

Chapter 15. The Destroyer and going back home.

The day started like any other, that morning we opened the shop, Sakuya cleaned and put away merchandise, YunYun stood behind the counter and was ready to attend the customers and Wiz went to the kitchen to makes some cookies and cakes for us.

I was trying out a new skill that I had obtained while we were grinding in the Yokai Dungeons, a very simple skill but one that could help me later when I get an Enchantment skill.

What I was grinding right now was the skill Sewing, this skill grants me the knowledge and skill to create clothes and accessories.

What was I doing with it? making Pokemon plush dolls, why I am doing such a thing? because one, Serafall will definitely love these and two, we can sell them in Wiz's sweets shop that we're going to open in Kuoh.

So here I am, sewing an Alolan Ninetails plush doll while My Alolan Ninetails was watching me making a plush doll to her image "what do you think Ninetails? does it look cute".

I show her the almost finished plush doll and she stared at it judgenly for a good minute until she nodded and barked happily, I chuckled at her an nodded while I continued to finish it "great! I'm glad you like it and I'm extra happy that I'm finally able to make them... I want to forget those first attempts of mine".

Ninetails barked and nodded and I agreed with her sentiment, those first plush dolls I made ended up looking like a very mess up Muk, but forgetting about that for a second apparently making plush dolls is an advanced sewing technique since the plush dolls act as accessories, I just didn't know and ended up failing a lot at first but as a trade back my skill leveled up so much faster.

You can have an a plush doll with you in your pocket since they're small enough and you'll get a neat buff or effect depending on which Pokemon plush you have with you at the time.

For example, this Alola Ninetails plush doll I'm making grants the Snow Cloak ability, if you have it with you and it's either snowing or hailing, you'll technically camouflage yourself and dissappear from sight as long as you have the little doll with you.

Of course I can make the plush dolls have a buff or not which is why I'm planning of making a whole bunch of normal ones for Wiz's shop and Serafall because I know she'll want some the moment she sees them.

I can also make clothes that have a buff and I had made all kinds of different clothes for the girls with all kinds of buffs that would help them in battle, like MP Recharge and Automatic Healing.

Even Sakuya liked the clothes I make and had me make her a whole new maid outfit just for her, now she wears it all the time and no one can make her take it off, though in the end I decided to make her a few extra sets so she could change.

After sometime I finished the plush doll and I gave it to Ninetails to play with, she elegantly took it on her mouth and then took it to a corner and curled up to it.

I chuckled and stood up, I went to the store to see how YunYun and Sakuya were doing and as I walked heading downstairs I can hear Wiz humming a tune in the kitchen as she baked causing me to smile.

Soon we'll be leaving this world, we're done with our preparations and we stop stoking the shop with more items a few days ago, for now we only had a few weapons and healing items for sell.

Luna had come by to visit very often and stayed around all the time, though I think she did it more for the sweets than anything else, Wiz was getting very good at baking that's for sure.

We also stopped grinding so much and just traveled around more often, we would walk around and camp outdoors enjoying the day, of course we still hunted monsters but it wasn't a priority anymore, we also did this for Sakuya, since she was new, we wanted to spend more time with her and get to know her better.

She is a very prim and proper girl that much is true but she was also very adventurous and had this airheaded moments that just endear her to us, she was also very dedicated to her duty as a maid, she can always be found cleaning and watch out if you get her in her way because she'll clean you too and you'll end up being sparkling clean for the rest of the day, like my Pokemon had to learn the hard way.

In the end we made a pretty good party with the four of us and we as a group couldn't wait to go back to my world, I was just waiting for one particular event in this world and it seems that the day for that even has arrived because as soon as I reached the first floor Luna's voice began to echo everywhere.




I looked up and nodded to my self *ah, so the Destroyer is here now.. Luna sounds so scared and stressed too*.

I immediately head to the shop, YunYun and Wiz were already waiting for me while Sakuya was locking the front door and flipping the open sign to close.

I smiled at them and all three girls smiled back at me "it's time girls go get ready while I place all the merchandise in my inventory and sell it in the in-game shop, make sure to bring down anything you want take".

