
Possessor in Naruto

Kazuya Fujiwara, a switchcoin millionaire goes outside his house, after a week, to get some snacks. When he turns around, his surroundings change to pitch black. He panics. After a few moments, surrounding change again and now, he is lying on ground while it's raining. He tries to move but cannot... What happened...?

xX_Overlord_N_Xx · 漫画同人
78 Chs

Chapter-27: Chunin exam about to start! Infecting ANBU!

(3rd POV)

It's been around 3 weeks since Kakashi died.

After Kakashi's death, team-7 were assigned Tenzo aka Yamato as their sensei, who was pulled out of ANBU for the job.

Because of Kakashi's death, one of the most affected ones were Gai and Yamato.

Their spirits were all time low.

Coping was hard for them.

But they were able to do it.

They both dealt with this in different ways.

Gai increased his training regiment by tenfold and convinced himself that Kakashi's wouldn't want him to be sad or harm himself.

He regularly went to his grave to change the flowers, along with all the other jonins.

Yamato suppressed all his negative feelings in a box and buried it deep inside his heart...

He gave his best in order to train the genin team, Kakashi left behind.

He felt an innate sense of responsibility towards them and he gave his absolute best.

Just like Kakashi saved him in times of darkness, He will also try to become the beacon of hope for the genin team.

He grew patches of shion (Aster tataricus) and suisen (Daffodils) around Kakashi's grave.

A testament to his contributions to Konoha and more importantly, him and other jonin friends.

The other jonins also started being more harsh with their genin teams after Kakashi's death. They were scared...If someone like Kakashi was assassinated, what about their genin teams?

This resulted in more training for them than usual.

And so, chunin exam time was finally here!

But something suspicious was going on with Kurenai and Asuma....

What happened to them?






(Kazuya POV)

It's been a month since Kakashi's death. I didn't think that attachment people held with Kakashi was so great that it would start changing so many things.

But it was fine. A positive change for me.

I trained hard in the morning and planned more for the future in the night.

Naruto also slacked off in training every now and then as I tried to pamper him a lot, getting him to not progress too much.

In other people's eyes, Naruto's performance depended on his mood, which was obviously not true.

When I was in control, I was the best and when Naruto was in control, he was...average.

My plans were accelerated quite a lot because of Asuma and Kurenai, however.

I love how smart but at the same time, how stupid they are.





(Clone POV) (2 days after Kakashi's death)

The people sent to investigate Kakashi's death were Kurenai Yuhi and Sarutobi Asuma along with 3 chunnin ANBU.

I underestimated how much importance Konoha placed on comrades.

But it's fine. I won't lose in this battle.

They enemy were in our territory and challenging us? Ain't no way I will let 'em win.

Chunnin level ANBU weren't troublesome to deal with as they were easy to stop with Haku's prowess. They were sent for reconnaissance by Asuma.

My brothers (other clones) immediately placed a slave seal on them.

They were trying to resist as much as they could but my orders didn't let them take any leverage at all.

The major orders for them was to lay low until further notice.

I also tortured one ANBU member and assumed his identity through shadow clone jutsu and henge. My henge was impossible to see through without a dojutsu. I've worked on it for years, after all.

This will let me 'infect' other ANBU members.

Slave seal made the ANBU I restrained to blurt out everything I asked him.

My training as a Kiri ANBU and Konoha ANBU were really similar as well.

They (Without other two ANBU knowing that one was a clone under henge) reported basic stuff one could conclude and sent them back to Konoha, under the guise of imaginary orders of Hokage.

The ANBU member's identity I assumed was rapidly interrogated every little detail about him and sent the information through the clone bursting.

(Clone bursting- A shadow clone takes in all the info and bursts so the user as well as other clones are given his memories. An ingenious way to transfer information over impossible distances, instantly.)

Asuma was quite suspicious but Kurenai convinced him otherwise so they went to investigate further. It was time to deal with both of them.

Asuma was sharp.

Immensely sharp.

The fight was now based on intellect and deception now.

Haku and brothers (other clones) were inferior to them as they were jonins but they were in boss' territory.

You don't challenge someone in their own domain.

I disguised my clones as a civilians amongst the people in Land of waves and didn't attack the couple for now.

I wanted to observe them for now.

Collect important information about and try to find a fault within to exploit.

I did try to poison their food items but they didn't eat anything in the first place, so it was useless to do that.

They were using the henge all the time in order to infiltrate.

Eventually, they were separated from each other for a moment, when Kurenai went to relieve herself in the bathroom.

During that time, I asked Haku to do his best and paralyze her with the poison I gave him.

But we failed.

Turns out she was trying to lure us in and easily caught me, restraining me and threatening to kill me.

I assume it was because of years of training and a ninja's intuition. It might as well be a fluke.

But it was a foolish move as I was the bait myself.

"Haku do it!" I said to Haku who immediately threw a poison coated senbon towards me and I undid myself.

The senbon directly penetrated Kurenai's shoulder as she tried to avoid the senbon and she was instantly paralyzed.

She fell on the ground, alerting Asuma who was standing outside.






(Another clone POV, after getting the memories)

I quickly came to Haku's side and observed the situation for now.

I needed to burst myself with all information to let the boss know everything.

Asuma quickly came to check on her but when he came, Haku had already covered the area with Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals, quickly ending Asuma as well.

He was able to figure out the weakness of Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals but it was too late when he found it out. He was already penetrated by a poison coated senbon.

It was a win.

It was certainly a close call but we were able secure the win.

After this all was done, I immediately put a slave seal on them as well and sent them back and told them to lay low and not reveal any information about me to the village whatsoever and not rouse any suspicion at all or they can kill themselves without any further thoughts.

I also told them that the fuinjutsu will instantly explode all the chakra inside their partners' body if they decided to be over smart and try to go to a fuinjutsu expert to get rid of it.

It was of course an intricate lie that couldn't be seen through easily but can they do anything?

Threatening such people with each others' lives works the best after all.

They were left with no choices now.

They just left silently, suppressing all their hatred towards the unknown enemy in their hearts.

The fuinjutsu being uncrackable was true.

It was bought from system and written in an altogether different language.

Even boss (main body) didn't understand it completely.

Another victory for the boss, in the bag.





(Back to Kazuya POV)

Because of my intricate planning and clones' impressive working, both the jonins and 3 chunnins were under me.

I didn't disturb the jonins in any way but I informed my infiltrator clone to accelerate the infection of ANBU (through clone bursting.)

The infection was going extremely well as he infected all the chunin and genin ANBU members.

The jonins were infected sometimes as well. It was because of intricate traps I designed for them after observing them for some time.

Only high level jonins and the commanders were left.

I knew this because I created a new clone in the ANBU member's place, weekly.

It was finally the time, chunnin exam starts.





(A/N: Have another chap ^_^

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