
Chapter:32-Mighty Snorlax

3rd POV

Kenta followed Pidgeotto's trail to find a sleeping Snorlax who is sleeping peacefully without any care in the world.

Kenta used his poke flute and purposefully played a loud unwanted noise tune irritating all the pokemon nearby.

"[God, this feels worse than zubat and magnamite screeches]" Charmeleon replied while closing his ears.

"[I don't w-what's worse, this tune or pikachu]" Pidgeotto replied with disgust.

"[This feels somehow familiar. Like a fat kid singing in a loud and brute voice destroying everyone's eardrums.] " Pikachu replied while closing his ears while referencing something.

Each of the pokemon has different disgusting expressions on their face while hearing the poketune.

Snorlax woke up from the harsh tune and he is angry when someone disturbed his beauty sleep.

"[YOU, SNORLAX VERY ANGRY. SNORELAX WILL SMASH YOU]" Snorelax said while replying to Kenta.

Kenta released all of his pokemon to fight against Snorlax as Snorlax is a very tough opponent and it is very resilient to be taken down quickly. But it had one fatal flaw.

Lack of proper plan and proper guidance from a trainer.

"Primeape use low kick against Snorlax " Kenta commanded Snorlax.

Low kick is a perfect move against Snorlax. Due to Snorlax having over 1000 lbs, the low kick's power is over 200 excluding the STAB bonus.

Low kick hit Snorlax knocking Snorlax's balance making him fall down and kiss the ground. Snorlax struggled to get up from the ground, Snorlax being lazy makes him slow to get up and fight. Provides an excellent opportunity for Kenta to wear down Snorlax.

"Pidgeotto hyper beam, charmeleon use flamethrower, Primeape use close combat, Pikachu use thunder, Dragonair use dragon pulse, and finally, Beedrill use toxic " Kenta commanded Snorlax.

The pokemon made sure their attacks aren't mixed up and hit Snorlax with precision.

Pidgeotto's hyper beam hit Snorlax pushing it back further and Charmeleon used his flames to cover Snorlax warming it up.

"[Snorlax feeling funny] " Snorlax replied while feeling a little hot on the belly

Beedrill attacked Snorlax using toxic, making Snorlax ingest the poison. Due to the flames that poison has boosted effect.

It seems like Snorlax's external fat layer is protecting him from cold and hot temperatures. It also makes him completely immune to toxic-based attacks.

"Snorlax's stomach can digest all forms of poisons. But it generates heat and still makes his stomach upset and he will get acidity if he ate too much poison. " Kenta told explaining to Erika who have just arrived at the scene.

"How did you know I was about to ask that, " Erika said surprised by his early prediction before she asked him that question.

" You might ask why I used that knowing Snorlax has poison immunity," Kenta told Erika.

Dragonair dragon pulse hit Snorlax making it in much more pain than now and it is making Snorlax angrier by the frustration of its stomach upset.

Secretion of too much acid levels in the Snorlax's stomach can cause acidity inside the Snorlax and it indirectly produces a new and unlabelled status effect inside Snorlax. This concept is not in the textbook. But there are several tactics that can be implemented in battles, which makes the user have an upper edge. As they are unpredictable moves

Snorlax might have poison immunity and isn't affected by the poison content. But it doesn't immune to the effects and process of poison, which makes the whole body hotter and causes some stomach upsets. The process is tough to understand.

In simpler terms, severe acidity is the thing Snorlax is experiencing. And Snorlax's body is heating up and it felt irritated by the swelling in his skin. It appears that Snorlax's thick skin isn't perfect and it is still vulnerable to the fire.

Primeape moved closer to beat the hell out of Snorlax, but Snorlax surprisingly got up quickly and pushed back Primeape. The force was too much for Primeape to handle and Primeape flew away like a ball crashing into a tree.

"[Here, take this brute head] " Pidgeotto replied while performing her aerial ace against Snorlax. It appears Pidgeotto has a confident smile on her face, she attempted the move Snorlax is distracted by Primeape. Pidgeotto is so sure that she can pull off this move against Snorlax.

