

Chapter 3. A wild magical girl appears.

Serafall's week had been both busy and annoying, first some Fallen Angels have been suspiciously moving around all over the world doing who knows what and to make things worse their leader Azazel has been very irresponsible and nonchalant about their behavior.

Then the church had been demanding answers about nuns and female saints that have been going missing for years, Serafall herself has been investing all of this but she hasn't found anything concrete yet but the church has been trying to pressure them for answers for a while now.

She understands why the church is acting like this and she herself is worried about what this could mean for them, thankfully Gabriel was able to calm things down but having her of all people help her only made her mood plummet down even more.

Finally we have the crux of her headaches, the Old Satan faction, there has been rumors of these devils buying enormous amounts of Phoenix Tears and weapons, this information has made the other three Maous and her very nervous that they are preparing for war again but no one was saying anything about it yet and they can't exactly do anything about it either, not at least without any proof of any misdeeds done.

That's how her week has been and after all of that, all Serafall wanted to was to take a day off, visit her little sister Sona and cuddle with her for a while to recharge and maybe spend some time with her having fun like old times.

But Sona refused to cuddle or spent time with her and kicked her out of her room, her excuse was that she was too busy studying for the next semester and preparing for her student council duties.

This hurt Serafall a lot and the fact that Sona had kicked her out like that made her feel even worse but she understood why her sister acted like that to her all the time, after all Serafall is well aware that she was very intense about her love for her sister Sona.

So she quietly left her little sister's house and walked around Kuoh town depressed and alone, until she reached a park and so, tired of walking and feeling alone she decided to take a sit underneath a tree, beneath it's shadow and just watch people go about their day.

Once sitting there the stress of the week that had been building up in her, hit her like a ton of bricks and the rejection her sister piled on top of that just made her feel worse and so the usually bright and happy Serafall now looked gloomy and sad.

* sigh...at times like this, i really regret ever becoming a maou, i much rather just do my show and call it a day, maybe Sona wouldn't be so uptight about me if i had stayed a Sitri...*.

Serafall was so distracted with these thoughts going through her mind that she didn't even noticed when someone else sat besides her, until this unknown person spoke up to her "aren't magical girls supposed to be all smiles and sparkles?".

All that Serafall could do with how suprised she was that someone had actually approached her, was answer with a very confused "eh?".

While Serafall was busy shaking off her surprise about me suddenly approaching her i myself was busy reading the quest i just got after speaking with to her.

[Ding! Ding!.

Quest received.

A wild Magical girl appears!.

Serafall Leviathan had a bad week and she's very stressed and depressed, having wanted to relax and recharge she took a day off to spent it with her little sister Sona Sitri but she was harshly rejected and pushed away.

With nothing else to do she aimlessly walked around the town until she reached this park, however a soon as she sat down the weight and stress that had been piling up in her finally took its toll and Serafall is now depressed and truly tired.

Objective: Cheer Serafall up and have a fun day with her!.

Reward: A random skill orb and a great friend, who will always have your back.]

*The skill orb is nice and all but i had already decided to help her anyways*.

Mentally i close the quest window and turn towards Serafall who had by now recovered from being surprised.

Serafall stared towards this young man who sat besides her, she didn't know why but for some reason she felt like she could vent to this stranger, maybe it was the melancholy present in his eyes or the fact that he spoke to her like a normal person, completely ignoring the fact that she was dressed in her magical girl uniform, maybe he didn't care about her appearance which is great since it's been a long while that someone had spoken to her like this and honestly, she missed it.

So Serafall turned towards the still unknown young man and spoke "sorry but this magical girl is out of smiles and sparkles for the day..." Serafall then suddenly gave me a very tired and sad smile.

I stared her for a while, it feels almost surreal to see that small sad and tired smile on her face and i honestly didn't like it "do you want to talk about it?".

Serafall seemed really surprised that i had asked her that but she thought about it for a bit before deciding to tell me what was bothering "things have been really difficult at work lately so i took a day off and decided to spent it with my little sister but it seems like she didn't want to spend it with me and now I'm here in this park all alone".

So Sona really was the caused of Serafall's current mood well at least part of it, her job as the maou of external affairs must have been extra annoying lately "i see... that sounds rough, I'm sure that you're sister had a good reason not to be able to spent her day with you but i understand some of what you're feeling right now".

Serafall looked into my eyes and i did the same, she seems curious about what i meant but i waited for her to ask me though right now, i must admit that i am very lucky that i caught her distracted and depressed otherwise i don't think i could have approached her so casually like this.

