

1976, 29 June- Tuesday

"All I have to say is why? Are you stupid or something? I should be the one with a scar, not you, Regulus." Polaris spat out seeing his brother clean the wound on his chest. Sat before the tall wide mirror in his green-coloured room, hissing slightly, completely concentrated on looking at his reflection in the mirror He was glad that the bleeding had stopped though it was still pulsing and painful, with how red and open it was. He felt bad, knowing it was his fault his brother was in pain but at the same time he was annoyed, he had never asked him to do it.

Polaris stood there agitated seeing it. Even more so, that his brother wouldn't respond to him.

Coming back home he was prepared for his mother's wrath but instead, he found his mother nowhere to be seen only to find his brother crying in pain in a fetus position in the kitchen, though he was glad the pain had now subsidised. It made him angry knowing it was his fault that his brother was in pain. Mostly he was angry at his brother for taking the pain, though the thought of his mother echoed in the back of his head. Would she have hurt him this bad if he had come back earlier?

"I don't get it… I don't get you sometimes. I don't understand why you would put yourself in such harm's way for me. Taking the role of Sirius now he's gone or something?" Polaris snarked, again Regulus ignored him, sighing in frustration as he finally began to try to cover the wound with a bandage.

He attempted to wrap it around his back coming back to eh front but was struggling it seemed sudden movements inflicted pain. "I'll do it," Polaris muttered taking the bandaging from his grasp, kneeling on the floor behind his brother, who didn't respond but easily released it allowing Polaris to do it.

"Sorry, that you felt the need to get hurt… to be honest, I didn't think mother would go this far when I was preparing myself for the worse before coming back," Polaris commented, coming to an end with the bandaging.

His brother sighed, looking in the mirror with a slight frown, "It doesn't hurt that bad. It just makes you wonder what's in that bloody room for her to make such a big deal about it. She cared more about the office there and kept asking me what I saw. Bloody mad she is, something she has in common with Bellatrix then again." Regulus said bitterly, his jaw clenching afterwards as he tried to ease his breathing, since with just his chest rising the wound was widening causing more pain. Polaris watched his brother groan in frustration, falling flat on his back, hitting Polaris on the way down by accident. The older boy stared up at the ceiling in silence.

They were quiet.

It was quiet.

Neither of them spoke, relishing the silence, with Polaris sitting beside his brother, his arms around his legs as he stared blankly at all before him. He stared at the pictures on the wall, most of them were ones of Regulus and his mates. A good few of them were in quidditch gear, one of the moving photos caught his attention, it was one of three boys… three brothers, even though there was now two.

He spared a glance at his brother on the floor who still had his eyes set on the ceiling, breathing slowly, looking at his chest you would think he wasn't breathing at all with the lack of movement. He hadn't expected his brother to have that picture nor did he bother to comment on the fact there was a picture with Sirius in it. Then again their mother barely paid attention to their rooms as long it was clear she didn't care to look around.

"What do you think mother is hiding?" Polaris muttered, his head leaning against his knees.

"Who knows. I haven't even stepped foot in there in my life."

"Well, you're the one who decided to lie with the lack of self-preservation on mind." Polaris laxly replied.

His brother hummed.

"I saw a cauldron, it was obvious she brews in there. I saw some brewed potions too, o you think that's what she was worried about?" Polaris commented as he lifted his head from his knee. His brother turned his head making eye contact.

"I think… I rather not know what it is."

"I want to know." Polaris stated and Regulus frowned, "Don't go back in there Polaris." His brother told him sternly and Polaris merely stared at his brother with narrowed eyes, "Aren't you just a bit curious?" Polaris murmured, his head resting on his knees again, his eyes closing.

He listened to his brother hum again.

"Why did you bother saving my arse anyway? I feel like it's always you and Sirius being hurt by mother, I think it was my turn for that to happen today and you took my turn."

Regulus snorted, "you make it sound like you wish to be in pain. You should be thanking them yet you haven't. You've merely complained about me saving you, rather than asking me how I feel."

Polaris frowned his chin up from his knees again. He lowered his legs that were close to his chest spreading them out as he leaned back using his hands as support not bothering to look at his brother but out the window.

"Why would I ask if you're in pain. You literally had tears in your eyes before, it doesn't take an idiot to know you are in pain. Why should I be thanking you? I was ready to take responsibility, what you did was really stupid… perhaps mother wouldn't have done that…"

Regulus said nothing in response, only clicking his tongue in annoyance, before whispering under his breath, "You annoy me with your words sometimes. Just say thank you, you ungrateful git."


"What?!" Regulus said in surprise, "What? Expected me to say yes? Why did you even do it?" Polaris asked as he finally stood up, straightening his clothes. Regulus looked up at him watching, as he sat up clenching his jaw in pain.

"Why else? Do you think I did it for fun or something? We're brothers Polaris, I'm always going to have your back, alright? I did it because I'm your brother. When Sirius left, it became only us."

Polaris sighed, staring his brother in the eye, grinning like an idiot because he was. "I plan on telling mother the truth."

"Are you an idiot?!" his brother snapped.

"Yes, yes I am. You're an idiot for lying but I guess I understand. Older brothers do that stuff right? but you didn't need to and I'm sorry for having not covered my tracks, sorry for letting my emotions get to me. I'm going to assume you didn't tell me anything about the lessons for a reason. Apparently, people older than me know best, even if they don't know what they're doing themselves. You're right, we're brothers so we might as well get matching scars right? I'm an idiot for it, I know, but I won't let you be in pain alone."

"Alright, it's your choice but I'm against it. Though at least I now know stupidity runs through our veins and where are my letters to Sirius?" Regulus spoke, and Polaris scratched the back of his neck, "I'm gonna go tell her now."

"Well, you might as well tell me where the letters-"

"We'll see how it goes, maybe she's too worn out from being angry at you," Polaris told him before moving towards the door.

