
Top 28

Hello, Guys. I wrote a little detail in about the matches between the top 3 trainers in their region until reaching the top 14. I hope you enjoy it.

Can you give some advice about how I should write battle scenes? Thank you.


With the new day, the second day of the top 56 starts. There are also intense battles on this day.

The first match on this day is between 5th rank of the Mediterrane Region and 4th rank of the South-East region. The winner of this match is Mediterrane Region trainer. The trainer wins with a small margin thanks to little luck.

The second match is between 11th and 4th rank of the Marmara Region. Noth participants join in the same region. The 4th rank trainer beats the opponent.

The third match is between 13th rank of the Marmara Region and 3rd rank of the Middle-Anatolia Region. The winner of this match is also 3rd rank of the Middle-Anatolia with no surprise.

The fourth match is between the 2nd rank of the South-East Region and 3rd rank of the Mediterrane Region. With a surprise, the winner of this match is the 3rd rank of the Mediterrane Region. Thus, there are the only two trainers moves on to the next round.

The fans of the South-East Region becomes upset while other regions sigh, seeing the unlucky situation of the South-East Region. Most matches are loss just a little margin. If they were just a little luckier, they could win.

The fifth match is between the winner of the Marmara Region and 5th rank of the Marmara Region. As a being one favourite of the tournament, Atakan who is the winner of the Marmara Region defeats his opponent with just using Slowking and Gigalith.

The sixth match is between 2nd rank of the Aegean Region and 5th rank of the Aegean Region. The East Region trainer defeats the opponent.

The seventh match is between 5th rank of the Middle-Anatolia and 9th rank of the Middle-Anatolia Region. This match is also between two trainers who are taking part in the same region. The 5th rank trainer is the winner of this match.

With this, morning matches finishes. There is a 1.5-hour break until the next match.

Beyaz tests the matches while eating lunch with Absol. According to him, with no surprise, the winner of the tournament will be anyone of one winner of the regional tournaments. But who will be? Any one of them has not shown their actual power yet. Even thinking hurts his head. So, he does not think anymore. He is always like this. If he cannot learn while thinking, then he stops thinking.

While these happening in the Beyaz's home, the tournament continues where it left off.

The eighth match is between 4th rank and 3rd rank of the Black Sea Region. They also take part in the same region. The 4th rank trainer wins this match.

The ninth match is between 2nd rank of the Marmara Region and 4th rank of the Aegean Region. With no surprise, the winner is the 2nd rank trainer in the Marmara Region.

The tenth match is between 6th rank of the Aegean Region and 4th Rank of the East Region. The winner of this match is the 6th rank of the Aegean Region. This match is also one of the intense in this day.

The eleventh match is between 2nd and 15th rank of the Middle-Anatolia Region. The trainer who is the 15th rank of the Middle-Anatolia Region is the lowest-ranked second trainer of the top 56. This trainer loss to second in the same region.

The twelfth match is between 30th rank of the Marmara Region and 12th rank of the Middle-Anatolia Region. Arthur, who is the 30th rank of the Marmara Region, also, is the lowest-ranked trainer of the top 56, beats his opponent by showing outstanding performance.

The thirteenth match is between 2nd rank of the East Region and 6th rank of the Marmara Region. There is also no surprise in this match and 2nd rank of the East Region trainer wins.

The last match of the top 56 is between the winner of the East Region and 9th rank of the Black Sea Region. Top 56's matches finish after the Gizem who is the winner of the East Region wins.

Thus, the top 28 determines. The luckiest region in the top 56 matches is Mediterrane Region. It has 6 trainers who move on to the top 28.

The day after, Top 28 matches start.

The first match of the top 28 matches is between the winner of the Black Sea Region and the 5th rank of the Middle-Anatolia Region. Gizem wins her opponent with using Hawlucha, Ninetales, Venusaur, Archeops and Vanilluxe, She hasn't shown her last pokemon yet.

