
Beach Arc Part 1, Snow

And just like that, I got myself a concubine and a loyal dog… probably not. He looks like the type to bite his owner's hand.

As for Tempest, she's strangely obedient after I pretty much made her my trophy concubine. Fluffs made me into a big villain, claiming I forced him to destroy the Jumpluff family, thereby escaping her hatred.

Somehow, it worked out and two are usually seen together. 

He better as not Lancelot this king Arthur.

The day that happened he would have a fate worst than death.

Did I mention how I nearly killed her after learning she's only a Red talent? What's the chance of finding an Electric type resource here? Pretty f*cking low! In fact, I never saw one since I had been on this route.

Meaning, until we find a route with an Electric type resources, Tempest will remain as the weakest link in our group of 6, level 20 by the way. Due to this, whenever we aren't traveling or sightseeing I spent my time forcing her to learn and train new moves.

Do I care about her? F*ck no! However, she's my concubine therefore I have responsibilities I must follow, and since having a concubine is foreign to me, I can only follow father's example.

So my interpersonal relationship is now.

Enemy > Expendable Ally > Slave > Ally > Follower > Master/Contractee > Friend > Concubine > Best Friend > Lover

Skyla is Ally, Fluffs is Follower, Medusa and Snow are in Master/Contractee respectively, and lastly, Tempest is Concubine. 

By the way, I kicked Fluffs the same day I had to think about that sh*t. Like for f*ck sake, I had to add in Follower and Concubine because of this jack*ss.

However, now that the damp broke, I should study having some actual useful concubines. Based on what the System said, innate and special abilities can be inherited by my child. Therefore, if I could have a child with Medusa and they had Senken and Unconceal Concealment, I could have a loyal child for my future self use.

It would be nice even better if the child could get Wrathful Devil from Snow. I could make the ultimate child that even Endeavour would approve of.

As for those who are telling me I'm making a harem. F*ck you! I just want some filial Black Zetsus, not the women used to get the Black Zetsus.

Also, having Medusa as a concubine has some benefits as well. Being a ghost type, she has a long life ahead of her, maybe she will be useful when I'm ready to kill Daniel. Let's not forget her talent of recruiting talented Pokemons, I who had Senken and Instinct, Fluffs the fusion specialist, Snow the Wrathful Devil, Skyla the reincarnation of Altaria.

All of us are 1st-grade Pokemons and we all are still rapidly improving, capable of jumping levels to beat Pokemons.

So it has been a month since we killed them and now the only reason we are still on this route is to find a trainer and take his map. 

I don't remember much about Johto, except that north of us should be the first gym city, the south of us was the second gym city and the east and west was water.


[West of Host is an Unexplored territory that leads to Goldenrod City]

Doesn't matter much, we are west, precisely on the beach. We're hoping that a trainer will pass by here so that we can snatch his or her stuff. Until then we will just enjoy the beach episode, that shouldn't have any tentacle plays in it… I think.

Laying in the sand with my eyes closed, as I basked in that lovely sunlight, I was somewhat curious to know how the others were spending their time here. 

Medusa said we won't stay in a place no more than a week, so if a trainer doesn't pass by in a week we will bus out to another biome.

Still, where are all the trainers at? We are camping near the bridge, but one can't see a glimpse of a trainer.


They wouldn't send all their trainers to war, that is just plain stupid.

[Answer: 60% of Johto's trainers are currently being used for the war] 

If I'm not mistaken Johto's on the offensive side and Kanto's playing defense. in that case…

"Beri," Opening my eyes to see a tearful-looking Snow, I closed them right back.

"Beri! I'm talking to you,"

"The number you reached is not in service, please never call again," 

"But Beri you said you would help me," she said pitifully.


"What?" I asked.

"Help me train…"

"No," I respond, closing back my eyes as I tried to enjoy the…

Opening my eyes to see the sun covered by clouds and snow beginning to fall, I glared at Snow.

"Today, everyone is trying to enjoy themselves, you do the same," I told her.

Fluffs and Tempest were… making sandcastles?... No, it's just a sand fight, never mind. 

Skyla was in the water… slowly being pulled away by the current. That's likely intentional, regardless, not my business.

Medusa? Nowhere in sight. Usually, not a good sign, not good at all.

"I can't go in the water, it does freeze not long after entering. Sand does also freeze apparently, and the sun's not pleasant at all," Snow explained sadly.

"Since I have nothing better to do, I might as well train,"

Did I mention how much I hate kids?

"Thought you didn't want to master Wrathful Devil?"

"I really don't want to," Snow answered.

"Buu-tt I will, because…." 

"Sorry, can you repeat that? I only got up to because," I said.

it's not my fault, who told her to stutter so much, even her voice began to drop as she talked. 

"Because, I-I…."

"Shout it out damn it!" 

Hurry up, I just want to go back to enjoying the sun

"I want to receive your adoration!"


"I-I, um, didn't…" 

To be honest, this is unexpecting. Is this a confession, or admiration but slapping you into the friend zone kind of thing? If it's a confession, I caught my second concubine without even trying.

"Why do you want my adoration and not Medusa?" I asked.

At most I'm her bodyguard, there are not any benefits in having my adoration.

"Why? Because I just want yours! Why can't I not want yours? I want for you tell me 'good job' after a battle. I want you to pamper me when I want, is that so hard to ask for!?"

Sounds affectionate.

Good luck with you and that.

"Yes it is, have you ever heard me say good job to someone? As for pampering that's outside my vocabulary," I joked.

"I'm serious?" Snow said angrily... Ain't that interesting.

"Hi serious, I'm Beri," I answered.

Snow's shell began to turn black, her eyes bloodshot from anger.

[Snow has entered, Wrath Form]

I think it won't take long until I master the dao of bullying.


The cringe was strong in this one.