
B-Rank Promotion Exam 2

As Austin entered muliere's office , he saw Muliere yelling, "no I wont allow Austin to take part in this test." Across Muliere was a middle aged man in his thirties wearing a bandana on his head, prescription glasses, a unbuttoned Hawaiian t-shirt, cargo shorts, and flip flops. The man skin was brown and had a scar on his chest and had long red hair. he was holding a cup of coffee in his had and a cigar in his mouth. To Austin the man looked like a fusion of several different anime character.

Muliere looked Austin and his mind began to work in over drive trying to concoct a believable lie. Yet this task was difficult with the pressure of the strongest in the city's gaze on him. In the few milli-seconds that passed hundreds of scenarios past through Muliere's head. No in reality he couldn't get one idea so he decided to slightly twist the truth.

"Hey kid before I explain let me introduce you. This person in front of you is the strongest in Asadia Vince Starfall. The B-rank exam was altered this year to shift through the upcoming trainers. It is far harder the the previous as well as dangerous. I won't have you the only S-rank of our city-state and contributor to face such dangers." Muliere explained.

Austin stopped listening after the phrase "Strongest in Asadia." Austin couldn't even hold his famed poker face. He thought he that when he meets the strongest in Asadia, it would be like meeting the best back on earth. The strongest would be wearing a suit or in this world setting a military attire or anything neat. it never occurred to him that the strongest in such a depraved world, where humanity is about to perish, would dress as if he was vacationing in the Bahamas without the slightest care in the world. The Hawaiian shirt Austin could come to terms with but the cargo shorts didn't match.

Austin opening impression of the guy was disappointing. he couldn't help but ask," So what's with the cargo shorts?"

His expression and question caused Muliere, who was feeling oppressed by Vince, to laugh loudly. "See even this kid is questioning you getup. he probably can't believe you are this city's strongest hahahahaha."

Vince kept a straight face and answered," This is why kids like you won't survive long. You should also invest in cargo shorts and pants, not only is it comfy but it has a lot of pockets for all you stuff. Kid do you really think that someone as strong as me should look worried and scared like the rest of the pussies in this city. I am strong enough to fight off legendries to protect this city so who cares how I look, my actions speak volumes for me."

Austin suddenly felt a strong pressure emitting from Vince, no one in the city-state had such a pressure. the confidence and strength of this guy is no joke. " Sorry about that you are right you are strong, so when can I start the examination" Austin apologized and got straight to the point.

Muliere as stopped laughing and spoke," Kid trust me this exam is harder than the previous years and yours especially is gonna be handled by Vince here. It can potentially be life threatening...."

Austin replied cutting Muliere off, " That is why I need to take it. I know i have been given S-rank privilege and you think highly of me. if Vince also proposed this exam that means he feels i have a better chance at survival than others. It will also mean that if I pass it I can handle the responsibilities that come with the rank. I don't know about other city-states but in this place the stronger trainers are always taking care of the civilians and weaker trainers."

Austin turned to face Vince," if you changed the exam especially for me that means something big must have happen and this change requires certain level of ability and strength. Almost all my Pokémon are elites with three nearing the peak of elite ranks. i am definitely ready please allow me to take the exam.

Vince was surprised by Austin's resolve and smiled," Ok kid I like your style, I was going to give you a hard time for your actions earlier but I changed my mind."

Muliere sighed and left to prepare the the aura machines in the underground training field.

Vince began to explain the new B- rank promotion exam," Look kid there was a similar test like this around 20 years ago. It was done by my teachers, who taught todays 10 S-ranked trainers. I made some changes to it. the reason for that is that as you've guessed turbulent times are coming and I don't know if Asadia will survive it. if you pass this test not only will the city have a better chance, but even if it couldn't be protected you can still run away.

Don't look at me like that kid, we need to be realistic. the situation that's in the city now is an illusion. I truly hope it can last much longer but as a leader i must always be prepared for the worst. I may die here one day, but you are still young and just maybe you might me one of the future hopes of mankind.

The first exam will be a written test, other than come info their will be some open ended scenarios that must be answered in detail.

The second test you passed but I want you to see the difference between strong and weak trainers so you will battle one of my secondary Pokémon.

The third test will be aura awakening and typing, you might not be able to become an aura or psychic trainer. This will put your Pokémon at a disadvantage when fighting Pokémon powered by aura.

The final test is to test your willpower and decision in a dream world. if you are not mentally prepared you may be injured and it could be severe if you not lucky enough."

Vince finished explaining and gave Austin some time to take everything in. Austin felt like he was back at the time of when he first arrived. The tone of Vince was serious, just like when Muliere began choosing trainers to take the ordeal. what stuck with him the most was that Vince told him that the mood in the city is merely an illusion.

He tried hard to change the city and he always wondered why the leaders weren't able to change anything. it seems that their were still many things he wasn't aware. This was why he needed to get stronger, Austin felt a feeling he never felt before a thirst for knowledge. It starts with this exam.

Austin lifted his head and looked with a determined gaze at Vince. "So when do I start!"

Vince laughed as replied, " So no questions, you really are an interesting fellow, your fighting spirit is burning brightly hahaha, Lets start the writing exam now."

enjoy and please pay attention to these tests as i will included the majority of info dump in these chapters. strting from next chap i will show some actions taking place behind the scenes.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts