
Prince Delight

"When I think rainI think about singing When I think about singing It's an heavenly tune When I think about heaven I think about angels When I think about angels I think about you for you're my love angel When I think about date I remember a day like today Which talks of you babe You came to me with fullness of Love....... ...Whilst sitting beside Richard with Joe at the other end, all this thought flashed through my mind and with a smile on my face, I looked at my husband and publicly before the whole citizens of the country, he gave me a kiss before strolling on the red carpet towards the podium

Digital_Technology · 奇幻言情
20 Chs




Poppy felt swoosh of air pass on her skin and she opened her eyes, blinking cutely.

" Huh?" She raised her head up. She found herself on a fast moving bike, hugging tight to a complete stranger.

" You are finally awake."The masked guy said and Poppy eye's got stunned.

" Who are you and Where are you taking me to!" She yelled tugging his jacket hardly.

" To a place you'd love" He said, smirking through the mask.

" What!. Drop me down immediately!. Hey, Are you deaf, Drop me down before I turn crazy!!" She yelled.

" You are crazy yourself" He said and Poppy curled her lips into her mouth angrily.

" Don't step on my nerves, young man. Drop me down right now, right here!" She yelled, bouncing her butt on the bike.

" And Drop you off a bridge?. You wanna die??" He asked still smirking hardly.

" No Take me back to where you brought me from!!!" She yelled, widening her legs in the air.

" I'm sorry, its impossible." He said.

" I'mma kill you now!. I said keep me down!. Fvcking drop me down or you face my wrath!" She screamed and rested her forehead on his jacket sobbing.

' Why is it me all the time!. Why me!. What have I done to deserve this.' Her subconscious thought loudly.

" Don't worry little pumpkin. Don't be scared. we are almost there" He said and Poppy got more upset.

She hugged him tightly and yanked his jacket with her teeth, tearing his body skin madly.

" Ahh!!. Ou!!" The stranger yelled but Poppy didn't let go of his jacket. She bit him hardly until his jacket soaked with blood.

He couldn't control the pain any longer so he parked at a side of the street. He quickly jumped down and faced her.

Poppy stared at him and saw that he covered every part of him, even his eyes were wearing shades.

" Give me your palm immediately!" He yelled holding a scary syringe.

" No!. Let me go idiot!" She yelled and he slapped both her cheeks hardly.

Poppy got shocked as she palmed her cheeks, staring at him.

" Shocked right?. Give me your hand or take another hit on your face" He said and Poppy slapped his face insanely, making his shades fall.

He palmed his face in disbelief and she glanced at his eyes and quickly discovered he was familiar.

He picked his shades and wore it on before returning back to poppy.

He grabbed her neck and pinned her to the wall hardly making her choke blood.

" Stop. You are hurting me. Stop hurting me!" She yelled.

" Sorry, You are messing with the wrong person" He said and tried injecting her.

Poppy raised her knee and hit his d*ck hardly and he held his organ, falling to the floor.

She began to run away and he threw a big stone, it hit her in her feet and she missed her step.

Her toe began to bleed seriously and her sobs got louder.

She sobbed in pain but continued leaping as fast as she can out of the place.



Alec was sitting near the cellar, drinking and watching the other kids as they slayed around.

He checked his wristwatch and kept wondering when poppy would come out of the toilet.

He had started to miss her again and the feeling was very uncomfortable.

He left and went straight to the toilet and didn't find anyone there. He saw her lipstick crushed to the ground.

He picked the pieces up and immediately guessed that she was in a serious danger for this to have happened.

" Poppy!" He ran out of the toilet, screaming her name in the hall.

It was crowdy, you couldn't afford to find that little creature in this large crowd.

" I'll quickly call her." He said but he realised she didn't have a phone yet. " Oh dammit!" He cursed loudly.

He met Axel coming and he quickly rushed to him.

" Have you seen poppy around?"

" No. I thought she was with you" Axel said.

" Yeah but..." He stopped and went straight to the securities. They could know her whereabout.

" Have you seen poppy?" He asked one of them.

" Poppy?. The girl you brought?"

