
Chapter 211: Reunion 

Chapter 211: Reunion 

Owen's POV 

Odessa and I have had a deal ever since I all but moved into their apartment because I couldn't bear to stay alone with myself. The deal was they don't ask me questions about Emily and our children and I don't break furniture, so far no furniture has been broken.

I was just about to drift off to sleep when the door opened and Odessa came inside holding her first baby still very much pregnant with her second. For some reason I woke up from Coma to find her a blonde and I couldn't help but be disappointed, her brown hair was beautiful just the way it was but I held my tongue.

Her first born daughter, a little girl named Josette, was filthy and her hands were muddy. She clung onto Odessa's yellow dress leaving filth all over her dress but Odessa paid no attention to the child's mayhem.

"Isn't she supposed to be in school?" I asked, feeling reluctant to move away from the bed to give them privacy.