"[Snorlax smash] " Snorlax replied while using a mega punch to punch Pidgeotto and sending it flying in the sky like a cricket ball

"[Sixer]" Pikachu said bringing out his sports fan of him.

"[Whose side are you on. And what's a sixer]" Charmeleon said confused by Pikachu's statement. But in the end, he ignored it, assuming Pikachu is a weird bloke.

Snorlax's reflexes are very fast despite its laziness. Snorlax has lazy elegance inbuilt within himself coupled with a temper that can build up power that can pack brute force. Effortless and elegant blows filled with a brute package of power.

"[The brute force is reminding me of a green-sized monster. But here we go. Time for me to attempt a new move]" Pikachu sized himself while preparing himself to unleash a new move he and Kenta created.

Pikachu coated himself with electric charges flowing throughout him and he lunged through the Snorlax while attempting to move towards Snorlax at high speeds while spreading out the charges in his body and generating an electric current in his body.

"Pikachu, volt tackle " Kenta commanded Pikachu.

Pikachu dashed against Snorlax shoving Snorlax with his full-powered volt tackle knocking him back the force and continuing to push Snorlax against a corner. Snorlax attempted to pick up Pikachu but he is unable to do due to the electric shock Snorlax got when he touched Pikachu.

But Pikachu isn't able to maintain this for much further and collapsed due to strain. Pikachu has provided enough diversion for others to prepare for their next move.

Snorlax relaxing the scene is moving towards Pikachu with slow but quick filled steps. It is like a lazy person attempting to pick up a burger.

"[I feel like I am the main character of a horror movie here.] " Pikachu said with a face full of despair and hopelessness.

Snorlax attempted to swing his fist at Pikachu but he is intervened by Charmeleon's claw. Charmeleon held back Snorlax's arm with his claws and Charmeleon is trying to hold himself against Snorlax while attempting to push back Snorlax while protecting Pikachu.

The exchange has turned into arm wrestling while Charmeleon is using his two hands against Snorlax's single hand. Charmeleon knew he can't win the exchange but Charmeleon raised its veins and started trying to put Snorlax back down but he himself is being pushed.

Snorlax is shocked to see Charmeleon's resolve, but it ended with Snorlax punching Charmeleon's face with a simple mega punch.

"[Snorlax doesn't like persistence people. It makes him hungrier.] " Snorlax replied while burping due to acidity. And feeling pain in the stomach.

"[Thanks buddy, it's awkward but I appreciate it] " Pikachu expressed his gratefulness to Charmeleon. It might not be good and cool but it is the thought that counts.

"[Snorlax will smash the little mouse's big mouth] " Snorlax replied with an angry face.

"[Oh Dear!] " Pikachu replied alerted by Snorlax moving towards him.

Before Snorlax could face Pikachu he is once again interrupted by Beedrill who attacked him with a fury cutter using his twin blades. Beedrill has the sheer resolve and his eyes were filled with silent aggression. The true aggression to take down the opponent without any sledging or trash-talking, it's the eyes filled with commitment and determination.

"Beedrill. THIS is the time you have been waiting for. It's time for you to show your skills to a tougher opponent and to prove that you have potential that is suitable for battle. And you aren't some underdog pokemon " Kenta told raising up the morale of Beedrill. He is clearly referring to a speech he has to give to beedrill earlier. Beedrill now wishes to use his talents against a tough opponent. It clearly gives beedrill the confidence it requires to fight against future opponents more committed to his status. It enabled Beedrill to set himself to a level where he can consider himself a warrior pokemon.

"[It's time for me to have showtime. I have been waiting for this] " Beedrill said while fixing up its claws. That desired some blood lust. The silent and underdogs are the ones filled with hidden terror inside them. All they need is a little push to achieve what they want.

This is the starting of Beedrill's epic battle against Snorlax. This chapter is dedicated to Snorlax and beedrill. Who are often underdogs.

Thansk for the powerstones, here is the chapter

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts