
Chapter 145 Lu Lin's Mood is Gloomy

Zhou Yuwen's house has a huge bathtub, installed by the previous owner, who barely used it a few times, so it was Zhou Yuwen and Zheng Yanyan who ended up benefiting from it.

Originally, Zhou Yuwen didn't want to bathe together, but Zheng Yanyan insisted on Zhou Yuwen holding her while they bathed.

Zhou Yuwen had no choice, so the two of them took a bath together, starting with a shower, hugging each other tightly, and Zheng Yanyan even blew bubbles for Zhou Yuwen, saying she was helping him get squeaky clean.

Then they soaked together in the tub, which was larger than regular single-person tubs, but still a bit of a tight squeeze for two. Zheng Yanyan sat on Zhou Yuwen's legs.

As a new woman, Zheng Yanyan looked at Zhou Yuwen with utter dependence, wanting to cling to him at all times, giggling happily.

Like this kind of playful teasing.


Zheng Yanyan then said she would wipe Zhou Yuwen off.

Zhou Yuwen said, stop wiping, it will fade on its own in a while.