
Prince of Crows

Malakai was diagnosed with a never-before-seen disease that rots the body from the inside out at the young age of ten. His mother passed away, which left him at an orphanage soon after. Doctors and scientists studied and experimented on him for years, the only joy he ever had was the crows he fed at the park outside the hospital. People started calling him the crow's favorite scent. At the age of eighteen his body finally gave out. But his death was just the beginning of his journey. "Twilight? Let me bring my crows with me".

Ignavia_Ursa · 作品衍生
29 Chs

Early Morning Relaxation

The morning sunlight streamed softly through the large windows of the dining room, casting a warm glow over the elegant space. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the scent of warm pastries filled the air, creating a comforting atmosphere that promised a pleasant start to the day.

As I entered the room, dressed in my usual attire, my footsteps were muffled by the plush carpeting. My dark grey pants and matching vest contrasted nicely with the black dress shirt beneath, the burgundy tie adding a subtle pop of color. I had pulled my shoulder-length black hair back into a loose ponytail, allowing a few stray strands to frame my face.

The dining room itself was a picture of refined elegance. The large, polished wooden table was set with fine china and silverware, each piece perfectly aligned. The chairs, upholstered in deep burgundy, matched the intricate patterns on the wallpaper, and the crystal chandelier above cast a soft light that danced across the room.

Seated at the table were my mother, Branwen, looking as regal as ever in a flowing dark green dress that accentuated her ethereal beauty; Raphaela, with her silver hair cascading down her back, dressed in a deep blue gown that complemented her striking features; and Konstantine, dressed in his usual sharp suit, his presence as commanding as always.

I greeted them with a slight bow of my head, my voice respectful yet warm. "Good morning, Mother, Miss Raphaela, Mr. Konstantine. I hope your sleep fared well."

Branwen looked up from her tea, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Good morning, darling. We slept well, thank you. And you? How did you sleep?"

Raphaela, who was delicately spreading butter on a slice of toast, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it was a restful night. I hope you're feeling refreshed today, Malakai."

Konstantine, ever the observant one, gave me a nod of acknowledgment. "Morning, lad. You're looking sharp, as usual."

I took a seat at the table, nodding in response to their inquiries. "I slept well, thank you. The night was peaceful."

The following morning, I walked into the dining room for breakfast, my footsteps echoing softly against the polished wooden floors. The room was bathed in the warm, golden light of the early sun filtering through the large windows that overlooked the expansive grounds of Rook Manor. The rich scent of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries filled the air, mingling with the subtle fragrance of the roses Seraphina had placed in a vase on the table.

I had dressed in my signature style, a reflection of the timeless elegance I preferred. Today, I chose dark grey pants and a matching vest, complemented by a black dress shirt and a burgundy tie that added a touch of color. My shoulder-length black hair was pulled up in a loose ponytail, strands of it falling just so to frame my face.

As I entered the dining room, I found my mother, Branwen, seated at the head of the long, ornate table. She was dressed in a flowing, deep emerald green gown that accentuated her regal bearing. Beside her sat Raphaela, who looked effortlessly elegant in a sapphire blue dress, her brown hair cascading down her back in soft waves. Konstantine, always the epitome of gentlemanly charm, was dressed in a sharp black suit, his dark green eyes catching the morning light as he looked up from his cup of tea.

"Good morning, Mother, Miss Raphaela, Mr. Konstantine," I greeted them warmly as I approached the table. "I hope your sleep fared well."

Branwen smiled at me, her eyes twinkling with the familiar warmth and affection she always reserved for her family. "Good morning, my dear," she replied, her voice as smooth and soothing as ever. "I slept well, thank you. And you?"

"Quite well, thank you," I responded, taking my seat at the table. A servant quickly appeared, pouring me a cup of coffee and placing a plate of freshly baked croissants and fruit in front of me.

Raphaela nodded in greeting, her smile as serene as always. "Good morning, Malakai. You look especially dashing today," she complimented, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement.

"Thank you, Miss Raphaela," I said with a slight bow of my head. "You're too kind."

Konstantine, ever the observant one, set his cup down and leaned back in his chair. "You seem in good spirits this morning, Malakai," he noted, his tone casual yet probing. "Anything in particular that's brightened your day?"

I chuckled softly, knowing he was fishing for information. "Nothing out of the ordinary, Mr. Konstantine. Just a sense of anticipation, I suppose. It's our third day at school, and I'm curious to see what it brings."

Branwen raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by my nonchalant response. "I'm sure it will be an eventful day," she mused, her eyes narrowing playfully. "After all, you did meet the Cullens Monday. That's bound to stir up some intrigue."

"Indeed," I agreed, taking a sip of my coffee. "They're an interesting family, to say the least."

Raphaela leaned forward slightly, her curiosity piqued. "Did you get a sense of their intentions?" she asked, her voice low but clear.

"They're cautious, but I don't believe they mean us any harm," I replied thoughtfully. "Edward Cullen, in particular, is very protective of a human girl named Bella Swan. He was concerned about our presence, but I think he understands now that we're not a threat."

Konstantine leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It could be beneficial to form a connection with them, especially if they've integrated themselves into the human community. It's rare to find vampires who have chosen such a path."

Raphaela nodded in agreement, her tone reflective. "Indeed. We should observe them further, perhaps invite them to the manor at some point. It's always wise to know one's neighbors."

I nodded, considering their words. "Yes, that would be a prudent course of action. We'll continue to keep an eye on them, assess their intentions."

As the conversation continued, the door to the dining room opened, and Seraphina entered, her presence immediately drawing all eyes to her. She was dressed elegantly, as always, her outfit a perfect blend of style and sophistication. Her green eyes sparkled with warmth as she greeted everyone with a smile.

"Good morning, everyone," she said, taking the seat I pulled out for her. My mother raised a gentleman, after all. "I hope I haven't missed too much."

I smiled at her, my earlier thoughts of anticipation now fulfilled. "Not at all, my love. We were just discussing the Cullens."

Seraphina's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Ah, yes. They were quite the topic yesterday, weren't they? I'm looking forward to seeing how our interactions with them develop."

The conversation flowed easily as we enjoyed our breakfast, the camaraderie between us a comforting presence. As always, the manor felt like a sanctuary, a place where we could share our thoughts and plan our next steps in a world that was ever-changing.

Just as we were finishing our meal, the door to the dining room creaked open, and Drusilla peeked in, her eyes bright with excitement. She had always been an early riser, full of energy and curiosity.

"Good morning, everyone!" she signed, bounding into the room, little Midnight trailing at her feet. How cute. Her presence was like a burst of sunshine, bringing an extra warmth to the already pleasant atmosphere.

"Good morning, little one," I greeted her, smiling as she came over to give me a quick hug.

Drusilla's eyes sparkled as she looked at the table, clearly eager to join us. "What's the plan for today?" she signed, her gaze shifting between all of us.

Branwen patted the seat beside her, inviting Drusilla to sit down. "We'll be attending to some matters around the estate, but you're free to explore as you like, Drusilla. Just remember to stay within the wards."

Drusilla nodded enthusiastically as she helped herself to some fruit. "I'll explore the gardens today. There's always something new to find!" Her hands moved in sign language faster than a human could comprehend when she was happy. Luckily, none of us were human.

We all chuckled at her boundless enthusiasm, and as we finished our breakfast, I felt a deep sense of contentment.

Branwen looked at Seraphina and me with an arched brow. "You two should depart for your school facilities, no? Tardiness is a form of disrespect, and I do not recall raising you in such a way." She lazily waved her manicured hand at us to leave. "Go on."

As Seraphina and I exchanged amused glances, we couldn't help but chuckle softly at Branwen's ever-present expectation of punctuality. Her arched brow and the gentle but firm tone of her reminder were enough to spur us into action.

"Yes, Mother, we will depart right away," I replied, my voice warm with affection and respect.

Without further delay, I gathered our belongings—our neatly packed carry-ons—and moved to kiss my mother on the forehead, a gesture of love and gratitude that had become a morning ritual. Her skin was cool and smooth, her scent a familiar mix of lavender and something uniquely her own. Raphaela received the same gesture, her serene smile a reflection of the deep bond we shared. Finally, I bowed slightly to Konstantine, who nodded in return, his expression one of approval and pride.

Seraphina followed suit, her movements graceful and full of affection as she kissed each of them goodbye. Her soft, rose-scented perfume lingered in the air as she approached me, her hand sliding into mine naturally, as if it were the most effortless thing in the world. Together, we turned and made our way toward the door, our footsteps echoing lightly on the polished marble floor of the dining room.

As we stepped out of the mansion and into the cool morning air, the estate around us seemed to awaken. The trees rustled gently in the breeze, and the soft chirping of birds provided a serene soundtrack to our departure. The sleek black Aston Martin DB9 Volante awaited us in the driveway, its polished surface gleaming in the morning light. It was a vehicle that matched the elegance and sophistication that Seraphina and I had come to embody.

With a practiced ease, I opened the passenger door for Seraphina, helping her into the car before placing our carry-ons in the back seat. As I walked around to the driver's side, I couldn't help but smile, feeling a deep sense of contentment. This was our life—a life of grace, love, and a constant commitment to excellence.

Once seated behind the wheel, I started the engine, and the car purred to life. The smooth, powerful hum of the engine was a familiar and comforting sound. Seraphina smiled at me, her emerald eyes sparkling with anticipation for the day ahead.

"Ready, my love?" I asked, glancing over at her as I shifted the car into gear.

"Always," she replied, her voice soft but filled with confidence.

With that, we were off, the Aston Martin gliding effortlessly down the long driveway that led from the manor to the main road. As we drove, the trees on either side of the drive seemed to blur into a tapestry of greens and browns, the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves to cast patterns of light and shadow across the road.

The morning was still early, and a light drizzle had begun to fall, misting the windshield with tiny droplets that sparkled like diamonds. The rain added a sense of calm and introspection to the journey, the rhythmic swish of the windshield wipers and the soft patter of rain on the roof creating a soothing ambiance.

Seraphina reached over and placed her hand on mine as I guided the car along the winding roads. "It's peaceful, isn't it?" she murmured, her voice almost a whisper, as if she didn't want to disturb the tranquility of the moment.

"Yes," I agreed, glancing at her with a smile. "It's a perfect start to the day."

As we neared the town of Forks, the small, quaint buildings began to appear on the horizon, their simple charm contrasting with the grandeur of our manor. The high school soon came into view, a modest, red-brick building surrounded by tall pines and a parking lot that was beginning to fill with students' cars.

I pulled into the parking lot, navigating the car to a spot near the edge, where it would be somewhat secluded. As I parked, the drizzle continued, the soft sound of the rain adding to the quietness of the moment.

Without hesitation, I turned off the engine and stepped out of the car, moving quickly to Seraphina's side to open her door. She smiled at me as I offered her my hand, and I couldn't help but be struck by her beauty—her dark hair falling in soft waves around her shoulders, her flawless complexion, and those striking green eyes that seemed to hold the entire world within them.

I kissed her hand gently before helping her out of the car. The two of us stood there for a moment, side by side, the rain misting around us as we took in the scene before us. The other students were starting to notice our arrival, their eyes drawn to the sleek car and the elegance with which we carried ourselves. We were used to the attention, the stares, the whispers—such was the nature of our existence.

Seraphina squeezed my hand gently, a silent reminder that, despite everything, we had each other. "Shall we, my love?" she asked, her voice light with amusement.

"Let's," I replied, leading her toward the school's entrance, our footsteps steady and confident as we made our way through the parking lot. The rain might have continued to fall, but it did nothing to dampen our spirits. Today was a new day, and we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.

I did it! A second chapter in less than 24 hours. I am going to celebrate with a nap.

Ignavia_Ursacreators' thoughts