The second match of the top 28 is between the 2nd rank of the Black Sea Region and the 5th rank of the Mediterrane Region. The winner of this match is the 2nd rank of the Black Sea Region.

The third match of the top 28 is between the 3rd rank of the Mediterrane Region and 4th rank of the Black Sea Region. The Black Sea Region trainer with against the opponent.

The fourth match of the top 28 is between the 3rd rank of the Middle-Anatolia Region and the 2nd rank of the East Region.

Both trainers send their pokemons with the start of the match.

The Middle-Anatolia Region trainer is a Normal-type trainer, while the East Region trainer is a Poison-type trainer.

At first, Normal-type trainer sends Lickilicky, the opponent sends Skuntank.

With the start of the match, Lickilicky uses Lick to Skuntank. Skuntank dodges it then uses Flamethrower. Because of low speed, Lickilicky cannot dodge and gets hit. Lickilicky has a high special defence. Thus, it does not take much damage.

Skuntank attacks continuously using hit-and-run tactics. Also, sometimes takes damages but in the and Skuntank wins.

Normal type trainer's second pokemon is Bouffalant. Bouffalant's speed is also lesser than Skuntank. But Bouffalant has both high attack damage and defence. Thanks to this, Bouffalant beats Skuntank.

Poison-type trainer's second pokemon is Galarian Weezing, Intense battle happens between Bouffalant and Galarian Weezing. In the end, both pokemon cannot continue the battle.

With this, they send their third pokemon.

While one side sends Pyroar, the other side sends Crobat. With the advantage of the flying, Crobat wins against Pyroar. But, Pyroar also fasts and strong pokemon. Because of this, Crobat losses too much energy while battling against Pyroar.

The 4th pokemon of the Normal-type trainer is Greedent. Greedent is also balanced between attack and defence. After a while, Crobat cannot sustain energy and faints.

After took Crobat backs to its Pokeball, the Poison-type trainer sends Victreebel. While Victreebel attacks from afar, Greedent tries to get closer to Victreebel. In the end, Greedent withstands the attack and gets closer to Victreebel. They start to close combat. Because of Victreebel's low melee power, Victreebel losses after a while.

5th pokemon of the Poison-type trainer is Nidoking. Greedent cannot withstand under the attack of Nidoking and losses its battle ability.

As the fifth pokemon, Normal-type trainer sends Staraptor. Staraptor finishes off the Nidoking with a hit-and-run tactic.

The last pokemon of the Poison-type trainer is Nidoquuen. Nidoqueen beats Staraptor.

After taking Straptor back, its trainer sends Ursaring as the last pokemon.

''Nidoqueen, mega evolution''

''Ursaring, mega evolution''

After Ursaring enters the battlefield. Both trainers use mega evolution.

After mega evolution, Nidoqueen's body colour becomes paler and its navel area turns yellow.

With mega evolution, white furs grow on some parts of Ursaring's body. Also, it becomes both normal and fighting types.

With both pokemon enters the mega evolution, an intense battle starts.

''Ursaring, use Hammer Arm''

''Nidoqueen, use Double Kick''

Ursaring's arm covered with the normal type of energy, while Nidoqueen's legs covered with the fighting type of energy. Then Ursaring's arm and Nidoqueen's legs collide. With this, both pokemons take a few steps back.

Then they collide again and again.

''Ursaring, Hyper Beam''

''Nidoqueen, Hyper Beam''

After a while, both pokemons attack with a yellow beam to each other. Two hyper Beams collide in the middle of them. An enormous explosion happens. Because of the explosion, battlefield covers with white smoke.

After a while, the smoke disappears. With this, the battlefield appears, and both pokemons stay where they were before. When vision restores, both Pokemon continue to attack. In the end, Ursaring beats Nidoqueen. Thus, the winner of the match is the 3rd rank of the Middle-Anatolia Region.

The 5th match also seems like it is an intense war.


ColoredWormcreators' thoughts