
F*ck Me!

Luckily, I should have about 5 minutes before that drops, that's plenty. I'll need to get Medusa to get rid of it, but Dickniel is more vicious than me and might use this to get rid of my allies.

[Allies you intended on sacrificing]

In my defense, it was for the greater good.

So step 1. Leave this battlefield.

"So what do you think of being my trophy... ah, they got teleported away," Step 1 complete I guess.

Step 2. Help Snow or go straight to Medusa?

Checking Medusa's battle... I can't see sh*t with that Shadow Domain, most definitely because Marshadow has become an Uber. As for Snow, she's in a rough... bad... deadly.


Canceling Hydra, my body flickered towards Machamp with Extreme Speed and slammed into him with Dragon Rush. Yet surprisingly, Marshadow manages to place his palms forward to meet my attack making the expected attack fail to blow Machamp away and only slightly push him backward.

"Damn it, Snow! Couldn't you handle him on your own?" I asked frustrated, having ruined a great opportunity to unfortunately lose a concubine.

"But-I..." Hearing my anger, her anger vanished and we got... this mess.

[Congratulations on weakening your ally]

Meh, I have done worst.

[A few minutes ago you did]

...Moving on.

Sensing Machamp about to use a move, my mouth opened a fired-out Hurricane: Breath. Unfortunately, Machamp's attack was a step faster, his muscles tightens and turned bright red with steam slowly rising from it.

[Bulk Up + Superpower + Close Combat, adding Machamp's abilities the Original SS+ attack rise to SSS]

Since when was rising to SSS as a Peak Guardian easy?

[Do you think Machamp's inferior to Alakazam and Gengar because they have Mega forms? Machamp's a true muscular chad]

Are we that close for you to be willing to tell me your fetishes?


Regardless of Machamp's overwhelming power, my versatility shall easily counter it.

Earth Power: Fissure

Nature Power: Rock Shards.

Partial Divine Form: Hydra Coat.

Although Hydra Coat defense is equal to Hydra Form, it lacks the quantity that Hydra Form brought with it. What does that mean? It means that the first 2 punches of Machamp broke my Hydra Coat and although my recovery speed is quick, that was only in comparison to Hydra Form's size. Here though? The short frame of time Machamp's third punch arrived was nowhere near enough time to recover the coat, the punch shattering the thin layer of coat that was forming while the fourth punch repeated the cycle of third.

Before I knew it, I have already taken over 20 punches within that second before finally, the fissure came forth. Sadly, I underestimated a Machamp that manages to throw punches faster and stronger than Pokedex claimed it could.

One can without a doubt that any Hydreigon regardless of level would have died after 2nd blow when defenseless, 1 if they are on the weaker side of life. As for me, a variant Hydreigon, that lost a good chunk of Defense to rise my Special Attack, one hit is all that it would take. Luckily, I'm a universal genius.

AE: Defense, PE: Defense and the occasional Absolutely Useless Barrier.

They may not be much help but it was enough to resist a punch before wasting large amounts of energy to Recover my health instantly. This is like spilling oil onto the ground around your wooden house and setting it on fire just to see in the dark. This means I'm wasting a lot of oil to see even if it is for a good cause.

[No, I don't think that's what it should mean!]

Right, so now Machamp had just jumped into the air and is slamming down a Cross Chop at me, unaware of what this red ball of destruction in my main mouth is. And so, Destructive Ball collided with Cross Chop, leading to obliteration of Machamp's hands before finally, my two puppet heads grabbed onto Machamp's sides with Thunder Fang.

"Checkmate," I said firing the Destructive Ball at Machamp's face.

[Host has killed Machamp]

[Host has leveled up]

Level 82 hurray!

[Energy reserves: 25% gone]

5% burned away with Recover and 2% from that Destructive Ball. And the rest left from my early fight with the Eevee Squad.

[Late Notice: Host had unknowingly used the Hidden Effects of Recover thereby saving him from certain death]

I escape one death, but I still have another one coming down at us, literally.

Though, Omniscient is unable to find Medusa at all. Let's not forget, Dickniel and his squadron of thots... no Lazuli is still here and is getting beaten by Fearly, at least that means Medusa had brought reinforcements.

[That you led to their deaths]

What are the boosted effects of Draco Meteor now that its Hidden Effects have been activated.

[Summarized as No Escape effects]


"Snow, get over give me a hand," I called out.

"Yes!" Shouted out excitedly, she flew onto me with her nimbus and used Helping Hand.


My three heads out roared out, signaling for my allies to come over. Hopefully, they could reach here before, 3 minutes. Opening a Gate to Fearly's location, I shouted through it.

"Forget about that b*tch and get over here!" I shouted.

Through Omniscient, I could clearly see how one-sided the fight was. The location was the outer parts of the cave inside the Volcano, precisely the place we first met Sablass who trolled us and ran away.

From what I can see, this is where most ice-type Pokemons now live, the passageway has now stretched out into a more circular territory with volcanoes magma in the center part.

Ice and Ghost-type Pokemons live here split into two factions that are constantly battling. Yes, it's the king and Lazuli's faction. We came around the time another of their territory wars occurred.


That's it for now!