
Possessive MC

Xiu Ying is a strange little beauty that only he does not seem to know how beautiful he is with is jade like skin, pink lips that turns red from his nervous habits of biting and constant licking of his lip. His abnormal white blonde hair that does not match his heritage and his sliver eyes A seductive devil he is with his mischievous and smart attitude. Everything would have been fine if it was not for his very sudden death which had lead him to be transmigrated to different worlds. Fortunately for Xiu Ying who's role in every world is to change his fate of dying a miserable death caused by the male lead/main protagonist named Li Wei. He fall in love with Li Wei and unfortunately for the dangerous and deadly handsome male lead he had unintentionally met some that more dangerous than him.

jamesrd · 奇幻
3 Chs

chapter 1.2 MC Meeting the male lead Li Wei

"Well time to look for a shovel" said Xiu Ying getting up from the backyard. He went inside scanning the place out realizing that he should probably get the body that he occupying memories.

"sigh I can't bother right now I gonna get a shovel" Xiu Ying mumbled to his self thinking that he should ask about the memory later.

Wondering around the house Xiu Ying finally found the garage and saw the shovel lesning against the wall. It would be so easier if they kept it outside Xiu Ying thought to his self sighing because he had to do extra work for the bitch that now lying dead.

Going back to the backyard Xiu Ying started to dig.

~5 hour later~

Xiu Ying wiped the sweat off this forehead legit standing naked in his backyard. Some people may probably think that Xiu Ying was being extra but when he means no evidence then there no evidence even the clothes he wear at the time of the 'incident' will disappear. He did not dear forget about the stone and the bitch phone which was now trapped in the system space which means that no one is ever gonna find it or is gonna find out not that bitch even came home.

sniff sniff

I need a shower Xiu Ying thought to his self. Apparently putting whores six feet under is alot of work.

"system give me the body memories." said Xiu Ying to the system almost forgetting he was there.

Reason for this was because the poor ball was 'sitting down' in a corner traumatized from his host action. His host was emotionless throughout the digging and handling of Wang Fang corpse.

"A-ah yes sir Xiu Ying you might feel intense pain for a short amount of time" said the system to Xiu Ying scared out of his mind.

Xiu Ying was quite fascinated with pain and how and what it will feel like and if it will hurts and what is it like to be hurt but that didn't show on his face. He only said yes in a calm voice with a face void of emotions.

Suddenly the Xiu Ying started to remember stuff that he didn't do and he realized that it was the body memories. Apparently his 'parents' died in a car crash when coming for him at school but at the time his sister Wang Fang wanted to go to a party but her parents decided to pick up Xiu Ying instead of taking her to the party. She messed up the engine thinking that it would of made the car broke down and then her brother would have to walk home but it ended up causing her parents to have met in an accident. Instead of feeling guilty she blamed her brother making him believe that it was his fault that they parents died and that he should of died instead of their parents and also abused him mentally and physically. Even then he stilled loved his sister because she was the only family he had left but she cross the line by making Li Wei kill him and she also confessed the truth about how his parents had died.

" I thought that i was suppose to feel pain." Xiu Ying said feeling kinda disappointed. Not really care about memories he just received because he had been through worst but he was slightly glad that he killed the sister she kind of remindered him of his cousin the girl twin and he felt obligated since he had taken over the boy's body to do his best to complete all the tasks given.

" Sir Xiu Ying that's what I thought too. I heard from the other systems that there hosts normally feels intense pain and some even pass out from the pain of receiving the memories. Shockingly you didn't even flinch or have a expression change to indicate you feeling any pain. Amazing if not slightly terrifyingly". said the system mumbling the last part.

So this sickness followed me thought Xiu Ying when he realized that he still could not any feel pain. It has its benefits I guess especially with this type of world I am in.

"Mr. Bf where and how did the MC Li Wei meet Wang Fang?" said Xiu Ying deciding he should meet his murderer.

"At a cafe called Jenny's cafe, this cafe is one of the Chinese mafia secret base. He normally visits there on Friday. Today is Friday sir and Wang Fang already met Li Wei at the cafe earlier. "

"Can you hack into surveillance cameras?" asked Xiu Ying.

"Yes I can Sir Xiu Ying. Which camera would you like me to hack?" replied the system happy to be given his first task.

"Hack into the one around the Jenny's cafe and inside and tell me if Li Wei is still there, I will get ready while you do that. If he is not there i will make him come there." Xiu Ying said to the system already forming a plan in his head.


Up somewhere in heaven is a god basically bedridden and other god the reason why other God cannot move.

"uwuwuwu GD why you did you do this to me. I can't feel below my hips uwuwuwu." GS was in pain his lover went a little rough even if he like it the after effect isn't pleasurable at all after all he even can't sit up properly.

"Do my little bun want me to prepare a warm bath and I will take the day off and we can watch some movies the puny humans made."

replied GD even if he wanted to violate his lover for looking cute immobilized on the bed but he restrained because after all he was immobilized.

"yes yes yes please" GS shouted almost jumping up but whimper when the pain come as a reminder pouting.

GD quickly walked out the room holding nose because his lover is too cute but he must retrain and endure he remembered.

GS could only look at his lovers back confused


Refreshed and on his way to the cafe in his sister car well his car now, he pulled in the parking lot unfortunately Li Wei was there having a meeting with a client as the system told him.

It was unfortunately because he wanted Li Wei not to be there so he could beat some people up just for fun to get his attention but sighs.

Parking the car in an alley behind the cafe Xiu Ying walked back to front of the cafe and entered looking for Li Wei only to spot a really handsome person sitting down with some unknown person surrounded by about six bodyguard. Guessing that, that's Li Wei he ask the system just to confirm because he didn't know that he would be so godly.

He was planning to kill Li Wei before he knew that he would look like that after all Xiu Ying believe in a hand for a head or a man for a whole generation or two. But with the way Li Wei be looking Xiu Ying is considering getting new plaything. Xiu Ying started to feel something dangerous a very possessive feeling bubbling throughout his body while looking at this man with silky black hair, a deep piercing silver eyes with his nose straight compliment his slightly pink plump lips and a jaw that could cut buildings. He's gorgeous, Xiu Ying thought

"Yes Sir Xiu Ying that's Li Wei having a discuss with leader of the Russia mafia." said the system unknowingly interrupting Xiu Ying very dangerous thoughts about Li Wei.

With that confirmed Xiu Ying rushed to the guards in a inhumane speed punching one in the stomach and grabbing his gun and then hitting over his head knocking him out and then turn to another three guards reaching for there guns and shooting them in the hand that was reaching for the gun and their legs to immobilized them and he turned to the last two while dodging a bullet that was heading for his head and shot the last one in both his legs and hands to immobilized them like the other three.

Then he turned to Li Wei and saw him and the other guy with a gun in their hands looking straight at him.

"Awwww baby don't look at me like that." rushing in an inhuman speed to the Russian mafia guy and knocking him out before he could blink and then grabbed him out of the seat then sitting in the seat all while dodging three bullet that came from his lover himself.

Quickly reaching over the table and disabling Li Wei gun. He pointed his gun to Li Wei.

"Tell your other man to back down especially the sniper two buildings aways. I have a bomb on me so if I die then everyone dies." said Xiu Ying to Li Wei slightly pissed off because even if this was he think that he is gorgeous he still need to show some respect.

"What do you want kid." Li Wei replied doing an hand signal for his men to stand down while looking at this strangely beautiful man before him. There are little to none things that ever surprising him even then it like a one second shock before the feeling goes away but this boy that don't even look over sixteen had surprised him.

Of Course Li Wei is the godfather of all the mafia for something and the only reason why Xiu Ying had gotten so close to him with such ease was because he had peaked his interest and to have such beauty in his possession then that would be a bonus. Plus he had a strange feeling an intuition you would call it that this kid would not harm him just yet.

"What an obvious questions dear, " Xiu Ying said reaching forward stealing a kiss from Li Wei only to hear several gasps around him and then he remembered that he was still in Li Wei's secret base so alot of Li Wei men saw not that he cared. When you are courting some one it's better if you do it publicly so that the other bitches and whores will back off and that's what Xiu Ying stands for.

Deciding to put on a show especially because Li Wei didn't even look like he minded the kiss. He got up causing everyone to stiffen because the boy did said he was wearing a bomb after all. Xiu Ying walked over to Li Wei sitting in his lap and pushing him into the seat to get more space and then grabbed his face and then finally connected their lips.



1890 words

This is my first ever story. Please tell me if there is any mistakes I will make sure it is fixed. Constructive criticism please and thank you.

Please vote because it will motive me to write two more chapter and it will prevent writer block 😁 your vote is my cure. 😘😙

I hope you enjoy.

Anyways I will try to write a chapter everyday but the most days that will pass and don't write anything is three.