
Today I Made A...

"Why me!" I shouted flying for my life. Medusa is nowhere in sight and Fluffs is following me from above in the trees, leaving me as the target of Stantler's anger.

Turning around I used Gust, although it was resisted with the broken move Psyshield Bash, it still canceled out his Confusion. Stantler has shown 3 ranges of attacks so far, Confusion, Astonish, and Hypnosis. Luckily for me, everything can easily be death by using Amnesia.

Escaping without this Stantler chasing is a bit harder though. Although I'm faster than Stantler, I have to occasionally turn around to counter Confusion, while still maintaining Quick Attack and using Senken to move in uninhabited places, and still occasionally using Tailwind whenever I move in a different direction.

If you can't tell my stamina is burning and with how much I'm multitasking I don't think my mind can resist that strain of adding in another move, Synthesis. Meaning, I have to quickly escape from this bastard, running away without countering his Confusion will cause my defeat, otherwise, I would've escaped a long time.

Fluffs is low on health and is probably losing that little bit remain from my poison. Medusa doesn't look like she plans to help, does she think I can handle this situation on my own.

[Has the host considered flying higher?]

Oh, yeah I can do that, but this forest's trees are densely packed there's barely any space for snow to fall into... Snow!

Shooting Leafage into the tree above me, making sure it hit the upper branches, got to love my marksmanship. I flew away from it without looking back.


Ouch! The pain from Astonish made me alert for the followed up Confusion. My body soon loses control of itself and flew towards Stantler.


Suddenly, I regained control of my body and turned around only to see Stantler's barrier under the snow. However, based on how snow is shaking violently I don't think that'll last long. Adios my brethren, next time we meet you'll be my brunch

Once out of his sight it wasn't too hard to escape, just got the opposite direction Stantler was chasing.


"We can rest here," I said. With Senken I'm able to find a safe place to rest, however. "It won't be easy to find back Stantler," If I'm Stantler I would leave this forest quickly.

"Forget Stantlersss, Scout questsss," True the Stantler quest doesn't have a time limit, so we can go back later to kill him.

"Oh? The poison was unable to kill you," Isn't that weird, I used a lot of energy to make that Poison Mist.

"Are you so stupid to forget that Stantler used Hypnosis?"

"At least I'm not stupid enough to look at Stantler's horn,"

Hypnosis can be used in two ways, a direct hit to put the target to sleep or use a medium for an area of effect sleep. Stantler does use his horns as the medium and combined with that Hypnotic Horns racial ability it's a guaranteed sleep.

"If you had aided me earlier instead of playing around this may not have happened,"

I wasn't playing around, was hoping Stantler would ignore me and sneak attack him at a good opportunity, I just forgot I had the poison mist going on.

"If you hadn't brought over Stantler this wouldn't happen in the first place and Medusa, you hold back again didn't you?"


"Horsesh*t, what happened to Intimidate? You can perfectly lock down a target when using Glare followed by Scary Face and Intimidate," Just like you understand my fighting style, I know yours just as well.

"Full Teamworksss,"

"Hey, we didn't agree on this! I already behaving myself well and not causing too much trouble for Fluffs,"

"Full Teamworksss, important,"

"Yeah but this bastard..."

"Is willing to work together," Fluffs said smirking at me.

"Fine, we can work together, like a happy family," A family where the brothers are from opposing mafia gangs. Somewhat similar to me and my little brother.

"Nosss, Teammatesss, Alliesss, Friendsss,"

"Friends?" Not possible and I got no intentions of trying.

"Yesss, friends always stick togethersss," Isn't those the same words I told her when we first met? How could you even believe those words?

[Answer: You did]

Yeah but I'm a fool, only a fool like me would be that sh*t. Seeing Medusa coming towards me and her tail swinging down towards my head, I braced myself for impact.

*pat* *pat*

"Friends always stick togethersss,"

'Why? Because we're friends. Remember this, friends always stick together,"


It's good to not be human, such a disgusting race.

"Yeah, we're..."

Although Pokemons are sentient most aren't as intelligent as humans, like the Shuppet who came close to me eating away at my negative energy and the Pidgeotto in the previous life that trusted me.

"Argh, Damn it fine. I'll help the sh*tting Fluffs, I'll treat him as an ally, just stay away from me with your brightness,"


*pat* *pat*

"I'm not a pet, don't pat my head" even if feels... nice.

"You're a petsss, a servantsss and a friendsss,"

I might feel touched if you stopped patting my head. Shaking my head, I flew backward distancing myself from Medusa.

[Congratulations, you're one step closer to curing your illness]

And how long would it take to get rid of you?

"Train forestsss, meet up in a weeksss,"