" Yeah"

" She didn't leave through here. I've been here since the party started I didn't see anyone" He said and Alec ran his fingers into his hair.

" Where could she have gone if she didn't leave the party" He asked himself.

He sighed and went towards his car. He sat down and picked his phone, calling his house master.

" Is poppy home?"

" No Alec. I thought she left with you to a school party" He said and he quickly cut the call and held the steering wheel tightly.

" How am I supposed to find her?! Gosh,Ugh, dammit!... I'm just...clueless of her whereabouts. This is bad, really bad. What if she's in a big trouble" He said worriedly.

He bit his lip hardly and regretted ever letting her leave his side.

Soon, his phone rang and he quickly picked it. It was a strange number.

" Hello..Who's___

" Alec it's me!. It's me, poppy. Please come quickly. Come take me out of here!" She cried and Alec heart began to race madly in his chest.

" Calm down orange. Just tell me Where you are and I'll be there in a wink" He said.

" I'm behind the city cinema"

" Holy shit. How did you get there?!"

" Just come quickly before he gets me" She sobbed and he cut the call, driving away quickly.

He arrived at the cinema gate and met her sitting on the floor near the street light.

" Orange" He rushed to her and held her adorable face. Her lip is bleeding, her feet as well.

" Alec. He tried to hurt me. Hes coming, take me away before he comes!" She cried, pointing at no one in particular.

Alec looked towards her direction and stared at complete darkness before returning to her.

" Who's he. How does he look like?. Tell me the things you saw" He asked patiently.

" I don't know!. I don't know who he is!. i don't know anything!. Stop being like a questionnaire and carry me away from here!" She yelled lazily.

He sighed and picked her up in a princess style.

" Ugh. Gently!. You are so clumsy!" She yelled.

" You weigh more than me so stop complaining" He said and placed her into the car.

He got into the driver seat and stared at her with those affectionate eyes. She was still crying and he was sharing from her pain.

" Orange.." He palmed her hair lovingly.

" Don't touch me" She said sobbing like a kid.

" I really want to know who's behind this cos I'm uncomfortable with what happened" He said.

" It doesn't matter anymore. We better leave here before that scary monster comes again " She said and Alec sighed and kissed her cheeks.

" Okay. Let's go home first" He said.

She didn't stare at him. She blinked, looking at elsewhere until he finally drove away.



Cherry walked into the house and Xylan turned on the light.

" Welcome home!!" He surprised her and Cherry woahed at the cake she sighted.

" Oh my Gosh. The cake is so beautiful" She said, covering her lips.

" Craig and the nanny put so much effort in making it for you" He said.

" Every piece is for you miss cherry" Craig said and Cherry hugged him warmly.

" I came back for a reason guys." She said sadly and the boys looked at her. " I came to be with you and make you guys complete" She said and they smiled brightly.

" Thanks so much for coming Cherry. You don't know how happy we feel to see a woman in our midst. We appreciate your presence alot" He said and hugged her warmly.

They sat around the table and xylan picked the knife to share the cake but Craig held his wrist.

" Hey. I'm the one sharing it" Craig said stubbornly and took the knife from him.

Cherry laughed at his silliness. He shared the cake and gave a little portion to himself and dad and gave cherry the rest.

" This is yours" He said.

" What?. But I can't possibly finish it" She laughed.

" It doesn't matter. You deserve more" He said.

" Awn. I'm gonna cry. Thanks sweetie" She said and kissed his forehead.

Craig looked at his dad and his dad winked at him. The little boy then turned to her.

" Oh. Headache. I'm going to bed" He said, stretching his arm. " Goodnight miss cherry. Don't share your cake with dad and I mean it" He said.

" Sure" Cherry laughed and xylan came to sit close to her. She heaved a heavy breath as the environment got tensed.

" It's kinda awkward that we're alone right?" He said.

" So awkward" She laughed and they stared at eachother's eyes like something was hiding behind it.

" Um..." He took her hands and interlocked their fingers. " I really need a new secretary at my office and I know you can do a great job"

" But I'm teaching" She smiled.

" I'll pay thrice of your teaching salary " He winked.

" I'm in. When do I start?" She laughed again and the environment became cool once again.

Soon, the door opened and Lisa walked in with her luggage.

She was in tears just by staring at her red eyes and nose.

" Xylan. I...I want to return back to my home. I can't take it anymore" She said and they both stood up surprisingly.



Oceana was brushing her hair when Axel left the bed and wrapped his hands around her body.

" Hey little mary" He smirked, staring at her from the mirror.

" Is that a new nickname?" She laughed, staring directly at his eyes.

" I guess. But it's not cute enough for you" He said and kissed her neck softly.

" Ou!. Don't do that or you know what might happen" She said, tying up her hair.

" I'd like to see what happens" He licked his lip and she turned around, taking his collar forward gracefully.

Axel palmed the table, trapping her and he smiled at her.

" I love naughty girls" He said.

" I hate naughty boys" She said and her blue eyes went down to his sexy lips.

" Your lips are slightly pink. I want to taste the flavour" She said and hugged his neck, kissing him sweetly.

Axel head immediately loosed it nuts and he wrapped her around, kissing her in a gentle pace as his body sparked differently.

Soon, oceana broke the kiss and stared at him.

" You mouth taste like....toothpaste" She said giggling.

" Let's just continue either way" He said and held her waist, kissing her deeply.

He closed his eyes and made her sit on the mirror table as he kissed her with uncontrollable feelings.

He didn't realise when his hands got under her dress carressing her thighs but Oceana didn't care.

Her hands ran into his hair and she pulled him closer, kissing him hardly and deeply.

Her body kept receiving great pleasure and her p*ssy started to hurt as her need became higher and higher.

She wrapped her legs around him and Axel pulled her to the bed still kissing her.

He dropped her roughly and leaned in on her.

" You said you'll like to see what happens if I become naughty right?" She smirked, playing with his shirt button.

" Stop giving me those eyes please." He said pinching his eyes close.

" Shh. Fiancé" She hushed him.

She pulled him closer, wrapping him on all fours. Their kiss intensified and Oceana began to moan loudly.

He kissed her neck, collarbone and went down to her cleavage.

He got to her b**bs and sulked on her erected nipple for a second but he quickly pulled away.

" I shouldn't go further." He said.

" No. Please Do it" She begged.

" What? Are you insane?."

" Do it, Axel. Ion care. Its for us alone. We enjoy it alone. No one has to know" She said and Axel pressed his lips tight.

" I can't. We are still teenagers" He said but her pleads and her sexiness was running him nuts.

He had never deny himself of sex like this. it was damn harder than killing someone.

" Come on, your eyes tells me you want me too. Just go in, it's yours Axel" She gasped hotly as her pussy started wetting up.

" You don't expect us to make same mistake, Oceana" He said as his breath scorched.

" I'm pregnant. It doesn't matter" She said, pulling him closer and closer until their bodies met.

She could feel his hardness under him and it made her body spark sooo differently.

" Please do it, Axel. I can't control my feelings again. Quickly, Ou!" She said biting her lower lip hardly.

Axel stared at her and wondered if this was part of her pregnancy craving.

He quickly leaned away from her quickly.

" I respect your feelings Oceana. But I can't do it for a second time until we are fully married" He said.

" Huh?" She blinked.

" Your arousal is probably part of your pregnancy cravings. I...I.. can't touch you, I'm sorry" He said and left the room quickly.

He laid on her door and palmed his chest.

" Geez. That temptation brought me down to hell that I almost smell fire" He said and sighed hardly.



Poppy came out of the bathroom, holding a cold compressor on her red cheeks.

Alec placed her on his leg and stared at her.

" Let me see your face" He said.

" No. its horrible" She said, looking down shyly.

" I promise not to laugh" He said, wriggling his brows at her. She slowly removed the towel and he curled his lip into his mouth.

" Oh It looks the hot cooked potato I ate yesterday. Ahem!" He said, chuckling.

" Uhh!. I knew you would laugh" She covered her face shyly and Alec hugged her body.

" I'm sorry, baby. To be honest, it isn't that horrible. It makes you look even more adorable, mn" He said and Poppy dropped her hands.