"Okay but the let-"

"-and he's gone…" Regulus muttered to himself, staring at the now-closed door with Polaris having closed it on his way out after opening it rather fast.


He was expecting the worst but the worse never came. To summarise, all he could say was their mother was pretending as if she hadn't given her older son a wound that would scar him for life. At first, she seemed enraged when Polaris had told her the truth, the look in her eyes told Polaris how angry she was there was no need for her to shout which he had expected but it never came… strangely enough.

Too strange.

She merely gave him a disappointed look after calming herself down and made him promise not to go back in there, which he wasn't going to stay true to, it just depends on when he wanted to explore it again. He would have to wait for her to be out of the house, though he didn't go totally unpunished, it wasn't really a punishment but Regulus seemed to rather have gotten a scar than have his wand taken for who knows how long.

She took it and he didn't care at all mostly he could just use magic without it… and children aren't even allowed to use their wands outside of Hogwarts then again what child with a wizarding family actually listened to that rule.

She seemed rather proud to have taken his wand and he made sure to seem upset about it, even though he was rather happy with that result.

Now they were sitting in silence eating dinner, strangely enough, their father was there too. The four of them sat at the dining table.

…In complete silence.

Now and then his brother and himself would send each other glances. Though it hadn't been completely silent with Polaris having just asked if he would be able to go to the Carlsden estate.

His father waved a hand dismissively, "Yes, yes." The man muttered uninterested allowing him to go while his mother too seemed uninterested humming in response. He spared his father a glance who seemed more interested in the painting at the side, he seemed paler than usual, and his attention was caught when he heard his mother speak.

"I had known they were coming back to England, but not this soon into the summer." His mother drawled. As she finished speaking Polaris caught his brother's eyes and he watched as Regulus mocked her silently, moving his head and moving his lips making Polaris snort.

His mother snapped her gaze to him, "What is it?" she snapped.

"Oh… I was just going to say I planned to meet with Andrew Travers in a few weeks…"

She frowned, silently taking in his words, before her frown deepened, "Andrew Travers?" she repeated in disgust before huffing.

"Merlin no! no son of mine will be mingling with such an abomination. The boy is a half-blood is he not? A bastard on top of it, I wholly pitty Lady Travers having to endure the boy's presence with lord Travers bringing the boy to the Manor." His mother sneered. Polaris stopped himself from rolling his eyes, humming in response thinking she was done, but she wasn't.

"Don't tell me you have been surrounding yourself with such filth during your time at Hogwarts." She hissed at him, her eyes narrowing staring sternly at him.

"Well, mother… it depends on what you mean by that, seeing as there were some first years who hadn't taken a shower in a whole week, which would be considered filthy." Polaris lightly replied, he didn't dare look up at her feeling her heated gaze.

"His father already knows… I spoke to him when I was with uncle Alphard, and Lord Travers was alright with it saying he would send an owl to arrange it to be at their manor." Polaris spoke again and she sniffed, "I suppose it's unavoidable then, at least Lord Travers has been providing the boy with proper educators. I'm sure you can rub off on the boy." His mother said stiffly Polaris didn't even bat an eye on how she had a change of heart knowing Lord Travers would personally be sending an owl to discuss it.

"And, I was invited to the Bones Manor… I'm just telling you both in advance," Polaris said, looking towards his father who still wasn't paying much attention then to his mother who frowned slightly. "I'm not too sure when I will be going, I'm going to wait for her formal invitation. Corvus… and Elora Parkinson would be going too" well he didn't know that, but it should be enough to clear her doubts.

"Alright. It's good you're both making connections, even if two of those connections are half-bloods. I would assume they would have some use in the future," his mother drawled then looked towards her eldest, "That half-blood boy-"

"Severus, mother." Regulus interrupted stiffly.

"Yes, yes that boy. He seems promising, hasn't he expressed his interest in joining the cause?" she spoke again, Regulus nodded, "Yes, mother."

All the while Polaris merely raised a brow, still not able to comprehend why he would want to do that. He actually had a chance not to, while most of the purebloods seem to have to do it as some kind of duty their parents expect them to do.

"Speaking of that… do you know when my lessons with Lord Gaunt will start?" Polaris asked, his mother then turned her gaze on him smiling proudly.

"Yes, I have received word from him. You will begin your lessons with him sometime in July."

The following days and weeks were interesting, to say the least for Polaris and his brother, then of course they both did their own things hardly crossing paths, both being out of the house for this and that. Neither of them couldn't deny that they loved being out of the house, which didn't need an explanation seeing as it was a house not home.

As his uncle had mentioned, they indeed exchanged owls. It was nice, what was even nicer was when his gifts arrived. The broom and his quidditch equipment, nothing could describe the look Regulus had on his face when his younger brother had come in with an unfamiliar broom, one that had yet to even come out. He was annoyed at first, then jealous, which thus because hopeful. Thought that hope that sparked in Regulus was crushed when Polaris denied his request to test it out and that annoyance was back within the second.

It had been a while since Polaris had ridden a broom, so he had tried going slow at first, which seemed to have been a failure as the broom took off faster than he was expecting. His uncle had been right about it being rather fast.

After testing it out he finally gave his brother a try at it, in return his brother let him use his broom since it was a tad bit slower, better than starting off with a faster broom which did help more with control. With a few pointers and demonstrations of different techniques which were widely used and known, he found it easier to use and thus… he found it fun.

It was even more fun riding with his friends. Hadrianus and Corvus were just as surprised as his brother seeing the prototype from then Corvus had made him swear he would try out to be on the team in their second year which Polaris readily agreed to, which led to Corvus and Hadrianus betting whether Polaris would, in fact, make the team or not. It wasn't often that second years made the team.

The testing of the broom hadn't ended there, no. In fact, it continued as he visited the Travers Estate where he used the quidditch pitch they had. Andrew himself wasn't the best on a broom, and Polaris had a good laugh at seeing the boy crash to the floor.

He wasn't even that bad, well compared to what he used to be. He was tolerable, even so, he was still suspicious, of Polaris' confusion. Why on earth would he go out of his way to embarrass him somehow, it was ridiculous for Andrew to even think. Andrew needed a lesson on how to be a Slytherin, seeing as he was one. Why do something yourself when you can get someone else to do it?

After that, he spent most of his time being at either Corvus' manor or Hadrianus at some point they had invited Aaron to join them which was quite amusing leading to them being invited to the Flint Estate the next day after which was just as fun as the last.

Though not once had he made mention of his meeting with Lord Gaunt who was the supposed Dark Lord. That wasn't something you would just freely speak about, it was sensitive information nor did he want people to think he was some type of slave-like the others. He merely wanted to learn something new and the man was the key to learning something different.

Before he knew it he was finally invited to the Bones Manor.

1976, 12 July- Monday

He had arrived at the exact time Amelia had proposed they all arrive using the portkey she had sent to each of them, with Corvus and Elora arriving at the same moment like him. Amelia had been standing waiting for them with a smile, "I'm glad you guys actually came. I'm mostly surprised Elora came to be honest" Amelia said moving to Elora to hug her.

Elora stood stiffly in the hug.

"Right, whatever, can we move things along," Elora responded.

"Where are your parents we should probably greet them," Corvus said looking around, admiring the art on the walls. Amelia walked over, "My mother was called in by Mungos and father had to rush to the Ministry apparently something came up, so maybe you'll meet them later today." She told them as she looked towards each of them smiling.

"Come on, I'll take you to the living room. Danielle and Rick are already here, they're in the living room." She told them as she led them out, as she did she point here and there explaining where things were and what they were.

"Oh and that's my great- great grandmother." Amelia pointed out to the portrait of a woman who had her eyes closed, she had on elegant robes. "Though I wouldn't bother her, she gets snappy at times and annoyed," Amelia commented as they moved along finally they reached the living room and they were respected by a blonde-haired boy and a dark-haired girl they both stood smiling awarded.

Amelia moved towards the middle of them, looking at both groups, she then looked towards Polaris, Corvus and Elora, while at the same time she waved her hand over to the blonde boy, "This is Rick James, he's in Hufflepuff like me. Maybe you've met him before in one of our shared classes." Amelia introduced him.

Corvus shook his head, while Elora responded, "I highly doubt I would have ever met him if it weren't for today. I'm Elora Parkinson, pureblood. I suppose it's not yet a pleasure to meet you, but we'll see, Rick… I can call you that can't I? Rick, I don't think I've heard anyone called Rick before, it's kind of fun to say," Elora said in amusement as she turned to Corvus and Polaris, "Don't you think?" she continued.

Corvus raised a brow as he whispered in Polaris' ear, "I want what she's smoking."

Polaris snorted, "Yeah, um, Rick is an interesting name. Well, I'm Polaris." Polaris introduced himself and Elora scoffed, before pointing at him, "He's Polaris Black, from a prominent pureblood family, he's a pureblood himself and the idiot stood beside him is Corvus Avery another pureblood," Elora announced stiffly as she tilted her head slightly up, as she looked at the two other Hufflepuffs who weren't Amelia.

Now we just need to know who you are." Elora continued as she stared at the girl who coughed awkwardly before quickly glanced at Amelia before responding.

"Well, Elora. I can call you that can't I? I myself haven't heard anyone called Elora, sounds rather interesting and fun to say, don't mind me I talk a lot don't you think? Well, moving along I'm Danielle Sapple, from the muggle family that lives in London. A muggle-born." She said with a mocking smile, staring right at Elora as she spoke, as she finally finished Rick spoke as he slapped his hands together.

Elora merely glared at the girl.

"Well since we're announcing blood types I'll have you know I'm A+ but I suppose I'm muggle-born too." Rick contributed and Elora sneered at them both.

"A+? ah, I remember those stuff! We got to test out blood or something in the muggle studies, I think I'm O+" Corvus blurted out staring at Rick, "Oh and um, I suppose we can all use first names here, I mean you guys are going to be showing us around London there really isn't a need for formalities." He added.

"Oh, I remember that! I'm O+ too, well anyways, I have to let Orie out, so just wait here okay? You might as well try to get to know each other. Elora be nice." Amelia told them before rushing out leaving the five of them to themselves.

Elora looked offended for her to think she wouldn't be nice. Of course, she would!

"Whose Orie?" Corvus questioned as his gaze moved from Amelia had left through, towards the Hufflepuffs that remained.

"Orie is her dog. He's a handful, I wouldn't be surprised if he jumped on us all if he was in this part of the manor." Danielle answered as she sat back down on the sofa keeping an eye on them.

"Why not get the house-elf to do it?" Polaris asked as he walked around the room to settle at the window admiring the scenery, it was just as nice as the Black Manor grounds.

"Oh, her dad said something about learning about responsibilities," Danielle answered.

Rick nodded, "Yeah and she had to beg her parents to get him so now they make her take full responsibility for him so they only let the house-elf take care of him when she's not in the house to do it." Rick added.

With that it was silent. Corvus moved around the room himself finally sitting on the couch opposite the muggle-borns and Elora herself did so too sitting beside Corvus and they all sat in silence while Polaris continued on staring out the window.

He turned around to see the four of them sitting awkwardly avoiding eye contact and sighed, "So, have you been to Amelia's home before?" Polaris called out. Danielle and Rick turned their heads, and Corvus and Elora too looked toward him hearing him break the silence.

"Well, I suppose." Rick said rather slowly and Corvus scoffed, "What do you mean you suppose, it was a rather simple question. Yes or no." Corvus told them before looking toward Elora, "Right?"

It was amusing seeing those two not arguing but then again they seemed to have a common enemy the muggle-borns right in front of them. That was one thing that could ban a group of Slytherins who didn't like each other and that was defending each other against a muggle-born.

She nodded, "Yes, it is quite the simple question or perhaps people such as you aren't able to answer questions of that calibre?" she lightly questioned as she moved her attention to her nails.

"You are such a git!" Danielle burst out and Elora gasped frowning at the girl as her hand went to her chest had not expected it.

"Excuse me?" Elora responded, giving the girl the chance to take back what was said though Danielle didn't.

"You heard me! I called you a git. You're a pureblooded git who thinks your better than me, well guess what. Your not, your just some rich girl who thinks she can do what she wants," Danielle said.

Before Elora could explode on her, Polaris moved toward them, "Look, Elora was only joking, it was mere sarcasm to lighten the mood." Polaris told the Hufflepuffs then looked at Corvus and Elora, "Isn't that right?"

Corvus gave him a look, 'are you mad' While Elora frowned before sighing, "Yeah, we were trying to lighten the mood, but you suddenly attack me for being rich? What in Merlin's name is wrong with being rich? Are you trying to shame me for being born into a wealthy family? if your jealous all you have to do is say it." Elora told the girl who seemed taken aback.

"What?... I'm not jealous. Look okay whatever, sorry for blowing out like that, wasn't needed I guess?"

Rick looked around awkwardly, giving a loud whistle, before speaking, "So… Nate, right? late like usual, hopefully, that doesn't stick."

"As usual?" Polaris noted. Then they must be friends with Nathaniel as well, perhaps from Hogwarts. Danielle nodded, "Yes, as usual. When do you think he'll get here?" she asked, her eyes set on the fireplace on their left.

"Shouldn't he have come from the portkey?" Rick asked and Danielle looked at him as she shrugged.

"Well, he can't use it now, seeing as the time period has expired. I would say he'll be coming through the floo." Corvus airly added.

"Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised that he ended up losing the portkey, seems like something he would do, or perhaps he slept in." Polaris added and Corus laughed.

Elora gave them both a look, "Sleep in until one?" she asked aghast.

"Well yeah? Seems probable, I've slept in till three before." Corvus told her.


It didn't take long before Amelia had joined them and Nathaniel made an appearance. He did in fact decide to take a nap and slept longer than expected after forgetting to tell his elf to wake him up at a certain time.

The conversation the seven of them had been having was disrupted by someone flooing, sauntering in before pausing with a frow on his face before huffing crushing the paper in his hand. Amelia turned to the boy, smiling, "Joe! I didn't even know you left, where did you go?" she asked the older boy who huffed as he sauntered further into them from where he had landed. "I was at Mary's, honestly I was starting to think about working in the ministry just so I can change the regulations." The boy announced as he walked over to Amelia handing her the crumpled paper.

Amelia stared at the crumpled mess before looking up at him, "What is it now Joespeh" Amelia said as if she was expecting the worse, and the boy looked offended. "I did nothing! Where's dad I want him to fix it. I got fined!"

Amelia then unfolded the paper and read it, frowning, "Threatening the secret statue? What did you do?"

That when the flu network was in flames again this time an older man walked in and Polaris just had to assume this was Lord Bones, "Ah, Joesph I see you decided to come back after two days." The man said in amusement and the boy flushed, before grabbing the paper from Amelia, "Look at this." he told his father.

The man read it, there was no obvious reaction to it, only the man folding the piece of parchment as he finished reading it. "What did you do, this time?"

From the tone of the man, he could assume this was a normal thing for Joesph who he was assuming was Amelia's brother, at least one of them.

"That's the thing! Nothing that deserves that. Listen to this. I only apparated into Godric's Hollow, apparently, I did it in front of some muggles. Can you believe it? How is that even fair? It was a Wizarding village first and I'm being fined for Apprating!?"

Lord Bones huffed in annoyance, "Joseph! You know muggles live there too. We'll talk about it later" he said as he began to walk towards the fireplace, as he reached it he turned back, looking at his son, "just don't try magically appearing in front of muggle again, hope you didn't give them a heart attack." He announced sarcastically. He then turned to them, "Sorry I can't stay too long, but Amelia has already filled me in on your little adventure into the muggle world, do stay safe, a

"No, they only fainted," Joeseph said as a matter of fact, in a hushed whisper. His father definitely heard him but didn't bother answering as he flooed away.

"Father's a life saver, I'm hardly going to pay that fine. Too hundred Galleons my arse, it's obvious I didn't do it on purpose."

"Alright now that you're done complaining about something that's obviously your fault, I will like to introduce you to my friends, Joe." Amelia spoke up, the older boy rolled his eyes, "It's a wizarding village."

"Whatever, anyway. This on the far left is Corvus Avery, Then there's Polaris Black, Elora Parkinson and you already know Rick, Danielle and Nate." She then turned to her friends, as she waved a hand over at her brother, "This is my brother Joeseph."

Her brother laughed, "You really are a wonder, Amy." He said as he stopped laughing, he turned his gaze to them, "So are you lot Slytherins?"

"I suppose…" Elora said hauntingly, crossing her arms defensively.

"It's amazing how many friends you have Amy. You literally have someone over at the Manor every day, I could never be that sociable. Yesterday was Ravenclaws, the other day Gryffindors, the other day Hufflepuffs now today Slytherins, you practically designated days for each house. Planning world domination or something with that amount of friends you have?"

"Oh shut up, Joe! I didn't designate days for each house, that's just coincidental and as you can see Danielle and Rick are here who are Hufflepuffs like us! Then there's-"

"-Me! Nathaniel, a lion at heart, well I like to think so. Are you really dating Mary Cooper?" Nathaniel asked from across the room. Joseph turned to him raising a brow, "How do you know about Mary?" he asked him. Nathaniel shrugged, "I mean you did mention her name. I'm friends with her brother, Liam Cooper and she's also in Gryffindor, so I've seen her around."

