Jax Skyborne only wanted one thing, to become the strongest pokemon trainer in the world. But when he's thrown into a world with Team Rocket on the rise, he bit more than he could chew. Join our protagonist on his adventure to become the best and save his world.
As the time finally ran out, the crowd all cheered out and congratulated the little girl. With a stream of tickets flowing out of the machine, Jax couldn't help but want to set the record straight. Afterall, with his cocky attitude earlier, he just couldn't let a complete newbie show him up like that!
Putting more coins into the machine, Jax just stood there without getting into any kind of form. As the arcade came back to life once more, the balls started floating on their own! That's right! Jax was using telekinesis to levitate the balls! Cheating? Doesn't matter when his pride was on the line!
The rest of the audience just stared in a daze not believing their eyes. With so few people possessing psychic abilities, many of the masses has never seen it with their own eyes before. Sure, they saw it on television when Sabrina or other psychics went on talk show but seeing it on a screen and in person were two completely different things!
Cheering for the boy, the crowd was more excited about seeing a kid so young with strange powers than seeing him score so many points per second!
As the clock reached zero, the score displayed was an astonishing 300! Metsys only scored 120 points, one point per second, whereas, Jax scored almost three baskets per second! With an absurd amount of tickets gushing out of the machine, Metsys ran up to Jax and hugged him. This little competition was all in Jax's head anyways, so she had no clue about it. She was just genuinely happy for him.
Basking in the light and the cheering from the crowd, Jax had a huge smile and looked around, reveling in his little spotlight. Until he saw two pairs of eyes glaring hatefully at him.
'W-what are they doing here!?'
Before Jax could run up to the two familiar children he saw in the crowd, they turned around and disappeared. Struggling free from everyone who wanted to congratulate him, Jax squeezed his way through them but once he emerged on the outside, no sight of his two friends were there.
Shaking his head, Jax dejectedly returned to scoop up his tickets and the two grey-haired kids went to the in-store exchange location. Metsys traded her tickets for a bunch of candy while Jax traded his for an oversize Dragonite plushie. He would have rather traded them for a Nidoking one but those were all out of stock.
Before they could decide what other arcade games to play, the black object started to vibrate in his pocket. 'Well, looks like it's time grab a bite. After eating, I'll return to the dorms and try to find her. I have to explain that it isn't like how she saw it.'
Ding! Ding!
Walking back into the shop with the familiar bell chime, Jax and Metsys were greeted by the same café clerk. After handing their beeper over, they ordered a set of the limited-edition cake with Jax getting green tea while Metsys ordered a strawberry MooMoo milk.
Since the weather was so nice, the two children decided to eat outside on the patio so they could enjoy their snack with the sunny skies. Walking out onto the patio, Jax scanned around for a place to sit when he came upon the back of one of the two girls he desperately wanted to see. With quick steps, Jax carried the two trays and without anyone's permission, sat down on one of the empty seats.
"Excuse you, this seat is tak-"
When the pink-haired girl saw that someone was intending to sit with them, she reflexively tried to shoo them away but then noticing that hateful face, Evie stopped and glanced at her bestfriend.
Ally just continued to munch away on her cake not even bothering to acknowledge that someone had join their table, almost as if the handsome boy did not exist!
"Hey, Ally. Hey, Evie. Cough. I know you two saw us earlier and I can expl-"
"Evie, is it just me or is there a fly buzzing nearby?"
"Hehe! Ally, should I swat away that annoying fly? I wouldn't want it to ruin our delicious cakes!"
Before Ally could reply, another fly, I mean, girl, joined Jax and sat at the table.
Taking a look at this new addition, Ally's face soured and she stared daggers into Jax's eyes.
Jax spent almost two full years in the Great Beyond. He battled countless pokemons and bosses who wanted nothing more than eat his flesh and drink his blood. Even then, they didn't scare him as much as the cold glare he was receiving from the pretty blond across from him!
"A-Ally, this is Metsys. Please, just give me a chance to explain! It isn't how it looks like!"
"Your 5 minutes starts now."
Hearing, the not-so-enthused voice, Jax cleared his throat before telling Ally about Metsys. He already told her in passing that Metsys was a girl he found in the mountains but obviously Ally didn't buy that excuse anymore so Jax just decided to come out with some of the facts.
"Metsys is…different. She's a girl but also not one. I can't go too much into the details but you have to believe me. I don't see her in any way besides a friend. Yes, I did meet her in the mountains but she didn't lose her memories. For certain reasons, she has to stay close to me. I know this isn't what you want to hear but I really can't say any more. I will understand if you don't see me the same after today." Saying his part, Jax got up and left.
There was only one problem, he wanted to have a cool exit so he just walked off completely forgetting about one thing, Metsys! The girl was still happily eating away at her cake, at the table, the same table that Ally and Evie was sitting at!