
Chapter 13

When Lacy saw Ray kissing Rome, she was very furious, but at that time, she managed to control her anger and decided to think of something to separate Ray and Rome.

The next day she skipped school, hoping Ray would come and ask her why she didn't came, however her dreams shattered when Ray didn't even sent her a text, as if she doesn't exist.

Therefore Lacy made a plan, she would get up early and walk to school with Ray so that way Rome wouldn't get the chance to talk to her boyfriend, she also decided to stay with Ray all the time to create a distance between Rome and Ray. "Soon the distance would grow and Ray will forget about that loser." She thought.


It was early in the morning, Lacy stood infront of Ray's apartment, she removed a small mirror from her bag and looked at her reflection, after she claimed that she looked pretty enough, she kept that mirror away and knocked on the door.

It was 5:30 in the morning and Ray woke up due to the knocking on the door, he looked at the small clock besides him and sighed looking at the time. He walked to the door, his eyes half closed,"Come in, you came early today Rome, since so---" He stopped in the mid air when he was engulfed in a hug,"I am not Rome, baby~"

"Lacy?!" Ray exclaimed out of shock, his sleep disappeared,"What are you doing here?"

Lacy pouted,"Why? I can't be here?"

Ray sighed when he saw the 'sad' look in her eyes,"No it's not that, I was just surprised." Lacy giggled like a little girl,"Is that so? I wanted to walk to school with you. I thought maybe I could spend a bit more time with you."

Ray smiled at that,"But what about your parents?"

Lacy hugged his arm,"They won't mind. I told them I have some work to do at school so I will leave early from now onwards."

Ray nodded and walked towards the kitchen,"Have you eaten? I am going to make breakfast." Lacy shook his head,"I feel a bit hungry." Ray chuckled. He and lacy talked about few things here and there, enjoying each other's company.

After a few minutes, the door bell rang, Ray stopped their conversation and went to open the door.

Rome walked in the door, with a smile but it soon disappeared when he saw Lacy, he turned towards Ray who said,"Lacy came 30 minutes before, she wanted to walk to school with me." Rome just hummed.

Ray asked,"Have breakfast with us?" Rome shook his head,"No I am not hungry right now, I will grab a bottle of milk on the way to school. Bye then."

Ray frowned and grabbed Rome's arm who was walking towards the door,"Aren't you going to walk with us?" Rome clenched his teeth and then said in a cold tone,"I don't want to be a third wheeler. Enjoy your time with your girlfriend."

Ray shuddered at the cold tone, he was shocked, this was the first time Rome talked to him in this way. Then he realised what Rome told him last night and how he broke his promise the first thing in the morning. He wanted to apologize but it was too late, Rone had left. Ray wanted to run after Rome and apologize, however Lacy who was too pleased with everything stopped him,"Baby aren't we having breakfast? I am hungry."

Ray smiled wealky,"Oh yeah. Let's eat."


Rome walked in his nearly empty classroom, afterall he had arrived quite early today, his eyes laid on Tony who was scrolling through his phone.

Rome walked towards his seat and sat down,"Good morning Tony."

Tony smiled,"Morning Rome. You here early today? Where is your bestfriend?" Rome removed a few books for the upcoming lectures as he said,"Going to walk here with his girlfriend."

Tony after hearing this looked at his bestfriend sadly,"You okay Rome?" Rome smiled sadly,"Honestly I am not okay but I have decided Tony that I will put an end to this feelings, I want to no I need to put an end to all of this. And if I am going to do that I should try to be not bothered by Ray hanging out lacy, his girlfriend."

Tony sighed and pulled Rome into a hug,"You don't have to force yourself alright? Take it slow so that you won't hurt yourself in the process and I am always here for you."

Rome nodded but then a question came to his mind,"Tony do you have someone you like?" Tony raised his brows,"No I don't have someone that I like yet." Rome pouted,"The person who will date you will be very lucky. You are a very nice guy."

Tony chuckled,"I don't know what to say to that."

They both were smiling at each other but then Rome's smile weakened when Ray entered the classroom with Lacy, his heart felt a piercing pain.

Ray walked towards Rome, who was looking at him, guilt chewing him up,"Rome I am sorry that I broke our promise. I swear I meant it when I promised you that but then Lacy today showed up and I--"

Rome cut him off,"I know I understand, you don't have to apologize. Lacy is your girlfriend and she is more important to you."

Ray felt a tugging sensation in his heart when he heard Rome say this, as soon as Rome finished his sentence, Ray said,"No Rome you are more to me. You were, are and always will be most important to me. Believe me when I say this because I am saying it with all my heart."

Rome smiled when he heard this, he sighed internally as he thought,"How am I gonna end this feeling when you keep being like this Ray?"

Lacy who heard this was furious, she was thinking,"Rome more important than me? Never! Say that again after I do this!"

Lacy who was standing besides Ray pulled him by the tie before crashing his lips with her own,"Now tell me am I more important?"

Ray was baffled,"Wait wha----"

She did not let him finish and joined their lips again, she slowly started to move her lips, she placed Ray's hand on her waist and wrapped her arms around his neck. The whole classroom erupted in 'oohhh' and 'ahhh' and 'awww'

Rome's heart clenched, Tony placed a hand on his shoulder comforting him.

Ray who was being kissed by his girlfriend, thought about the kiss he had with his bestfriend. When Ray closed his eyes, Rome's face came forward and a soft moan that Rome had let out when he kissed him rang in his ears.

Ray pulled away in horror, his thoughts scraming at him,"What the hell was I thinking about!" He yelled internally.

Lacy panted a bit as she looked at her boyfriend confused. Ray clenched his first and ran out of the classroom, he needed to clear his thoughts, "Why was I thinking of Rome when she kissed me?" he mumbled to himself.

Tony and Rome took a second to register what unfolded infront of them before giving each other confused glance and running after Ray.