
Arena Battle

I watched as a crowd roared in the distance from the comfort of my leather seat. I was quite use to scene after seeing it countless times.

Looking forward I stared as two giant metal doors opened up on each corner of the room. In one corner walked a menacing looking man of a tall stature walked forward. The thing that caught my attention was the giant gash that stretched from the top of his head down until his neck.

It was quite an ugly scar looking as if it happened just recently happened. No doubt it was from a life or death battle. From the entrance of the towering metal door a petite but beautiful looking woman walked out.

She was the exact opposite of what you would expect at this type of underground fight arena. But looks can be quite deceiving and as it seems it played a huge part in her favor. Thousands of men and women alike stared at her practically drooling.

The woman shot a seductive wink at the crowd as she assumed her place on the platform. The man took his place as he gave out a ruff grunt standing with his arms folded giving off a strong military vibe.

Now you may ask what a person like me is doing at this type of place. Well I can explain growing up my life was pretty tough struggling to live and surviving day by day from eating the smallest portions of meals to survive my mom and dad are not the best of people either often beating me constantly and just abusing drugs.

However around two years ago there was a change my parents met some pretty shady people who gave them a giant lump sum of money. With the money my parents opened up an illegal business which has come to be known as the kanto fight arena.

As you can guess people from all over the world flocked at the chance to illegally fight for money whether it was a legal trainer or illegal. I thought it was highly dangerous but hey who am I to judge their income.

My parents began to make very good money with now being able to afford anything they pretty much wanted. I also began to become spoiled I admit now enjoying the lavish lifestyle.

But back to the point and hand I watched on with great interest as the ref started the match.

"Greetings lady's and gentlemen welcome to the kanto arena" exclaimed the ref. The ref then began to introduce the fighters for today as the crowd began to quiet down.

"On our left we has the seductive and beautiful ms violet boasting a win loss record of 50 wins to 4 losses" stated the ref. The bombshell of a woman walked up as she released a vileplume. The grass/poison type took to the field as it gave out a battle cry.


The crowd burst into cheers

"Now on our right we have our undefeated champion the menacing and terrible crusher boasting a win record of 200 wins to 0 losses" exclaimed the ref. The giant man said nothing as he simply tossed out his poke ball releasing a Houndoom.

As soon as houndoom was released a immense pressure washed over the arena leaving the crowd stunned from the killing intent that the houndoom released.

The battle was then signaled to begin.

"Vileplume lets starts things off with sunny day followed by solar beam" shouted violet.

The sky began to shine bright as the room felt the intense heat that washed over. This was then followed up by a yellow beam forming in front of vileplume the beam grew in size until violet gave the command to release it.

A beam of energy raced across the field as it targeted houndoom going in for the kill. However crusher wasn't undefeated for no reason giving out a silent command.

Houndoom let loose a giant flamethrower that pushed back the solar beam as it raced towards vileplume at an increasing rate. Violet's Pokemon was struck head on taking the full force of the attack.

Vileplume gave out a weak cry as it stood shakingly trying to regain its footing. Houndoom not giving it any chance rushed forward with a fire fang tearing into vileplume's left arm.

Once Houndoom was done a good bit of blood began to leak out as vileplume was left with a stump of what was once an arm. You would expect for the crowd to be in disbelief and outrage however there was just more shouts of excitement from the bloody show that was being put on.

"Vileplume come on useless I wasted a lot of resources on you, Use full power energy ball" violet shouted in rage.

A giant ball of energy built up in front of vileplume as it was short towards houndoom.

"Houndoom use shadow ball and put a end to this" crusher stated.

A gleaming ball of darkness was launched towards the energy ball as it overpowered it and continued on towards vileplume. The ball rammed straight into the Pokemon as it leaves began to wither as vileplume gave out a horrendous stream.

It was evident to all that the vileplume was currently coming to the end of its life. With that the ref began to call the match declaring crusher still undefeated.

Violet let her anger take over as she kicked the dead vileplume and stormed off the field.

Well that was quite the show I should say it was very one sided obviously being crushers victory from the start. I began to walk back to a hotel suite I had booked that was particularly close to the arena. My family happened to buy it to generate more money for the business.

I contemplated on what I should do as I prepared for tomorrow when I finally turn 18 the legal age trainers our allowed a Pokemon. I assumed my parents would try to hand me a rare Pokemon to keep up their image of a strong family now.

I decided to drift off to sleep wondering what Pokemon I should receive.