"Well yes, she is my girlfriend. You know if you need a guide in the muggle world I could give you one. Mary has been teaching me all there is. I wish I would have taken muggle studies in third year, would have got an easy NEWT." Amelia's brother spoke.

Amelia pondered it, looking towards them, before deciding her answer.

Elora flipped her hair, smiling charmingly, "Of course, you can! It would be rude to reject such a kind offer… may I call you Joseph?" Elora spoke, pushing herself forward and moving towards him, with her hand out. He raised a brow in amusement as he took her hand, "Well of course. Any friend of Amy is allowed to call me Joeseph." He told her.

"Well, I suppose any brother of my dear friend Amy can call me Elora, which is my name by the way just so you don't forget." Elora told him, "So when are we leaving?" Elora asked as she turned to Amelia who was glaring at her.

Amelia didn't answer immediately only walking towards them only to yank Elora's hand from her brothers. Which the girl had yet to drop, "Well, my brother here, isn't going anywhere. Though we are all grateful for the offer, Joe. Rick and Danielle are going to be our guide." Amelia told him, then spared a quick glance at Elora, "You can back to Godrics Hallow or something. I'm sure you were at Arin's house." She told her brother who shrugged, smiling.

"Alright. Do have fun, and don't take it for granted, the muggle world does have those fun moments" he told them as he walked back towards the fireplace finally taking the powder disappearing, leaving Elora disappointed.

Elora turned to Amelia, "Do you think your brother will wait a few more years for me?"

"Stay away from my brother, Elora! He literally has a girlfriend plus he's way too old for you right now."

"I don't blame her… your brother wonders my dreams," Danielle contributed her gaze still at the fireplace Joespeh had left through.

"He's beautiful, and those eyes," Elora muttered, she too looking towards the fireplace.

Danielle turned to Elora quickly gushing at the mention of his eyes "Yes! His eyes, they're gorgeous!"

"I'm literally right here! Stop that talk about my brother, do you know the amount of older girls at Hogwarts who try to go through me to get to my brother? It's getting old and annoying, but this time the girls here don't have one inch of a chance."

"I'll have my chance, just you wait until I'm seventeen."

"Why seventeen?" Danielle asked, "Well because that's the age of majority… you know, legal?" Elora responded, and Rick's eyes lightened up hearing their conversation.

"Does that mean we're allowed to drink alcohol at seventeen in the wizarding world?!" the muggle-born boy asked.

"I'm honestly worried if you're just only finding out." Elora drawled.

Corvus turned to Polaris who seemed just as confused as he was, "So… girls, am I right?" Corvus muttered awkwardly, which made Polaris laugh. He glanced over at Nathaniel who seemed focused on the fireplace too, "Look, I think Nathaniel is going to compliment Joespeh too, are you, Nate?" Polaris mused. Corvus laughed since it was a joke.

Even so, he knew it was a joke but, Nathaniel still flushed, laughing awkwardly, having just been teased "Like I would." Nathaniel said sarcastically, before slapping his hands together, "Alright, I vote that our first trip is to a muggle sweet shop!" he announced.

Polaris turned to Amelia who seemed to already be looking at him, "Ready to go? " he asked, and she smiled nodding, "Yeah, we can take the knight bus if you guys want, so we won't have to walk too far, or we could just floo to the leaky cauldron and go on a long walk and talk with each other." She said.

"Knight bus!" Nathaniel called out, a fist in the air as he said it.

"Um, what's a knight bus?" Rick asked.

"Right… I keep forgetting there are things you don't know just like I don't know things about the muggle world! Well, the knight bus… is a bus? But a really fast one, hopefully, no one throws up." Amelia told him, looking toward Daniell who seemed curious about it.

"No way am I getting on that thing. Surely my hair will get messed up?" Elora refuted, her arms crossed.

"Well, I don't mind, either-or." Corvus added, "Knight bus since we'll get to our destination faster and we will have more time to explore rather than wasting precious time on walking." Polaris himself contributed and that was that they got the knight bus after.

The day was one of discovery, understanding and excitement. An interesting adventure it was.

The day ended up on a field. Though it seemed most of the group split up in their own different directions. Rick and Nathaniel along with Corvus had gone off to find more sweets that weren't similar to the ones they had already filled their pouches with. It was amusing to see the shocked faces of Rick and Danielle when they had learned how much Amelia's parents had given her to spend on them all, while Amelia, Corvus, Elora, Nathaniel and Polaris weren't too sure why they had been shocked to learn that she was given 1000 pounds.

Polaris wasn't shocked since he had known that it was worth much less than Galleons. If it had been one thousand galleons then yes, he would have been shocked seeing as it was enough to buy a house. A thousand pounds? Now that was something he wasn't too sure about, he had no sense of what would be considered expensive and wouldn't since it was his first time using 'pound sterling' and it seemed the equivalent to their sickles was 'pence' well he hoped it was.

They did so much, which involved buying tickets, they went to so many shops which resulted in too many bags, near the end they had found a group of muggle kids on a pitch playing something called 'football', which excited Nathaniel resulting in him dragging them towards them, yelling asking if they could join.

With the muggles' approval of joining, Elora right out refused to touch the ball and only frowned more when the muggle kids tried to talk to her. Corvus had laughed it off telling the kids that she had a stomach ache, which Elora was glad to go with.

Amelia hadn't joined either, deciding to keep Elora company so she wouldn't feel left out.

Near the end of the match, Nathaniel had invited the other boys to get sweets with them and they went off. Then Danielle had told them she wanted to go back to a certain shop to get a top she had seen earlier, which caught Elora's interest with her telling the girl she had no sense of style and that she would go with her.

With that, Polaris was left with Amelia, not exactly interested in seeing someone shop or being surrounded by the idiots who want to get more sweets. He wouldn't be surprised if they all complained about a sore stomach by the end of it, that they wouldn't have to fake one like Elora had done.

