
Above All Else... A Contractor

Third Person P.O.V.

After Miwa Kasumi cried her heart out, Megumi accompanied her to her dorm room.

He still has a bottom line and will not try to get in her pants while she is so emotionally vulnerable, leaving a good impression now is good enough for him.

"Here we are." He says in front of her door "Reach out if you need anything. I'm pretty nice to beautiful girls." He gives her a smile, making her blush.

A blush she tries to hide with a cough "*Ahem* Thank you for listening to my boring and embarrassing talk..." She enters her room and turns around to talk with him at the door "I made you waste time with my worthless problems."

"You have self-esteem issues, girl." He says in a joking tone "I can help with that too~" He winks at her mischievously

"~~~" Now her blush took over her whole face and she couldn't hide it so she could only slam the door shut with a *Bang* "Good Night!" She shouts from inside her room, her voice muffled.

"Zehe~ She is cute..."

Miwa is weak but has a nice personality, a rare good personality amidst the nasty jujutsu sorcerers, even his girls do not escape this trend. With the exception of Tsumiki of course...

Megumi finds it a little refreshing and has good feelings for the girl because of his own sister. His fondness even makes him consider how to help her be less useless with his cheats.

"With some shared talents she can become a competent fighter..." He was saying to himself while turning around.

"Why are you here, you pervert?"


Moving his head he notices Nishimiya Momo watching him warily through a crack of her door.

"If you try something I will report you." She warns, her one eye looking at him suspiciously

"My only sin is that I love too much..." Megumi says looking up with a melancholic expression.

"..." Momo doesn't appear to buy that, her only showing eye still staring at him in a very unfriendly manner.

Then Megumi disappeared from his spot and reappeared in front of her, his foot stopping her from closing the door completely.

"Please... I bet that you're a little curious about how I keep my girls happy." He says while putting his face close to hers. He enjoys watching her surprised expression, taking advantage of his handsome face and nice voice, he makes her blush "Hit me up if you're interested... I like petite girls too." He chuckles and moves away before she can react.

"..." Momo stays rooted in place by the sudden action, then after noticing that she was just teased, she scoffs and closes her door loudly.

Megumi hums to himself in a good mood as he walks away. He still needs to tease Nobara to complete the combo... But as fate would have it, he senses another presence.

He pauses and then grins widely.


In the Kyoto School Teacher Lounge

Utahime Iori sighs again while absentmindedly looking through some documents.

The betrayal of one of her students hits a little deep.

"Utahime-sensei..." She hears someone calling her, making her look up at the door. Fushiguro Megumi walks in. "You too, huh? Miwa was also emotional... You should show a strong front to her tomorrow." He says while approaching

"I... I'm not... I was not affected by Muta Kokichi's betrayal. It's not the worst thing that happened in my life." She stammers with her words in the beginning but in the end, she was able to say with some conviction.

But she can't fool Megumi. He rolls his eyes and sits on her desk. "I said to put up a strong front with Miwa, no need to do that with me."


"Wanna talk about it? Sometimes venting to someone that you're not that close is good, you know? Many people do it on the internet... No need to feel embarrassed and all that."

"No thank you, I'm good." She denies his proposal, making a show of organizing some documents on her desk

"...I will call Gojo then-"

"No!" She hits the desk with her two hands

"...you're really easy to annoy. Gojo was right..." Megumi laughs "You try to act tough but wear your heart on your sleeve. Maybe that is why she likes bullying you." He hits his palm with his fist in sudden realization

Utahima is almost growling at him now. Much like she would do to Gojo.

"Okay, Okay. Calm Down." He raises his hand in surrender "I'm not teasing you. It was just an astute observation. As an apology, why don't you let me do something for you?" He stands up and starts walking around the desk

"Something?" She asks suspiciously

"You look and sound tense... I can only imagine how much shit you needed to deal with over the years too..." He tries to smile innocently "Why don't you let me give you a massage? All my girls say that I'm great."


He finally arrives behind her. He walked so silently and smoothly that Utahime didn't even feel the danger till he was putting his hands on her shoulders and pushing her down on her chair again.

"Wait... Fushiguro-kun, I didn't a- Oh. OooOoh~ Hn" Her strong protest becomes a soft mewling in no time after Megumi puts his hands to work.

"Just relax... Wow, look at those knots. A little more you would become a statue... You're so tense." He says in a soft voice while playing her like a fiddle

"You... You... Hn~ You have bad intentions!" She manages to squeeze out between her suppressed moans.

"Ah yes, of course, I have." He admits shamelessly "But it's not like I am gonna do anything that you don't want..." He puts his mouth close to her ear "You can stop me at any time, so you could just enjoy a little more~ Just a little more~ What harm can it do?"


"You deserve to relax a little." He continues to whisper in her ear using a husky voice. She couldn't argue against that, Utahime closed her eyes and allowed herself to enjoy the feeling.

"An~ maybe you're right..." She says, sure that she will be able to stop Megumi if he tries anything inappropriate.

"Obviously, if you have your boyfriend to give you a massage, I can stop... I don't want to steal anyone's girl." He lies, removing his hand for only a second. Only enough to make her feel the loss of his godly massage and yearn for more.

In that moment of clarity, she scoffs "Hmpf! What boyfriend? There's no one like thaAaaAt~ Hn~" She trails off when he goes back to work.

"You're kidding, right?" Megumi asks, surprise evident in his voice even as his hands move smoothly on her shoulders "How can you not have some suitors? Too high standards?"

"Hn, suitors? Pfff. Ahn~" She talks between moans and sighs of pleasure "I don't have time... It's not like anyone can deal with my lifestyle too." She spills frustrated "And there's this scar on my face too! Unh~ I think I already gave up... I'm past 30... Ahn~" She is being surprisingly honest after lowering her guard thanks to being relaxed.

Utahime felt her chin being grabbed in a firm but soft grasp, and her head was turned to look at Megumi. Their eyes meet, their faces inches apart.

"Really? This scar scares off men? That's why the birth rates are declining... Japan is filled with wussies." He says while his fingers brush over her nose, tracing her scar. It makes her feel good... His words and his touch "You're beautiful. And the scar gives you a badass edge to your soft appearance... I wouldn't prefer you in any other way." He says with a smile.

A smile that, despite herself, makes Utahime's face become red.

"Hmpf." She turns her face fast, escaping from his grasp and hiding her embarrassment. She can't believe the words of a teenager would have this effect on her.

Megumi doesn't mind her brusque action, he continues to massage her, a half smile on his face.

"You know... If you're so worried about that... I can accept you as my woman." He bares his fangs, whispering tentatively close to her ear

"Stop joking..." She says while enjoying his massage with her eyes closed, trying to sound stern.

"Who said I'm joking? Think a little about it... There are not many options in the Jujutsu world, or they are weirdos or old bastards. You need to find the weirdo that vibes with you..." He explains. He thinks the only slightly normal ones are Nanami and Kusakabe... There's Ino too, he remembers. He never met him in this life. "Not to brag but... I'm quite the catch." He chuckles close to her neck, the deep sounds doing things to her.

She scoffs again to disperse these feelings and to show what she thinks about his words.

"If you want, you can retire pretty comfortably... Imagine yourself relaxing, drinking tea on the porch of a traditional Japanese house, watching the kids play in the Garden..." He whispers like the devil "If you don't want to retire, I think I can help you become Principal of this school, we can be a power couple. Obviously, I'm only saying this because I really like you, sensei. I want to give you a good life."

For some reason, his words are sounding pretty convincing to her ears... Maybe it's the combination of Lures. Utahime made a mistake in letting Megumi get this close to her.

A massage is never only a massage.

"...as your concubine?" But she still has some willpower left to reply snarkily

"It's only a word..." He says dismissively "Concubine, wife, lover... I really want you to be mine... And to ease your worries a little."


"Like I'm doing right now with this massage, doesn't it feel good?" He even presses his lips on her neck, testing the waters... A light kiss that she doesn't protest, her only reaction being a shudder and a suppressed moan.

"Fushiguro-kun... Hm... Is that your hands that I'm feeling going to my breasts?" She asks in half deadpan half pleasure showing on her face.

"Ah yes." He shamelessly replies "It's the next step of the massage... A little taste of what I can offer to my women. Need to beat the Japanese male wussy allegations."

While he says that, his hands are already massaging her sides, the tip of his fingers pressing against the side of her boobs, inching closer and closer to the real prize.

"This is wrong... We should stop..." She says biting her lip, really trying to sound reproachful but failing.

'We should? Zehe~' Megumi smiles hearing that... Her mouth says one thing but her body language and specific choice of words tells a completely different story.

"C'mon just enjoy it a little more~" He says in a pleading tone, his fingers rubbing circles on the sides of her breasts.

"This is inappropriate..." She says weakly

"Inappropriate and good to me are almost synonyms." He smiles cheekily

At this point he is surprised things are going so smoothly, it's probably the fact that Utahime is an adult... A very pent-up adult, and he is really trying this time.

Different from Miwa where he just planted some seeds, Utahime was not that distressed over this whole ordeal, so it's not that bad to come lift her spirits and take her mind out of this depressing situation.

"Don't tell me you're not curious?" He asks and gives another kiss on her neck, making her tense and then relax "I keep so many girls happy, so I must be really good at this, right? Are you not curious and want to see for yourself?"

She can't deny that. Who wouldn't be a little curious about the "logistics" of Megumi's relationships? It's the whole "seal of approval" thing again. If other women approved then it must be good.

And she is feeling it first hand now, at this point his hands are shamelessly kneading her breasts, massaging and squeezing them while Megumi's chin rests on Utahime's shoulder.

"You're much younger than me... Hn~ And a student Ahn~" She tries to argue, to bring some rationality to this situation.

"The age of consent is 13." He also can use logic and reason to argue back "And we literally fight putting our lives on the line... So I'm old enough to kill and be killed but too young to enjoy a night of passion with my lovely teacher? To all intents and purposes we are equals, Utahime-sensei~"

"..." She is trying to think about an answer... But her body is telling her mind to shut up and just enjoy, surrender, and go with the flow. And her mind is listening to it.

"Why don't we do it this way..." He starts "If you tell me to stop for real, I will stop... You decide where to put the line. You have the power to stop it... So let's continue till you say so and let ourselves enjoy each other like adults. I still need to convince you of my proposal."

"That...Hn~, can be good... Mn, Just a little then... you need to listen to me. An~" She is convinced. Just a little more, he will not be satisfied if she doesn't indulge him a little... She will stop him, but just a little more.

"Of course, sensei~" He smiles widely

Without wasting time, he pulls her to him and steals a kiss.

"!! Mmpf? MmmMm~"

He seals her lips with his for some seconds before separating a little.

"Fushiguro-kun... That... Too fast-Mmpf!" He gives her just a little time to say something, to stop him...

"Do you want me to stop?" He asks after pausing the kiss for a bit.

"I...Mmph? MmMmm~"

"Took too long!" And he goes like that.

Shutting her up with his lips, between kisses caressing every part of her torso. He turns her chair around and easily lifts her by her thighs, putting her soft butt on the desk.

At some point the kisses started to get deeper and steamy, his tongue exploring her mouth. She is overwhelmed but she felt her reciprocating a little, probably instinctively.

He was also happy to notice her legs parting with him, allowing their bodies to be even closer. He pulls her to him, their crotches touching, her arm going around his neck.

Now there's no denying or masking it... They're engaging in a hot make-out session like lovers. Utahime can't lie to herself anymore, the only reprieve is the fact that she can stop at any time if she wants...

That little power that she holds keeps her grounded in reality.

'Just a little more~' She thinks 'If he goes a little too far, I will stop him.'

But every time he pushes a little more and every time she allows it.

He grabs her asscheeks with both hands and she says nothing.

He rolls his thumb over where her nipples are and she only moans.

He pulls her even closer, close enough to feel something hard with her crotch and she only kisses him harder.

He starts opening her clothes and she allows it...

"Wow, Utahime-sensei~" He drawls, his voice impressed "A lace bra under Miko clothes?" He smirks while eyeing her bosom.

He is not surprised by her size, it's not that she is small, it's just that when compared with her peers... Well, it's unfair.

She is on the medium spectrum... But he doesn't mind. Medium is premium, after all. What surprised him was her choice of underwear, a black lingerie under those conservative clothes.

"Shut up..." She says in a low voice, her face full of embarrassment, turning around a little to hide her blush, she forgot about that. "I want to feel sexy too..." She admits a little secret.

"Don't be shy. This is incredibly sexy, you are sexy... You can feel the effect on me, right?" With a hand grabbing a good portion of her supple ass, he pulls her close enough to feel his erection even through the clothes.

She blushes even harder now and is a little annoyed that this made her happy.

Deciding to not push too far in the teasing, Megumi hides his face in the crook of her neck, to spare her the embarrassment, and to deliver kisses and mark her with hickeys.

Her hand goes to the back of his head, her fingers going through his hair.

Megumi took it as another approval and he started kissing his way down. Expertly removing her bra before she could even notice, only when his lips touched her bare chest did she realize the lack of a bra. But it is too late, he is already making her feel good, and she doesn't want to let go of his head.

"What cute breasts you have..." He says, his breath tickling her bosom.

He plays with her boobs without holding back, doing everything in the book like it's his right. Squeezing, pinching, licking, sucking, biting... Seeing her reactions to every move, learning what she likes.

"Fushiguro... I.. I'm going to..." She squeezes him tighter

'Oh' Noticing that she is reaching her climax, Megumi doubles his efforts. His ministrations are enough to bring her to her peak, her arms hugging his head tightly while she moans loudly while throwing her head back, Her legs also hugging him as tight as she can.

"I knew that you are pent-up..." Megumi gives her a cheeky smirk after escaping her tight hug, enjoying seeing the results of his actions.

"Tch." She covers her eyes with her forearm while still taking huge breaths. She doesn't even have the energy to say "shut up" to him.

Megumi doesn't mind, he is taking his time looking at her sweaty body, full of the marks he left there.

"I'm not done yet, sensei~" He says, making her look at him with one eye "I feel that you didn't relax enough... And I want to conquer you till morning comes." He gives her a hungry look;

"..." She bit her lips seeing the way he looks at her, feeling his hands once again tracing her body like inspecting where to start again. She is noticing that they are dangerous close to her waist... Circling there like a predator ready to pounce at the prize

"Let's not go too far..." She manages to say.

Megumi's eyes narrow in two crescentes while his mouth equally creates an upward arc.


Now they are fucking.

Utahime lays on her back on the desk, her clothes in complete disarray, her body rocking as Megumi thrusts into her. Her legs were in the air, her thong, which Megumi teased her about, on her ankle as her toes curled from the pleasure.

"You're so sexy, sensei~" He can't help but say while watching her squirm in front of him "I knew those clothes were hiding something... You have the best hips that I have seen~ This waist-hip ratio, hmm~ It's a sin that they are hidden under those Miko clothes."

He holds the said hips strongly while increasing the pace of his thrusts, his thick and long dick invading her special place and mercilessly hitting the entrance of her womb.

Seeing her embarrassed face, red and with some hair clinging to it because of the sweat, only makes him enjoy it more. Like a Shark that smelled blood.

"These hips are perfect for childbirth, now I really want you to bear my children~ What do you say?" He asks in a husk tone, he can feel her vaginal walls tightening around his dick. Maybe she has a breeding fetish.

"Ahn~ Mn~ I... I... Hng~" She can't even answer properly

"Forget about it~ But I don't think I will be able to pull out, sensei~ You're tightening me so much and it feels so good inside of you." He teases, his fingers sinking on her soft hips, her breasts bouncing each time his waist crashes against her pelvis.

"No... Hn~ Not inside! Ahn~ You have... Ah! You have to pull oOooUt~~"

"But you are leg-locking me." He says full of amusement "You really want it right? Your body is honest~ I can feel your womb opening to me... You want to have my child. Your body craves for it."

He increases his pace even more, his face inches closer to her as he says those words. She starts denying it as weakly as ever, but Megumi shuts her up with his mouth.

Her tongue is only honest when they kiss, surrendering completely to his, to him, it's a signal that she would be okay if he really put a baby in her oven.

And for an instant, he considers that seriously...

He can turn on his fertility, making it 100% sure of impregnation. Truly a sure-hit moment.

The storyline is almost ending, if he really goes for it, the baby will be born much later. He can see how it is to have a child... A test drive... She wouldn't mind... He is rich, he can take care of her and a baby.

But in the end, he decides against it... If he was going to have a kid, it would be better to wait for him to be stronger. Maybe after devouring Sukuna, so that the baby would be born stronger.

There's even a Perk to help with that, giving him more control over what his child would inherit from him.

"I'm gonna do it, sensei~ I'm gonna knock you up." He lies to increase her pleasure

"Noo~" She says that but her leg-lock gets tighter.

"Ready to be a mom?"

"Hm~ Fushiguro~"

"You will be beautiful with a big belly." He says top ut the mental image on her

She once again moans loudly, he increases the speed of his thrusts for the last time, and his movements become frantic and erratic. With a low growl, he spears her strongly one last time before releasing copious amounts of cum inside her.

Utahime has her strongest orgasm now. 'S-so full~' She releases a long moan, her body shaking and tensing as she feels herself be filled to the brim. She is sure that she is pregnant. Megumi really bred her, no turning back, she is his now... She is already accepting her fate as his woman...

"Don't worry." He chuckles "A side advantage of my technique is that I can neutralize my sperm, you will not get pregnant this time. Why do you think that I didn't have a condom? I creampie my girls all the time." He explains with a teasing smile while caressing her sweaty face, moving some strands of her away from her mouth.

She scoffs at his words. He was playing with her... For some reason, she feels a little disappointed.

"Well, round two~" He announces

"W-what?" She asks, her voice still a little shaky

"Didn't I say? I will conquer you..." He flips her on her back, exposing her round and big ass to him "Before morning comes... I will make you shout that you love me." His fingers sank into her pliable flesh, moving her cheeks a little to expose her holes.

She gulps loudly, feeling his hands palm her asscheeks, that good feeling comes back... The feeling of wanting more. She just cummed, but she already wants it again.

"You're my first adult, sensei~" He chuckles before penetrating her from behind, his dick still hard as a rock to her surprise "Let me enjoy your mature body to my heart's content~"


In Tokyo

"Hm? Why do I suddenly feel pissed?" Gojo raises her head from some papers and looks around


Next Day

The trio of Tokyo first-years are taking the train back home.

Megumi has a casual and relaxed smile on his face as he hums to himself while checking his phone.

- Utahime Iori(T5) from Jujutsu Kaisen

He can't contain his smile, he really got a Love Confession in the heat of their passion. Now Utahime will slowly improve physically and it will be linked to him, her lust will slowly turn to love.

'I will keep texting her, when we see each other in Shibuya, I bet she will have a different attitude.' He thinks

"You look like you are in a good mood." Junpei comments while watching Megumi smile at his phone

"Are you watching porn? Gross." Nobara comments

"I don't need to watch porn..." He denies it easily, his good mood not spoiled by Nobara's words "It's just that the world of grown-ups is quite nice." He says mysteriously.

A one-night stand... No need to romance the Character like in a dating sim game. He can skip so much of the hassle. He feels that this is the way of the Contractor, the path that he was procrastinating on.

But he can't deny that there's a charm in slowly conquering someone, like with Nobara.

"Do you prefer High School or the world of adults, Junpei-kun?" He asks

"I don't even know what you are talking about."

Megumi chuckles and doesn't elaborate.

Thinking about the future, he will pass through many worlds with School Settings... 'Maybe I should change my approach and go as a teacher instead of being an eternal student...' He thinks 'But the taboo of seducing a teacher is simply too good to pass. I like mature women...'

'Being an eternal teenager doesn't sound so bad... Or even reverting to being a kid. I want to be Ara Ara'ed~'

He suddenly remembers that his plans derailed a little... He should've seduced Nobara, but he couldn't miss the opportunity with the Kyoto girls.

He looks at his classmate 'Yeah, she is ready... I can't let her go to Shibuya without Defenses'


Two days later, at night

Nobara successfully dragged Megumi to be her bag carrier. The trio of first-year students came together to the shopping district, but Junpei went on a separate path to watch some obscure movie.

"It's getting dark..." Megumi comments while looking at the sky

"Don't you like darkness?" Nobara replies with a sarcastic tone.

"Different from you, I have a schedule to follow..." I say. I always train a little at night, things are easier at that time.

It's a small cheating code to learn things faster.

"I'm gonna give you your bags and go back..." I say annoyed

"Then at least be a good boy and take my things back to my room." She acts bossy with him.

But Megumi saw an opportunity to tease her, he smirks and puts his index finger and thumb in an "L" position under his jaw.

"So you're giving me permission to enter your room unsupervised?"

"...!" Nobara realizes her mistake a second too late.

Megumi suddenly sinks to the ground in a pool of darkness and disappears, leaving her alone.

"Fuckerguroo! Don't you dare!!" She shouts, not caring about people looking at her weirdly, and runs back to the school.



*Huff* *Huff*

Nobara opens the door of her room loudly, panting and sweating, holding herself on the door frame and on her own knees. It almost looks like she ran all the way here.

"Welcome back~" Her fears came true when she heard Megumi's voice

He is calmly sitting on the edge of her bed, an infuriating smile on his face.

"Your bags are over there." He points to the edge of the room where the bags really are staying.

"~~~" She raises her finger to point at him, insults in her mouth... but she controls herself and walks to her drawers stomping her feet first.

There's something she needs to make sure of, she opens a drawer, rummaging through the contents a little before releasing an imperceptible sigh of relief.

"Ah, your diary! I didn't think that you would be the type..." But his voice cuts her relief in an instant, making her anger rise again "Don't worry I didn't read it..."


"But I checked your panties tho... A lot of sexy lingerie, why don't you use it for me- Whoa!" He was saying before having to dodge some objects flying at his head.

"You're dead, Fuckerguro..." Nobara is practically fuming with anger, smoke metaphorically leaving her mouth while she walks at him slowly but threatening, a promise of pain in each step

"Calm down, calm down..." He raises his hand, ready to catch any punch thrown at him

"No woman in the history of women calmed down after a guy tells them to 'calm down'." Nobara says, her voice deadly calm and her face screaming violence.

"C'mon, Kugisaki... We are closer than that." He gives her a look

"..." This makes her pause a little in hesitation.

There's not a name to their relationship... They are more than friends and less than boyfriend and girlfriend. You also can't call them "friends with benefits" either, they never went all the way.

It's like there's a switch in their relationship... They are friends but at any moment they are suddenly horny teenagers with the hots for one another. It's unclear if this is very mature or childish.

At the same time, they keep things separate with maturity, and on the other hand, they never talk about it out loud... Avoiding the issue.

Now for the first time, Megumi is talking about it and not in a moment of passion, when their inhibitions are turned off.

"It's not only to annoy you that I took the chance to come here... I also wanted to have this talk." Megumi says, despite the small smile on his face, his tone is serious "What are we, Kugisaki?" He once again uses her last name properly.

He only calls her that in front of other people, he is tracing a line at this moment.

Taking Advantage of her hesitation, his hands grab her wrists and he pulls her closer to him, her chest pressing on his torso when he hugs her tightly.

"Maybe we really don't need to give this a name... But I think certain things should be discussed properly before the next step." He says in a low voice, smiling that her anger faded away that easily

"N-Next step?"She asks hesitantly, an idea popping into her mind

"I think it's only fair that I take this step first... It's a move that makes people vulnerable and I know you don't like that." He approaches her ear with his face, whispering slowly "I like you, Kugisaki Nobara." The words, despite being uttered in a low voice, explodes in her ears like thunder

"Wha-Wha... What a-are yo-" She splutters crazily, her arms flailing around with nervousness. Megumi can see her neck and ears getting red.

"Shh shh shh~" He interrupts her with a Finger in her mouth, pulling her into a more comforting hug "Don't say anything right now... Like I said, I must be the one baring myself in this situation. It's only fair."


In some way, he is right. Megumi has a certain complex relationship with multiple women, he at least will not put her into a spot...

"But I can still work hard to make you say it~" This he can do, he separates a little to steal her lips, slowly conducting her to her bed.

The two did something similar many times in the past, but right now Nobara can feel that there's something different... He is conducting her with a purpose.

She can't explain it very well... It's not "fooling around anymore", she can't explain but she can feel it.

This time there will be more, there's more at stake...

The back of her legs hits the edge of the bed and Megumi gently pushes her down on it, giving her all the time and opportunity to stop him, to stop this.

She doesn't.


31st October

"Apparently there's a big thing going on in Shibuya."


"I don't know... But almost all jujutsu sorcerers have orders to go there."

"It must be as big as the Night Parade from last year..."

The students of Tokyo are leaving their dorms and talking about the most recent development. All equipped and ready for battle.

"Where is Megumi?" Maki is the first to notice the absence of the only special-grade student actually in Japan.

"Did he go ahead or something?"

"Maybe he has special orders..."

Like on cue, as they are talking about him, his silhouette finally appears at the entrance of the dorm. Slowly walking out of the artificial light of the building and stepping under the night sky, the shadows covering him.

"What is up with the outfit?" Maki asks with a raised eyebrow

"A cosplay? It's Halloween after all..." Nobara also says

He chuckles "Don't smear my drip... It's my battle outfit."

"Battle outfit? First time I'm hearing it." Maki says.

His outfit would be recognized by any anime fan.

Megumi is wearing a black gi, which you would see in any martial artist, above a tight-fitting long-sleeved black shirt, baggy pants, and a red obi-style belt around his waist keeping everything in place... It's the Goku Black outfit. Almost done exactly the same with the exception of the white and pointy boots.

Megumi's face morphs into a predatory smile upon hearing Maki's words

"It's because tonight is the first time that I'm going all out."