
Pokemon: The Orayen Tales

A journey of a Prince, his little Princess, and their companions in the world of Pokemon. Warnings: • Do not expect a canon Storyline. • AU. • There may and may not be (Poke)Game Elements. • A few OCs. • No Reincarnation or SI. • INCEST! Release Schedule: Not specified (On a Hiatus. One Piece FanFic is active right now.) If I have some free time on my hands, I might write a chapter on the other days of the week as well. Discord: https://discord.gg/t2gPEt3 P.S The Cover does not belong to me.

FateDevilAce · 漫画同人
139 Chs

Chapter 111

"Hey!" Aizen chuckled as soon as he called out three of the four Pokémon he had recalled from Blanc Island.

Golbat seemed the most excited of the lot, and it immediately sat up on Aizen's head, batting his wings.


However, the other two did not seem as cheerful as him.

Wartortle and Rhyhorn were looking at him with very serious eyes since they remembered his words from the last time they had seen each other.

Aizen had promised them that when they return to his side again, he would put them through hell and make them train to their very last bit of strength.

He was planning on helping both of them evolve, and Wartortle only needed a push to achieve it. Rhyhorn needed some more work, but it was close too.

"Relax for now. We will start in the morning." He smiled at them, and Rhyhorn, simple-minded as it was, visibly relaxed.

Wartortle, however, just nodded its head before fearfully looking at Misty's Blastoise, who was standing right behind her Trianer.

Everyone suppressed their laughter when Blastoise stepped forward and grabbed Wartortle's hand, leading him away to who knows where.

They could see that despite being fearful of her, he was not rejecting her, and it was not until they had left the training ground of the Pokémon Center that Leaf stopped controlling her laughter.

"Did you see him blush?!" She had tears at the corner of her eyes, and her infectious laugh made them all join her.

"He has learned to appreciate the feelings of my Blue." Misty proudly said, still laughing.

And she was indeed quite proud of her Pokémon who had managed to grab the heart of Aizen's Wartortle.

"Brother, you called Chopper?" Anira curiously asked about the fourth Pokémon he had called from Blanc Island.

"No." He smiled at her.

"Aerodactyl?" She guessed with a smile. "I want to take it out on a flight in the morning!"

"Why not now?" He playfully smiled at her and then plucked a Pokeball from his belt, throwing it in the air.

"Ahh!!!" Leaf jumped back in a scare when she saw a big and manacing-looking Pokémon come out of the brilliant white light.

"Atlas!" Anira had tears in her eyes as she rushed forward and hugged the Pokémon whom she had not seen in a long while.


"I missed you!" She giggled and then happily started chatting with her first Pokémon, ignoring everyone else around them.

Her excitement brought smiles to the faces of everyone who looked at her interacting with her Pokémon. It was just too heart-warming.

"A Mega Garchomp..." Fennel curiously looked at Anira and her Mega Garchomp. And she was marvelling about how an eleven-year-old could have such a strong bond with her Pokémon, and that too with one of the most terrifying Dragon Pokémon.

"Wow!" Leaf and Misty finally got a grip on their fear and took a better look at Atlas, Anira's Mega Garchomp, whom she had told them a lot of stories about.

"I love you!" Anira jumped up in Aizen's arms, hugging his neck tightly, and he spun around with her before planting an affectionate kiss on her head.

"I love you too." He smiled and then put her back on her feet. "So, want to go out on a flight?"

"May I?" She hopefully asked.

It was nighttime, and Aizen was usually very strict about 'No flying at Night'.

"You may." He nodded to her and she happily jumped up on the back of her Mega Garchomp, who immediately shot up in the sky.

Aizen smiled when he heard the cheerful and competitive cry of Dragons in the sky.

His Mega Salamence was already there, and it was quite excited to meet its friend after months.

"I am jealous!" Misty pouted as Anira's excited cry still rang in her ear when Atlas took her to the skies.

She knew that these Dragons were very proud creatures, and even though she had known Aizen's Mega Salamence for months now, the Pokémon still wouldn't allow her to climb on it or take her to the sky for a flight.