Serafall violet eyes bore into mine for about a minute, until she decided to ask me "what do you mean?".

I closed my eyes and heavily sighed, honestly the memories from the original Rean were still very fresh in my mind so the memories of how badly Rika, my new sister had treated the original Rean, is something that I'm going to have to work with but that's for later, i had a sad maou to talk to after all "me and my sister aren't getting along right now... it wasn't always like this, a few years ago she would be very clingy and nice to me but all of the sudden she just started to hate me and she would insult me all the time..." memories of my little brother from my last life flashed through making me frown "i don't understand why or what i did wrong for her too suddenly hate me like that but it hurt... a lot, my parents are always busy with their work and have the nasty habit of forgetting that we exist, they're not bad people but that on itself made me feel very lonely so when my sister who I thought would always be there for me, said those mean and horrible insults to me, it... broke my heart".

Serafall sadly looked down, all of this sounds pretty sad but she could understand the sadness this young man must be dealing with, Rean continued "two weeks and some ago i snapped, i guess Rika finally insulted me one too many times and i just vented everything I had being holding inside and ran away from home, i was so distracted with all my emotions going crazy that i didn't pay attention when i was crossing the street and i got hit by a car".

Serafall gasped "are you okay? should you really be outside right now?".

I smiled at the concern look in Serafall's face "I'm fine, the doctors said that i was okay enough to move" Serafall nodded but i could tell she was still worried, so out of reflex i patted her head, she didn't say anything when i did it and just let it happened, my guess is that she was enjoying it, if the little smile on her face was any indication.

So as i was patting the maou i continued on "i just got back home yesterday but things are so awkward and tense, my parents did promise to be more supportive and pay more attention to me, they must feel really guilty about my accident... i just accepted their words but i honestly I'm not expecting anything to change and things with my sister are just too tense right now, she seems to be regretful but she had been insulting me and treating me like trash for years, so it's hard to trust her right now, may be I'm being pessimistic...".

Serafall sat there thinking about everything she just heard while inwardly she was enjoying how this young man was softly patting her head, she then decided to speak "and so you decided to get out of your house because you don't want to spend too much time around your sister right now and you found yourself here in this park like i did... looks like things have been rough for both of us lately...".

I nodded and stopped patting Serafall though i chuckled when i noticed her pouting at me "yeah.. hey want to have some fun? i really don't want to go home anytime soon, we could go to an arcade i saw when i was walking around town".

Serafall smiled, nodded and suddenly got up "sure!, might as well spend this day off having some fun! oh by the way my name is Serafall but call me Sera!".

I chuckled when i saw some of that cheerfulness that Serafall is famous for return, so i got up and smiled "my name is Rean, it's nice to meet you".

Serafall grinned and took my hand and began to drag me "let's go, go ,go! the arcade is waiting for us!".

Thank goodness I'm a dragonoid otherwise Serafall would have ripped my arm off in her excitement "Sera! your going the wrong way!".

Serafall suddenly stopped "oops~ tehe! where do we go then?".

I just deadpan at her and pointed towards to where i saw the arcade during my tour of Kuoh town and then i found myself being dragged away by an overexcited Serafall again but i am glad that she seems to be feeling better now.

Serafall and I spent most of the morning and day in the arcade playing all kinds of video games, we tried everything in there.

Surprisingly Serafall was really good at fighting games and no matter what I did or who I chose to play with I couldn't beat her, though I got my chance at redemption when we played some of the racing games in the arcade, it's was hilarious to watch her growl and glare at the screen while trying to beat me.

We did great with the dancing games, though she was way better than me at them, my dragonoid race had helped me with both my balance and rhythm so I was at least able to somewhat keep up.

We even took some pictures in those booths that you see in animes very often and Serafall looked like she had finally recovered from her loneliness and sadness.

Soon we got hungry and decided to go eat something at a nearby fast food restaurant, she got a chicken sandwich and fries while I got a double cheeseburger with fries too.

She was all smiles and laughs while we ate, she seemed to have finally relaxed and after we finished we stopped by the park once again and took a seat on one of the benches there to talk.

Serafall suddenly spoke "thank you Rean, this was a fun day and I feel like I really needed it...".

I nodded and turned towards her "you're welcome but also thank you, i feel like i needed a fun day like this too, it's been a while since I had the chance to relax and have fun like this with a friend".

Serafall turned towards me so fast that I was worried she might have hurt herself "f-friend? were friends?".

I smile and nodded "well yes or I a least think so... but it's okay if you don't want to be friends".

Serafall suddenly jumped up, grabbed me by the sides of my head and made stare in to her violet colored eyes "i want to be friends!".

I sweatdropped at the intensity of her words but smiled nonetheless "that's great Sera! I was a little worried you didn't want to be friends with me... I don't have any and hanging out with you showed me that it's great to have one".

Serafall let go of my head and nodded vigorously and stepped back a bit, suddenly she twirled and then stroke a pose "Hahaha then you can consider yourself friend of magical girl Levia!... but please keep calling me Sera, no one calls me that..".

I chuckled in amusement at her excitement and nodded "of course Sera".

Serafall then took a seat again but spoke again right away "hey Rean?... your not human right?".

I turned towards her and stare into her eyes, I'm not surprised she figured that out but now that she knows i might as well answer as honestly as I can without telling her everything "no I don't think so... when I woke up from my accident everything felt different, I don't know what's going or what i have become, all I know is that brush with death awoke something in me".

Serafall nodded "I see... well! don't worry Rean! I'll help you figure it!".

I smiled at her willingness to help me "but how did you know? even i wasn't sure, i only had this vague feeling that I was somehow different".

Serafall shyly smiled and scratched her cheek "well... am not human either, i sensed something different about you while we were hanging out but I was having too much fun to care, anyways I'm a devil!".

I scratched my chin in thought, am not surprised that she didn't tell me about her being a maou since more than likely she didn't want to scare me away "a devil huh? do you take souls and corrupt the innocents or something like that?".

Serafall actually giggled at my questions "nope, we stopped taking souls a long time ago, now we just take monetary compensation or trades for granting wishes".

I nodded "ah I see! well I don't care what you are Sera, your my friend and that's all that matters to me".

Serafall smiled brightly " hey, I have to go soon since i still have work to do but... do you want to exchange phone numbers? next time i have a day off we could hang out again!".

I nodded and took out my phone and we both exchanged phone numbers after that she happily stood up from the bench we were sitting, said goodby and left skipping with a wide smile on her face.

I just chuckled and shook my head in amusement as a watched her leave, more than likely she went to let her sister know that she was going home, i myself got up and headed to the closest market, i still had to buy bowls for my Pokemon so they could eat their poke feed in a bowl rather than on the floor.

As I walked towards the market I was stopped mid step when suddenly, a notification window appeared in front of me.

[Ding! Ding!.

Quest finished!.

A wild Magical girl appears!.

Serafall Leviathan had a bad week and shes stressed and depressed, having wanted to relax and recharge she took a day off to spent it with her little sister Sona Sitri but she was rejected and pushed away.

With nothing else to do she aimlessly walk around the town until she reached this park, however a soon as she took a sit both the weight and the stress she had been piling up in her, finally took its toll and Serafall is now depressed and truly tired.

Objective: Cheer Serafall up and have a fun day with her!. COMPLETE!.

Reward: Hawkeye skill orb.

Serafall now considers you a friend and ally, keep nurturing this friendship for further rewards.]

The rewards we're nice and I won't turned down anything that can help me in the future but to be honest I would have chose to approached Serafall and continued our friendship even if i didn't get anything.

In the short amount of time i spent with her she became a friend and that was special to me, I didn't have many friends in my old life and the original Rean didn't bother with getting any friends at all.

Serafall choosing to be my friend was one of the best things that had happened to me ever, I can't wait to hang out with her again.

I began to walk again while at the same time i checked my new skill.


Skill name: Hawkeye.

No target shall escape your gaze!.

This skill allows the user to zoom in or out on their targets and tagged them.

Note: Tagged targets glow in a soft red aura allowing the user to see them at all times, even through solid objects.

Note: Any long range skill used in conjunction with this skill deals times 2 damage.

Note: This skill can further evolve overtime and use.

*Interesting... with this skill I can snipe enemies from a far and then have my Pokemon finish them off... this adds another option to how to deal with enemies, though I'm going to have to practice with it for a bit when i go dungeon diving later today*.

After buying around 15 bowls for my Pokemon and discreetly putting them in my inventory, i decided to finally head back home, i decided to buy extra bowls just in case i get a lot of Pokemon Tokens in the future.

No one was home when I arrived but that was normal and so I headed straight to my room and after getting inside i both closed and locked the door, to make sure no one comes into my room unexpectedly.

Immediately i summoned my Pokemon who as soon as they saw me jump onto my arms, lucky i was able to catch them but the smile that i felt appeared on my face showed how happy i was to see my three Pokemon again "hey guys! ready to train and get stronger?".

The Pokemon cheerfully answered with their names and jumped down on the floor and stood in front of me ready for adventure, this of course made me grinned "that's the spirit! today! we face the boss!".

The three little Pokemon growled excited at the upcoming battles and i couldn't help to share their excitement "lets go! ID Create Zombie!".

Reality shattered around us and once again we find ourselves back into the familiar ruined city, the moans of the dead once again filling the air.

But me and my Pokemon don't care about any of that right now, at this moment, only the desire to grow strong is present in our hearts and so we all take off towards the moans, looking forward to bringing as many undead down as we can.

A few hours have passed and me and my Pokemon were still going strong, we had finally reached the point were we left off the last time me and Charmander were in this instant Dungeon.

Now that we had Ralts providing healing and long range support and Eevee helping us in the front lines things were moving a lot faster, we all have been leveling up and learning new skills constantly, especially both Ralts and Eevee.

Right now we are facing a hoard of Ghouls and deadhounds, Charmander was using his fire attacks to corral them and keep them away from Ralts while she blasts them with confusion and Disarming Voice.

While Eevee and i dealt with the deadhounds with Quick attacks and Swift, i was suddenly tackled down by a Ghoul and the thing was about to bite my face off when luckly Eevee used her own Tackle and pushed it away from me, i got up quickly and took a deep breath and then unleashed a Flamethrower on the still recovering Ghoul turning it into dust instantly.

Quickly i took out an Apple gel and a Orange gel and ate them before using my own Quick attack to slash a deadhound that was about to pounce on Charmander who was busy bathing a group of Ghouls with a Flamethrower of his own.

Eevee quickly used swift to finish the rest of the undead hoard with Ralts helping her with Psychic to crush her targets.

Finally having a chance to catch our breath from having to face wave after wave of undead was very welcome, quickly i started to hand out Sitrus berries 'which I had to start to buy in bulk' and Leppa berries to my Pokémon so the could recover both their HP and EP.

I was fine since i ate both an Apple gel and Orange gel a few minutes ago, i raised my sword up to my face and stared at it for a bit as i think about everything we have accomplished so far while rest.

Ralts and Eevee were able to somewhat catch up to Charmander in levels and they were now level 32, Charmander was now level 37, their exp gain has been slowing down quite a bit so we have to unlock the next Dungeon soon or we'll stagnate.

I myself reached level 25, besides the skills I got from my Pokemon with the passive use of my skill Mimicry, I also unlocked my dragon wings but I didn't want to use them yet since I have no experience using them and I don't want to fall and accidentally kill myself by trying to fly while I'm fighting, though I do like how they looked, they were white and had ethereal purple feathers, they almost look like angels wings but the very visible scales on them gave away their true nature, i also got one of the skills i wanted, Teleport was the most useful skill that i could have obtained, since it allows me to teleport anywhere i had visited before and move around the battle field freely, technically i became a copy Minato Minakaze just without the yellow flash.

I also obtained the skill Novice Sword profiency which increases the damage i can cause while using any kind of sword, it also gives me the knowledge of how to actually wield a sword, nothing to impressive but i no longer look like I'm just flailing around a stick, just gained it from my constant use of my sword through all the battles we had, i also had obtain these new skills while using the skills i learned from my pokemon, which are novice Fire mastery, novice Fairy mastery, Novice Psychic mastery, novice Dark mastery, Novice Ground mastery, novice Grass mastery, Novice Dragon mastery and Novice Normal mastery.

These skills increase both the damage input and my resistance with these elements, not by much of course since they are still at a novice level but once they evolve to their higher ranks they'll be incredibly useful and besides every little bit counts, they also allow me to freely manipulate these elements or energy natures which is great since for example i can charge my sword with them and cause extra damage.

Though i was very surprised when i also obtained novice Water, Dark, Grass and Ground mastery from the use of the skills Life Dew and Magical Leaf which i gained from Ralts and from Eevee's Sand Attack and bite, I also got novice Healing Proficiency, Novice Healing profiency not only increases the amount any healing skill can heal but it also decreases the amount of EP needed for this type of skills

Besides all of this i also have a lot of money, Berries, gels and even a few revives from the drops of the defeated undead of the dungeon, though i did have to start buying both Sitrus berries and Leppa berries in bulk often to keep my Pokemon healthy.

