
Come Out From Seclusion

Hotel Room

While Ling Yun was dual cultivating with Ling Ling, several people were waiting for them anxiously, and now two women were sitting together in a hotel room.

"Hey, Sylvia. Have you still not managed to contact Ling Yun? We've been waiting here for three days and two nights, but he still hasn't shown up."

Sylvia laughed bitterly at her question; she herself also really wanted to meet Ling Yun, but she couldn't reach him. "Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to contact him, Queen Lillith. I'm not sure where he went, but he seems to be in that place right now; he is, after all, a cultivator."

Lillith gritted her teeth in annoyance at that. "Sigh! Looks like we still have to wait for him here; if we look for him in that place, then those damn people will chase after us."

"Well, we can't do anything for now, and we can only wait for Ling Yun to contact us." Sylvia responded to her with a helpless shrug.