

The crew went to sleep as Thirteen sat on the balcony, looking at the moon. Zoro walked out and sat on a chair at the table on the balcony, he put down two glasses and a bottle of Sake, saying "Want some?"

Thirteen turned his head and looked at Zoro before nodding and turning back.

Zoro looked up at the moon and said "Almost time to lock you up in the storage space." he chuckled and handed Thirteen the glass. Thirteen took it from him and sipped the sake, spitting out his tongue before drinking the rest in one go.

He put the glass down and Zoro licked his lips, asking "What happened to you? Why are you different?" Thirteen stayed silent but his tail formed a hook shape, Zoro explained "You were slightly frowning before…"

Thirteen tilted his head before answering "I don't know."

Zoro raised his glass and chuckled, "That's good."

Thirteen looked over the railing and caught a glimpse of what he thought was Robin's back. He was confused, she was wearing black clothes, but they were the turtle neck, jeans, and sandals she bought at Jaya.

Thirteen jumped off the railing and Zoro shouted "Where you going!?" Thirteen replied "Robin." before disappearing as Zoro sighed, then he frowned and looked inside to see that Robin wasn't there anymore.

He stood up before sitting back down and figuring Thirteen can handle the problem. He continued drinking and looked up at the moon before sighing again and stroking one of his sword hilts.


Thirteen chased Robin through the city, unable to find her.

He scratched his head, stopping at a 4-way intersection.

He looked around and saw people with masks coming and going in 3 of the 4 alleyways.

He noticed that there was at least half a dozen people walking around. He hid in the shadows and went into the last alleyway, failing to notice the people who were talking and walking stopped and looked at him.

One of them raised his hand and said "Target coming as planned."

Then, they all disappeared.

Thirteen went through the alleyway when suddenly Robin walked out from another alley and they bumped into each other. Robin fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

Thirteen paused and quickly helped her up, looking at her strangely. She looked at him and said "Tiger-chan!?" Thirteen blinked and she grabbed his hand, saying quickly "We have to go, now! CP9 is here! They're coming for us!"

Thirteen was startled and Robin pulled him along into a building.

She closed the door and looked out the window secretly before sighing in relief, she turned to Thirteen and pushed him in the house, saying "Hide quickly. There's at least a dozen of them. If they come for us we're done for."

Thirteen nodded and Robin looked at him, adding "I was going out to find out the whereabouts of Franky but I was discovered and they chased me here…" as she talked, she kept leading him deeper into the house.

There was a door opening sound and Robin said quickly with a face full of fear "Hurry!" She pulled him into a room and shoved him against a strange pillar. Thirteen's back touched the pillar and he immediately felt extremely weak.

Robin moved behind him and slapped Seastone handcuffs on his wrists around the pillar.

Thirteen looked at her with wide eyes. Unable to process what just happened.

She looked at him emotionlessly and said "It's done." The door to the room suddenly opened and 4 masked people walked in. Thirteen stared at Robin as one of the masked people said "Good."

He waved and one of the masked people smacked Thirteen in the head, knocking him out as he slumped to the ground. The leader of the masked people said "Take him." Robin stuck out her arm and said with a frown "That's not part of the deal."

The leader paused as Robin added "You need me alive, I will kill myself right now if you go back on our agreement. Understand?" The leader looked at her and then waved his hand, the masked person nearest Thirteen backed off and the leader said "Then let's go, we have a lot to do."

The group left through the door and Robin stopped at the frame, looking back at Thirteen. She turned back and a tear rolled down her face as she walked away, whispering "Sorry, Thirteen…"

Her hand let go and a little key dropped to the floor, bouncing closer to Thirteen but nowhere near close enough for him to grab.

The group of Masked people were waiting outside and one of them whispered "Call 'her'." The other one said "Her?!" the leader nodded and the masked person turned around, whispering into a snail.

Robin walked out and looked at the leader emotionlessly, the leader said "Let's go. Remember, don't kill Iceberg." Robin nodded and the group left.

The night passed~

The crew was looking around for Thirteen and Robin. Zoro frowned and said "What happened…" Nami looked at him and asked "What do you mean?" Zoro replied "Thirteen saw Robin last night and went after her. Now they're both missing."

Sanji lit a cigarette and commented "Big Cat is strong enough. Who can beat him? You're worrying too much, maybe they're at the Dock waiting for us…" he crushed his cigarette and added while grinding his teeth "Or they're hooking up! That's bastard! I'LL KILL H-"

Nami punched him into the ground, shouting with a red face "SHUT UP!"

Zoro coughed and smirked, "That wouldn't happen, Big Cat is like a rock." Luffy had a straight face and said "We'll go to the Dock. If he's not there we'll go look for him." the rest nodded and White hopped up and down anxiously.

Nami picked him up and they left.

Noticeably, Thirteen's backpack was also missing.

The crew arrived at Dock one and frowned, neither Robin nor Thirteen were here…

Then they heard startling news.

'Strawhats tried to Assassinate Iceberg! Robin was the attacker!'

They were stunned and suddenly attacked by a man with blue hair.