The girls nodded and went upstairs to get ready while I sold all of our stock well except the healing item because you can never have to much of those, today I'll be showing off my Drago Nova and I'm sure that afterwards the kingdom will get on my case about being that powerful but I really don't want to deal with their stupidity, that's why we're leaving right after I destroy the Destroyer.

Suddenly I received a quest notification, I quickly checked it and saw that, indeed it was a quest to destroy the Destroyer and that the Reward was another Legendary Pokemon Token.

Which is great because with this one I will have three Legendary Pokemon in my team, Lugia was already extremely powerful and Rayquaza was already catching up to her, so this third one will be a great addition to put fear into any faction that thinks they can tell what to do, the question is which legendary Pokemon to pick.

In any case the girls came down with a couple of suitcases just as I was done selling everything in the shop.

They smiled at me and handed their suitcases to me and I immediately put them in my inventory, then I turned to look at the girls and nodded at them.

The girls nodded back and walked up to me, YunYun and Wiz grabbed one of my hands each while Sakuya grabbed my arm, soon after I teleported all of us directly into the guild.

It was chaos, everyone in the guild was running around and asking questions out loud, some had a look of despair in their faces while other had determination burning in their eyes.

We however went to look for Luna immediately and we soon found her speaking with a few other guild members, she looked tired and stressed but I can understand why, to everyone in this world the Destroyer was a very dangerous thing and the fact that it was headed straight to this town practically meant that it would be destroyed and no one could do anything about it.

I however had a plan and so I walked up to her, she noticed me right away and turned to me and gave the most tired smiled I have ever seen her show and I felt bad for her "Luna, me and the girls are here".

Luna sighed and smiled, she seemed to gain a little bit of confidence with the simple fact that me and the girls had showed up "thank goodness... I know I can trust you Rean, I hope you have an idea about how to deal with this, me and the guild can't think of anything other than to have all the Adventurers help with the evacuation but... I don't think we have enough time to get everyone out of town...".

She looked down and seemed sad, so I approached her and patted her head "don't worry Luna, I'll take care of it but after this me and the girls are leaving, after I show what I can really do I'm afraid the Kingdom won't ever leave me alone and I don't want to deal with any that".

Luna looked up at me and stare into my eyes for a good long minute but then she nodded "I know I can trust you, what can I do to help?".

I grinned at her "just sit back and enjoy the show, I'm about to show this world something truly amazing".

Luna seemed confused at first but nodded, I gave her a small smile and turned around, the girls we're already waiting for me behind me and nodded at me, we soon left while all the Adventurers following us close behind curious of what we were planning to do.

From the conner of my eyes I caught sight of Kazuma and his party, even after losing her divinity Aqua was still quite the powerful Healer so I didn't need to worried about them, even Megumin had learned a few more spells and Darkness even started to train more, she still can't hit anything to save her life but she's trying.

Soon we arrived at the front gates and I used my skill Hawkeye, with it I could see the Destroyer still heading our way a fair distance away, I turned around and stared at the adventures who were sweating and gulping at the sight of the Destroyer heading their way "well, it's been real fun everyone, I was glad I came to this town and became and Adventurer here".

All the Adventurers turned to stared at me and looked confused, I just gave them a grin "this will be my goodbye gift to all of you, I'll show you something very cool and save this town where I was able to live so many fun adventures and hang out with all of you, it's been real fun!".

Everyone widen their eyes at the unexpected goodbye and I could see Luna tearing up and rubbing her eyes trying to stop her tears, suddenly I spread my dragon wings for everyone to see, I could see their gaping eyes and awed looks and all I did in return was give a wink to everyone.

I summoned Lugia and the girls jumped on her back and we took off into the sky leaving all the shocked Adventurers behind, Lugia stayed behind while a flew towards the Destroyer and I can sense her raise up a powerful psychic barrier around the town and Adventurers.

Soon enough I reached the Destroyer and stay floating above it, I closed my eyes and start gathering enormous amounts of Stardust energy, my body became engulfed in a sparkly purple aura and it began to crackle around me, suddenly I open my eyes and pointed an open hand at the Destroyer "Drago Nova!".

