
Fuschia Safari Park

As the light of teleportation died down, Gary quickly took his leave from the Fuschia Teleportation Service and as soon as he stepped out, the fresh air of Fuschia hit him in the face. Completely different from the metropolitan atmosphere of Viridian City, Fuschia had retained its traditional environment which greatly resembled Earth's Japanese architecture. Even the air itself brings one to the annals of history.

And this place housed the biggest Safari Zone of Kanto. After the inter regional treaties were finally established, pokemons from different regions were part of the interchange. As a result, the Fuschia Safari Zone now housed exotic pokemons from all the regions including Unova, Sinnoh, Hoenn among others. And Gary was after these exotic pokemon.

The entrance to the Safari Park was at the edge of Fuschia City. So, Gary had to walk a good thirty minutes before he reached the large gate with 'Fuschia Safari Park' written on top of it. Since it was early in the morning, one or two trainers could be seen lingering around the entrance.

Gary lined up and after one trainer, it was his turn.

The Officer who was responsible for the trainers entering the Park said to him, "First, you can carry your backpack inside, but there will be a thorough checking once you exit the Safari, or you can deposit your backpack here."

Gary decided to deposit his backpack there, as it would be a hassle to repack his things after the ckecking.

"Ok, now there are some strict rules, any act of defying the rules will result in direct cancelation of your trainer license and heavy penalties.

First, any pokemon you catch must willingly follow you.

Second, you can't attack or fight with any pokemon inside the park unless they explicitly challenge you.

Third, any pokemon caught inside the park must done with special safari balls that will be provided to you. You will get ten safari balls free at first, if you need more you can buy them at a price of 1000 pokedollars for ten balls.

And finally, you can allow only one pokemon of yours to accompany you at a time."

Gary nodded his head to show that he had understood everything. He took the ten safari balls from the officer and went inside the park.

Gary felt as if he had entered a completely different world. There were an abundance of pokemon roaming around with majority having a potential of bronze along with a few Silver mixed here and there.

Gary found a secluded place and released Metang to accompany him. He then spread out his psychic sense and started to look for pokemons as he wandered around.

The first large hoarde he came across was a group of Nidoran. The pokemon in the Safari Park were not hostile to humans, instead they looked curiously at them. The Nidoran herd went on their way simply ignoring Gary. He, on the other hand, combed through the group with his fingers crossed hoping for one with at least Gold potential, but he was bound to be disappointed. The highest potential of the herd was that of Shallow Silver that too, it was the Nidorino leading the herd.

The grasslands area were mainly filled with grass type pokemon, but none of them caught Gary's eyes. Beneath a tree, there was a young Teddiursa of Shallow Gold potential playing around, with a mother Ursaring keeping an eye on it. Gary knew better than to try to tame a Teddiursa, more specifically with a mother guarding it. He absolutely no wish to unleash a berserk Ursaring in the Safari Park. Gary swiftly vacated the area with Metang quietly following behind him.

Just as he was about to get frustrated, the bushes on one side gave a jerk and a Kalos pokemon that Gary was least expecting came out of it. It was a Pancham, a fighting type, a type that Gary needed to defeat Brock in Pewter.

Gary brought out its status window to look at its moveset.


Name :— Pancham

Type :— Fighting

Rank :— Novice (Peak)

Potential :— Deep Gold

Hidden Ability :— Mold Breaker, Scrappy

Moveset:— Focus Punch(P), Arm Thrust(N), Endure(N), Work Up(N), Leer(N)

Innate Talent :— Brick Break(N)

TM :— None


The abilities of Pancham were enough for Gary to catch it, let alone its high potential.

Gary slowly approached the pokemon so as to not startle it.

"Hello, Pancham."

Pancham tilted its head curiously as if inwardly thinking what did this human want to do with it interrupting its search for food.

Gary had already noticed that it was searching for food, so he took out a berry from his pocket and held it out to Pancham. The pokemon took it with its paw and sniffed it carefully, then it put the berry into it mouth and in an instant squealed in delight, "Panch... aaam..."

"Will you join my team? I will do my best to train you and make you very strong." Gary held out a Safari ball to Pancham.

"Pan.. pan... pan.... cha...cham.." Pancham blurted out rapidly.

Metang telepathically transmitted the meaning to Gary.

(Friend Trainer, he is asking if he would get more berries if he joins you.) One could hear a miniscule amusement in its metallic voice.

Gary immediately said, "Of course." To cement his intent, he gave another berry to Pancham. Pancham took the berry swiftly, as if someone would snatch his precious berry. Then, he himself pressed the capture button on the Safari ball.

After the Safari ball signified a successful capture, Gary had an imaginary sweatdrop at his team member's addiction to berries.

"Nexus, I can feel your amusement through the mental link!" Gary grumbled.

It has been two hours since Gary had entered the Safari Park, so he decided to try his luck in the rocky area.

This time, lady is luck had shined upon Gary. As soon as he had entered a cave, he came across an exotic rock type. But seeing Gary, it took off in the opposite direction. Gary saw that it was getting ready to disappear into the ground with Dig, Gary shouted, "Nexus, stop it with psychic!"

As soon as the words had left Gary's mouth, a pink aura radiated around the pokemon, stopping it in its tracks.

Gary finally was able to see its stats.


Name :— Roggenrola

Type :— Rock

Rank :— Novice (Mid)

Potential :— Shallow Gold

Hidden Ability :— Sand Force

Moveset :— Dig(P), Tackle(N), Mud-Slap(N), Headbutt(N), Iron Defense(N)

Innate Talent :— Rock Blast(locked), Substitute(N)

TM :— None


Nexus slowly placed the Unovan Rock type in front of Gary. Gary slowly convinced it that he would not cause any harm to it.

Then he started to coax the Rock type to join his team. When the Safari ball finally clicked ro signify a successful capture, he heaved a sigh of relief.

This was the first time Gary had to work so hard to deal with a pokemon.

Suddenly, the ball opened with a flash of light and materialised Roggenrola. The rock type signalled his head deep into the cave.

"Do you want me to follow you?"

Roggenrola nodded its head and took off at full speed towards the inside the cave.

"Hey, wait!" Gary too ran ran after it. It weaved through several turns and forks. Gary had to run at full speed to keep up with it. Had it not been for his psychic sense, he would have already missed its trail. Suddenly, the incline which had been going up, steeped downhill. Gary lost his footing and started to roll downward. The fall directly deposited him outside the cave, as he rolled to a stop.

Gary suddenly felt something poking his face. He opened his eyes squinting them to get used the sudden light.

Gary saw a pokemon with a mouth full of pointed teeth looking at him curiously, poking his face. It had a shark fin on its back and four stubby legs and arms.

Gary was spellbound at finding this super rare pokemon from Sinnoh in Kanto's Safari Park. He instinctively scratched the pokemon below its chin and it closed its eyes in pleasure.

Then, a shadow was cast over Gary's sitting posture, that blocked the sunrays. When Gary looked up to see what had blocked the sunrays, he came face to face with a monster that sent a chill went down his spine. Cold sweat began to develop on his back at the monter in front of him.

When he saw the pokemon's stats out of habit, he became all the more afraid of losing his life.


Name :— Garchomp

Type :— Ground/ Dragon

Rank :— Elite Four (Mid)

Potential :— Pseudo Platinum

Hidden Ability :— Sand Veil

Moveset :— Dual Chop(E), Dragon Breath(A), Dragon Pulse(E), Dragon Rage(E), Crunch(A), Dragon Claw(A), Sandstorm(E), Bulldoze(A), Dig(E), Rock Slide(A), Earthquake(A), Flamethrower(A), Outrage(A), Iron Head(A), Substitute(A), Brutual Swing(A), Brick Break(A), Giga Impact(A)

Innate Talent :— Dragon Rush(E), Double Edge(E), Scary Face(E)

TM :— None


This was simply outlandish. Gary's strongest pokemon, Nexus stood no chance in front of the monster that stood in front of him. A peak Elite Four Garchomp resided within the Fuschia Safari Park, and there was another one behind it a certain distance away from it, most probably this one's female partner, staring at him.

Gary felt that this would be the end of the straw of his life. The Gible which he was scratching was most probably their offspring.