It didn't really matter that they all separated, all that mattered was that they were with someone. They had already planned to meet up again for the knight bus at a specific place and time.

Thye was laid on the grassy greens of a field, it was just beside the pitch that they had just been playing on.

"I'm surprised Elora didn't complain as much as I anticipated." Amelia mused, turning her head to the side to look at Polaris whose gaze was still set on the sky staring at the clouds.

He hummed, "True… then again she did promise she wouldn't. You know today wasn't that bad." He told her.

"Not that bad? Oh, come on, Pol! I need more than that like it was spectacular, I've never experienced anything like that before. Oh please, Amelia, can we do it again! When next area we coming to muggle London!"

He turned his head unable to knock the grin on his face-off, "Sorry, let's have a do-over." He told her, and she hummed as she considered his request, "I don't know about that. Who said you're allowed do-overs in this game?" she asked, and he raised his brow.

"What game?" he asked.

"Well the game of life, of course!"

"Well that's stupid, in games you get to start again, so you've got to give it to me before I report this bug to the inventors. I'm sure they'll stop at nothing until it's gone."

Instead of responding she laughed, "What? I'm serious you know." He told her, sitting up, his hands in the air as he stretched.

"I think I had too much sugar today, I feel rather energetic perhaps we can do some laps around the pitch!" she told him, her eyes shining with excitement, "Well, I too had a lot of sweets but not to the extent to have me willingly doing laps. If you want you can do it and I'll watch." He replied and she huffed as she jumped to her feet.

"Well, that's no fun." She told him seriously and he rolled his eyes, Yeah, well so is not getting a do-over." He told her flatly she had to force the smile away, "Are you still going on about do-overs?!"

"Fine you can get a do-over… what did I even ask before? Wait a minute, I swear I didn't even ask anything, I'm pretty sure you just told me. It seems you've cheated the game…"

"You-" before Polaris could finish what he had to say, they both heard their names.

"AMELIA, POLARIS!" it was Elora and Danielle, they were running over to them, obviously tired and in a hurry which worried Amelia while it had Polaris curious as to why they were running and yelling for. Never in his life would he have imagined seeing Elora like this.

Amelia rushed towards them, "What happened? Are you guys alright?" She asked as Polaris got up moving towards them. They hadn't answered yet only spitting out a few words.



Polaris looked over them before his gaze set on Elora's hand which he then grabbed, "Is that blood Elora?" he asked rather seriously, alarming Amelia. "What happened?" Amelia sternly asked, looking over Danielle to make sure she was alright.

"An attack!" Danielle finally got out.

An attack it was. It turns out it was a death eater attack one the Aurors fixed, with many of them guarding the perimeter, in the end, they were noticed and their parents had been called while Rick and Danielle were taken back to their parents. Meanwhile, they were taken to the Ministry waiting on the second level.

That was the end of his summer fun. His mother was rather disappointed, she had said nothing at all, keeping up her public image as she collected him, greeting the other parents before taking him home. She was enraged that he had lied about going to the muggle world.

"I didn't lie mother. I just didn't mention it which I apologise for. It won't happen again," he told her after hearing her speech. He heard one sentence then after that, he had zoned out until she had finished.

What he didn't expect was her slapping him. He didn't say anything, being more than shocked that she did, and the pain it resulted in. He just accepted it, he knew well enough from the observation he had done in his younger days, those days Sirius was still his brother in name, that if were to speak again he would get another one.

"You are quite right about it not happening again. You won't be leaving this house for the rest of the summer unless it is with me or to see the Dark Lord. Do I make myself clear, Polaris?" she asked him, her eyes staring daggers at him.

He nodded his head, avoiding her eyes, "Yes mother." he simply answered, and she walked off leaving him there in the parlour. He was sure Corvus would be getting punished as well, seeing as his uncle was stricter than his mother. With Elora, he was sure she would place the blame on Corvus for convincing her to go, that was what she was like.

Though he wondered how Eora's father would react, seeing him coming from Amelia, he seemed more worried than angry compared to his mother, Corvus' uncle and Elora's father who all had that look on their faces that yelled, 'wait until we get home.'

It was weird. Was it a mask for the public? He actually seemed to care, that they could have possibly gotten hurt which he had expressed to the other adults, placing the blame on himself for allowing them to go alone without an adult thinking it would be perfectly fine.

His mother had grounded him to his room for the week, which was great fun.

That was sarcasm he found himself getting bored easily, with his mother only allowing him out to go to the toilet and having Kreacher bringing him his breakfast, lunch… and dinner. It was lonely that what it was, and weird, not being able to talk to another person who wasn't a bloody annoying elf.

When his mother had told him he was to stay in his room for a week, he stopped himself from rolling his eyes, at how stupid it was. He told himself it would be a fast week, but it wasn't.

The seconds went by quick enough, but they soon felt like a lifetime, with each second passing by slower than the last.

When He says there was nothing to do, he truly meant that. His mother left nothing for him to read, she had ransacked his room taking anything that she assumed would help with the time passing by, it was depressing, it was no longer stupid and lonely, it just had him thinking the whole time to prevent his mind from going crazy.

Even though he didn't have his wand, he still had his magic, which he played with at times, though soon enough he would grow bored just as he did on this day, the fifth day of his solitude.

He was now on the floor, under his bed staring up from underneath his bed, at the one book his mother missed, one he wasn't too sure about but he still took it, slowly moving out from the bed, staring at the cover of the book.

'A Moment' the title read. He traced the golden cursive writing of the title before slowly opening up to the very first page a breath sucked in as he saw the familiar terrible hand writing.

'Happy birthday Polaris. I've never been too good at gifts have I? well this time I decided to get you a book, you like those don't you, so I'm hoping you'll at least appreciate the sentiment and ignore the fact It's a muggle book finally taking your head out of your ass. Right, I'm supposed to be a role model older brother so ignore the 'ass' part for now.

I wasn't even sure I would be getting anything for you, since we've kind of drifted apart but then again, were we ever close? I would like to hope so… again, Happy birthday Polaris. Even though I've never said it, well I don't think I have, I care and love you. We're brothers and that'll never change, even if we no longer see each other every day, even if we get angry at each other, even if you hate me, even if we no longer talk anymore, even if I'm a total dick to you, you'll still be my brother and I'll love you, even if it's from afar.

-Sirius O. Black'

He slammed the book closed, closing his eyes tightly as he took a few breaths taking it all in.

It seemed after all he wasn't going to read it. He threw it under his bed, licking his dry lips as he frowned a the wall in front of him.

He sat on the floor, slowly leaning back until his back hit the floor his eyes on his ceiling, as his hands were rested under his head elevating it.

He found himself coming to a realisation right there and there.

Polaris Rigel Black hated his life.

The summer after his first year at Hogwarts started off decent enough but now? he just wanted to go back to the comfort of the dorm rooms, knowing when he walked out he wouldn't have to worry about bumping into his mother, it would just be him and his friends.

1976, 25 August- Wednesday

It's been a while since he first came to the Dark Lords Manor. It was somewhere in Scotland. He had been coming to his manor every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

It was a lot at first, but slowly but surely he got a hang of it, it was easier said than done. Though the man never showed any approval when he was sure he did something right. It didn't matter, but then again it did, he wanted to know if he was making the right amount of progress.

Today his Manor was filled with different people, which wasn't common when he was teaching him.

"Identify the traitor," the way it came out was more like an order one he didn't expect. Identify the traitor? It was strange, was this a test?

Polaris stared at the man before him before his gaze slowly ascended upon the guest that was scattered around the room but far enough to be unable to hear what had just been saying. His eyes scanned the crowd slowly, shifted from one person to another, drawing back to a particular person, his gaze set on them a little longer than the others. Watching the man in his vision move, the way he tried to make conversation the way he looked around, a few times he looked towards Lord Gaunt.

"I don't know," Polaris told the man honestly, he couldn't be so certain who it was. Lord Gaunt didn't even answer him merely setting his hard gaze on Polaris, it was unnerving. Polaris looked away setting his gaze on the crown once again, his jaw clenching. He closed his eyes opening them again as he sighed.

Deciding to at least give an honest guess from his observation.

"The man over there." Polaris finally responded, pointing towards the man, who he had stared at longer than the rest. "He's being rather obvious especially when he first arrived. He arrived later than the rest and came to apologise to you directly, not once had he made eye contact with you, he's hasn't stopped trying to observe you, makes you wonder what he's looking for.. is he a follower or a foe. From the way he moves it's unnatural… he seems anxious."

He turned back to Lord Gaunt to see the man smiling, it was creepy but Polaris was glad he seemed impressed. It meant that he didn't do something stupid…

"What else? use what you were taught." The man pushed for more.

Polaris looked over again, he waited and waited until the man looked over again their eyes meeting for just a moment and that was all he needed to know what was on the surface, "He's… afraid. Unsure of something, he's regretting coming here today, because… he fears death- he, seems to believe his death is soon to come?"

He saw the dark lord grin, which seemed to prove to Polaris what he heard was true and he couldn't feel any more uncomfortable. Suddenly he felt bad for the man, as he continued to look towards him. He decided not to think into it, the thought unnerved him. That had been the end of his lessons for the day and for the summer.

That was it, the man had told him it was now Polaris' job to improve, to surprise the world and himself, to which Polaris nodded to not paying too much attention.

He stopped caring all that much, having been drained and he didn't know why, whether emotionally or physically perhaps both. He felt like blaming it on his mother seeing as she saw it fit to have him stay home the whole time, only allowing him to meet the dark lord for his lessons, which was draining in itself, which how much pressure the man put on him to be the best as if there was some great urgency to be so.

Even so, he ignored the voice in the back of his head telling him he had to be the best.

He thought with the lessons ending and with Hogwarts around the corner things would get better again, no longer having that pressure at the back of his head with everyone expecting so much from him… it did get better seeing his friends again, but something happened that ruined that joy, which was the death of his uncle.

1976, 15 November- Monday

He hadn't spoken to Sirius in a while and here he was at Gringotts too, like the other members of the house of Black, as if he hadn't been disowned all that while ago, which truly felt like a distant memory. He knew his cousin Andy was there too, which was to be expected, he did not at all question why Sirius was there in the first place. He knew he had been close to their uncle, perhaps the man was the only person in the family that truly understood Sirius and now he was gone only leaving the memories made with him behind.

"…Polaris." Sirius started off with. As he spoke Polaris set his gaze around, scouring the area that they were in looking with watchful eyes, mostly looking for his mother who he didn't see with that he turned back to Sirius.

"How are you?" Sirius continued on awkwardly, he too looking around, perhaps he was looking for Regulus but he didn't' see him and he doubted Regulus would bother trying to have a conversation with him. How was he? Right now, he felt tired.

"I'm fine." He simply said, keeping his answer short and simple, staring at his brother who didn't seem satisfied with his answer, "Are you sur-" he didn't let his brother finish.

He sighed cutting him off, "What is it you're trying to accomplish talking to me Sirius?" He asked him.

"Am I not allowed to talk to you anymore? I just want to talk Polaris." Sirius whispered, "why didn't you do that at Hogwarts then?" Polaris inquired, with obvious disinterest.

"You're hard to find." Sirius stiffly answered which Polaris had to stop himself from laughing at. Hard to find? He found that laughable and stupid seeing as his brother had that stupid map and he was claiming he was hard to find. It wasn't surprising to see his brother still made excuses, even so, he didn't have any energy to feel angry at him. There was no need, he let it all go.

He didn't bother trying to use Legilimens on his brother. So far he had only used it on muggle-borns who probably didn't even know what Occulemency and Legilemency even were. It was easy getting into their heads, finding it amusing the things they thought about, sometimes they were boring other times laughable… it was fun.

"I don't think it'll go well with the family if I'm seen talking to you," Polaris told him only to get away. Sirius seemed taken aback at that not expecting it, he huffed not showing any annoyance only nodding, "Alright."


"We at Gringotts welcome all in attendance of the last Will and Testament of Messr Alphard Pollux Black. The reading shall begin as soon as the last attending wizard arrives" the goblin said.

"I am Master accounts Manager Denclaw, Black Accounts. After this reading, I will disseminate any such items listed to the appropriate persons. We shall now begin." He cleared his throat, laying his eyes on the top of the first parchment page.

"I Alphard Pollux Black, scion of the House of Black, on the twentieth of June, year nineteen hundred and seventy-six, being of sound mind, body, magic and soul do herby write my only Will and Testament. I revoke all previous wills or codicils made in my name. In attendance and standing as witnesses for this Will is Lord Aubrey."

"To my darling niece, Andromeda Isabelle Tonks and her husband Edward Willis Tonks, I will the sum of 15,000 Galleons."

It seemed Andromeda and Ted seemed shocked hearing this, perhaps they really expected that uncle Alphard wouldn't have left them something or perhaps just not that much, even so, they ignored the looks they got especially from Polaris' mother Walburga, who was still engaged by their appearance at the will reading.

"To my dear friend Lord Tomas Leonis Aubrey, I will to you my Bellaon Estate in France, Bourgogne and to your son and heir, Leo Alden Aubrey I will the sum of 1,000 Galleons."

"To my second, Regulus Arcturus Black I will to him, the sum of 30,000 Galleons. I will to him the limited edition set of the seven books of Rocheur

"To my youngest nephew Polaris Rigel Black, I will to him the Manche Castle, in France, Auvergne. I will to him a precious heirloom of mine that had been passed down to me from my father, Cygnus Lycoris Black. The watch, Silver. I will to him the sum of 40,000 Galleons, which shall be placed in a separate vault in his name, giving him full access, with no given authority of the vaults to anyone other than my nephew himself, Polaris Rigel Black. I will to my nephew my shares of the Nimbus Racing Broom Company, the profits will be disposed of in the new vault which will be set up by my account manager. The Shares of the company shall be legally managed by my good friend Lord Aubrey until my nephew Polaris Rigel Black reaches the age of majority. Toujours pur au cœur, Polaris."

Now, he didn't expect that. He found himself more concentrated on the watch.

"To my Oldest nephew, Sirius Orion Black, to him I will everything else not listed above. He is to be given full legal ownership of the remaining vaults and properties, whether real or personal or both, of whatever kind to Sirois Orion Black absolutely and entire-"

"-What!" a voice screeched, and of course, it was his mother who had given the outburst.

"I would truly appreciate it if the will is not interpreted, Madam Black. I shall resume from the last sentence, before continuing until then, the silence must be maintained and any dispute may be given after the reading of the will."

"He is to be given full legal ownership of the remaining vaults and properties, whether real or personal or both or whatever kind to Sirius Orion Black absolutely and entirely."

"Should those who have been mentioned in my will not be living the what has been willed to that specific person or persons, then I Alphard Pollux Black devise and confer what has not been given due to circumstances to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. By my magic and by my witness, so mote be."

"This concludes the Last Will and Testemate of Messr Alphard Pollux Black."

"Alphard would not have willed everything else to that good for nothing! That boy does not deserve anything at all. He has disgraced the family name."

"Perhaps there has been a mistake in the part?"

"This is his last testament Mister Black, are you questioning the authentification of the will?"

Orion was silent for a moment, not having a chance to respond.

"-No! in fact, we are questioning my brother's sanity, not only had he included that boy in his will but that woman. Another stain on the name of the house of black. The disrespect my brother has decided to give while in his grave."

Getting home Polaris was in no way surprised that his mother decided t blast their uncle off the family tree and all he did was watch with a straight face, staring at the new burnt face.

'Toujours pur'

Yet his uncle had said, 'Toujours pur au cœur' which he wasn't, perhaps one day he will be. He liked the sound of it, rather than just Toujours Pur, it sounded like it had real meaning behind it compared to the boring always pure that his mother had always made sure to drill into their head and still did, even as she said it as she disowned her own brother, just as she did her own son before.

Now that her brother had shown his so-called true colours for merely caring about his eldest nephew he was no longer family. He was now nothing but a stranger, you would think him being dead would call to their hearts but it didn't seem to matter. Or perhaps they were all grieving in their own way… perhaps his mother's way of grieving for her brother was taking it out on the family tapestry pretending she only had one brother, which was Cygnus.

His eyes were on the tapestry staring at where the name used to be. Alphard P. Black his uncle who he truly missed. He had been looking forward to that day he would travel the world with his uncle now he couldn't see the point in doing so if not with him.

"Toujours pur," she told him seeing him standing at the back of the room watching, he turned to her, his dead eyes facing her.

There was nothing pure about her.

Just as he knew there was nothing pure about him.

"Toujours pur" he whispered back. She smiled proudly at him, and he couldn't understand why, it didn't stop him from craving the attention. It wasn't often she smiled at him like that, it wasn't often she looked like she cared.




Like that, the seconds turned to minutes, to hours, days, weeks, months then years.




One Year and four months later.

Had to force myself to finish this chapter which is… 10,000 words probably would have been longer if I didn’t get lazy. If I hadn’t just finish it now I would have procrastinated it.

I don’t even know how you right a will so yeah I guess I tried with researching.

Next chapter he’ll be in his third year.

I guess chapter right be lacking since I’ve just realised I will be resitting one of my college exams in early august so I have to study for that…

mefaitcreators' thoughts