From my hand an enormous beam of purple Stardust energy fired and directly struck the Destroyer from above, the skill immediately evaporated the Destroyer and then detonated upon contact with the ground letting off an enormous explosion of purple Stardust.

All the Adventurers looking from the front gate of Axel town at first only saw a flash of light but then the massive explosion made everyone cover their eyes and scream in fright but Lugia's barrier held strong and continue to protect everyone.

Luna, Kazuma and his party stared in complete and utter amazement at the power Rean possesses, especially Megumin who had never seen such an explosion while all the Adventurers could only stared in shock, disbelieve and a bit of fear, they knew Rean wouldn't hurt them, Rean who drank with them, help them when they needed help, Rean who would play with the children with his Pokemon, Rean who fought Beldia for the Adventurers and townspeople of Axel, Rean was a hero and a fierce warrior to them but most of all a friend.

(Play: who are you by PELICAN FANCLUB.)

I stared at the massive purple explosion completely engulfed the Destroyer, I had to hold back quite a bit on my Ultimate skill otherwise I could have accidentally destroyed this continent but I've been training this skill in the Instant Dungeons in order to be able to control its power output.

But as I was watching the explosion destroy a big and wide area of the forest and mountains I couldn't help but reminisce about my time in this world.

All the adventures, trips and monsters, the places I've seen, the people I met, my time as a shop keeper, the fact that I could have my Pokemon out and let them play around town but most of all the time spent with YunYun, Wiz and now Sakuya.

How YunYun almost gave me a heart attack when we met, when I found a sleeping Wiz behind her counter, the mine I cleared with YunYun, helping Wiz with her shop but most of all, the thing that is most vividly present in my mind and heart was when they accepted to go back to my world with me.

That they chose to leave this world and create a new life with me in my world, how they supported me and decided to grow strong with me and how they show me everyday how much they care about me, just like Serafall does.

All of that brought a smile to my face as the explosion caused by my skill finally began to dissipate and I could see the giant crater filled with molten lava left behind by my Ultimate skill a part of me will miss Axel and the memories I made here and even though it was a short time, a lot of important things happened here, in my first world jump.

Suddenly I heard Lugia's melodious cry and I turned around and smiled widely as I watched as the girls waved at me as they approach me.

It was sad to say goodbye to this world but, me and the girls have a life to build together in my world, one that will be full of smiles and adventures, that's a vow that I made to myself and I'm sure as hell making sure it comes true.

As the girls finally reached me I closed my eyes and spoke to my goddess*Astraea, begin world jump, take us home!*.

[Yes! initiating world jump...


creating pathway...

Success! starting world jump back to Highschool DxD!.]

The YunYun and Wiz gaped as the world around us cracks like glass and the shatters, Sakuya just looked around, she more than likely is used to this sort of thing.

Soon enough we arrived back in my world flying right on top of the lake I found a long time ago in the outskirts of Kuoh, a lake that Serafall bought for me and my Pokemon.

I smiled the moment I see it and as the girls look around I turn to look at them and give them a big smile "welcome to my world girls, let's go home".

It was still night in my world but with the help of the moonlight I could the bright smiles on the girl's faces, one journey ends but a new one begins and we're all excited about it.

However at the time I wasn't aware how my presence and my power level could be felt by everyone in the supernatural, I wouldn't know the changes that my existence will bring until way later but in the end when everything is said and done, I just didn't care, now I was powerful enough to defend my freedom, my life and my loved ones.

I'm not about to let a bunch of arrogant self entitled supernatural beings intimidate me or force me into anything, I am a Heavenly Dragon and Dragons do not take kindly to those that annoys us.

In the Grigori headquarters an organization composed mostly of Fallen angels, other supernatural beings and humans with Sacred Gears which is located in the underworld, all the leaders known as the Cadre who were having a meeting stood up in a panic, particularly Azazel who was the governor of the entire organization.

Azazel frowned sensing the overwhelming amount of power that just washed over everyone, Baraquiel an old friend and fellow leader turned his head towards Azazel "what the hell was that Azazel! I have never felt such an enormous energy signature before!".

