
Chapter 79

After close to over 2 months had passed, Jax had explored the majority of the Great Beyond. Even if he couldn't beat the stronger pokemons living there, he could always sneak past them with the help of his minimap spotting them ahead of time.

As stated, even with the minimap, Jax still had a couple close encounters. One night, everyone had fallen asleep, even Vioarr who was on stakeout. Then, a Gengar attacked them! It constantly disappeared into nearby shadows and sneaked out to launch surprise attacks. It was incredibly annoying but the team of five made quick work of it after Jax used his Aura to locate where the Gengar was and the team set up their own ambush waiting for it to pop back out.

While walking through a stretch of land that had no structure to serve as protection, the team was spotted by a powerful Camerupt! With no water-type pokemon, the team struggled for a little bit since it was way stronger than any of Jax's pokemon. With no other choice, they had to run away!

They were also constantly barraged by aerial attacks from Flygons and while resting at cactuses which turned out to be Cacturnes in disguise, the team was left haggard after the long two months exploration.

'Only 5 percent left! Just a little more and I'll have completed my third quest!'

That's right! Jax had walked all over the land and was only 5 percent shy of mapping out the entire Great Beyond! It would have taken less time if he had simply used Levitate and fly around the Great Beyond but the pokemons in the air were even more dangerous than those on the ground!

No matter how high his psychic level was, Jax could never out speed a flying-type pokemon in the air. As such, he opted to just travel by foot even if it took him a considerably longer time.

Now, the only place left to explore was the heart of the land, the Great Canyon, a place that no one has ever dared step foot in. As stated previously, the Great Beyond was nothing but a flat stretch of barren land and then suddenly dipped and formed a long crack in the ground. Darker than night, hotter than a star, no one had ventured down there and ever returned to tell what they saw and experienced! And now a boy who hadn't even beat his first gym yet wanted to go down where even veteran and champion Trainers didn't dare go.

"Guys, I don't know what will be down there so be even more vigilant. Always have Protect and Endure activated. Lancelot, you take the lead since you can light the way. Vioarr, you'll be the vanguard and protect him against anything that might pop up. Nemsus, you'll be in the middle by my side and act as the caster since you have the longest range out of everyone. Teritus, you stay in the back and watch out for anything that might sneak up on us."

After issuing out his commands, Jax levitated his pokemon and they disappeared into the depths below, swallowed up by the darkness with nothing but the flame around Lancelot's body to light their way.

Deeper below, surrounded by flowing magma, people in black surrounded a single pokemon of brown, grey, and orange on all fours.

"Encircle it! Don't you guys dare break the formation! This pokemon is essential to the Boss! We must capture it at any cost!"

Saying so, every one of them summoned out their own pokemons. Crobats, Arboks, Fearows, Weezings, you name it and they were there! Although not strong individually, they were all still quite high leveled and the single pokemon was outmanned.

Even as a level 100, it could only do so much. Against the onslaught of the little army, the pokemon tried its hardest to fight back slowly backing away. Charging up and attack, with a sudden wave of heat, most of the pokemons coming after it were killed.

"It used Heat Wave! Summon your other pokemons! That move wasn't as strong as it was when it used it earlier! It's getting weaker!"

While the battle was raging on, Jax had finally landed on solid ground after a long time of free-floating down. As soon as the team landed, they sprung into action in case anything was waiting below for them. Since nothing came out, the team cautiously made their way in the random direction they chose. Even in pure, pitch blackness, with the minimap, Jax was able to see the layout of the whole canyon before him.

While the team had been walking for over an hour, they didn't see any pokemons. Any alive ones that is. They passed a massive amount of pokemon corpses littered here and there. Even if Jax killed any pokemon that came his way, even this was too excessive for him to bear.

To make matters worse, the further they walked, the hotter it became. With the heat, the corpses decomposed even faster and some of the bodies were so bloated that you almost couldn't tell which pokemon it was when they were alive!

After another hour of walking through the tunnel they had chosen, the scenery finally changed. The ground they were standing on suddenly disappeared and the two scouting pokemons were sent down into the depths, down straight into a massive pool of lava!

"Shoot!" Using his psychic abilities, Jax was able to levitate the two pokemons back up right before they plunged down into an inferno resting place.

"You guys okay!?"

"I-I think I peed my pants a little."

"You must be good if you can still joke around, Vioarr. What pants?"

"I, too, may have soiled my pants, my liege."

"Sigh. You guys are in on this joke together, huh? Well, I'm glad you are both okay. I'll levitate us to the other side. I see another tunnel over there."