And just like that, two years passed.
During that time, Isa's and Aylin's friendship deteriorated. Isa's visits were frequent during the first year even though it was without the knowledge of Isa's parents, until the second year when she stopped coming altogether; Aylin and Isa fought because Isa had been keeping bad friends, who have been influencing her in taking part in various bad and immoral acts. Aylin had advised her to stop being friends with them but Isa didn't want to so Aylin told Isa that she couldn't be friends with her if Isa chose to continue being friends with the bad kids. Isa snapped and told Aylin that she didn't need her before leaving, and not once did they get to see each other after that day until the day of Aylin's birthday.
They had graduated high school and were waiting for the results of the College entrance exam they took which would be out by the next year.
Aylin had thought that her 18th birthday would be just like the rest, where there would be a little gathering of the orphanage kids and the workers, a cake, and birthday wishes. But instead, Isa had called her apologizing for what she did, before asking them to meet so they could talk more. Aylin agreed because they were friends for a long time and she didn't want their friendship to end like that.
"Hey, Aylin!" Hearing a voice she knew too well, Aylin turned around just in time for Sara to crash into her.
"Oh Sorry!" Sara quickly apologized, stepping back with a wide smile on her lips. "I just wanted to tell you that I kept the remaining piece of cake in the refrigerator, for you." She said, making Aylin smile.
"Thank you, Sara, but you didn't have to."
"Why won't I? I mean you are the birthday girl but you don't even get to eat your birthday cake, rather, it's those hungry wolves eating everything as if it's their birthday and not yours." She said the last part in a low voice.
"It's alright, I don't mind."
"Of course not! I–"
"Okay, okay, I will eat it when I get back," Aylin said, cutting her off.
"Okie, remember to tell me how it went," Sara said as she flashed her a bright smile, doing an OK sign with her fingers.
"I will, bye!"
Aylin walked through the faded walls of the corridors, stopping in front of a brown wooden door. Her hand which was reaching for the doorknob stilled when she heard the voice of Miss Dana and Aunt Emilia.
"Why? Why did Isa do such a thing?! And why didn't you tell me?!"
"What use would it be if I told you, It's alright–"
"No! it's not alright, how can it be alright? Isa... Isa she... She did that to her best friend... Her best friend for God's sake! How could she do such a thing?! How could she?"
"Dana, it's been two years. Just forget about it."
"Forget about it? How can you tell me to forget about it? Aylin is supposed to be the one who was adopted! Not Isa!"
"I know, but what's done is done. There's nothing we can do about it."
"There is, Aylin should know about this, Aylin should know who the type of person she calls her best friend is!"
"And this is the reason why I didn't want to tell you, Aylin must not know. Do you think I hid it from her for no reason? No, I know that if she finds out, she would be shattered. Her separation from Isa already did enough damage, you know how long it took for her to smile genuinely after Isa left? Do you know what would happen if she knew, she would break down!"
"So... you are not going to tell her?"
"Yes, and you are not going to say anything either."
"But... Alright."
Aylin, who stood frozen outside, with many thoughts whirling inside her head, slowly took in deep breaths, as much as she tried to keep her emotions under control, she couldn't help but feel hurt that Mrs. Walter was keeping secrets from her, especially when it's about Isa.
"Come in"
Turning the doorknob, Aylin pushed the door open and stepped into the small office.
A look of surprise passed through Miss Dana's face as she stared at Aylin who walked toward them.
"Is it time?" Mrs. Walter asked as her gaze softened.
"Yes, I'm leaving now."
"Ok dear, remember to give me a call when you get there,"
"I will," Aylin said, hugging her before kissing her cheek.
"Goodbye Miss Dana," She said as she walked out without waiting for a reply.
The thought of what Isa wanted and the conversation she heard between Miss Dana and Aunt Emilia clouded her thoughts throughout the ride.
Reaching her destination, Aylin got out of the cab, paid, and walked to the massive black and gold steel gates. She looked up, impressed with the beauty and magnificence of the mansion that stood proudly in front of her. Remembering that Isa had told her to call when she arrived, she brought out her phone and called Isa.
"You are here already?" She heard Isa's bubbly voice from the other side.
"Perfect! I'm coming out right now," Isa said and after some seconds, Isa came rushing out.
"Hi Aylin," she exclaimed, hugging Aylin tightly.
"Hi, Isa," Aylin replied with a small smile.
"Let's go inside, there are so many people I want to introduce you to." She said after pulling away, practically dragging Aylin into the mansion.
"Uhm... Isa," Aylin called reluctantly but Isa ignored her.
Entering the large and luxurious mansion, they strode to a room that had three long sofas, a large screen TV, and a fire hearth, decorated with different paintings and furniture.
There were people, and judging from their looks and outfit, they must be Isa's friends.
"Hey guys, look who just arrived!" Isa announced, pointing at Aylin, getting the attention of everyone in the room.
Which it did, considering how everyone's head whipped towards them.
"Is she the one?" A guy asked, coming towards them.
"Yes," She replied before turning to everyone "Everyone, this is Aylin my best friend from the orphanage, and Aylin, meet my friends," Isa announced with a wide smile.
Before Aylin could say a word, a girl rushed to her and held out her hand, smiling widely. "Hi, I'm Trisha. I've heard a lot about you."
"Uhm... Hi, I'm Aylin. It's nice to meet you." Aylin replied, shaking her hand.
And then another girl came forward, she had short curly hair with freckles on her face. "Hi, I'm Stacy. And I like the color of your hair, " she said, nodding towards Aylin's hair which was packed in a low bun with a few strands framing her face.
"Thank you," Aylin mumbled with a smile.
"Are you shy? You don't need to be, you are Isabella's friend making you our friend. Isn't that right guys?" She asked, turning to the others.
"No, it not that–"
"Well, I wouldn't mind making her my girlfriend," A guy with dark, short wavy black hair said, a smirk on his lips.
"Blake!" The girl sitting beside him on the edge of the sofa warned, glaring at him while the others laughed.
"Well, you can't blame Blake, the girl is just so beautiful that he must have fallen for her," The guy with blue eyes and dyed blonde hair said with a shrug. "And besides, Isa should have told us that she had such a beautiful friend."
"Ian shut up!" Isa said, shaking her head. "I can't believe you guys are already hitting on her, and you ask me why I didn't tell you, guys, sooner."
"Alright guys, that's enough. Let's get on with this party already!" A girl with black short wavy hair, a nose, and ear piercing yelled making Aylin frown, she turned to Isa whose eyes had turned wide.
"What party? What are you celebrating?"
"Nadia! You really can't keep your fucking mouth shut can you?" Isa snapped. Aylin's eyebrows furrowed, she wasn't used to people cursing, especially not Isa.
"I'm sorry, it slipped."
"Yea, it always slips," Isa rolled her eyes, turning to Aylin.
"I'm sorry, I arranged a birthday party for you, it was supposed to be a surprise, but now it's ruined." She apologized, before glaring at Nadia.
Aylin's eyes widened and she stared at Isa, "You did a surprise birthday party for me? Was that why you called me here?"
"Yes, and I was hoping we could talk... You know... About what happened."
"Isa... You didn't have to."
"No! I had to, after the way I talked to you and my bitchy attitude. I'm sorry,"
"Isa... I–" Sighing, She continued. "It's alright, I already forgave you a long time ago, just promise you won't do that again."
"I promise, I won't. I'm so glad that you forgave me. Thank you Aylin, You are the best." She said, and they hugged each other tightly before pulling away.
After Isa and Aylin reconciled, they started the party and after a few hours of laughter and giggles and drinking alcohol which Aylin didn't drink even after much persuasion, she excused herself, telling them she needed to use the toilet.
After she was done using the toilet, she walked out and leaned her back against the wall, sighing softly. She wasn't fond of people especially if those people were Isa's friends and she certainly sucked at making friends or conversing.
After a couple of deep breaths, she pushed herself off the wall and strode back to the parlor, but it seemed like she had lost her way because she found herself at a dead end. Sighing heavily, she walked back to where she came from and took another turn.
Hearing the loud music playing was a sign that she was on the right track. She passed by several rooms but stopped when she heard a voice she could recognize anywhere.
–I know, right? She's so stupid" The voice said followed by a giggle that came from not only her but others that were in the room.
"Seriously, I don't know if she's the dumbest person on this planet or if the love she has for you has blinded her for her not to see how much you hate her," Another voice said, which was Nadia.
"Yeah... Why'd you hate her so much anyway, I mean you got everything you have because of her–"
"Shut the fuck up, Trisha!" Isa snarled.
"Yeah, Trisha's right, why'd you hate her so much?"
Aylin heard Isa sigh and after some seconds, Isa started talking.
"Aylin... She... She was everyone's favorite, both in school and in the orphanage. She was loved by almost everyone and whenever a couple came to adopt her, the bitch would beg the head of the orphanage not to let her go. And since the woman loved her so much, she would persuade the parents to adopt another child, even going as far as to tell them about her made-up bad behaviors so the parents would adopt another child. This continued. Do you know what the infuriating part was? It was that they never showed interest in me. Since she was everyone's favorite, she always got the good stuff, and for me to get them, I befriended her. We got close and became best friends. She liked me so much that she was willing to do anything for me, including my assignments, chores, and a lot of other things. I used our so-called friendship to my advantage and got everything I wanted. That was until my dear parents came and said they wanted to adopt a fucking 16-year-old girl who turned out to be Aylin." She laughed. "I was so fucking pissed and angry at that time that I wished I could kill her. It was always about her, Aylin this, Aylin that, Aylin, Aylin, Aylin! Every single fucking time!" She paused, "So I did it."
"What did you do?" Nadia asked.
"I told my dearest parents how much of a slut Aylin was, how she slept around for money, that she was nothing but a petty thief, a bully, and any other bad thing anyone could do." She continued, "You should have seen the horror on their faces," Isa started laughing.
"You told them all that yourself?"
"Of course not! Are you dumb or what? I paid someone to tell them."
"Now don't look at me like that, I only helped her since she didn't want to be adopted."
Aylin couldn't believe what she just heard, No! She didn't want to believe that Isa could do something like that. Her body reacted on its own accord and she flung the door open.
What a bitch.
Q: If your best friend said that about you, what would be your reaction?
Mine: I would beat the h*ll outta her, pull her hair, scratch her face... I would literally kill her.
P/S: Like it? Add to library!