
Priestess of Sanguine: Skyrim Erofic

Jeleia was born into poverty, and did whatever she could to survive, be it stealing, fighting, and even selling herself for a little cash. However, she didn't hate her life; instead, she found herself enjoying the thrills. One day, after completing a play through of her favorite game, Skyrim, for the umpteenth time, Jeleia fell asleep, only to wake up to one of the games most iconic lines... "Hey you, you're finally awake." This is going to be a dark, degenerate story. There will be all kinds of debauchery inside, hence the use of the Daedric Prince of Debauchery. It is a complete Power Fantasy, and the MC, Jeleia, is playing through the world of Skyrim with all the knowledge she has from her countless hours. There will be futa, pregnancy, rape, maybe bestiality, and many, many other dark things, since the world of Skyrim is ultimately... dark. If that makes you uncomfortable, then please don't read. However, if you wish to see a completely, and utterly debauched journey in one of the most beloved games of our time, please, continue forwards...

Ketsueki_Hasu · 游戏衍生
143 Chs

Trial (1)

"Who might you be, hmm?"

Staring at the old Nord, I gulped slightly as I activated Analysis.

{Male Nord, 48, Level 58}

{Male Nord, 25, Level 40 (Vilkas)}

Level 58!?

Why was he so damn strong?!

Taking a deep breath, I bowed slightly to Kodlak, introducing myself.

"My name is Jeleia, and Aela told me I should try and join the Companions."

"Aela huh? Yes, she usually has a good eye for talent... Step closer, youngling."

I took a step forwards, observing the older man.

He stroked his white beard once, his nose twitching slightly before narrowing those grey eyes of his.

"Vilkas, go grab our resident Huntress, would you?"


Farkas' twin stared at me, taking in my appearance before bowing to Kodlak.

Once Vilkas exited the room, Kodlak asked "Why do you have the scent of Oblivion on you?"

My eyes went wide as he said that, shivering as his eyes turned gold.

"It's not a hard question, youngling. There are only a handful of reasons a person can smell of the Daedric planes... are you a cultist? Have an artifact on you? Did you make a deal with one?"

Pursing my lip, I blinked a few times, wondering what to say.

I could say I had an artifact, but if he asked me to show it...

As for being a cultist or someone who made a deal...

"I... made a deal, when I was a child."

"Who? Actually, don't say. Last thing I want is a Daedra coming to claim your head. However, swear to me this; you will cause no harm to this Hall, nor its occupants."

Shaking my head, I said "I swear not to cause any damage to the Companions."

Sighing, the older werewolf sank back into his chair, looking me over.

"Well, at least you carry yourself like a warrior. Aela, where'd you meet this one?"

The tall, petite huntress flashed a smile at me, stepping forwards as she said "That Giant we were meant to kill outside the walls? Jeleia here landed two good arrows on the beast, staggering it just enough for young Ria to break its back."

"Ah, so you're good with a bow? And yet I see an axe on your hip."

I nodded, gently tapping the Steel War Axe.

"Yeah, I've gotten good with both. Sometimes the fighting gets a little too closer comfort."

Chuckling, Aela nodded, patting her sheathed dagger.

"Indeed. Hey, old man. Why not let her take her Trial with me? We've been meaning to clear that bandit camp out in the west plains, but no one's been free. This is an excellent opportunity to do so."

Raising a brow at Aela, Kodlak raised an arm, laying his hand on his bicep.

"I may be old, but I can still swing a blade better than any of you. Hah... no respect for their elders around here, youngling. Fine. However, I want to see her spar against Vilkas first. No need to contemplate someone if they can't even land a few solid blows..."

Getting up, Kodlak gestured towards the door, Aela and Vilkas staring at me.

"Well, come on. The nights not getting any younger."

Following Kodlak up to the main hall, we walked past all the other members, who bowed to the old man.

However, they sent glances my way, Njada glaring at me while Ria stared with curiosity. As for Athis and Torvar, it was a quick look, studying my figure before shrugging.

Farkas walked behind us, a step behind his twin.

Stepping outside, Kodlak sat in a chair, overlooking the small courtyard behind Jorrvaskr.

"Go on then. Wooden weapons are on that rack. Try not to kill her, Vilkas."

Grunting, the burly Nord scooped up a wooden sword and shield, twirling the blade in his hand before getting into a stance.

Looking over the weapons, I grabbed an axe, nodding at the heft before picking up a dagger, which I held in a reverse grip.

Sine I couldn't use my magic, I felt I needed something in my other hand, and a dagger felt right.

"Whenever you're ready, whelp."

Vilkas' deep voice echoed around the courtyard, his degrading remark bouncing off me harmlessly.

Drawing in a breath, I studied his stanch for a second, before shooting forwards.

He was holding his shield center mass, covering most of his body.

However, I could still see his head, neck, and a little of his shoulders, and his crotch and below were exposed.

Swinging the axe down hard, Vilkas slanted his shield upwards, absorbing most of the blow.

We both grunted, only for Vilkas to widen his eyes slightly as I tried to slip the dagger under the shield, stabbing towards his stomach.

Twisting his body, he swept his sword out, forcing me to roll back.

Spinning the two weapons in my hands, I started stalking around him, searching again for an opening.

Vilkas was watching me warily, his eyes fixated on my own, trying to determine my next move.

Dashing forwards, I yet again swung the axe downwards, making him raise his shield.

Except, instead of hearing the thunk of the wood blade slamming into his shield, I yanked the axe back, sweeping it low.

Feeling the axe swish past his calves, I tilted my body to the side, avoiding the quick thrust he sent my way.

Using the dagger, I slashed towards his midriff, growling in frustration as he easily blocked it with his sword.

I was about to resume my attack when Kodlak clapped his hands, the sound piercing through the adrenaline fueled focus of our battle.

"Enough! I've seen enough. Vilkas, put the weapons away."

He nodded, taking the wooden weapons from my hands.

"Young- No, Jeleia. You fight with tenacity and grit. It's dirty, but... well, no battle is ever fair. If you pass this test, IF, you will receive the honor of joining the Companions. Now go, hunt with Aela. May the winds favor you both."

Nodding to us, Kodlak turned back towards the door, the twins following behind him.

Farkas was smirking slightly as he whispered something to his brother, only to receive a slap to the back of the head.

Vilkas looked back over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes at me.

They were filled with a begrudging respect and a hint of lust.

Aela started walking towards the entrance of Whiterun, gesturing for me to follow.

"Well, come on. The bandits are camped at Sleeping Tree Camp, south of the Lonely Mountain. The estimated numbers are around twenty. The place is apparently a drug smugglers hideout, so the people here might just be a cut above normal bandits."

I nodded, knowing exactly who the culprit was, but I kept that to myself.

"Now, I won't go out of my way to help in anyway, unless you seem like you're about to die. This is YOUR trial, so complete it on your own. Think of me as an... observer."

Again I nodded, following behind her as she exited Whiterun.

"It's a good thirty or forty minute walk, unless you have a horse?"

She turned to look at me, her blue war paint glimmering in the moon light.

Shaking my head, Aela sighed, before chuckling.

"Well, at least I'll know where your stamina lies after this."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts