
Possessor in Naruto

Kazuya Fujiwara, a switchcoin millionaire goes outside his house, after a week, to get some snacks. When he turns around, his surroundings change to pitch black. He panics. After a few moments, surrounding change again and now, he is lying on ground while it's raining. He tries to move but cannot... What happened...?

xX_Overlord_N_Xx · 漫画同人
78 Chs

Chapter-52: Zetsu sealed! Hokages revived!

After Black zetsu stabbed Kazuya from behind, he directly crushed his heart and pulled his hand out.

"You..." Kazuya tried saying something.

"I told you. Plan Tsuki no mi won't stop. You'd pay for standing in my way." Black zetsu said as he walked towards Obito to deal with him.

"You should've gone for the head." Kazuya said as he used a healing tag, alerting Black zetsu.

Kazuya who was still lying on the ground, directed a lot of chakra to the Rinnegan.

"Shinra tensei!"

Instantly, a repulsive force broke down everything in the surrounding once again but this time, it flattened the terrain as well, creating a lot of rubble.

Obito was injured a lot as black zetsu didn't let him activate Kamui while Rin and Kakashi's bodies regenerated back.

Kazuya didn't waste any time and started channeling his chakra into his eyes yet again, this time creating a black sphere and throwing it in the sky.

"Chibaku tensei."

The giant black sphere instantly started attracting the rubble and started forming a mini moon.

Black zetsu was trying it's best but Obito restrained him by his own will, stopping it from doing any harm to Kazuya because he knew.

"Let me go, Obito!" Black zetsu screamed.

All his thousand years' worth of plan would go to waste if he was sealed now.

"Never. For Rin." Obito said as he restrained him even more, not letting it detach from his body with his willpower.

Obito knew that if Kazuya died, Rin cannot be released from Edo tensei, leading her to live forever in the elemental nations until she somehow finds Edo tensei's releasing hand seals, not letting her go in afterlife with him.

Kazuya quickly flickered to Obito as he ripped apart Black zetsu sticking on Obito while covering himself with a layer of repulsive force, stopping him from connecting to him.

After a lot of effort, Kazuya was able to rip off Black zetsu off from Obito, nearing ripping out Obito's skin as he threw Black zetsu in Chibaku tensei as he got sealed.

Kazuya didn't stop there.

He brought out a scroll and started drawing seals in the air using chakra. After a few minutes of drawing, he clapped his hand as he screamed.


Instantly, a giant seal matrix came onto the giant sphere, compressing it constantly.

Kazuya immediately used Deva path once again, this time nearly pouring out all the chakra he had to send the giant sphere into the space, forever floating away from the planet, never being able to come back.

Kazuya looked towards Obito now.

"Thanks. Now let's proceed but this time, I will be taking away your sharingan, just to be safe." Kazuya said as he flickered around Obito and ripped out his sharingan.

Obito didn't resisted this as he knew his time had come.

He could finally be with Rin. Everything was useless in front of it and he could resist some pain for it.

Kazuya dug out a piece of flesh from Obito and yanked out his soul through human path.

Kazuya immediately brought out a white zetsu body and reincarnated Obito back through Edo tensei while he stored his body in space inventory for research.

Obito was surprised that just after he saw the gates of afterlife and was called back.

"What is the meaning of this?" Obito asked as rage took over him.

"I need your help for some stuff. Beside that, you team would like to talk to you as well." Kazuya said as he got up and finally took a breather.

The chakra consumption to seal up black zetsu was a lot and it exhausted him.

"This isn't what you promised!" Obito screamed.

"Shut the f*ck up, Obito. Who do you think I am, your slave? The mess you've created will be taken care by you, not anyone else. Go to mountains' graveyard to your lab and collect all the sharingan you've amassed and keep 4 live white zetsu. I'd like to use Edo tensei. Also kill the remaining zetsus and pile them up somewhere. I will collect them when I come there. Here is your first mission after a long time with Rin and Kakashi, though my hateful father won't be there. Stand by after it's done and chill around with your teammates. I will be arriving a little later." Kazuya said as he sent them away as he undid his disguise by stopping the concealment skill.

He purposely revealed his identity as Naruto as he needed to make sure to create some discord in the group.

His identity no longer needs to be hidden and he can freely reveal it. Every obstacle in his path is now gone. No one remains that can disrupt him. Not alive, that is. But there was still someone who needed to satisfied with all the killing.

Sage of Six paths.

The team immediately put 2 and 2 together and guessed his identity as Naruto, surprising Kakashi and Obito immensely. They wanted ask a lot of questions but all of them remained unanswered.

Meanwhile, Kazuya headed towards the Uzumaki temple to get a Shinigami mask. He wanted to summon all 4 kage to get their soul information as well as experience.







After the mission was done by team Minato without Minato, Obito and Kakashi immediately wanted ask each other stuff regarding Naruto.

They were confused how he was such a mastermind, working behind the scenes but they couldn't break the tension between them.

Rin saw this and immediately broke the tension.

"So Kakashi, from you expression...It seems like you knew who was that Kid...Can you please tell us who was he?"

"That was...Minato-sensei's child, Uzumaki Naruto, the current jinchuriki of Kyuubi." Kakashi said in a grim tone.

Rin was a little disgruntled that someone like sensei's son did this to them but she wanted to know more. She was watching over Obito but she didn't know everything.

"So why was he doing this to us?" Rin asked curiously.

"I cannot find any reason other than pushing Obito into the corner and eliminating him but that also begs the question why?" Kakashi said with a thoughtful expression.

"I think I can tell. I...indirectly killed Minato-sensei...I was the orange masked man..." Obito said.

This surprised Rin a lot and she was about to slap him but Kakashi said something that made her stop.

"I immediately knew you did it. An Orange masked man did it and you had the same mask. but his tone wasn't vengeful at all. He treated us all so lightly as if he bore no hatred towards us. No towards you for killing sensei and not towards me for not revealing I was sensei's student to him. I died after I was assigned to become his teacher. The reason for my death is still in fog for me. I don't know why or how was I killed but I think it must've something to do with him." Kakashi said.

Rin was really surprised that something like this happened.

"But why would he tell his identity to us now?" Rin asked.

"I think I have an answer for that." Obito gave a bitter smile.

"After attack of Pain on Konohagakure, the leader of Amegakure who possessed the strongest Dojutsu Rinnegan...Something happened between Naruto and him, resulting him reviving everyone in Konoha back, causing no causalities. Naruto was the savior of everyone...but sometime after the invasion, another man came to Konoha, claiming he killed Naruto and Pain and he had his own Rinnegan and he brutally killed every single person in Konoha, not even sparing civilian. No one was left in Konoha and every single person was dead. Their power or rank didn't matter. The Hokage, the jonins, chunins, genins, ANBU, ROOT, civilians....everyone was killed in one single day. By that man who was doing all this to us...and now it's revealed it's Naruto. I am myself confused why did he do it but I still don't know the proper reason for but I think it was for revenge, most likely." Obito said as Kakashi's and Rin's heart sank.

At first when Obito said good things about Naruto, both of them had a positive opinion for him but as Obito finished, they were extremely surprised.

"Why would he do that? But still I think the reason must be something else and Konoha cannot be gone in just a single day. Not like this." Kakashi said.

"Kakashi...You need to accept the truth. Konoha is gone and no one was left alive. After you died, he quickly climbed up ranks in the village upto jonin as he completed tons upon tons of missions through his shadow clones and trained with nearly every jonin and surpassed them in their arts through sheer hardwork. He even was a disciple of Tsunade and he surpassed her in under 9 months through constant hardwork. He is even crazier than Gai in terms of Hardwork and training." Obito said.

Kakashi's eyes widened from this. how much efforts were needed to surpass Tsunade, a war time hardened veteran and a respectable sannin?

Answer is enormous. A person would need to work constantly, day and night without sleeping, to get to that sort of level. And he surpassed her in just 9 months? Did he really not sleep?

He also was able to increase his strength under the other jonins?

What sort of insanity was that?

"This is...even crazier that my expectations...for him as Sensei's son..." Kakashi murmured.

Rin was just too surprised at the identity reveal.

She had no words.

On one hand, she was happy that sensei's son was such an amazing ninja, who surpassed several jonins and a kage level ninja like Tsunade but on the other hand, his ruthlessness and cruelty scared her.

"What exactly happened to him that he became like that?" Kakashi murmured.

"My dad happened. That's what." A voice came from behind.

Everyone turned their necks and saw that Naruto (Kazuya) had arrived.

Your job is done, Obito. I will deal with the rest as I will need some-" Kazuya tried saying but was cut off by Kakashi.

"Why did you kill everyone in Konoha, Naruto?" Kakashi asked to Kazuya with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Hoh? You're finally acting like a sensei now, Kakashi? Remember the time everyone detested me? Hated me to the core? Well, I was able to forgive them. but after that, I found something really interesting, you see. There is a mysterious clan from the stars, that wants to annihilate everyone on this planet. Not just this planet, but every sign of life from everywhere, even in space! No one would be spared. At first, I wasn't able to accept such a ridiculous theory but the proofs were thrown on my face day after day. That black gooey creature that I ripped off from Obito? He was working to revive just one person who has the strength to enslave the entire world with a glance and make herself an army of white zetsu through a jutsu called Mugen Tsukuyomi. Those fleshy white people you killed were there actually people from thousands of years ago, slowly eroded into becoming that abomination. That was the reality of plan Tsuki no mi. Imagine the people who were inevitably stronger than her. I got a lot of proofs that led me to the conclusion that she was one of the average members of the clan. A lot of stronger ones above her exist. People who possess Rinnegan and maybe something even stronger than that as if it's a candy. Tell me Kakashi? What would you do in a situation like that?" Kazuya asked.

He wanted it so that Sage of Six path won't kill him right now. He has a lot of method to deal with him but killing him now will just be troublesome.

Kakashi was silent throughout the explanation. He didn't think that something like that was going on.

"But that still doesn't explain why you killed everyone." Obito came forward with a question.

"I will take everyone's soul on this planet and revive them on some other planet afterwards, at cost of the Rinnegan, my life and my soul." Kazuya stated calmly.


Everyone was surprised with the answer.

They thought that he was killing them so the no one lives so that mysterious clan's people won't be successful.

"Is that really it?" Rin asked.

"Of course it is." Kazuya said.

"Then why not just..." Kakashi wanted to suggest a solution but wasn't able to think of one.

"But that will claim your life regardless." Obito said.

The truth of Tsuki no mi was hard to swallow but he cannot do anything if it's true. He still didn't have any proofs so he wanted to confirm.

"Hardest choices require the strongest of wills. If this world was safe at cost of myself, I'd exchange it anytime, anywhere." Kazuya said.

"Now decide. Will you stay in the world I will make or will you go to afterlife?" Kazuya asked.

"Dead...people should stay dead. Although I'd like to see this world, I won't like to live like this. I want to finally be with Obito." Rin replied the fastest, with a blush.

"Okay." Kazuya said as he dispelled Rin's edo tensei.

Rin disappeared in the air, going to afterlife.

"I will go with Rin. I made her wait for far too long." Obito didn't hesitate as well.

He disappeared in the air and went to afterlife as well.

"What about you Kakashi?" Kazuya asked.

"I'd like to stay and assist you. It's the least I can do as your sensei." Kakashi said with an eye smile.

"Very well. I will be counting on you." Kazuya said as he used Human path and kept his soul in King of hell's mouth.

"Now let's get on, shall we?" Kazuya said as he wore the mask and started doing the ritual for Shinigami to tear up his stomach and give him the souls of previous hokages.

Kazuya hoped that Sage of Six paths won't kill him right now but he was already prepared in case he tried. System was unreliable and he liked to hoard the system points but he wouldn't hesitate if it meant he gets to keep his life.

After the ritual was done, Kazuya quickly cut open his stomach and revived the previous Hokages.

"Edo tensei!"

Kazuya used Naraka path to heal himself instantly.

The four hokages opened their eyes to discover that a mysterious individual has summoned them all from the Shinigami's stomach.





"Don't tell me it's that shinobi Orochimaru again?" Tobirama said as he glared at me.

"Please don't compare me to someone like that." I answered as I sat down and brought out a packet of chips.

I was hungry after doing so much and even going to Uzumaki temple from Orochimaru's memories that I needed to eat something.

I wanted something spicy so I bought 10 chip packet from system for 5 points.

"It appears we were summoned back to the world of living." Minato said.

"Way to state the obvious, dad." I said as I ate some chips.

Minato was extremely surprised when he saw me and so was Hiruzen.

"Who are you?" Hashirama asked Minato as he knotted his eyebrows.

"Oh, I am Fourth Hokage, sir." Minato said as he brainstormed.

I was right in front of his eyes.

"Is that really you, Naruto?" Hiruzen asked me.

"Am I, Grandpa Hokage?" I asked with a goofy grin.

"Now tell me, why did you summon us? Is Konoha in danger?" Tobirama said with a stern look.

"About that. Konoha doesn't exist now." I said as his eyes opened up wide and he released his chakra pressure.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked with a murderous glare.

"What I meant to say was that Konoha is fine but it's people, everyone is dead. Reduced to dust. Not even remains remain now. Slaughtered." I said as I made a neck slicing gesture.

"Who did it?" Hashirama who was now enraged asked as his chakra pressure was released as well.

"Why don't you ask 3rd Hokage? I think he might know the answer." I said with a smile.

Tobirama would be easy to deal with as he is still under my control but Hashirama isn't. He can break my control easily.

"What happened, Saru?" Hashirama said with a grim look.

"I don't know Lord 1st and 2nd! Only thing..." Hiruzen said as realization struck on him.

"Yeah. It's exactly as you think. At least try to explain before I reveal my answer." I said with a smile.

"It must be Danzo then, one of my old friends who studied under both of you...Because of his-" Hiruzen tried saying but I cut him off.

"I think you are twisting the truth. Let me explain properly. You see lord 1st and 2nd...Tobirama's hatred for Uchiha was taken to heart by Danzo who plotted with one of the Uchiha clan's member to slaughter his entire clan. The clan member, Uchiha Itachi, did it and Hiruzen sent that clan member away to a rogue organization as a spy, in exchange of protecting his brother. After Uchiha clan died, Orochimaru raided Konoha, weakening it furthermore. Because of that, Tsunade was chosen as 5th Hokage. But another trouble came. It was a Rinnegan user-" I said with a smile.

"Tobirama. I told you. Your hatred for Uchiha will cost us dearly." Hashirama said with a neutral face.

"But Big brothe-" Tobirama tried to retort.

"Shut up or I will tear your soul apart." Hashirama said as anger overtook him.

All his work was destroyed. Many people were killed, who were under his protection. He was enraged.

"So what is your purpose of summoning us?" Minato asked.

"Nothing in particular. I just thought I'd inform you. The enemy who did this is already dead so no real need was there." I said as I opened another pack of chips.

"Who are you, anyway?" Hashirama asked after composing himself.

"Kyuubi's jinchuriki. That assh*le over there sealed Kyuubi in me when I was born...Don't think of me as some criminal or anything. I was initially able to defeat Pain, leading him to revive everyone but another individual came and stole the Rinnegan and sealed me inside a jar. After I broke through the jar, everyone was already dead. I took the revenge already. He is dead and as a trophy I kept his eyes." I said as I finished the packet of chips and used space inventory to bring out some juice and drink it.

Hashirama had a look of understanding but he still was really uncomfortable with what happened.

"So now what?" HIruzen asked as his face was filled with guilt and sorrow.

"I will unsummon you and you will chill in afterlife, meeting with your own respective families. Maybe reincarnate in someone else later on or something. I don't know. You, Minato however....F*ck you for sealing Kyuubi inside me, I don't care about your reason. And f*ck you Hiruzen, for letting Danzo run free and harming Konoha, one of the reasons of Konoha's downfall on me during my childhood. Did you know your bastard friend took Shisui's life as well as mangekyo? And yeah, f*ck you Tobirama for discriminating against Uchiha, your hatred against costed me my love, my friends and my family." I said.

Everyone was surprised I had some harsh words to say to them.

"Now I will be unsummoning you. Please shut the f*ck up and let me live in peace, have myself a proper family and dying afterwards, no sh*t attached. Thank you." Kazuya said as he moved towards Minato and pulled out his soul using Human path.

Similarly he did the same with Sarutobi and Tobirama, after making sure they don't resist.

When he came to Hashirama, he was a bit suspicious and grabbed his hand.

"What are your eyes powers? Forgive me for rudeness but I need to know in case you are an enemy or not." Hashirama said as he eyed.

"I won't tell exact powers but one of them allows me to yank your soul out and send you to pure lands without issues." I said.

"Very well." Hashirama said as he closed his eyes and I yanked out his soul.

As soon as I yanked his soul out, I fell on the ground.

The stress was soul crushing for me.

I was this close to fighting Hashirama, my god...

After I sat down and assimilated memories.

It was once again my victory, though I was walking on thin ice the entire time, I succeeded.






(A/N: Another chapter, a big one at that.

Next chapter, we will be confronting Sage of Six paths :3

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