Gary mentally commanded Nexus to convey to the pair to say that he was brought here by his Roggenrola. He absolutely meant no harm. Gary knew that his only chance of survival lay in the probability that he was able to ensure that he was not a threat.

Gary slowly stood up and stared at Garchomp as he profusely prespired. His psychic senses had already gone haywire blaring alarms of danger inside his head.

The Garchomp let out a low growl.

(Calm down, friend trainer. The dragon wants to evaluate you for his son. He wants to fight your strongest pokemon. If you are able to impress him, he will allow you to train his offspring.)

When he heard Nexus' mental assurance, he finally felt relief that he would not die that day. His fear was well deserved. Wild Garchomps were extremely territorial and trespassers were brutually murdered.

Both Roggenrola and Gible went to the side and made space for the imminent battle.

"Nexus, take your place. This will the toughest battle that you have faced till now."

Metang hummed and took its place in front of Gary ready for the clash.

"Start off with Flash Cannon."

A concentrated beam of steel energy hurled at full speed towards Garchomp who took it head on and set off a dust storm upon impact.

Gary set up a psychic barrier in front of him to protect himself.

When the dust slowly cleared, Garchomp was standing there without a single scratch. It stared at Gary as if to imply, what else do you have, show me.

Gary gritted his teeth. "Nexus, use Confusion. Then, Agility into Ice Punch." Gary fired out another set of commands.

The Confusion seemed like unexpected to Garchomp who became disoriented for a split second. When the Ice Punch hit in the shoulder, a thick layer of ice formed there.

Suddenly, draconic energy flared up around Garchomp when the ground dragon jumped up as a silhouette of a dragon formed around him. Then, all Gary saw was a flash that blasted Metang straight to the rock wall as extremely fast jets of air kicked up a storm of dust that momentarily blinded Gary.


Gary's psychic energy blasted out clearing up the dust. He ran at full speed towards the place where Metang was underneath the rubble. Gary quickly cleared up the rocks that covered Metang with his telekinesis. Metang's battered steel body came into his view. He injected his psychic energy through the bond they shared which brought back Metang to consciousness, as it slowly levitated its weathered body with Gary's support.

(The.... dragon...is strong...)

"Take a good rest," Gary said as he recalled Metang. He suddenly felt a tug at his pant. He looked down to see Gible staring at him with his big eyes with Roggenrola standing beside him.

Gary bent down to stroke Gible as Garchomp slowly approached him. When he saw the dragon , Gary stood up and bowed to him, "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to fight against you."

Gible in the meantime, returned to his father. Garchomp nudged Gible towards Gary as if urging him to go to Gary. The person involved was dumbstruck at this gesture of his opponent.

"You want Gible to accompany me?" Gary asked tentatively.

Garchomp nodded his head to express his approval.

Gary jumped up in joy and picked up Gible who had returned to his side and scratched it under its chin in joy.

Gary profusely thanked Garchomp as he continued to pet Gible. He was finally able to see his first dragon type's attributes.


Name :— Gible

Type :— Ground / Dragon

Rank :— Intermediate (Early)

Potential :— Deep Gold

Hidden Ability :— Sand Veil, Rough Skin

Moveset :— Dig(P), Sand Tomb(P), Mud Shot(P), Dragon Breath(N), Bite(P), Body Slam(N), Iron Head(N)

Innate Talent :— Dragon Rush (locked), Double Edge(N), Taunt(N)

TM :— None


The attributes was truly that of a pseudo-legendary.

Gible jumped off his arms and ran to his mother who was looking at everything from a distance. After a tearful goodbye, Gary took the cave apth out of the valley with Gible walking by his side and Roggenrola in the lead.

Finally, after coming out of the cave, Gary said, "Gible, Roggenrola, I am going to capture both of you with Safari balls, and will release you after I exit from the park."

He called back Roggenrola and captured Gible in another Safari ball. When he checked his X-transceiver, he saw that it was already two pm in the afternoon. After a long day filled with excitement, dread and a roller coaster of emotions, Gary was tired. So, he decided to end his trip to the park there and strode towards the exit.