anymore. While maintaining my gaze and staring at the campfire, I slowly got up from lying down to sitting. I lowered my head slightly, turning my body to the left to avoid him.

"You, why did you help me?" I asked, my voice stammering. I didn't know why I suddenly felt nervous.

"Mmm... this grilled fish is delicious."

Kruuuuuk ... kruuuuuuk ...

Immodestly, my stomach rumbled again, making me even more embarrassed.

"Here, your share of the fish. Take it and eat it!"

From the right, I saw the man's hand holding a grilled fish skewer. Without changing my body position, I immediately took the fish and ate it with gusto. I was starving.

"I know you're hungry. When you fainted, I kept hearing that sound of your stomach," he said, chuckling softly. "Come on, eat it. If you're still hungry, eat my share too, I already ate earlier."

Hearing his words made me even more embarrassed. I regretted not bringing any food when I escaped from the palace. Haah, never mind. Thankful that God still gave me food to enjoy.

"You know, ... ah no, you just finish your meal first."

It seemed like the man had something to say. Who exactly is he? His fighting ability, this is the first time I've seen such a fight. I didn't expect twenty soldiers to be killed that quickly by him at all. It was so fast, my eyes couldn't follow his movements at all. Is he a master? Or a hunter? Oh yeah, he once said that he was a traveler. But from the clothes he's wearing, I feel like I've seen those clothes before. I guess he's still a resident of this country. At a time like this

I can't panic, even though I'm scared. I must try to stay calm, this man seems to be dangerous indeed.

"Ummm, thank you for the food. I think this one fish is enough. No need to give me your fish," I said, in response to his kind offer.

"Don't be shy, I've already eaten. I'm not hungry. By the way, you know ...." He paused his words, making me wonder what he was trying to say.

"A ... a ... can I ask you something?" I asked because he was still silent, not continuing with his hanging words.

"Go ahead," he replied, briefly.

"Why did you help me?"

"That question, huh?" He exhaled softly as if he was reluctant to discuss this. "I just wanted to help. Like I said back then, I can't let a girl like you survive alone. That's so unfair."

"You said earlier that you're a traveler. Is that true?" I asked again, now daring to look at him.

"That's so, Now that you're awake and it looks like the people who were chasing you have gone, I think it's time to leave. Goodbye, Miss."

The man waved his hand at me, as his footsteps continued to move away. Only his retreating was visible to my eyes. Farther and farther until it finally disappeared from my sight.

I don't know how long I had been asleep, but the sky was starting to turn black, indicating that it was night. I looked at the fire that was still burning to warm my cold body.

"Haah, I forgot to thank him." Although I muttered this regret, it seemed to be all for nothing because of that man... He was gone and I would probably never see him again.


The pain I felt all over my body, made me undo my intention to stand up. That fight was enough to leave my body battered. If I remember that battle, I never thought I would use the despicable verse. Could it be that in the future I will become a witch? A witch who is greatly hated for possessing cursed power.

That man... My savior man whose name I don't know at all, I'm sure he's also a witch. He was a great wizard because he was able to defeat the palace soldiers in an instant.

The palace... that place reminds me of the king. I have failed him, I have committed a great sin by betraying him. But with all my heart, I do not regret this. This is what I wanted, a life of freedom without any binding rules.

"Hm, where should I go?" that mutter came out of my mouth, of course without anyone being able to answer it other than myself.


Cuiiiit... Cuiiit... Cuiiit...

The sound of the birds chirping at each other had made my eyes, which were reluctant to open, involuntarily open.

forced them open. The bright sunlight instantly dazzled my eyes. I slowly got up from my lying position. My eyes darted around.

"I'm still here, with no direction to go." Once again, a murmur escaped my mouth. An utterance that only I could hear.

Kruuuuk... Kruuuuk... Kruuuuk...

A familiar sound came from my stomach. I squeezed my stomach as I whimpered against the pain

coming from my stomach that wouldn't cooperate. I remember just last night filling this stomach with grilled fish given to me by that mysterious man. And now, in just a matter of hours, it had come roaring back begging to be filled.

If I were in the palace, right now all sorts of delicacies would have been laid out before my eyes. I honestly missed those palace foods. As quickly as possible I shook my head, already deciding to leave all the luxurious life in the palace. What a fool I was for still imagining palace food that I obviously couldn't possibly enjoy anymore.

I weakly forced myself to stand up. Although it was with great difficulty, I finally managed to stand up. My body felt stiff, but once again I forced it to move. Luckily I still can control my body which feels stiff and weak.

Slowly... Very slowly, I walked aimlessly. Only one thing was on my mind right now, I wanted to find water to drink as soon as possible. Compared to this hunger, my lips which are dry from thirst are much more miserable.

For the first time in my life, I felt this much relief when I came across a wide river. In a hurry, I approached the river. Without the slightest hesitation, I drank the river water. This thirst was finally quenched with just one sip. This water was so refreshing.

"How pitiful for a king's daughter to drink dirty river water."

In that instant, my eyes rounded perfectly, and a voice that was already familiar to my ears sounded mocking me. I turned my head and was now staring straight ahead. There were so many palace soldiers dressed in combat outfits. Not to forget the weapons perched on their waists, preparing to pounce on me.

"Princess, this time I brought more soldiers. Don't fight anymore, I don't want to hurt you like yesterday."

"Ivan, why do you keep chasing me?" I asked, hissing angrily.

"Why? I'm sure that even if you don't answer, you must already know the answer," he said with a grin. I remained silent with my gaze straight at Ivan and his troops. "Return to the palace, the king will surely forgive you. Don't fight anymore, Princess."

"Like fire, the wind blows with anger... the evil sleep the evil wake the evil laugh."

My gaze was fixed on Ivan's eyes as I suddenly recited this despicable verse. A second later, the wind picked up again, even stronger than before. The wind was heading straight toward Ivan. Ivan looked very surprised because obviously, he didn't have the strength to withstand the attack of the despicable verse I had just recited. Ivan was sent flying and his body hit a tree.

All pairs of eyes were staring at Ivan who was whimpering in pain. Opportunity... This was the golden opportunity I had been waiting for. I ran through the river to escape from them. Luckily, the river wasn't too deep so I was able to keep walking across it.

"Go after her. Don't let her get away this time. Use your horses, catch her...!"

I quickened my pace, although it was difficult to run in the water but now was not the right time to complain let alone to give up. I kept hoping in my heart that I would reach the end of the river soon.

One more step and I would make it to the end of the river. My voice couldn't come out due to the effects of reciting that despicable verse earlier. In addition, blood was again coming out of my nose. Based on my experience yesterday, this stiffness would only last a short while. I was sure that soon my voice would return and I could recite the despicable verse again to stop them.

At once, as soon as my feet touched the ground, I turned around. A group of soldiers on horseback, broke through the river water trying to chase me. The horses looked frightened, but their riders kept whipping them, making the horses fight their fear and continue to run along the river.

There was no way I could escape the pursuit of the horses, which had many times more running ability than me. How could I stop them? Panic and fear clouded my mind. Despicable verse, right now that was all I could think of, the only power that could save me.

My gaze was fixed on the river water flowing slowly in front of me.

"The nature... Living... Wake up... Dancing... Crushing... The evils always love the arts..."

Slowly... Even though it was slow, I saw the flow of water begin to speed up. Faster and faster until a large wave formed from my right.

"Wow... What is that? Why is there a big wave in this river?!"

"Wuaaaaaa... Help... Help us!"

The soldiers screamed, shouted, and thrashed for help. So did the horses they rode. They were giggling, whimpering, and running around trying to save themselves. But...


Their efforts were in vain, the huge waves had devoured them. Drowning them without leaving a single survivor. Did I kill them? Regret gripped my heart. But I realized this was the only way I could save my life.

I resumed my steps that had been delayed. Running as fast as I could. To be honest, I didn't want to hurt anyone again, so I didn't stop. I continued to speed up my pace.