" Alec. I'm very scared. We have too many enemies out there. I'm scared that something bad might happen to us if we ever move out of here" She said.

Alec sighed and stared at her eyes.

" It's true. But it's not true that something bad will happen to us. Nothing can happen to us if we are truly together. We have to be strong" He said.

Poppy frowned and sighed loudly.

" I hate war and violence. I just want us to have a pretty love life" She said, demonstrating it with her arm.

" Like the one in your baby night stories?" He asked chuckling.

" For joking around with me, I won't kiss you throughout today" She said leaving his leg.

" Oh come on, that's what has been on my mind." He said and held her hand before she could walk away.

He pulled her back and she fell her back on the bed causing the hem of her dress to wipe up her kneel.

He smiled and leaned above her.

" You are really my type" He said and pecked her lips softly. " Nothing can stop me from loving you. Not even angels in heaven" He said and she giggled.

He leaned and kissed her softly, moving his hands on her body.

Poppy closed her eyes, imagining it as her first kiss again. Everything felt new, the taste, the bubbling feeling and the sparks.

She stopped and looked at him.

" You drank alcohol?"

" Just wanted to try it" He said and she hugged his neck kissing him warmly again.

Soon his phone beeped and he took it up still kissing Poppy. He pulled away and stared at the text.

It was from the Unknown.


Alec saw this and shut his phone quickly and climbed down the bed.

" What's that?" Poppy asked sitting up.

" Stay here. I'll be back" He said and walked out straight to his parent bedroom.

He arrived at his parent room and got in slowly.

" Mom, Dad, we have to do something about this people" He said.

" Who?" Mrs blue left the mirror to face him.

" Those K4 are still badly after me, Dad. Now it's not just me, but they are after Poppy's life. She was almost kidnapped today" He said and Mr blue eyes widened.

" Alec. You mean they are after Poppy's life now?" He asked.

" Yes and__

" You see why I told you to stay away from Poppy. One of it disadvantage." Mrs blue hissed and turned back to the mirror.

" Staying with Poppy does not___

" Alec" His dad cut him off and came down the bed. He stared at him strictly.

" Alec. Your mom is right. Poppy is a regular girl in this mansion and you don't want to put us in a mess if they kill her."

" But I love her so much. Don't you guys understand or see it??" He yelled in pain.

" For now, the relationship you have with her is cancelled or else I'll just let them leave the mansion for their safety" He said.

" You can't cancel the relationship, Dad. This is fvcking so unfair!" He yelled.

" This is your own mess. Poppy is not your GIRLFRIEND Anymore!. Alec leave this room now or I change my mind!" Mr blue yelled.

Alec stared at them and tears fell one after the other down his eyes.

He cleaned them off quickly and went back to his room. Poppy leaped towards him.

" Alec. See what I found" Poppy ran to meet him, showing him the love boat.

" So you kept my drawing, huh?. How cute" She laughed and hugged the paper sweetly.

Alec went to his bed and sat down, he's not smiling. Poppy raised her brow as she stared at him.

" Alec. Aren't you glad I found the drawing. You won't smile for me?" She asked, waving at his face.

" It's late already. You should go to bed" He said and Poppy pouted.

" Okay then, I'll sleep with you" She said climbing his bed.

" No. Your room please" He said falling his face and Poppy looked at him astonished.

" Oh. You don't want us to share a bed?. I'll quickly go bring my mattress right?" She blinked at him.

" Poppy. Go sleep in your room" He said and Poppy got stunned yet again.

" R..really?. Why?" She asked.

" I want a space alone" He said with his deep hot voice and Poppy sat next to him, rubbing his shoulder blade.

" Alec. Come on, talk to me?. Did anything upset you. Is it...um..Axel. Tell me, moon" She said and Alec climbed up his bed before turning off the light.

Poppy stood up and stared at him sadly.

" Okay, bye byeee. Goodnight" She said. He didn't respond.

" Goodnight moon?" She said again and He pulled the blanket above his body.

" Oh." She smiled hurtfully and left the room, closing up the door slowly while peeking at him.

" Goodnight moon?" She said again hoping he would respond but he didn't. She closed up the door and ran away to her room in pain.