I did try to use my Apple gels and Orange gels since Oran berries even though they drop regularly they don't heal enough HP now that my Pokemon are at a higher level but even though my Pokemon enjoyed their taste the healing gels didn't heal anything.

Disappointing but at least Sitrus berries and Leppa berries were cheap so they weren't breaking my wallet but I think I'm going to have to start buying potions soon since like healing gels they heal in percentages instead of set numbers like the berries, for now berries, Ralt's and my own healing skills are enough.

We also received three more Common Pokemon Tokens, during the hours we spent battling the hoards of undead, which is great since it means we can have more back up.

However I'm waiting after we defeat the boss and unlock the new Dungeon to use them, Charmander, Eevee, Ralts and i were to far into this Dungeon and it would be too dangerous and cruel to have level 1 Pokemon suddenly thrown into this level of battles, so for now I'm waiting until we clear this Dungeon.

We're close to the boss, I can feel it, there was this pressure slowly building up in the air and it feels like it will explode at any moment now, that's why I'm letting my Pokemon rest and recuperate a bit before we go and face whatever it was that was waiting for us.

Suddenly the ground shook, lots of black colored energy began to gather and coalesce into a inky black blob that began to morph until a new type of undead formed from it.

This one was definitely powerful, it was a undead samurai, it had a worn out red samurai armor and was holding a black colored Tachi, the blade seemed jagged and rusted, overall this was one scary undead.

I glared at the new undead and used my Observe skill on it, this thing was level 35 and was both strong and fast, it definitely is the boss for this dungeon, i turned to look at my Pokemon who were glaring and growling at the boss monster, they were strong but they weren't quiet ready for a fight like this.

But watching them not backing down from this enemy made feel proud of them, i closed my eyes and came up with a plan to deal with this boss.

"Okay guys, this is what we're going to do" my three Pokemon stop glaring at the boss and turned to me "I want all of you to stay away from his range and hit him with Growl to lower his strength, then Eevee i want you to use Sand Attack as many times as you can to lower his chances of actually hitting us, Ralts keep an eye out for attacks and use Teleport to get your self and the others away from danger, after debuffing him, hit him with long range attacks and don't forget to not get too close to it".

My Pokemon nodded and i turned to look at the boss "I'll keep his attention away from you guys and fight him close range, I'm counting on you guys!".

The Pokemon responded by yelling their names and i used Quick attack to appear right before the boss and swiped at him, but the samurai easily parried my strike and pushed me away.

He was going to stab me but I teleported behind him and slashed his back, my Pokemon then hit him with a triple Growl lowering his strength harshly.

The undead samurai turned towards my Pokemon but i then hit him another sword slash and then a scratch with my free hand making him stumble to the side.

My Pokemon then used Growl once more making the boss even weaker, this time the boss swung his Tachi towards my Pokemon and released some kind of energy slash but Ralts teleported herself and Charmander away while Eevee used Quick Attack to dodge.

I then used Psychic to hold the boss down and try to crush him, while Eevee began to use Sand Attack to lower its accuracy, Charmander used Flamethrower while Ralts then used Psybeam to damage the undead samurai as i hold it down.

However the Boss was able to break through my Psychic hold and then lunged at me, i verily had time to jump to the side but the undead samurai was able to still cut my cheek.

There was some blood dripping from my face but since i have Gamer's body the cut will dissappear soon though i still felt pain, but for now i ignore it and waved my hand in front of me releasing multiple energy stars which the boss somehow was able blocked with his sword.

Too bad that Eevee used Swift too right at his back, Charmander then took a big breath and used Dragon Breath on the Boss, while Ralts teleported to my side and used Life Dew on me.

I smiled at my worry wart healer and then rushed forward with my sword at the ready, the undead Samurai must have sense me coming his way because it immediately began to swing his Tachi at me releasing an energy slash at my direction, i growled and then said "Double team!".

Multiple copies of myself appeared making his attack miss when it hit a fake but then the Boss didn't quit there and it began to swing and release energy slashes at me and my copies, when he had destroyed all of them he was going to swing at me but Charmander and Ralts attacked him from both of his sides with Flamethrower and Psybeam again, while Eevee used Helping Hand on both of them to increase their power.

With the Boss distracted i jump up with my sword at the ready to cut the undead in half, but then it raised its Tachi and blocked my strike.

But i wasn't going to give up and with roar filled with determination and adrenaline i pushed down with everything I had.

The Boss pushed back, but suddenly from deep within my chest i felt something warm fill me, both my sword and body began to shine with a soft golden light.

I grinned recognizing this feeling and with one more roar i pushed down and shattered the undead Samurai's Tachi and cut him in half, to my surprise however my slash released an energy wave made of golden light that continued traveling past the boss for a bit until it crashed into a building.

The boss finally turned into dust signaling our victory, i drop to the ground on my butt and took a big breath "sigh... I'm so sore! hahaha".

I laughed, I couldn't help it, this battle was intense but I had so much fun and my Pokemon did great too, inwardly I had someone to thank for that last attack of mine *thank you for giving me a hand Excalibur*.

From my soul i felt that now familiar warmth that let's me know that Excalibur heard my thanks and that it was happy.

My Pokemon then suddenly jumped on me and dogpiled me in celebration, making me laugh in fun "good job guys!".

My Pokemon happily chirped their names, suddenly i received a notification Astraea.

[Congratulations on defeating the boss Rean! now the next instant Dungeon is available for you to go into whenever you wish to!.]

*Thank you Astraea!* i turned towards my Pokemon and smiled "let's go home guys, we have new Pokemon friends to summon and tomorrow we'll be back here to train so we need our rest".

The Pokemon nodded and smiled at me "ID Destroy!" with the use of this skill reality shatters and we're back in my room.

My Pokemon waste no time jumping on my bed and lay down, i follow their example and sit on my bed to check all the notifications we got from the Boss battle.

First it seems like i leveled up to level 27, while Charmander reached level 40 and both Ralts and Eevee reached level 37 which is great.

The next notification surprised me a bit but i really should have expected, it seems that i have gained the skills Novice Light Mastery and Hallowed slash.

This is great for me since Novice Light Mastery allows me to use the Light element and it increases both damage and my resistance to this element as well and Hallowed slash is light elemental sword skill, that does extra damage to anything unholy and it's a long range sword skill.

This gives me a way to deal with any pesky unholy supernatural beings in this world plus with Novice Light Mastery i have a way to defend myself from devils as well, except Serafall course.

Mentally i thanked Excalibur once again for this boon and go back to check the rest of my notifications which includes money drops 'which was a lot' and some Super Potions.

But then I noticed i received one more thing from the Boss, a skill orb whose name of the skill i recognized right away.

[Congratulations you have received the skill orb for the skill: Sword style Eight Leaves One Blade.]

This sword style belonged to the protagonist of the Tales of Cold Steel games, one with whom i share the same name with.

It is a very versatile and powerful sword style, one that i genuinely want to learn and so I immediately use the skill orb and gained the sword style.


You have learned the skill: Sword style Eight Leaves One Blade.

Skill name: Eight Leaves One Blade.

An eastern swordsmanship style.

Founded by the Sword Hermit Yun Ka-fai, the school is a culmination of all the eastern swords styles.

Only tachis and katanas are eligible for the style to be taught.

Note: This skill grants the user the following techniques: First Form - Helix, Second Form - Gale, Third Form - Karmic Flame, Fourth Form - Autumn Leaf Cutter, Fifth Form - Morning Moon, Sixth Form - Arc Slash and Seventh Form - Termination Slash-Dawn.

Note: Through further use and the user's style some techniques might change or evolve overtime.

Note: This skills just grants the basic knowledge of the techniques, the user still has to train and practice to master them.]

I'm going to have to buy a Tachi but that does raise a very question *Astraea will Excalibur change into a Tachi when i call it, now that i have this skill?*.

[Yes! as a conceptual weapon of divine origin, Excalibur will change according to its wielders preferences and sword style, as a matter of fact it should had already began its evolution.]

From my chest i felt Excalibur's warmth flare, confirming what Astraea just said to me.

The next hour i kept myself busy with buying more healing items and a Tachi for me to train and practice with, it's a very simple Tachi and it's only enchanted with always sharp and unbreakable enchantments.

It was expensive but it was a needed expense so i didn't mind, plus it looks cool, now though i had three Pokemon to summon and prepare for tomorrow.

It seems like I'll be very busy for a long while since i now had alot of skills and techniques to train and master, thankfully i had the whole summer to work with it.

"I'll right lets summon our new friends!" my Pokemon cheered from where they were resting and i opened my inventory, take out Common Pokemon Tokens and crushed them.

The Common Pokemon list window opened before me and i began to look for three new Pokemon to add to my team.