Waking up in the cold depths of space, no memory of what happened and what got me here, out in the distance i felt the presence of something, something greater than anything i've ever seen. The light sparkles my way as a celestial being calls out to me. "You're not going to die just yet," It muttered, a bright light quickly obstructing my view. and that's how it started, so hey. If you got some free time why don't you check out my first and last pokemon adventure
The sun was setting and we washed up on the beach. I have no idea how long i've been here but i do know one thing…
"Where are we-"
We're completely lost.
I looked around the area we got washed up on and no sight of Jeffery, just me and Chloe..
I scratched my head and I was starting to get worried.. Did he.. No he couldn't have drowned but-
He should be here..
I let Zorua and Kabuto out of their pokeballs.
"Lets split up to find Jeffery!"
Both of them nodded and went their separate ways.
But before I left I turned to Chloe who was still unconscious.. I can't just leave her there.
I crouched next to her and slightly nudged her to wake her up.
"Oi, sleepy head ..we gotta go-"
Chloe opened her eyes slightly and looked at me. It took her a solid five seconds to get what was happening.
She immediately backed up, face flushed red.
"You look like you got sunburned-" I was sunburned myself .
"Come on, we need to find Jeffery!" I said running off further on the island from the shore.
"A-ayuna wait!" She quickly tried to regain her composure and follow me.
"Where do you think we are?" I asked Chloe as we were searching for Jeffrey.
"I don't know? ..maybe on one of the Granite islands? Those grunts did say we were going there."
I thought about it for a hot minute and i think she's right though i couldn't rule out the other regions based on their looks or tell from all the different kinds of pokemon.
"Hey- Ayuna?" Chloe sounded like she had a question for me about something.
"Where's Zorua…"
"Looking for Jeffery elsewhere along with Kabuto." I said leading the way through the forest.
There was an awkward silence between us after I said that.
"You did what???"
{pokemon speaks english temporarily for better reading experience}
"Any sign of him??" Zorua asked Kabuto who was climbing up a tree searching.
"Nope- wherever he went he went pretty far." Kabuto said.
"Are you sure he didnt abandon us?"
"He wouldn't do that-" Zorua was about to finish her sentence but heard something in the distance and the smell of something weird..
"It's them-" she started to run off leaving Kabuto behind.
"Wait! Who's them?"
Following Zoura they found a secret base for the people in the white hood name still unknown to both Zoura,Kabuto and everyone else who wasn't a part of it.
They kept looking and saw Celebi being carried into a tent with some kind of weird machines.
"The god of time!" Zorua exclaimed.
"Being of time travel-" Kabuto corrected.
"So are we gonna get Ayuna or are we gonna burst in?"