Azazel just narrowed his eyes and shook his head "I don't know... but whoever or whatever it is, it's extremely powerful Shemhazai, see if you can find out where that energy came from".

Shemhazai nodded and stood up to go investigate this further, Azazel sat back down and continued to frown, he was curious as to what that was but he was also concerned how that new powerful presence affect the world and his plans for peace.

In the underworld, in the devil's capital known as Lilith Sirzechs Lucifer and his queen/wife Grayfia stood up in shock and panic at the sudden massive energy signature they just felt.

Grayfia actually trembled and took an involuntary step back while Sirzechs frowned and immediately called Ajuka via magic circle communication, Ajuka instantly answered and appeared in a projection and Sirzechs wasted no time in asking his best friend what was that he just felt "Ajuka, did you feel that too? what was it? that thing... whatever it was is extremely powerful, much more than me".

Ajuka projection nodded "yes I felt it too, and whatever it was it destroyed every single monitoring machine I have in my lab... they couldn't read that level of power and they exploded, Sirzechs we have to find what it was and soon".

Sirzechs nodded in agreement "yes... start trying to find its location but don't approach it or do anything to provoke it, watch it from afar".

Ajuka actually gulped but nodded and cut off the magical communication, Grayfia walked up to her husband and grabbed hold of one of his arms tightly "Sirzechs... what do you think that was?".

Sirzechs turned to look at his wife, he was visibly nervous and pale "I don't know Grayfia... but I sincerely hope we don't ever meet it".

Grayfia shakely nodded in agreement to her husband words, she herself didn't want to ever meet whatever that was.

In another part of the underworld we see a sleeping Serafall hugging a big long pillow that had a picture of a smiling Rean on it.

However the energy didn't wake her or cause her any discomfort, instead she smiled in her sleep as if she was aware who the energy belong to and knew that it would never hurt her, as a matter of fact she felt safe and cared for by the energy, cousing her to mutter Rean's name in her sleep and giggle.

In Sixth Heaven, home and headquarters to the high ranking seraphim that rule over the angels and the church we find both Michael and Gabriel look completely pale and sweating something fierce.

The power they just felt was way above anything their father could ever muster and that made them extremely fearful, out of the Judeo Christian factions, heaven was the most affect by the Great War.

Having lost God their father not only decreased their power but also prevented heaven from ever being able to replenish their numbers.

The fact that many angels fell and became fallen angels had also added to their ever decreasing numbers made things way worse for heaven.

So having felt someone or something with such an enormous amount of power caused panic and fear to grow within them, they can't afford to provoke such power but they can't also ignore it, Michael tiredly sighed "Gabriel, go investigate who or what that was but do take care and don't provoke whatever it is that power belongs to".

Gabriel nodded and stood up "okay big brother, I shall leave immediately to investigate this matter".

With that said Gabriel soon left to investigate whatever that was that they just felt, Michael was left alone wondering just what's going on out there.

Over in Kyoto, a beautiful blonde, with bright golden yellow eyes stood up from her desk where she had been working late at night, nine fox tails lazily waved around behind her as her fox ears twitched "what was that?... it felt really close".

She walked up to a window nearby and looked outside of it looking up in the sky as if whatever or whoever she just felt would suddenly showed up "... I'm going to have to investigate what that was, the leylines shook for a second there, as if they were excited or something".

Yasaka the leader of the Yokai faction stayed looking out that window into the night sky wondering what just had arrived in her country.

Many other factions felt Rean's overwhelming energy signature and many were now concerned and afraid of what it was.

However most of this factions couldn't freely move around other's territory so they couldn't investigate just what it was that just appeared into the world.

Many other organizations felt it as well and many grew worried and concerned, especially the leaders of said organizations.

But one particular being was more curious than concerned about this massively powerful being that just appeared out no where, this being stared into the distance pondering when and how it should approach this new powerful being.

After flying around the lake for a while, me and Lugia landed at the edge of the lake and the girls jumped down from the Diving Pokemon and walked up to me.

YunYun and Wiz gave me a hug while Sakuya just smiled at me, I hugged the girls for a bit and then let go of them and walked up to Lugia and patted her wing "thank you for protecting the girls and the town Lugia".

Lugia smiled an let out a melodious cry while and smiled and rubbed her chin my hands, after a little bit I return her back to My PokeHome and turned around to face the girls "okay, let's go I'll be teleporting us all directly into my room.

The girls nodded and looked very excited about getting to be in my room, even Sakuya seemed to be looking forward to seeing my room for some odd reason.

I walked up to the girls and took the hands of YunYun and Wiz into mine while Sakuya once more grabbed hold of my arm and I instantly teleported us into my room.

At the same time, in another part of Kuoh, Rias Gremory, Sona Sitri and their peerages awoke in alarm after being hit by an enormous energy signature.

It was so big and powerful that for a second it brought them all down onto their knees and almost suffocated them before it disappeared from their senses.

This of course terrified the young devil heirs to the point of gathering everyone and foolishly set out to investigate what that was.

Luckily for them since they no longer could sense whatever it was they couldn't find it, otherwise they might have just gotten hurt or worse died.

In an instant we all arrived in my room, the girls began to look around right away and grab things curious about what was normal in my world, I couldn't help but to smile at their curious and amazed look.

Even Sakuya seemed curious, while the girls were busy with looking around I used my space manipulation and made my room bigger, we plan to stay here for a couple days so we needed some more room.

But I was going to call Serafall tomorrow and asked her if she could help me have a house built by the big lake, that place was special for her, my Pokemon and me, it just seemed like the perfect place for us to have a home there.

Of course I'm going to pay for everything but as a teenager I couldn't really pay to build a house or buy a shop but I'm sure Serafall would be happy to help me with all of that.

Right now though I was going to share this room with the girls and even thought it's just going for a few days, a week at most I want them to be comfortable, of course I'll be grinding in the Dungeons for extra money.

I have a lot but it never hurts to have more and we still have to buy furniture, clothes for the girls and a few other things necessary for daily life.

Though one thing that I'm not looking forward too is speaking to my family about moving out, they have been trying really hard to make up from what had happened in the past and make feel loved and cared for and even though my parents still work a lot they still make time for me and text me often to see how I'm doing.

Rika too has been trying to get close to me, I can still see the guilt in her eyes and I have been trying to let her in too but I can't have the girls living in my room forever, we need a home after all.

The girls noticed my use of space manipulation right away and watched as the room expanded, I then moved everything in here with Psychic and moved them where they belong since when I expanded the room everything stayed where it stood.

Sakuya smiled at me since she's been teaching me how to use my space manipulation skill since she found out about my mimicry and that I had already gotten her abilities, with her help and instructions I was able to master both Time and Space manipulation quite faster than I would usually be able too without any help.

Sakuya looked around and nodded at me content with my work while YunYun and Wiz clapped their hands in amazement at my ability to freely control such a concept as space.

I took a look at the time and see that it's was pretty late, I then turned towards the girls "it's pretty late so we can go downstairs to eat something and then I can expand the bed so you three can sleep comfortably, I can use my sleeping bag".

They girls nodded and then we all headed downstairs to eat some late dinner but what I didn't expect was my parents coming home at the same time we reached the stair and we all froze like deer caught by headlights.

Both us and my parent just stare at each other, no one dared to move not only because of the shock of having caught by each other but because none of us were expecting such a surprise.

However my luck turned for the worst when Rika opened her door, she must have heard the front door open and imagined that my parents got home.

The only bad thing about her sudden appearance was that as soon as she opened the door and stepped outside she crashed against YunYun who in her surprise squeaked and since she wasn't expecting the sudden shove let out a surprise cry as she lost her balance falling forward.

Sakuya noticed right away and widen her eyes, she immediately flipped back and landed feet first on the first floor to avoid a shocked YunYun from crashing against her.

But YunYun instead crashed against Wiz who was standing behind me and the new water goddess let out a surprised cry as she ended up crashing against me too.

The end result? YunYun, Wiz and I ended up screaming and rolling down the stairs, out of reflex I spread my dragon wings and covered the girls to protect them, inwardly I knew they wouldn't be hurt by this but my instincts took over and I did the first thing I could to protect them.

We rolled down the stairs and ended landing right in front of my parent however to my shock both my dad, mom and Rika screamed in absolute horror "Rean!".

I open my my wings and checked on Wiz and YunYun, they smiled at me and I sighed in relief, I know I was being silly but I couldn't help but worry about them, I stood up and then helped them get up.

Suddenly I was grabbed by my mother and she began to frantically check me over, it was here at this moment that I finally noticed her face.

Tears, she was crying non stop as she looked me over and she was paled, I moved my gaze to my father and I noticed he too was pale and had a worried look on his face.

I realized something crucial at this moment, I might have moved on from what had happened to the original Rean but my parents and sister haven't, they still blame themselves, they still live with that guilt over what had happened that time during last summer break and as I watched my mother, Angela Hayashi break down in tears and looked so heartbroken and worried I couldn't help but to hug this small woman who was so very worried about her son.

At this moment I didn't care about the fact that my family saw YunYun, Wiz and Sakuya nor I cared about the fact that my dragon wings were out for everyone to see and engulfing my poor distraught mother.

The only thing I cared about right now was letting my mother know that I was okay, that I was still here "mom... I'm okay, it's alright".

My mother stiffen in my arms but then she hugged me tightly and began to sob I then looked over to my father and I saw him crying too but I just smiled at him, which he returned while still having tears fall down his tired and still pale face.

I turned my head and moved my gaze over to Rika and noticed she was sitting on the top stair and crying too *sigh... well it seems that I'm very stupid... in my rush to train and get stronger I forgot that my family were still hurting from what had happened that day, it wasn't just the original Rean that had suffered that day, this entire family did*.

I turned my gaze over to the girls who looked worried and concerned about what just happened but I just gave them a smile to reassure them that everythings was okay *well, never late than ever, before I leave to create a life with the girls I have to make sure my family is okay... my family hehehe never thought I would so easily say this words like this but here I am, Serafall, YunYun and Wiz had been a big influence in me, I see*.

I smiled and then turned towards my still crying mother "mom, there's a lot I have to tell you, father and Rika, a lot has changed, I have changed and I have people I cared a lot about, people I want to protect, will you listen to what I have to say?".

My mother looked up at me and nodded while I cleaned her tears away with my hands, I then turned towards my father and he nodded at me, suddenly I felt someone hug me from behind but I immediately I could tell it was Rika *she must have been terrified watching me roll down the stairs like that*.

I decided right then and there to tell them about most of the things I could do and let them know of my plans but most of all I want to reassure them that no matter what I do and where I go I will always be there for them.

It's the least I could do for these people who just shed tears for me, the original Rean might have felt alone and unwanted but I know for fact that his, no, my parents care about him and now me.

I still don't know what had pushed Rika to act that way with me back then but I can tell that the guilt she feels about what had happened has been eating at her all of this time.

She can't take back what she said nor how she acted against me, she had no way to genuinely let me know how guilty and sorry she felt, so she kept that pain inside her, until right now, when she saw me fall like that downstairs everything just bubbled up to the surface and she couldn't hold it in any longer.

Honestly, this family is full of caring but heavily misunderstood members, I wonder what the original Rean would say if he could watch this happening?.

Would he be angry, jealous, sad? or perhaps come to terms with it? too bad I won't ever know but at least I can try to fix all of this, I gave up on my own family in my past life.

I pushed them away from my life and I didn't want to deal with them after they all turned their backs on me but this? this is different.

The Hayashis care and those tears show that they do and so as I wait for my sister and my mother to calm down I got ready to introduce my self as a Heavenly Dragon, to introduce Wiz a former Lich and now Goddess of water, YunYun as a very powerful Mage and Sakuya a time manipulating Maid from another world.

I wonder how my family will take the fact that I have been in another world for months or what would their reactions be once they meet my Pokemon.

I honestly don't know but I'm more than willing to find out.