"Catch yourself a Dragon then." Leaf teasingly stuck her tongue at her.

"I will." The Orange-haired smirked at her friend and then looked at the sky where two silhouettes of Pokémon passing by at a great speed could be seen.

"Alright, I am off to bed. Good Night!" Aizen knew that his little sister would not be returning anytime soon, so he excused himself from the rest and left for their suite.

He was not worried about her safety since Aerius, Atlas, and Sky were with her. And his Gengar was by her side too.

Leaf too decided to call it a day. She had a Gym battle in the morning, and she needed a good night's sleep. She bid the ladies goodnight and happily went to the room that she shared with Misty and Anira.

Misty stayed with Sabrina and Fennel for a while, chatting and listening to the research-related works of Aizen that Fennel discussed with them.

It was quite evident from how Fennel talked about Professor Sin that she admired him a lot. It was not a romantic admiration, but an admiration for someone who had managed to contribute to the betterment of their world at such a young age. But she also knew that there was a very thin line between the two that would start blurring just after a simple push.

Unbeknownst to what some of the ladies were talking about him, Aizen peacefully slept in his bed, hugging his Eevee to sleep.

He was having a very peaceful dream when suddenly he felt a weight over his waist, and his violet eyes shot open.

His instincts were calm and which was the reason why he had not attacked the person who was sitting on him.

"Hey..." The one pressing him down playfully smiled, and he smiled back at her.

"Sneaking into my room in the middle of the night; What are your intentions, my dear Misty?" He asked, even though he knew why exactly she had come here at this hour of the night.

Before she could answer him, his hands had already reached the hem of her top and pulled it off her.

She was not wearing anything underneath it, and her modest yet beautiful breasts made him smile some more.

"I want it." She demanded when he placed his hands on her soft mounds and lightly squeezed them.

"Want what?" He smirked as he traced her curves with his hands, running them up and down in a comforting manner.

Misty body trembled slightly under his ministrations. And suppressing the blush blooming on her cheeks, her eyes left his and trailed down his torso before she reached for his waist and pulled the string of his pyjamas.

She grabbed onto his member, which hardened some more at the contact of her hand, and she gave it a curious squeeze.

Aizen amusedly watched and enjoyed her ministrations as she tried to please him with her hand.

It did not take long for her to find a rhythm that he enjoyed a lot, and she seemed quite pleased with herself for finding some success.

When she felt that he was as hard as possible, she stood up on the bed and immediately took off her bottoms before straddling him.

"You have not learnt anything from the last time, eh?" He smirked at her, but she just grinned at him as she started rubbing his glans along the length of her slit. "Easy." He advised her and grabbed onto her waist right before she pressed her weight on his length, helping him break into her.

It was not as bad as last time, and though she felt uncomfortable at being stretched so much, there was a distinct pleasure that jolted through her body with every inch of him that she helped inside of her.

"Ahh~" A gratifying moan escaped her lips when he pressed against her cervix, filling her to the brim.

She was not wet enough, and it made her wince when she tried to move, but that did not stop her.

Aizen let her go at her pace as he knew that she needed to learn from this, and he wholeheartedly enjoyed the pleasure that she was providing him.

It took great willpower to stay put and hold back the urge to flip her over and ravage her, but he was not a person to give in to his deepest desires so easily.


It took a few minutes for her insides to gush out love juices, making it easier for her to ride him, and then she started climbing her orgasm as sweet moans leaked out of her mouth.

"Aizen!!!" She loudly screamed his name, and he was glad that he was shielding their noses, otherwise, her cry would have definitely woken everyone up who was in their suite.

"Hey..." He smiled at her and comfortingly stroked her back when she leaned down to hug him, and then he flipped her over, pressing her under his weight.

He planted kisses all over her face as he started thrusting in and out of her, who was still revelling in the aftermath of her orgasm.

She was a little too sensitive right now, and his movement inside her depths sent shockwaves of pleasure all through her body, and soon her loud moans reverberated in the room, crying the song of their passion.