

John did not know where petrol was or whether the petrol even existed. Petroleum would take millions of years to form and he did not know another method to use for mechanical energy. He could indeed use electricity but the methods of creating batteries and electric motors were easy. He could find some items but he did not know how to identity silicon or other items. He knew the design and rations but did not know how they looked life or felt in real life. He sighed as he could only make a steam engine as coal was the only items he could create. He though about making soap and decided against it. He just had to sell the method or let a manager manage the factory. He was not going to make items for the commoners. He sighed as he was not so happy. Soap was indeed important but the problem remained that there were items of similar effect available for the rich. Soap could bring that down to the middle class.


John sighed as he lay down. He was getting bored with peace. Life was getting boring. He wanted to watch some movies and he was having some withdrawal syndrome from not going to work. He decided to go tot the library to read more books. Life was boring but peaceful. He decided to stay away from them as he did not want to see the people. He just wanted to be alone. He decided to start his artwork and create a bigger house. He was going to create stronger items.


John looked through the lands as he flew in the sky. What he wanted was the rocks that was useful to make the houses or walls. If he could get some igneous rock that was big enough, he could use it to make a big statues or bigger artwork. He did not like the idea of finding smaller rocks one by one. He could have bought the stones but which fool would buy rocks when they could be gotten for free. He could even leave the planet and get more rocks from the outer plants. 


John found some granite and was happy to see a huge mine of granite. Although they were seen and found, not all the beings wanted them. They were strong and beautiful but hard to refine. He took all of them and went back. He returned to his land and decided to build a big mansion first. This land belonged to him and he did not have to worry. He sighed as he was strong and as he was powerful. It was not hard to create the bigger mansion and he could take it away anytime he wanted. He lay down on the new sofa he created using the soft skins and the clothes along with the metal structure. He just lay there happily. He was happy but bored but he liked boredom more than sadness. He decided to have more boredom and enjoy the boredom. Boredom is the true epitome of life.


John looked at the soldiers and found that they had invited him for the engagement of an unknown knight. He gave them a silver bracelet and let them leave as his time was occupied. He sighed as he was strong enough. He had to hire some maids and butlers so that his housework and business could be taken care off. He did not care that they were not available directly as he did not have to keep up with some unknown random person.


John lay down and looked at the sky. He stood up to leave. He was going to attend the party. He called the soldiers and said that he will indeed be attending the party. The soldiers returned happily as they had fulfilled their mission. John lay down. He had to get started just like the previous life and be involved in the society. Was his life bound to only exist within the bounds of the society? Could he not live in another manner from this pyramid scheme named humanity, country and company? He sighed as he was not a priest yet. He really hopes he could become a priest as he would then be able to live away from everything. He hates society although it brings him convenience. He just wants to become another god and live alone in eternity. Loneliness was his path and desolate life was his creed. He will find a method to live as such so that he will not get bored due to loneliness and will not die due to lack of information. 


Staying alone in a monotonous life without information change will affect the perception of time. It is something similar to being kept in a dark room. Unless he directly become a god or has another method to keep himself occupied, he will face the problem. Same is for those who live for eternity as they may find that the world and the combination and permutation of matter and actions would keep repeating. How sad are those gods who have not found their creed and path of their life as they will die sooner or later due to themselves collapsing?