
Change of Heart II

But that was the window of opportunity the other bandits had been waiting for, as they disregarded the safety of the bald guy and swung their sword and saber at the vital parts of Shen Yuan's body.

Both aimed for his heart and neck. Shen Yuan swung his sword back to deflect the enemy's sword and slammed his palm into the saber's side with the help of Wind Breaker Palm to push it away. He jumped back as he regained his balance.

The bald man spoke through gritted teeth, "Attack this little brat. He is just some sheltered clan bastard."

Shen Yuan felt his anger rising, but it was not directed at the bandits or even at Li Yu, who had betrayed him.

It was directed at himself, at his weakness—that he couldn't even finish off his opponent, even with the opportunity presented in front of him.